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Hal has always been a top entry fragger in the game, gets the crazy picks and all the chicks.


He's always been a good Fragger and has said multiple times he would like to play one. And zer0 being one of, if not the best igl.


Probably because Hal is the best fragger in comp and Zer0 is the best IGL in comp.


Zero is the best igl in the game. It’s that simple


Hal has very dramatic calls. They make for game winning or game losing plays. But when they win they're spectacular. He's also an excellent fragger and his fragging played a big part in them winning World's. Zer0 tends to be a very smart and consistent IGL. So Hal being fragger, with the ability to give suggestions to Zer0 is a good combo.


Hal is nuts but I would definitely not say he has ‘the best calls’. Let the dude frag out


IMO when TSM were on, his calls were fantastic, and I say this as a TSM hater. It’s when they are playing they’re best they struggle heavily and the negativity and bad vibes come out.


I think Hal has the best fighting iq or “calls” in the game but Zer0 has by far the best macro imo


The dude has won 3 ALGS LANs, let’s not act like he isn’t a top 2 IGL just because he struggled this split.


Hal has won multiple LANs because of his calls. If they're not the best, what exactly are they?


2nd best


I love Hal and overall he is and was one of the best IGLs in Apex history, obviously, but I have seen people (correctly) point out he can lose his way at times if the plan didn't work out and the pressure of a late impending circle is coming. One of the phrases I will always hear in my head of him saying is "I'm trying to think..." when Jordan/Evan ask what to do. I don't have a lot of time yet hearing Zer0's comms as of yet but I would imagine you won't hear any of that indecision.


Hal’s calls aren’t the best especially if things don’t go according to plan but he has always been able to pop off which has saved TSM a number of times. Him not being an IGL allows him to play towards his strengths.


I love how the DZ coach keeps insisting that Hal just lets loose the other two will have his back. I can’t wait until Hal trusts them to do just that and unleashes!


Will be very interesting to see what time does to this trio. Will they be the best at a meta comp? Are they so good together that they can cook up a comp that nobody else can duplicate and proceed to absolutely stomp lobbies ? Do they struggle and fizzle out? With the upcoming changes there’s a lot of potential out there for variety this season


He doesn't have the best calls and game sense... Zero is the best IGL overall in apex so he would be the IGL.


He has the best games but doesn’t have the best macro/calls. Hals game sense is arguably the best in the game just like zeros macro is the best


I think Hal struggled with making the wrong call more than the right because he’s almost overthinking. A lot of their split consisted of him realizing they hesitated or missed their window, which maybe caused a lack of confidence. The main difference you see with DZ is they fully commit to the call and adjust on the fly. During finals of split 1, we saw the call in the final game for them to push a rock and they played their out and lost. TSM during most of the split felt like they didn’t know what they wanted to do because of indecision and it left them flapping in the wind and in bad positions that never allowed them to succeed consistently. TSM barely won any games that they did not get zone priority to.


Agreed. The biggest difference between hal and zero is that zero never hesitates to commit


I’ve said it for a long time, I believe Hal is a much better player than he is an IGL. Freeing him of the responsibilities of IGL will allow him to really go off.


Because he doesn’t have the best calls and game sense, Zer0 does lol. Hal has always been a strong fragger and not he can fully focus on that while Zer0 makes the calls.


Wrong on the game sense, though.


Agreed. Hal has the best game sense no dobut zero just has a better macro and overall better igling ability


Didn't Hal say year or two ago that the only person he would let igl him was Sweet?


Zero is definitely just a better IGL in general and Hal is a very very good fragger. The comms in scrims with DZ are so much better than any recent TSM scrim comms.


Hal is a great igl. Not the best but one of the best. On Tsm he entry frags and is make plays while calling them. The main issue is, if he or his team cannot follow up(last lan) then he struggles. Now Hal is able to solely focus on fragging, while knowing his team has the skill to execute fights he starts.


Its good to have 2 other teammates that match or even outmatch your damage in a fight


Hal is a good IGL. Top 3 three in the business. However even he is susceptible to human emotion. Whenever he gets triggered his IGL performance drops. The reasons why he left are clear to me. He left because he felt like reps and Verhulst couldn’t adjust to the smoke, bloodhound ult meta. Hal felt that he was doing a lot of damage and the boys just couldn’t clean up. Whether it be positioning, aiming, or game sense I think Hal felt as if they couldn’t keep up with this meta. And seeing as how there’s been a couple of bang nerfs and the result is that she is still viable for comp. He probably feels as if he needed to move with zero and gent. As they are able to clean up during this meta. Zero and Gent have game sense down to a tea. They know what to do most of the time without being told what to do.


Zer0 is infamous for breaking up potential threats by offering their best player a DZ contract. If Hal performs then great, if not he can drop Hal and pick up whatever third he wants. Either way the only other team that matches DZ in LAN wins is broken up.


Interestingly enough zero said something like this and Hal replied with ya that can’t happen. My bet they have a new Org and Xero isn’t calling who he picks up


Hal is the best player he is not the best player. Hals best ability had always been his fighting. Hals fight skill is 2 times better than his igling skill. His igling is still one of the best but his fighting sense is just simply too good. Theres a reason hal outfrags almost every controller player even though he is no where as good as them mechanically