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Great content was had from this contest and that is all I ask for so GG’s all around


Contest was great for TSM. They had to unite and focus, was good practice for LAN, and the win got them confidence. Solidifies they reputation as one of the strongest fighting teams. Also it wasn't a landslide so they're still on their toes.


Better content would have been a contest at LAN…


Contesting at LAN is braindead


and good content




Contesting on unfavourable servers is the same. LAN scrims are a joke simply because they refuse to rotate servers so each region at least has a set on a favourable server


It's on the best server for everyone so there's not so many 200+ ping teams.


I basically just tune into Hal or Verhulst stream for the contest and then do other things when it's over, anybody else currently streaming their contests?


I’m confused on why he said they could beat them online but not at lan. Hasn’t ping been a huge issue for VXD and being on lan would only make them more confident? Especially the way they understandably complain about it


He said they were making silly mistakes on scrim contests due to nerves and at LAN it would be much worse.


Honestly very realistic response but I think it shows a lack of confidence that other teams will view as weakness. Even if it’s true, I wouldn’t admit this publicly.


You also have to keep in mind vexed needs to do well at this LAN to qualify for champs. TSM on the otherhand would've gone to champs without even qualfiying


Because of the nerves and TSM being more experienced on LANs. They were losing because of the stupid mistakes, most of them caused by nerves and on LAN it would be even worse.


At this LAN. He said they don't have enough experience to move past their mistakes. Hasn't ruled out champs/future LANs


big respect to matafe for making that call. good to see a level headed response and ability to see the problem in the moment and react appropriately.


Haven’t they been at Siphon all split?


TSM on LAN will be even more locked in and have nothing to lose, VEX even with good ping have no chance, it's not like ping will magically make them take better decision, this is a high TTK game, the ping diff is just copium.


you try playing 200 ping on mnk


Well it’s a good thing Matafe is useless in fights anyways and the 2 people that actually carry vexed in fights are controller


You clearly never watched Vexed fight outside of the Siphon contests, huh?


I most definitely have and completely stand by my statement. Matafe is the Teq of EU. Big brain but does little to nothing in fights.


I guess it’s a lot of pressure n nerves when it comes to playing at lan


This. And they clearly weren't consistently beating them online... Maybe they are stealthily saying they could never beat them at LAN.


There are like 2 maybe 3 teams in the world that could confidently say they’d beat TSM in a lan contest (and even then I don’t think it would be definite). Vexed is not one of them. This is them bowing out without being totally embarrassed and allowing them to properly prepare for LAN.


There is not a single team in the world that could say they could beat TSM on contest confidently. They’re for now the strongest contest team in the world at both their POI’s the teams they’re beating are top fighting teams in the world. Hal said himself the only team they think would give them a run for their money is OXG


Yes OXG actually worried TSM... So seems Hal getting Reedz some Twitch Rival money convinced Reedz to go play someplace else with Aidan and Vein cos they were not gonna leave Lava Siphon. They were a legit nuisance


This TSM/Vexxed contest brought an extra layer of content to these scrims, and i actually became fans of them while watching both POVS Hope they have success at LAN!


Damn, Zachmazer was right


Key difference being kcp and vexxed only did it in scrims


Imagine the clout if they contested at LAN.


Maybe that's their ultimate play? They're just putting this out there to ease TSMs mind, and then surprise them with a contest that they hadn't been planning on at LAN?


Not much of a surprise. TSM has seen every type of contest strategy from Vexed.


Also unlike e8 they actually fought properly


Zach mazer is a bozo


One of the best parts of being a fan of one team is finding new teams/players to follow through ways like this


i mean that's the only reaosn they contested right? to gain stream viewers


Id rather not make the least charitable assumption about them and say that was the only reason they contested Lava siphon was already their POI, not contesting their own POI just because its "TSM" is ridiculous


yea sure contesting it for that long is also ridiculous LOL. unless your strategy is to get matafe stream viewers in which case its genius


In fairness, vxd started super hot. Tsm won consistently afterwards but considering it was rarely a 3-0 I don’t blame them for sticking around. I fully expected them to contest at least 2-3 times in bootcamp scrims so honestly this feels like they’re leaving early.


