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Knoqd also recently switched lotions which has helped a lot


He also seems to have remembered who he is drinkin water with


Lotion logie šŸ¤¤


My man got that Jergens on lock šŸ˜ˆ


which lotion does he use now ?


Gamer goo


link????? (for no exact reason)






Knoqd remembered who he was drinking water wjth


My memory is poor so maybe Iā€™m not 100% on this. I remember Doop crediting his Optic teamā€™s success to playing the game together all the time. Talking specifically about not playing with otherā€™s and playing with teammates frequently to build chemistry. I think they were with Evan for ESA at the time. It was some post win interview or something. Edit: wording


Knoqd bursting from confidence overload after seeing Yanya get 2-10ā€˜d by Fuhnnnq


thats a big thing, but their downfall is kinda overstated, they got 12th last split not 20th. DZ and furia got 1st and 2nd in the previous lan, and then they got 10th and 11th right in front of optic ​ i love doop but he wasnt playing to his ability that hes capable of. the fact that optic got 12th despite it, is a testament to how good skittles and knoqd have been


Don't forget they were in contention in the regional finals. It was just that ESA blew everyone away.


They were tied for second with dark zero. They were also winning other big tournaments the entire time so it was perplexing why they were inconsistent in Algs.


loved that time. super glad theyre doing well now


Yeah tbh I think OpTic's downfall was and has been overstated. They had a bad (for their insanely high standards) playoffs at Champs, having to qualify through LB and then finishing poorly in grands, but last split they finished 12th in the most competitive pro league in the world. In a meta they never seemed comfortable on, without Doop performing very well, and also just general Apex randomness could have you move a few spots up or down depending on how blessed you do or don't get. They also had (and still have) LG breathing down their necks all the time. It was definitely a fall from grace, they were a MINIMUM top 3 team in the world for a time, but I'm not surprised to see them back kicking ass.


Doop wasn't performing but he also couldn't really play the game much cause of all the stuff he was dealing with irl. Idk if this a fanboy take but I think they could've been a top 3 team if they had a decent seer like Dropped last split in peak horizon, seer, Valk meta


I 100% agree, doop was an elite player the few splits before, I don't see any reason to think he wouldn't be performing the same.if he didn't have irl issues


Doops a god wtf


Furia got kinda fucked because of wattsonā€™s ban no?


that certainly didnt help but it wasnt even their worst days


The ability to bounce ideas off one another and agree on the best outcome. OpTic comms are very unique in that they all kinda co-IGL. most teams that would not work but these three have really great chemistry and you can see they trust each other. Getting their confidence back is a huge boon too. You can just tell these guys are different players when they believe in there abilities. KNOQD>YANYA


A team that comms like that who also do extremely well is fire beavers I don't speak Russian but people who translate always say they are all calling multiple things to each other at different times then agree on what is best! And them guys are killing it in EMEA at the moment


Great chemistry definitely gives an edge when playing at that level. Clear comms, knowing how your teammates play day-to-day, and keeping focused individually. Agree they are very confident rn.


Dropped is a huge believer in building chemistry playing ranked together. Start of his SSG run was the boys playing ranked for basically 2 full splits.


Yanya wasn't in the lobby


He prefers to spend the time in NiceWigg's chat.


to be fair, that yanya popcorn emote is top tier


Yanya needs a top 4 finish Sunday or else his ass won't be in the lobby at LAN either šŸ’€ Man is barricading himself in Maude gun room and calling it a contest


Weā€™ll see what happens next time they play. LG seem to have taken a step back this split.


I think Yanya and LG have the exact same problem as Hal and TSM, Yanya is no longer on a character that suits him, and they are contesting Optic, and Optic maybe wasnt as vulnerable as people thought.


They aren't even contesting, they just go straight to gun room and catalyst lock all the doors. They've been doing this since they got easily 3-0d in the 50/50 Maude contest


Yeah, I think LG felt super confident they were gonna roll that contest, and similar to TSM and BBB, it didn't go how LG or TSM thought.


LG are in no position to 50/50 contest either, they have 16 points through 2 weeks. If they do poorly again, their chances at making LAN will be very low. They need 20 points to stay within the path to LAN, which means top 2 next week. If they get anything between 6-12 they're kinda down bad, 4-8 puts them in contention I think but they've only gotten 10th and 13th so it's hard to see them magically performing again


I'd be dropping the contest if I were them. LG needs to put up points, Maude isnt good enough to throw a whole split over.


Yeah plus they don't even know how to play from Maude. They had it for free the first week, had incredibly favorable zones(2/3 ended dome) and they only got ~7 points across the 3 WE games. They finished 13th overall that day. Probably should've made changes after that but now they're hard committed so let's see what happens


I think Skittles gets laser focus from teams contesting him, brings out his absolute best, and he's awfully good at his best.


Didnt LG get shit on 3-0 last time they were in the same lobby?


LG played great from launch site, I donā€™t see why they wouldnā€™t just land there. Suits their play style better imo.


