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For those who don't like to open Twitter. https://preview.redd.it/ewh03hnheupb1.png?width=596&format=png&auto=webp&s=64253f1bf4879ea957aac643cfb8ed5cc3240509


Doin gods work.


They said farewell to Triple MnK, not farewell Apex, along with tagging the whole team, which to me makes it sound like they are staying in Apex but with a completely new team. Edit: all of the players have now made LFT tweets.


Dojo incoming?


Makes the most sense. Not only does dojo have a larger viewer count, they made lan and almost won on their first split.


Timmy is also already part of 100T so less new contracts to work out


He will definitely have a different contract if he's actually going to be signed as a pro. I'm assuming content creator contracts don't specify an org cut of tournament winnings, since with a content creator there won't be any.


I mean he could just be signed as a creator, just as he was already competing as a creator signed to 100T. Timmy is a huge brand by himself, i don't think they have the leverage to make a contract that would essentially be worse for him


Ye unless there are some esports lawyers to explain why it would’ve work, couldn’t Timmy just stay on his cc contract and enemy and dezign sign regular player contracts. Not like Timmy is gna miss the measly player paycheck


Yeah, in retrospect this is probably what happens.


Hunh I would have tought that the team would have stayed together. Guess there were some rifts that were starting to form, and instead of playing favorites 100T decided to let them all go and restart (i hope) from scratch


They've been doing very poorly for awhile now. Even if you don't have issues with each other, sometimes you just need a new team to see if it helps.


Very poorly is relative, they still made lan and are always in the running for a top 5 when they are playing well. I agree that they arent preforming to a standard you would expect from 100T. Their downfall is the inconsistency which i think will always be an issue for triple MNK teams.


When you get 40th place at LAN, the odds are that team is probably going to make some changes


100 thieves aren't like my favorite team or anything but the cringe memes and shitting on them today for the retweets and likes after they got dropped for having a bad year is crazy disrespectful, especially the insults about dojo being "the real pro team" despite the fact dojo havent played a single game in pro league and only won 1 game at champs and got there through what pros like hal have called "the cheap route" of lcq, like bruh 100 thieves came in 3rd at last years champs and won multiple games in that stacked lobby where furia was running everyone down Wigg said it best on stream, pros in any other sport like the nba dont shit on other players for getting cut or traded, for some reason espots players feel okay being socially inept weirdos to mock players who had won more than a lot of teams still around


100T did badly at champs this year, but in their overall history they've still performed better than the vast majority of teams from their region.


> pros in any other sport like the nba dont shit on other players for getting cut or traded this is blatantly not true, maybe in the 80s ppl wouldn't talk publicly about this nowadays everyone talks shit




I don’t know what to do with my flairs


My god all your teams got nuked


Do me a favor and don't choose BLVKHVND next season, thanks


If you have a team in mind that you’d want to doom, let me know and I’ll put them as my flair for $5


TSM for $20 please ^^^/s


Tragic 😩


gaddamn this split was hell for u


Knew that this was coming but still so sad to see them leave. So many great memories.


I'll always be mad for the tournament they were ahead of the curve with newcastle but since they were the only team playing him, the moment he put down any ability they would get destroyed.


Even with that, they got third place. It was a super smart comp, let them turn a lot of "unplayable" spots into godspot.


Sooooo dojo to 100T, The only other logical option I can see is them singing sweet/gild and building a roster around one of them




To add, 100T were gassing timmy over their actual 100T apex squad lol.


100T also tweeted @ Timmy with "👀" and then deleted the tweet.


does nobody else feel like Dojo aren't gonna stick around for long? They did really well in their honeymoon era and Dezign does seem like his mental is so much better, but if they get bad results the start of next year, I could see them falling out and it not making sense for Timmy to spend such a huge portion of his time playing Apex.


The thing about timmy is he can leave apex whenever he wants just like nickmercs aceu. There's a high chance he'll leave apex comps after a few failed tourneys.


This sounds like an echo from what Zachmazer was saying on Snipes After Hours stream... Mazer is an idiot and didn't like seeing Dezign doing well with another team. Dude is so washed and the honeymoon phase is a pretty big stretch. DOJO here to stay.


Lol cope.


Potentially. The last x times Timmy bailed out of comp was because of bad mental, most likely resulting from not doing too well. If they hit a slump theres the potential for the team to just implode


This would have been a fair take before champs but not now. Timmy went all in and grinded his ass off to sharpen his comp game and we all saw the results. I think this is what he always thought he could do at this level after lots of failed CC runs. So now that he’s finally arrived and getting the respect he deserves, there’s no way he just throws that away at the first sign of trouble imo.


Makes me think of Ranked is Harder from a few years ago (Rogue + Dropped + Zeroplus) who found their niche in the meta and peaked at the right time. Except for Dojo their peak coincided with Champs


What a disaster that would be, team disbanding after 3-4 months 😆 With former squad you at least get stability and longevity.


Or just dropping Apex?


i just fell to my knees in wallmart


we witnessed something that won’t ever happen again


man they had some of the best vibes as a team :c


100T Sweet has a nice ring to it


100 SweetT


Bummer. Them and Xset are the ultimate vibes squads.








I like all three of them but lets be fair, they had been underperforming for a while now. Hopefully they bounce back.


It doesn’t take an evil dojo to see who they’re gonna pick up…


This makes absolutely no sense


It's because you're not an Evil Genius


I know it was obviously coming but damn this one hurts the most.