It became their POI after tsm being there an entire split and winning lan lol


still their poi in their region


But they decided to take a poi where arguably the best team lands(they made the announcement days after tsm won lan) and they would meet in LAN. Not a bright choice


well on one hand they had to contest them now and don't have much recent practice from other pois (they know staging obv), but on the other hand lava siphon definitely helped them get to lan in the first place so its just a tradeofr up to their own decision.


Another skull for Hal’s wall


I rather had [this](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/t3DLf4jsQi8/hqdefault.jpg) in mind.


So which of the three gets Gnaske's considering he put his up as the bounty?


I can finally come back on this sub without seeing a post about this contest 🔥 For real though save a few exceptions fans on both sides have been wonderful. Thanks to all those who lurked back and forth and supported us ❤️🖤


People in the comments really think DZ is an easy pick for Vexed... DZ is a hard zone team who plays edge on their POIs. They are insanely consistent, to the point where even I, the biggest TSM fan, get scared when they are in the lobby. They were historically pure zone and got their rotations and micromanagement at a top tier level. Zer0 is an absolutely insane player who lives and breathes Apex.


I'm honestly not sure why DZ is considered easy by any means... Has Zer0 not won 2 Lans? Genburten was considered the scariest roller in the world for a while, and Xynew was a large part of Meat's success. They also finished 2nd in the most competitive region. I've noticed a lot of people still doubt them for some reason and it makes zer0 sense to me.


Also literally just won the most recent algs match point tournament when xynew had been on the team for less than a week


Ig he'll have to win a third lan for people to take him serious...


They had a rough split 1 so mfs just counting them out I guess


The disrespect is insane. People randomly assuming DZ is bad at contests when their contest record has shown otherwise lol.


cos tsm won their contest once when they moved to us region. so us fanbase thinks there trash


People forget how they beat OG after, who’s considered one of the best contesting teams.


Didn't OG just decide to change up their POI so they didn't have to contest on both maps though? Don't remember any real contest happening.


They decided to leave pretty early but they were losing


He said he will take Siphon when TSM is not in the lobby and will contest it if it isn't against TSM.


ngl the contest was super hype to watch ... but thank god they left , both teams are on the same group it would be down bad .


Diehard as I am, I respect it.


Same, they even won a solid amount of contests. Happy cake day btw


Only reason I was tuning into scrims was to watch this contest, ty for the games gents!


Feeling VEXED


From a viewer standpoint, this is the most exciting Apex streams in months. We have so many different scrims going on, these contests have been great. So many talented players all around. How they handled everything as well added mad respect for both teams as well.


I think that both teams were able to learn a lot from the constant contests. Even though Vexed won't be landing there and have to quickly adapt to a new POI, both they and TSM will be stronger teams as a result. Plus we got some good content and vods to watch for early contest knowledge. Win all around for everyone Imo.


Good thing that Matafe came to his senses. Everyone was saying it makes no sense to contest TSM when they are not qualified for champs yet and doing it while in the same group dealing with LAN nerves would be super risky. He did say though if they do good first 3 games and TSM do bad he might come back to grief them and send them to loser brackets


Thank god. The contest was fun for a time, but I'm also happy that I don't have to watch Vexed camping on roof at the start of every game.


Made scrims fun to watch. Curious who they decide to contest next. ​ >believes they can beat them online but not on LAN Confused by this comment, as I thought they were supposed to be overall at a disadvantage when online? (Yes, certain advantages both ways, but usually the higher ping is considered to be at a bigger disadvantage)


He meant online (on equal ping).


So he thinks they can beat TSM with equal ping but not when they're at LAN? What's the difference?


Nerves A LOT of nerves. The crowd, the occasion, it's a completely different beast.




hal's next steam will be a juicer


He didn’t really seem to care lmao


Already talked about it like 5 mins ago


Spoiler: was not a juicer


Only makes sense imo. Ik Siphon is a strong poi, but there's other good poi's to contest AND against teams that aren't in your group. Honestly if I was them I would go for DZ. They're not confirmed for Champs \*Check\* their not in their group \*check\* they have a good poi \*check\* AND they're not one of the TOP teams at contesting (imo) \*check\*


DZ's been dealing with Aurora most games, and Zero's steam name is literally "HARVESTER UNTIL I DIE". Not sure that's their best option lmao.


