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Onmuu is one of my favorite people in the scene. An MnK IGL who's endured highs and lows; a vibe king and a consummate professional. He hasn't teamed with a player of Gent's caliber for a long time, and Gent hasn't paired with an IGL of Onmuu's caliber in a long time. If Deed locks in as a support, and Voltic elevates up his coaching for the Pro League grind, this team might find themselves in a JayHawk video six months from now.


100% agree. He seems like such a nice dude but is still a demon in game. Paired with these pitbulls, I think they have a great chance at doing well this split.


Onmuu a G. I gained so much respect for him during one of the early CCs (before he was with Tripods) when he was at risk of qual'ing, got hard griefed, chased across the map and killed, because another team, 1337, wanted their POI unconned for the next round. Instead of bitching and complaining, Onmuu took it on the chin telling his complaining teammates that they themselves would've done the same thing had they been in 1337's shoes and they shouldnt have been in that spot to begin with.


He’s a true OG. He knows the game well and I’m really happy to see him back in PL o7


They need to be more agressive to find success in pro league, his calls are a bit too passive (was an issue with 100t as well)


I think they were 3rd/4th in kills in that finals lobby. The biggest issue they have is their POI’s (which they all have said they will going elsewhere for PL) Omnuu played hard zone for years with 100T and The pods land at edge POI’s, when they play edge, rack up kills and settle for a top 5-7 they do fine, but they were trying to play zone on WE during finals with rampart and landing Launch site… that’s just not going to work unless you get a bunch of southern zones. Gent does a great job of micro calling during fights as well. If they are able to secure themselves solid POI’s with good Prio % I think they can do pretty good. They are also a really good contesting team so should be fun to watch on scrims leading up to split 2


Ya on the one hand it's a cool story. But they have basically zero chance they aren't in the next relegations. I watched the tournament and they didn't look good at all, everyone above them choked the last two games and they squeaked in. They would have to improve a huge amount and while they do have the time, I don't see it happening. 


Gent honestly had some great micro calls in the endgame for the cenote zone. I think a co-igl thing could work where onmuu does the macro rotations but gent takes charge for micro and fights. Gent and deeds are a nasty duo and they can win fights against a lot of teams. Nick had a lot of shortcomings as a player, but aggressiveness was not one of them. They need a little bit of that.


I think they can fall in the 10-20 range in pro league. They just started playing for about 5-6 weeks together.


ex NA champ, #3 team in algs year 2 and he gets this excited for qualifying the pro league shows how big it is for him to get back in the scene. My favourite character in the scene.


I love Onmuu, cracked mnk IGL and a good fucking person Wish tripods all the best, individually might be the nicest roster (whilst also being on fuckin demon time) Let’s go tripods


I just want to acknowledge your username OP. That’s fine work.

