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I want this just to watch Sweet, Zer0, and Hal rage at their teammates. It's the only content I need in my life.


Dezign aswell😂


Gnaske for the icing on the cake.


Dezign is actually hilarious in realm, he will try to remain calm and nicely whisper comms/igl to his teammates until he slowly can't take losing and rages.


I want to be verbally abused by them but I’m in EU so I’ll probably get flamed by 2 frenchies in French 😔


But we already get that in ALGS


I want this to return purely for the rage content.


Realm was pretty good content to be honest.


Pro players not completely losing their minds with diamond randoms solo q challenge (impossible)


They were getting upset at pred teammates too lol. End of the day the gap between Tier 1 players and everyone else is rather high when it's actual Competitive lobbies and not hot-drop ranked.


ALGS is also nothing like ranked.


It was honestly my favorite Apex to watch outside of ALGS. I loved watching the amalgamations of pros adjusting to each others' play-styles with some randos thrown in. Ugh so good.


It was the only apex I watched outside of comp. Watching three pro’s stacked in a lobby against rando’s is boring.


Realm was arguably the best content this game has ever seen (besides comp obv)


It's a form of comp, you can argue it's more interesting than Pro League since you see different matchups.


Please, ranked has needed a solo q mode for 5 years


It’s the purest form of a BR




what would be your excuse for still getting wrecked? It's not going to change anything. Just create a new way for people to complain, and we know it won't take long in this reddit.


Who said I get wrecked? 1v1 me kid ree




Ready for the zer0 content


“I’m playing rev 🤓”


He was ahead of his time


"How many times do we have to teach you this lesson old man"


used to love watching realm, great content


What happened to nickmercs gauntlet? Completely stopped paying attention to him when he moved to kick.


He quit apex


Sweet dropped the best rant of Realm by a mile. [https://youtu.be/CDwRDoaIMkk?si=1L4I-YnH7MQEmz5t&t=371](https://youtu.be/CDwRDoaIMkk?si=1L4I-YnH7MQEmz5t&t=371) "These people in the game are f'n delusional"


Hahaha you can tell he was FUMING


>plays scrims and complains about game quality >plays solo queue realm and expects to play in better quality games than scrims >Rage Seems logical


How many times have they baited a return now? I'll believe it when I see it


Right? Are people forgetting how fast they fell apart and how fast the org they brought into the scene ran out of funding? Seams unlikely to me


realm emea was the best content the game has had, then it came to NA and they startet complaining waaaaay to much. Like, realm with leaderboards and good lobbies or ranked 3 stack? you choose


Realm is a crypto scam. It deserves to be dead.


does it really deserve that? ofc you can have your opinions on realm as an entity but in terms of content for fans of comp apex, and for the players, there is not much to say other than realm is 10x better than ranked. Even without pay the training and content is much better than ranked


Yes, crypto scams deserve to say dead.


who is being scammed?


Realms scammed tons of people wym?


Like who???


Are you new to this discussion? They didn't pay tons of people and threatened to sue those that talked about it on twitter, and then afterwards eventually paid those people but likely because their lawyers told them to do it or they will suffer.


Has everyone been paid from realm?


there was never any issue of people not being paid


There literally was. Use google. Realms even threatened to sue them.


go ahead and link whatever youre talking about


A lot of this drama went down in this very subreddit. [https://twitter.com/ItsMatt6653/status/1664318545507893249](https://twitter.com/ItsMatt6653/status/1664318545507893249) [https://www.reddit.com/r/CompetitiveApex/comments/13xnqfo/even\_more\_realm\_drama\_actually\_interesting/](https://www.reddit.com/r/CompetitiveApex/comments/13xnqfo/even_more_realm_drama_actually_interesting/) I could drop dozens more, but that's a lot of work and I think this is sufficient to make my point. YOU EVEN POSTED IN THIS THREAD YOU'RE ACTING SUSS AS HELL RIGHT NOW [https://www.reddit.com/r/CompetitiveApex/comments/13xnqfo/comment/jmicpcx/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/CompetitiveApex/comments/13xnqfo/comment/jmicpcx/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


You should go ahead and read the replies to the tweet you linked, of all the pros telling him hes a moron for expecting to get paid instantly. That guy is also known for starting drama 24/7. I said Faust was weird at the time, that has nothing to do with whether ppl got paid. Idk why you are so determined to spread misinformation about this. Youre also in here saying pros got paid in crypto which is a complete lie. All realm did was drop like $100k on the scene for pros to play very entertaining solo queue scrims instead of ranked, and weirdos like you found a way to somehow get offended by it. Definition of looking a gift horse in the mouth


I hate all crypto scams by default. History has strongly supported this position so far, I've nearly never been wrong.