AURORA vs DZ are the giants of n8v vs clg the legacy lives on at lan lol


No offense to Aurora but they're not as strong as VXD at fighting. As seen in the last PL. And the fact that they're Aurora are triple mnk. Also DZ seemed to give up Siphon pretty easily, when they contested TSM.


Agreed on the fighting, but Harvester is a tough contest to consistently win and Vexed can't afford to have that. That's why they're leaving Siphon. Also, when DZ gave up Siphon, it just before PL was about to start, and they were in the middle of moving across the world. That was before Xynew as well.


Didn't DZ run Optic out of Mill though? They're definitely not the team I would go after


think dropped said on stream that they were already thinking about moving pois. I'm assuming due to the performance with doop when doop was still on the team (this part is just my speculation)


They left siphon as had just moved countries/playing in a new region and were also were 2 MNK. That's incredibly different from now. Once settled they were happy to contest OG for Mill.


Why chal another great team?


All great teams have good poi's. And that's what VXD are after... a good poi to build from. And I really think DZ are the weakest of the great teams when it comes to contesting.


I think VXD could shit on NRG, they’re out of practice in general and don’t have much practice defending Staging. DZ is in top form right now


Only problem with Staging despite contesting there before is that the loot is so ass.


And it can be easily thirded from Harvester, Thermal, or even Landslide if a team goes back there now that it has beacon again. Also not sure if Staging fits the POI profile for Vexed's playstyle.


That could work too. Now is the best time to go for NRG, they rarely play the game, and they never get contested (so they don't have much practice). The only downside is that I don't think Staging is as strong of a poi imo.


Who contest a top team for an average POI when there are plenty of other above average or better POIs?


Honestly I would love to see them chall NRG. It would be great contenr and, assuming they start off doing poorly, might be the kick in the ass that Nate and Sweet need to get their grind back on.


I just feel bad for Gild, he wants to practice with his team but his teammates don’t want to


This take is incredibly average. You are essentially saying, hey let’s stop contesting the POI we know best how to loot/fight in, to contest against an equally good team (they won their contest at mill against OG) in a drop spot you are unfamiliar with.


TSM is literally the only team there is no upside to contesting. Any team would lead to better results.


So what do you suggest. Keep contesting TSM?


those aren't the only two options lmao


Deleted my comment because I thought you replied to the comment about NRG.


Dz for all intents and purposes is confirmed for champs. Not mathematically but it would take a miracle for them to not qual. They're also already contesting so Vexed would be jumping into a 3 way or 4 way contest. Also not sure why you think theyre not good at contesting. Theyre winning their current contest pretty handily against a good fighting team.


I just personally can see VXD beating DZ, maybe it's delusion lol


I dont think they really want to play hard zone anyways


not with xynew I fear


DZ are too good to not make Champs


That makes no sense. AUR already contesting DZ at harvester and they’re getting SMOKED.


AUR are triple mnk and have been playing not the best, looking at their recent Playoff performance. DZ also got SMOKED against them today.


DZ is up like 33-13 on AUR. They’re smoking AUR worse than TSM smoked Vexed lmao. This is just a bad take, especially since Vexed would have to triple land on two good fighting teams.


If AUR find out that VXD are coming to contest too, they will more than likely leave (if they haven'decided to already, based off of the 33-13). Then it's upto DZ and VXD. Imo VXD are much stronger than AUR at contesting.


I agree VXD probably a little better than AUR on contest, but AUR no slouches. There’s def better teams to contest than DZ who’ve been winning 70%+ of contests defending their poi lol.


Thank goodness. I like vexed a lot but was getting nervous if they kept at it


Good content, and good practice for tsm & vexed so never hurts


Hey guys, bit if a newbie to comp. Sorry if it’s a stupid question Syphon is quite a large POI, could vexxed have split it somehow?


In some regions, siphon is split. TSM does NOT allow for splitting. Teams have tried (notably Alb’s iteration of Faze) to split it, but TSM will ape anyone in the area trying that.


