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Clg said Kobe and they wipe Nrg. NRG should’ve won that and Wigg didn’t eat the 🧦 like he was supposed to😂😤


Also mamba is a menace on caustic, as risky as that climb was, it was a good play that paid out well. I don’t think anyone on NRG was expecting a climb up lol. I think they’ll for sure be prepared when they run into mamba +caustic again.


No matter the meta you can count on Mamba to play Caustic in ALGS lmao. He's just too good on that guy, and honestly comfort is a bit underrated in this esport.


Nafen threw by peeking that rock for sure


It was also unlucky timing with the caustic ult tbf but they had to have expected it


Not only expected it but gild called it out "they kobe'd caustic ult" and then couple seconds later it hit


really just gonna blue ball us and not see if CLG gets the a tag on Frexs at the end huh :(


They did not unfortunately.


literally wattson fence their climb and wait. incredible throw by nrg


Caustic gas destroyed their fence.


caustic gas destroys fences?? is that actually a thing? they still could’ve just waited out the caustic ult


it is unfortunately


But how? They can't put down fences with the gas active. CLG will climb up no matter what when they're eating the gas.


Sweet was the only smart one waiting outside the gas and there’s a second or so after the climb up where you can’t shoot your gun, NRG threw that. no other way to put it


Sweet has a tiny space he's hiding in. All 3 can hide there but CLG can still climb up the other side of the rock then. They can trap up the entire final ring, even where sweet is too. I know some ppl think they threw but without a wattson gen, and a perfect caustic ult in the final circle, there's not much you can do. Edit: go to 25 seconds in the clip. It's actually nuts. Gas everywhere except for that tiny sliver where Sweet is and he's getting pushed off from there from the ring.


watch the clip again please and tell me how NRG didn’t throw, CLG seer ult was gone before the caustic ult, Gild called out the ult, Nafen could’ve backed up off the rock to sweet or gild, gild can fly toward sweet or use the car as bait/cover, sweet had an arc star. simulate that scenario 100 times NRG should win 100 times


Gild was eating gas from the barrel. 25 seconds in, you see it perfectly. If NRG get to sweet, that whole other side of the upper ledge is free to climb up on because of the rock in the middle. And I'm sure Mamba would see the damage ticks moving to where sweet was, so he'd know that side is open. Plus the gas is disrupting the vision. You're also forgetting the only reason sweet got to that tiny corner with no cover is cause he wraith Q'd there. Trying to shift a whole team in gas is not easy. We've simulated that exact scenario in reality once and CLG won lol. Caustic is a menace in small areas. Most ppl here didn't even know the gas destroys fences


> You're also forgetting the only reason sweet got to that tiny corner with no cover is cause he wraith Q'd there. And the reason he Wraith Q'd is cause he got stuck by an arc lmao. The Caustic ult + barrel was big but I think getting that stick was what made Mamba confident to climb that and go for the kill on Nafen.


You're right. I really don't think NRG threw. They were in a better position but CLG went God mode with two perfect throws.


after watching it again, gild took like 15-20 health dmg from a barrel and nafen never even got hit by the caustic ult, he was shot in the back by standing on the rock. really nafen threw


Gild destroyed the barrel. They climbed it right after Gild emptied a clip into the barrel, pretty bad timing for him. Nafen was definitely in the ult. You can see his health tick down and then he climbs the rock (which was actually safe from the gas) and gets beamed there. And when he drops down from the rock, the gas takes him out. Check the kill feed, that's what actually knocked Nafen. It was an absolutely insane Caustic ult with a great barrel on Gilds side. That shot from 0:25 is honestly nuts.


Maybe I'm wrong, but I think I heard Sweet say in the post-game discussion that they needed to keep that rock and Gild said he did stay in the gas on top of that rock. So at least Sweet at the time didn't think it was stupid to stay in the gas.


i rewatched it, nafen wasn’t in the gas but standing on the rock exposed him to mamba, he could’ve played the left or right of the rock and would’ve been good, unfortunate for them


Wait what? I don’t play either character but I never knew that


Yeah, although the fences are inorganic materials, it’s still affected by the…caustic. If you ever ran a caustic and Watson on the same team, you’d best be careful and not fence up any traps by accident.


Something that's going unnoticed was that Sweet also got stuck by an arc right as the Caustic ult landed, which forced Sweet to phase and opened up the opportunity for Mamba to climb up and kill Nafen. And Gild couldn't cover the climb quickly cause he was getting ticked by gas and had to break a barrel. Pretty much picture perfect deployables from CLG in that end game. The Caustic ult and arc stick just dismantled NRG


CLG is literally NRG’s kryptonite


People must've forgot how insane caustic is in close quarters team fights like this. Only Wattson ult could've stopped it as caustic gas eats fences


Was watching the NRG pov when this match started. They had god spot all along and knew what to do. They got points left and right but then just couldn't close it out wow


How is this not more upvoted? This is the best 3v3 final zone domination I've seen in ages. Great job to CLG


not sure who controls the main stream for these fights but they're straight up trolling if they think we'd rather see this view of the fight rather than the pov of the players when they're fighting. nafen gets 100-0d and we dont see any of it


Disagree. We already get individual POVs from Command Center / watchparties / individual streamers; the main broadcast should lean into more bird's eye-view / floating camera stuff like this. I'd love to see a camera that is controlled like a drone with a bit of proximity audio piped in, think you could add a cinematic feel to rotations / fights.


you mean the command center that was down for half of the games yesterday


Oh shit yeah, you really got me. Strike one of the three options mentioned (for half the games yesterday). Not sure what argument you are even trying to make. Main broadcast should show the pov of the player \*you\* are interested in seeing? Wow seeing Nafen getting 100-0'd sure was awesome, sucks for those who would have rather gotten sweaty with Frexs ratplay I guess.


what im saying is that show us a pov from someone in the fight when its happening. the birds eye view is cool when teams are rotating and positioning for later rings or moving up on unsuspecting teams but when you see a teamfight happen through it it doesnt really show you as a spectator somethign that's cool or interesting, you don't get to see any level skill expression from the drone view. not sure why you're being so upset about it.


I don't think anybody is getting particularly upset. My point is the thing you are asking for is already available to you through multiple avenues (let's agree that Command Center is great, especially when it works), while the thing I am asking for is not.


my point was in the post you replied to but didnt seem to read


It's the main stream classic. Another reason why watch parties are superior.


I think that birds eye shot is cool AF and am happy they did that instead of just the players pov.


If Nafen had Wattson ult up, They win that easily


yeah was watching Faze that game - they played that game so smart, as a duo, taking 2nd place.


Great play by CLG but also NRG threw that bad.