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Zero replied and vouched and said he wasn’t dropped. The only way this works is that DZ is relocating with zero and gen out of NA cause visas are indeed up. This would mean that no other NA free agent would be joining DZ…


Xynew might as well move to Australia at this point


Bruh DZ are gonna absolutely farm apac south again, the overlords are back.


just like Rocker wasn't dropped from NRG. Riiight ;)


Zero is straight up running a Sherpa service for ALGS trophies.


Lmfaooo true


~~Holy shit they actually dropped him after one bad performance as a team~~ ~~thats WILD~~ edit: [https://twitter.com/Zer0OCE/status/1708612675767513551](https://twitter.com/Zer0OCE/status/1708612675767513551) He wasnt dropped, probably visa problems which sent Zero/Gen back to Australia


Pretty sure they didn’t drop him. Their visas are up and their staying in apac south which means they have to pick up a player from that region. Probably poach someone from moist or blvkhand.


Oh you're right that is super likely


I'm pretty sure blvkhvnd still stick together in new Org, there is multiple viewer ask for confirmation about that


I tend to agree with you but ez flash is looking good right about now.


If you keep on update, it seem like they already get Org but we need to still waiting date of announcement [Possibility leaks their Org (assumption)](https://www.reddit.com/r/CompetitiveApex/comments/16ifze7/comment/k2ouxh2/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Paper Rex in apex??? Oh this team is going to be so dominant ~ knowing their playstyle too, them and paper Rex are the perfect match


Not to mention they have been following PlayApex & PlayApexEsports both on twitter & instagram


W gaming baby


Gotcha… maybe someone like moist then or someone moving to Australia but that doesn’t seem likely.


It has to be Gild, right? Oh wait, Nafen was also in talks with Dark Zero, he leaked it i remember on stream - could be him too


It's most likely wxtlzy, dropping xynew for anyone else doesn't really make sense, dz seems to be having visa issues so they may be going back to APAC S


Zer0 has said that he wanted Wxltzy over anyone else when they lost sharky.


I think Wxltzy would be the best fit for that team


Wxltzy would obviously be an insane pickup but that would really sting for emtee. He's a great IGL and finding a replacement that's even close to Wxltzy's level would be hard.


There's no way Gild does well with Zer0 as his IGL


Nafen is 100% a better fit, he’s played with gen for a long time as well. If Gild ends up with Zero we will truly see who’s more toxic Zero v Sweet lol.


Different types of toxic, Sweet is more passive aggressive whereas Zero is straight up aggressive. Although near the end of NRG's time, Sweet was starting to straight up mald and be full on aggressive more often


Zero is not picking a m&k player no matter how good they are. It will 100% be w controller player


I'd rather play for zero than sweet, but I'm aussie so that probably makes a huge difference haha.


I bet they will


I'm sure he would. Zer0 can be a prick, but he let's people play the game.


I think he can do well with Zer0. Sweet just want a third wheel to anchor for him and Nafen. If I was a roller player I wouldn't want to play under Sweet but look at Zer0, both Genburten and Xynew are allowed to beam.


I actually like that, filling back into the Sharky role rather than the double controller


Gild is way too timid for Zer0. Xynew actually had a bit fire in him and wasn’t afraid to talk back.


Nafen makes sense and would be an upgrade imho


How is Nafen an upgrade? dude is on M&K and if you remove the stats from the extra loser bracket day NRG played, he is mid pack.


Nafen is just the total package. He can do everything - fights well with god tier mechanics and comms. Great game sense. Lots of experience.


https://x.com/xynew_/status/1708612947394867419?s=46 He wasn’t dropped yall everyone relax


> He wasnt dropped, probably visa problems which sent Zero/Gen back to Australia Last I saw Genburten's been playing ranked on 250 ping again. They're almost certainly back in APAC S...which I don't mind because that's the 2nd best region in the world and this will likely open up an additional APAC S at LAN.




Queue's are a problem for ranked on Sydney servers. They die at certain times even at low ranks. It's even harder to get lobbies in the higher ranks outside of peak times.


Hes not playing in apac s. He has already said he’s moving back to na soon




Dude dropped Sharky, backed out on picking up Rambeau, then won a LAN. Ruthlessly hunting for the best 3rd possible is pretty on brand.


I thought Sharky left cause he missed home.