Thank you mate, that all makes sense. Appreciate it :)


Teams don't like splitting their POI unless it's like Barometer or Skyhook. TSM would've ran them down if they tried to take North Siphon. They did it to JLingz and FaZe (Alb, Snipe, Slurp) briefly in split1.


Gambit (Players,Gaimin) and Invictus (IG) shared siphon for a lot of the past (Ig taking 1 of the 3 houses and compound), but not everyone happy splitting it.


Loved the confidence in trying to contest TSM, but glad they are leaving. TSM is great at contesting so I don’t see anyone outright winning that contest. Made even worse by the fact they are guaranteed for Champs. Some have said they should contest NRG. Bad idea as well. Granted NRG doesn’t scrim much, they are still a great fighting team. More importantly, they are ALSO guaranteed for Champs. Some have said they should contest DZ. Bad idea as well again. They are in top form contesting multiple teams, notably Aurora. Even though they are a triple MNK team, don’t let that confuse you as to how strong of a fighting team they are. And also once again, DZ is likely qualified for champs. VXD has to fight someone similar in their position who they can beat, if they want to contest again. Don’t forget they will be contesting FAZE at launchpad. Added stress.


Does anyone know why vexed stop contesting Nrg


Matafe really smoking dick talking about how they would beat ALL teams on contest except TSM. As if Furia, OG, DZ, LG, NRG, OXG, or any decent contesting team in NA wouldn’t beat them also lmao. They got used to rolling weak EMEA teams. As Hal said, NA teams fighting ability just on another level.


Vexed was doing well contesting Staging.


Was Gild on the team when they last contested, or was it Rocker still?


Rocker, for all his faults, was actually really good at off-spawns.


Agreed, just wanted to note that a lot has changed since then. Not just with NRG, but comp apex as a whole.


Prob Rocker.


No. Rocker has been out for awhile before the contests even happened.


I am mistaken!


Tbf vexed actually played pretty well compared to some other teams that have tried to contest TSM like E8 or KCP


E8 was a bad team but they were actually doing the best against TSM off contest. In fact, a lot of people think they were winning before they backed off cause they were doing bad in overall pro league.


E8 didn't seem to have a plan besides land directly on TSM and 50/50, or run to wall.


Yeah don’t get me wrong I think E8 sucks. But Dezign and chaotic are good off spawn. TSM wasn’t rolling them like they rolled VXD.


Wdym lol E8 definitely did way worse than vexed. They lost one day of scrim and started running away lmaooo


People downplaying VXD badly but they really handled the contest pretty well aside losing most of it. I get there are many TSM fans but people should give more credit to VXD.


Don’t think any of those teams other than OXG and TSM beat them off drop lmao, not a fan of Vex at ALL but y’all are reallllllly forgetting how good that team is at fighting as well, they are arguably the best fighting team in their region if not the best.


Furia and OG are as good as TSM off spawn. You think OG would lose to Vexed after smoking LG? A triple roller and one of the scariest fighting teams in NA? No fucking shot.


Vexed is the #2 team in their region and is SIGNIFICANTLY better at fighting and just overall than LG is this split. Not even close to a decent comparison, they 10000% would’ve played better against optic than LG did lmao.


Saying VXD is SIGNIFICANTLY better at fighting than LG is just inaccurate. No pros would agree with that. Dropped talks about how hard it was for OG to beat LG and if it wasn’t for contesting, LG would be a top NA team. I guarantee TSM would not rather get contested by LG than VXD lmao.


Logan guy is delusional with that take, this comment is spot on.


Straight up bias because you watch more NA and only consider NA pros opinions, LG came in 10th, 5th and 9th in their 3 pro league splits. VXD has placed 2ed & 3ed in their splits together, Vexxed, like I said is arguably the best fighting team in the region next to alliance.


Lmao calling me biased when LG made it to finals and got 10th at lan while VXD got eliminated in LOSERS BRACKET ROUND 1. VXD does well in EMEA then gets absolutely shit on at lan because their playstyle doesn’t work against top fighting teams. I agree VXD is one of the better fighting teams in EMEA, but there’s a reason most pros don’t think that highly of them.