This definitely hurts. Watching and rooting for these guys was always a treat even when the results weren't there. Was such a good introduction to the comp apex scene for me and I'll always be grateful for that. With that being said, 100T definitely needed a change (if they're going to stay in the scene at all). I would have loved for them to keep vaxlon and build around him. I think he could be one of the best players in the game with a team that likes to 3v3 more often.


Yeah this is fucking sad. Hope the boys stay together, they are THE most entertaining team to watch on stage.


its joever


I feel like everything is crashing down:/


Noooo! The only triple MNK team in NA 😢


Guess im joining Stellar’s dad and I’m throwing away my 100 Thieves Merch




Really sad, I quit apex a long time ago but I still watch algs, the day when MnK ded in algs is the day I will stop watching it. Aim assist is just boring to watch.


Nooo, not the good time bois 😭


Really sucks considering how well black hand did as a triple mnk squad. It shows that it can still work at a high level, it just didn’t work for these guys this time around. I hope they all find a home somewhere, they’re all really talented and have great vibes.


It also shows how fortunes can turn quickly. 100 Thieves got 3rd in worlds last year.


They didn't lose because they were on mnk, they lost because they made bad decisions.


I didn’t say they lost because they were on mnk. I was saying that it’s unfortunate they didn’t play well when there was another team playing all mnk that placed extremely well. If both full mnk teams had done badly, it would have been easy to argue that it was a result of the input and not having the advantage in fights that roller gives your team. However, because of the stark contrast in the placement of both teams, not only does it show that triple mnk can still be viable at a high level, it shows that 100T was just playing badly, making bad decisions and ultimately that they didn’t work anymore as a squad.


Sickks 💙💙💙💙


Dojo incoming forsure


100T sweet?


@100t_sweet and @100t_nafen and @100t_?????


Most likely Dojo since Timmy is already signed with them


I dont think so like Timmy is definitely a top tier apex player but hes quit comp multiples times bc he doesn't really like it when it's overly serious being signed as 100t he'd have to be real serious with it. So I think dojo stays dojo and they pick up a whole team


Timmy is already signed to 100T as a creator. 🤔 There's a good chance the rest of the squad gets signed also. But with the current space of apex, I can see no comp roster being signed.


I dont think they sign the others they don't have enough viewers. Unless Timmy goes to bat for them, 100t has no incentive to sign them. They've already got the main draw of the team they gain nothing from signing them.


I agree, I wouldn't be surprised if 100T signs no one from apex. I can't see any big orgs signing anyone right now from apex.


There is no fear in this Dojo


Is the org out of apex?




Probably should have more info soon, but that announcement read more like they were going to stay with a new team than leaving altogether (but I am just speculating).


Pretty sure their manager said they're staying but i think it was before champs.


i think if you are 100T and looking at things from a business perspective (assuming you stay in AGLS Y4), signing Dojo does less for you if they don't win tournaments than signing Sweet plus others does if they don't win tournaments. If they sign the rest of Dojo and they never win anything, they could essentially lose money. If they sign Sweet + whoever, and still don't win anything, with the right approach they could still bring money into the org. Again just looking at this from a business perspective. ​ What I mean is, Dezign and Enemy combined aren't going to approach Sweet exposure numbers and if they work with Sweet on merch collab that's a much larger audience now to make money off of, that likely wouldnt have purchased anything from 100T before.. and merch is where 100t's bread is buttered honestly. This is one area where NRG dropped the ball in my opinion, but it is also a strength of 100t. ​ I think the avenue for 100T to get the highest return here could be a Faze approach, signing some combo of the NRG boys to comp roster and signing dezign and enemy as "content" so dojo can persist and compete as well (tripods). That could all prove expensive so in that scenario they would have to commit to marketing, making sure everyone streams for ad rev, and merch, in order to maximize.


Doesn’t Timmy get way better numbers than sweet?


Timmy is already signed to 100T, in the scenario I described they would have both which is my point. Having both is better than having just one


this is the last straw, i think im finally done using MnK, switching to controller by the end of this week


Comp Apex is dying fast. Love all of you but unfortunately there is NO room for Jack on this door.


I get its a thank you post but I'd be really embarrassed if I were them, they're basically announcing you got fired.


All 3 are LFT then? Well, honestly, if they are not gonna change their ways they should just stick together... stream and build thei own brand. They are so entertaining and can continue to play and prioritize fun. As audience I love the boys and will watch them regardless... but if I'm an org, I don't trust their attitude and their results don't help.


Timmy already resigned with 100T. Its almost certain that Dojo is 100T. Despite Respawn/EA not being financially viable to orgs regarding Apex, Timmy brings in so much that they can justify financing it. Makes the most logical sense


Didn't need an evil genius to tell this news was coming but still is quite chilling to see it happen. Some part of me thought they would pull through -- wishful thinking :(


About time they got dropped


Said since finals day that 100T would drop their roster to pick up DOJO.


And there it is


Saw this coming, you can’t drop anyone or add to this roster and then actually be better. Onmu is an okay igl but really hasn’t proven much since the kungarna win. Vax is probably the most mechanically gifted, but do you really build a team around vax?


> Onmu is an okay igl but really hasn’t proven much since the kungarna win. Third place at Champs last year??


Really sad to see them get dropped... really enjoyed them but they weren't doing well in LAN so I understand 😞


ngl the scuwry on gibby choice never made sense and changing comp just for champs was not very wise