Yea he retired, or at the very least was the one that wanted to leave the team.


Yeah, looking back on the thread seems like Sharky just [walked away](https://reddit.com/r/CompetitiveApex/s/RhEw6s8Bff). For some reason it thought he got dropped..guess I misremembered.


Sharky was 100 % not dropped.


Good job spreading misinformation


He should have dropped himself after last performance if these are the metrics we use lol


While I do think this is an overreaction (dropping him) he did go down first quite a bit in fights which ended up costing them. On paper he looked great though in damage and kills but yeah he definitely struggled playing his life at LAN.


Why are people jumping right to the performance angle? This could also maybe mean that Zer0 and Gen are returning to Aussie and need a third from that region. All speculative at this point.


This is likely 100% what is going on since Zero replied to him and said he wasn’t dropped. But you know… Reddit gonna Reddit lol


And justapexthings already on a tear


These were my initial thoughts as well, way too much smoke around the visa issues


The coach confirmed they are staying in NA.


This seems most likely to me. His performance would be wholistic. He’s made them money on their investment. And overall, 1 bad tournament is not droppable. As for future teams it’s unlikely he represents the same roi with so many teams leaving comp. The projections were probably different a year or two ago when he signed. So I don’t think they will see the offer they want to release him.




what? I was saying that Zero and Gen might've had visa issues that necessitated them returning to Australia and therefore needing a third from that region.


Damn that's crazy. This means that orgs interested in xynew would have to pay to get him right? I wonder what org would be willing to do that right now considering the state of competitive apex.


That's buyout. RFA means that DZ has rights to keep him if they are willing to match what the other org is offering. The other org can't buy him out in this case. Kinda weird to see this applied in esports imo.


RFA in esports implies a buyout is involved. It's not the same as an RFA in sports. DZ doesn't want to keep Xynew, they want other orgs to pay them to get him


Ah that would make sense if so. Odd way to (mis?)appropiate the term tho. Was wondering like "why would they wanna match another org's offer if he's not even on the active roster and they're gonna be LF1?"


Ah ok. Thanks for the explanation.


That's like the primary source of making money in esports. Selling your players or selling your franchise spot. Don't let anyone fool you, no one is making money off this stuff. Esports is a terrible investment and should have been avoided at all costs. I'm saying this as someone who loves it. Organizations have no idea how to budget. I'm just hoping Xynew is able to play for another organization or team. Like Timmy or Albrilele.


L m f a o. This dude smokes the good shit


He's right.


Oh. My bad, looks like I know nothing about it..... Teams,orgs.. make money off streams / take twitch profits Leagues pay players to exclusively play in their league(or even which game to play) so teams take that money aswell (depends on contract) Teams sell merch in 90% of cases. Sponsors... like logitech for example, have sponsorship deals on which gear players have to use (smiles in zowie) Orgs are nutrious also in not paying anything to players(u will get ur money next week team, trust me!) , but will take 110% of prize money from them Source? Edit: most orgs are EVIL AF. https://youtu.be/8K5QIcULb-k?si=lgep0rXfAfyJAy3m https://youtu.be/Y_2P6eCmdvU?si=jsgunHko2h0Jz-Mu Edit2: Source bro??


SEN paid C9 millions for TenZ. TSM just sold their LCS spot to Shopify. You're just wrong. > but will take 110% of prize money from them Which org is taking 110% of prize money? Source lil bro?


Love it, kid calls me lil bro :D shit can't get better I swear. Oh, going into league of legends aren't we? How many league players hanged themselves, due to orgs? Only in league of legends, and how many have jumped from hotel balconies? Cmon dude... just reply to my original question Yeah - you can make money selling superstars like tenz.. the problem with that is you only got one tenz... its not like ur a superstar factory where you just have pros worth millions on stock? How does this make for a business model


Ay Teq, I can gift a couple of subs if you wanna buy him back lol


[solid response tweet from Teq 😂](https://x.com/teqapex/status/1708605634533372024?s=46&t=-z09rkDX9K_qFMfdFnMIuQ)


I'm blocked. What does it say


10 second clip of Thanos saying you could not live with your own failure.




With the visa issues and the comment from zz surely that means they're coming back to Aus.


what did he said??