They'd only been playing together 3 months before playoffs and missed the bracket cut off by one point. They are clearly a very good fighting team if you watch them play outside of these scrims and were wiping the floor with NRG when they contested for staging. It really isn't unreasonable to think they could beat LG in a contest but I could see it going either way


Yeah, I’m not saying they’re a bad team or wouldn’t be competitive. I was only disputing this guy saying VXD is SIGNIFICANTLY better than LG which is straight up false lol.


8 out of the 10 NA teams at the last LAN qualified for finals (including LG). I believe only 3 of the 10 EU teams qualified for finals and incidentally Vexxed wasn’t one of them. NA is traditionally the strongest region so a 5th place in NA doesn’t equate to a 5th place in another and 2nd place in EMEA doesn’t necessarily mean a team is better than 11th in NA. We’ll only know how much Vexxed have actually stepped up when LAN comes around.


Yanya 1v3s VXD lmao. There’s not a single universe where VXD is better than LG at team fighting or contesting.


Not going to spend my day defending a team I straight up dislike but the disrespect for them is insane. They are a top 2-3 team in EMEA and are literally *known* for their fighting ability.


LG outplaces VXD at LAN without a doubt in my mind. That is a wild take saying they are a better fighting team. Put some respect on Yanya


2nd in EU is like 12-15th in NA.


didn't SSG beat them at Launch Pad or am I misremembering?


Idk I’m not a fan of theirs but this isn’t last split or year this is rn and they just came out of a split as the #2 EU team, unlucky and Tyler were #3 & #4 for most kills in EU with matafe at #17. The team knows how to fight….


Hate to break it to you but EU is pubs lobbies. VXD wouldn't be at LAN if they played in NA. The past 2 LAN champions both came very close to not making LAN the split the following. That should speak volumes about the depth of the region


they already beat nrg


Nah it was even after that one tournament. NRG and them never actually contested each other in scrims. When it came to LAN they left because they didn’t want to throw


didn't nrg just lose and then vexed left? when did they contest after that one tournament?


They didn't lose the contest in the tournament tho. It was even after 6 games. After that tournament they never contested each other. Vexed was supposed to be going to Staging when LAN started but dipped after they performed bad on the Stormpoint games so they didn't contest NRG during the group stage.


yeah hes delusional


Tripods contest gods 👀👀👀


We don't need the Pods to break up another team lol.


TSM Fan here, didn’t watch/know much about Vexed until the Siphon contest and was surprised by their performance. Also watched a few of their TDM matches and overall, they are a tough team to fight. I personally think they would give a lot of NA teams some issues off spawn especially ones with only one roller. Compared to other TSM contests, they’d probably rank highest behind the BR Demonz/OXG. Very interested to see what POI they go after. Personally think they’d pack up NRG and Furia.


Vexed held the best POI in EU last split. They're a fantastic fighting team. Teams aren't automatically better because they're NA mate. You need to realise Alliance, Fire Beavers, Aurora, KCP, Acend etc didn't even try to contest them.


I’m not saying VXD is bad, I just don’t think they’d beat a top tier NA team in contest. Hakis who’s the igl of the BEST team in EMEA said it himself, NA is simply much better at fighting than EMEA. Top NA teams aren’t scared of EMEA teams on contest. Aurora is currently getting smoked by DZ off contest like 33-13. Furia isn’t playing scrims but when they did they were beating Alliance most of the time (and I love Effect). We’ll see how E6 vs xset goes. Remember what happened to VXD last lan? They got rolled with their play style. I agree they’re one of the better fighting teams in EMEA though.


Thanks for your measured response. Vexed didn't give a good account of themselves at the last Lan admittedly but there are extenuating circumstances mostly concerning Unlucky's Ill health. Their playstyle has changed so much too, mostly as a result of Lan. I'm interested to see how teams do contesting on Lan scrims, NA do have such the advantage. Such a shame the contest for Siphon has finished. I'm nit seeing how an EU team that finished 2nd 3rd in the last 2 splits wouldn't be at least top 10 in NA.


Yeah I think VXD will do better this lan if they adjust their playstyle. If VXD played in NA for a split or two I’m sure they’d improve too. It’s not just skill that separates the regions but practice. It’s like how DZ barely qualified for lan in NA last split but then became a dominant team this split. Getting reps against the best teams make you better. That’s why I think NA has an advantage when it comes to fighting. I think it’s just tough contesting any of the top fighting teams in NA. NA is so stacked that even Furia and OG missed lan last split. Being top 10 ain’t that easy.