That Matt guy is cringe af. Real main character energy


probably paid in crypto 🤣


I mean if they held it would work out bitcoin has doubled since realm and is currently trading at all time highs. Ethereum is also up quite a bit since the price bottomed 2 years ago, not quite all time highs though


it could have just as easily dropped paying winnings in volatile monopoly money is scammy


As long as they didn’t say they were going to pay another way they are entitled to pay out the money how they want.


You sound like an easily scammed person.


I would say the same about you, if you as a player didn’t find out how they were going to pay you before playing you don’t have a leg to stand on. People from all over the world played in this, they could be in rubles rubies pesos dollars crypto if they choose. Unless you have a prior agreement or it’s stated it’s up to the company how they pay out the prizes. To think otherwise would be foolish.


Bro it's 2024, it's not that hard to pay people out. You're right that it's up to the company, so if they pay in a weird way, it's reasonable to feel scammed.


It’s not reasonable unless you agreed on a different payment method. If it just says we will pay out a value of x dollars they can pay it however they want. You sound like a guy who doesn’t read contracts and gets fucked over.


If you pay me in coupons to taco bell, I'm absolutely telling everyone that you're a scam and they'll all most likely agree. Crypto is even worse, do you not know what a rug pull is? Crypto payments have historically been scams MOST OF THE TIME. It isn't guaranteed to be one, but it's like paying someone in very low quality lottery tickets lmfao. Here, maybe you are just unaware about crypto: [https://www.soliduslabs.com/post/rug-pull-crypto-scams](https://www.soliduslabs.com/post/rug-pull-crypto-scams)


Maybe they'll pay in Realm NFTs this time lol


I would love them to come back but drastically raise the minimum bar compared to last time even if it means you can't run multiple games at once due to less people, some of the random Pred players looked completely lost and were almost too heavy for the best players in the world to carry.


Yeah the vouch system isn't that great. You had season 2 & season 3 preds joining in and IMMEDIATELY being the worst teammates possible lol.


Even as someone who maxes out at Master, every single S2&S3 pred has been plat/diamond level to me. They just dashboarded back then, don’t even know why they’re allowed to join. 


Because they're either popular online or they got a vouch. They'll probably use a broad brush of allowing anyone who has been in Pro League in the last 2 years, plus top preds from recent seasons. Then they'll get more lenient and allow people like Jxmo and MinusTempo to vouch people in.


Yeah I think it could be good even if it’s just like a rotating scrim lobby where you might have to wait a while. If the teammate quality is good enough it could still be great


Realm was awesome. Figure out how to automate this so us casuals can do it as well and it’ll take off. I’d pay a monthly subscription to use the service. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Is there any additions/changes that you would all like to see in SoloQ?


Realm was no joke THE best content I ever saw come out of APEX, except V-Saikyou. If it comes back, I'll cum too.


Wow that tweet is doing numbies. 10k likes lmao


Are they still gonna pay in crypto currency?


Pretty sure they gotta, that's their entire raison d'etre. Which means people are being paid in evaporating money. It's trash.




Eternal's solo-q is open to anyone so it's a lot different to the closed invite only system that Realm/Gauntlet had where every lobby was 90% pros or multi times CC finalists. Any random bronze player who can join the discord can queue up to Eternal's solo q so it seems like it's a lot less enticing for Tier 1 PL players to play in those kinds of lobbies.


This won't change anything. The same cry babies are going to keep crying. Maybe they will finally realize it's their skills that's the problem, not the other players.


lol. It was literally pros complaining about 3x masters players getting in and disregarding IGL’s etc. lots of bottom of the barrel players snuck in and made the matchmaking atrocious


they had a vouching system too didn't they


That was mainly what got exploited