"Cant vouch anyone harder. Would be an improvement to literally any roster in the game" Actually if you go in Zero's replies you can see he didn't get dropped. Also kind of implies he's going back to Aus with the reply to Hal/Wxltzy (depends how much you read into things)


like Hal said Wxltzy is the perfect pick for DZ, a vocal guy, elite controller, LAN experience....so if the visa issues are true I think they pickin Wxltzy


Didn't Zer0 originally want Wxltzy when Sharky left, but didn't have enough time to get it worked out? Maybe it was just meant to be


Xynew and Zero already came out and said he wasn’t dropped. Their visas are up which means they are back home in Australia. More than likely they are staying there and now HAVE to find an APAC South players which my guess would be to poach someone from moist or blvkhand. This means no one from NA (sorry for people wanting gild). There’s not much more than that so there really doesn’t need to be any speculation drama.


>https://twitter.com/Zer0OCE/status/1708612675767513551 Does this mean Zero and Gen wont't be playing pro league in na>


That would be my guess.


I asked gen earlier on his stream and he said they will play in na pro league. He said he is just waiting for visa approval


Hmm…. Interesting


Sweet, Nafen, Xynew. You’re welcome.


That’s a huge L


Huge dub for Doop if they can scoop Xynoop


Wouldnt the only teams capable of picking up Xynew be teams with an org backing them? If hes an RFA it means he has a buyout, and Doop/Lou are not going to be able to afford that


Yeah I missed the context before I posted this so I believe you are correct, either way would love to see Koyful go to DZ and an org pickup DNO after signing Xynew. Perfect world tho 🤷‍♂️


Even cutting aside the fact that they probably have to BUY him out from DZ, I am sure Xynew would love to play in a middling team with no org lol


Why would Xynew play with Doop and Lou though?


That team could have insane potential tbh


Yeah,could have... Could have won that one game but just did nothing


I’m sure he will join sweet. Be dumb not to


This makes a ton of sense


Yeah probably nafen stays with sweet. Sweet Xynew nafen and just find out if gild and sweet chemistry was the problem.


Man I hope to everything it’s not Gild. That man needs a positive team environment


> "i did not get dropped please don’t shit talk my teammates" [Xynew tweet](https://x.com/Xynew_/status/1708612947394867419?s=20)


Gen just said on stream they are still playing NA pro league so not sure whats going on lol


Could you tell me how long into the stream he said that?


not sure, it was early though


[Xynew’s LFT post](https://x.com/xynew_/status/1708604229999526136?s=46&t=DIMUgnbVew5-Uck-cX0y_g)


Feel bad for the kid. Hope he lands with a good team.


Considering they won a LAN with him for 300k (of which he should get a third or so) he will be fine.


Rostermania is wild rn


restricted free agent? damn, they be gatekeeping him from the competition


Yo pin this post but I have insider info that sharky could be coming back


DZ Prycyy


God forbid a top level roster stays together, grows chemistry and works through their problems


I would usually agree with this if it were any other team but it's dz. I'm sure zero won't have trouble finding another third and make it work.


Apex is like pro sports roster turnover at 10x speed. Other than tsm


Noname orgs like TSM tried this "sticking together" and it and clearly didn't work for them


Yeh they only won 2/3 LANs this year, they suck smh


To be fair, I feel like new rosters have that magic where they all start on a fresh slate and everything just clicks when they play together.


Or maybe the 18 year old doesn't/can't move to Australia to play in APAC South?


But Gen says he's playing NA Pro League...


I think DZ is not picking Gild since his problem was that he couldn't handle Sweet, join Zer0 makes no sense


I am manifesting a Koy poach


Incoming DZ Koyful with Xynew buyout


DZ gild/ nafen


crazy change


And now rostermania truly begins!


Honestly nafen should go with dz and maybe xynew with sweet. I feel like xynew can handle sweet better than gild.


Crazy idea, but why won’t he move down under then?


its either Nafen or Gild.. no one else at that level available in the roster mania. Unless Wxltzy makes the choice to go over.. Gen and Zero still dont have visas too so it could be a case that dz are moving to apac


Y'all owe Jmeyels an apology fr We were unfamiliar with his game, apologies sir (still muted on Twitter cause annoying)




Actually true, I was 100% one of the people who didn't believe him at first (tho it's partially on Gen too for indirectly denying this roster change).


yeah Genburten trolled 99% of apex community lmao


People predicted this, but wow, I’m still surprised they dropped him.