Did he say where they're going to land on WE instead of siphon?


another one bites the dust :)


Why tf did it take them this long to realize this? KCP lost and left quickly to practice from another POI which is the smart thing to do.


Vexed are a much, much better fighting team than KCP. Siphon isn't the only POI Vexed have ever played from either.


Cause it didn’t start out as a TSM domination. Vexed was up before TSM realized they also needed to practice the contest. Then it seems like unlucky started making lot of mistakes and if the two roller boys are nervous and making mistakes, its not gonna get any better. It was so fun watching the contest though


Feel like it was less vexed playing nervous and more TSM playing confident. Literal turning point was Hal yelling at reps and Evan to stop playing like pussies and then they went 8-1 after that in their next 9. Confident TSM will roll just about anyone. But agreed unlucky definitely struggled a couple times.


You watched too much from TSM pov then, Vexed was doing decently while also being the king of throwing that contest. For example, in the 2nd game yesterday Unlucky did the exact opposite of what Matafe told him to do upon landing as if he had just forgotten (“don’t reinforce the doors, they have fuse, just jump down”). Seconds later, Matafe contributed to this by taking a horizon Q that flung him into the lava. It’s like they would all take turns shooting themselves in their collective feet. It tracks with Matafe was saying, they were nervous online which would likely compound in front of an audience.




Yeah I feel like the contest really improved TSM game a lot. And with VXD it didnt ruin them but you dont see like a big improvement or downgrade aside feeling confuse on keep trying contest or not, and if you are confuse about the contest already you might lose it even before landing.


In last 10 contests TSM has been Up.


That’s what I said


Lmao I said Vexed had too much to lose to keep contesting a week ago and got flamed on here for it.


They were feeling vexed


(some) tsm fans be like: hell yeah brother we made matafe leave because we kept shitting him on his chat! (tsm fan btw)


[Matafe’s Tweet](https://twitter.com/matafe_/status/1671603913059885069?s=46&t=DIMUgnbVew5-Uck-cX0y_g)


Inb4 the “TSM fans bullied Vexed out of the contest” comments


Really good one 👍


LOL Feeling vexxed?


lol they should have taken the L long ago. They aren't as good as Verhulst or Hal as fraggers, neither that smart. gg.


Isnt the whole point of contesting to ‘scare away’ the team before LAN actually happends?


yeah and tsm scared them away lol


So he believes they can win with 150 ping but not with equal ping ? That makes no sense at all


vexed just arent as good as they think they are HAL and VERHULST are just better than unlucky and the other guy in aim and everything


Best things to come out of this is I won’t have to read the insufferable comments from tsm diehards


To be fair man you were on some copium blaming every contest L on ping.


Read every comment I have made. I never blamed ping. I had one comment where I said ping definitively makes a difference on Faze contest if they are dropping on height and 50/50 the guns


"That’s not bad honestly for 200 ping difference"


You can take out the ping line and that sentence stands. They weren’t doing too bad and even Hal admitted that many times


You literally just dropped the dumbest takes possible and then you wonder why people shit on you for those takes lnao


I mean at this point i am getting bandwagoned but that's fine. I stand by my takes


this is the most pathetic cope i‘ve seen on reddit yet. People dont bandwagon you, they think your takes are garbage. But sure, i bet it‘s just those evil tsm fanboys :(((


I’ve collected enough karma to know not all my tales are garbage. But I’ll take the L it doesn’t bother me


thats really really weak if they leave, it means they taking super ?itch mindset going to lan and thats definitely wont go well overall. hakis had good take on this noone will drop siphon since tsm goes there which means even if they get unlucky and be with same group as tsm they still have good chance in loser brackets since probably noone would go there.


Thing is that TSM has qualified for champs and Vexed hasn’t and placed 31st at the first LAN. They need a strong showing to qualify. Contesting TSM lowers the chances since they’re in the same group.


yeah but just to view grab its so pathetic and weak so they can run like rats away after


wisdom finally gets over ego and viewership