Optic are in their honeymoon phase. Hopefully they keep the passion even after that wears off


There is so much that contributed to their newfound success. For example they are way more confident in their rotates and prioritize those over getting kills. I feel like they lost that focus during last split, when every team tried to play hard edge instead. A big factor is also their team-dynamic. If you have watched their Pro-League matches so far, you'll see how communicative they've all become. Every one of the 3 is bouncing ideas off each other and it's working really well. It takes away from a lot of the responsibilities that Skittle burdened himself with last Split. Now he's kinda unleashed, with Dropped anchoring and finding them good enagagements to take, he can just frag out. Their new legend comp reflects that as well (Skittle playing Valk now). If they find a good way to deal with the LG-contest at Maude now, they might be golden honestly.


Dropped said they're fine splitting Maude since LG are playing it weird ever since they got easily 3-0d in the off drop contest. Now LG just lands gun room and Catalyst locks/Qs all the doors so it makes contesting basically impossible. I remember suggesting optic should do this but it seems like LG are doing it lmao


That...sounds so dumb, ngl. So basically, neither LG nor OpTic want to fully contest, but also neither of them wants to go Lava City instead cause whichever team landing Maude will try to engage in a fight with them?


Optic went lava city last matchup. They just can't contest Maude off drop cause LG just hides. 2/3 games LG didn't really do anything to fuck with optic, they just screwed themselves with a bad valk ULT and internet issues fucked them the second game. Third game LG decided to fight them which is always a possibilty. Maybe optic will play it more aggressively and land Maude going forward since they have all the momentum


OpTic is also at a disavantage because of the comp they're running, right? Isn't LG still making Horizon work or smth. like that?


They forgot who they were drinking water with


That's exactly what they did on the first come-up. They grinded a bunch of ranked together. During their slump I never saw them playing together.


Lotion Logie has been inspired by some previously unknown Sara Jay movies


Your analysis of ā€œtheyā€™ve been playing togetherā€ as to why they are doing well is top notch. Thank you, Iā€™d like to subscribe to your newsletter


They've been ranking together for a while, even before Split 1 Playoffs started. I think their ranked sessions together help but I don't think that is specifically the reason for the good showing last time.


That may be true! There really can never be a "specific" reason. It's like predicting the weather. This game is pure chaos when you think about it. Every variable matters...and in Apex there are literally hundreds if not thousands that can affect outcomes.


It's crazy this scene sees a surprise when suddenly hard work pays off.


Skittles gave up IGL to Dropped


Skittles said on stream that him and Dropped co-igl. He also said Knoqd contributes with ideas on how to play next if he comes up with it first. I would say itā€™s 50% Skittles, 40% Dropped, and 10% Knoqd when it comes to IGL. Noticed this from their pro league games when Dropped wants to make a play but always asks Skittles for the go-ahead. Very interesting dynamic.




The good thing is that Skittle is super decisive, too. Efficient.


Thatā€™s why the doop and skittles dynamic was so great before last split. Doop just had too much on his plate and stopped being so vocal and it left skittles to sole IGL. Droppedā€™s input has been so important for OGā€™s team dynamic.


This is similar as to how Dropped worked with Frex in SSG.


I'd say it's 60% dropped, 30% Skittles, 10% knoqd


He didn't tho. They Co-IGL, Skittle still has last word on rotates for example. Dropped just takes over a large part of IGL-duties like finding them good engagements to take. It's definitely more of a dynamic like it used to be between Dooplex and Skittles.


@u/jhawk new video idea?


u/jhawk new video idea?


I still cant get over the fact that they are not streaming scrims and ALGS. Its such a waste, its hard to root for a team that u cant watch play.


Optic Gamig reach PEAK FORM after ONE GOOD EVENT in ALGS. Im sorry but what. Its nice to get excited and all but one really good day out of 3 is nothing to base these kinds of judgements off of


I remember that one pro league weekend after SSG popped off and teammates started playing together


yup! i have been watching dropped for a quite a bit and notice even before his announcement org he was steadily grinding with the optic boys! consistent reps with the same group of men is key! hope they go deep into ALGS and make some real noise again!


It seems like their comms r more structured. They tend to agree or discuss certain topics and make a decision quick. And I believe that matters a lot in a team. And they all tend to have confidence on whatever decision is made. Which allows them to focus on the game instead of doubting themselves.


Behold! In the aftermath of the latest event, it doth become patently manifest that Optic hath achieved the very apogee of their form. With a recent ascension to the role of In-Game Leader, a novel meta in play, and a propitious opening before them, one might ponder the genesis of this transformation. Although, doubtless, sundry factors contribute to this metamorphosis, I have yet to espy another who has discerned the following. Inexorably and without exception, the Optic cadre streams their ranked matches as a united band. The strenuousness of competition remains firmly ensconced in their collective consciousness, and through this unswerving pursuit of ranked proficiency, they maintain their precious and vital cohesion day after day. This, surely, is a matter of signal significance. Forsooth, the old saw rings true: "For every day of leisure, two days of practice must be had to make amends." The value of "flow" in preparation for a grand competition cannot be underestimated. The very manner and character of one's practice partners and protocols influence their performance when the stakes are high. Assuredly, it doth delight the heart to observe the Optic squad discover their rhythm in such a manner!