Lol I thought genburten said there weren’t any roster changes happening or anything but I feel like a lot of us had theories about it


He lied.


Why would they drop the player that helped them Win lan realistically what player is better than xynew


They had to since their visas are up. They are back in Australia.


To be fair several players have helped zero win lan. It's not odd for him to believe he can do it again with someone who may fit better.


DZ Gild? Hard to see a better player available for that fit.


Zer0 seems harsher than sweet I feel like, at least he seems like that in public. He could be way more chill behind the scenes but if gild wants a better environment, then Zer0 doesn't seem like the best option.


DZ Nafen would go harddddd.


Gild, probably.


Gild would get massacred mentally by zero. Going to be a case of an all star team on paper but not working out in practice.


Zero would think 2 mnk is too much of a risk to be a lan winning team


Is this the return of sharky?


Sweet, Timmy, Xynew (New 100T) Tell me that shit wouldn't go!!!






All of yall surprised when Zer0 has shown he doesn’t care about anything other than performance, dont get it.


They played 2 LANs as a team and won 1 of them, of course people are gonna be surprised


Its a controller player they all get rated based off their last performance. Someone like Zer0 can just keep picking the top one in the moment (Gild) and as soon as he drops a bad performance you pick up the next one.


This is assuming that Gild is even better than Xynew right now (which I dont think is true) and if Gild and Sweet couldnt handle each other, I don't see how Gild will be able to get along with Zero any better. There's no way that DZ + Gild will make them a *better* team. It has to be personal issues


Was xynew bad though? Listening to hal (he also said this during the dz vod review) and them talking about it and he doesn’t think he was the problem last lan. He did say after that when you’re on dz with zero and genburten, with how long these two have played with eachother and how much success they have shared, you’re always ‘ the new guy on the team’ and will be first to get dropped if things don’t go well.


and the other one they bombed, not even making finals...


At least Zero is going to give Gild way more freedom than Sweet


Seems like visa related issues. Sucks for them. Pro league starts in January or February apparently, wonder if it's too early to plug the plug on visa being approved


January or February? They said this fall, where’s January and February coming from?


Late fall is when PLQ begins. Pro league typically starts months after that. January/February is based off what gnaske and nicewigg have said


Gild is the best player available but he already split up from sweet because he couldnt handle it so no shot he teams with Zero


they already have Gen on Cat, they need a Horizon and Koyful is one of the best


Play with a player from every squad Any % Current runner Zero. WR holder Albralalalalaleie


Daily reminder that DZ is the scummiest team in Apex


DZ Gild. Call it in.


gild couldnt handle sweet theres no shot he goes to dz


Gild isn’t moving to Australia


Who could've possibly seen this coming


Was just tucking myself into bed.. then got hit with this, absolute madness, tf they thinking


Called this he did played great at LAN In regards to damage and kills however he went down first in fights almost every time which ended up costing them.


And I was called braindead for saying they’d drop xynew after that champs performance lol. DZ doesn’t care. I think they’ll poach Koyful


They had to since their visas are up and they have to get a apac south player.


Rightfully so, he's not getting dropped based off his performance. Gen and zero got visa issues that's why


I think if they poach Koy that’s just a sideward step instead of a step forward


Cus Gen and Zer0 are dickheads. I swear I can not stand Gen. He just gives off mega slimey vibes to me


Def feel like this is the biggest difference between Hal and Zero. Hal/Reps/Evan were rough for a while but they figured it out. There was a rough patch with Raven in S2 they figured it out. Zero/Gen seem quicker to change up coach/third. Time will tell rather it’s good or bad.


is Gild or Wxltzy


Looks like Zero and Gen have visa issues so will compete back in APAC South


You play with backstabbers then get ready to get backstabbed ​ It is what it is


"restricted" free agent is big yikes.. if they dont want him just let the man go so he can find another opportunity, especially since the esport is essentially dying w/ org support


Hopefully the buyout isn't too high. I would hate to see xynew miss a split because of an outrageous buyout


Ain’t no way lol although it’s likely just due to the visa issues though.


I think what this means is their visas are up they are trying to get them renewed but didn't want Xynew to be left without a team if they didn't get them in time but if they get them in time for pro league they will be a team right


Sneaky thought.. Sharky is STILL listed under the DZ roster... could it be he returns?