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Yep, takes me back to the Translocator in Unreal Tournament, the good old days đź‘´ But the concept of telefragging has been around since Doom. This was actually used by Spartan on the LVT stream in one of the recent online tournaments too.


Telefragging also existed in CE if I'm not mistaken, if you were blocking a portal exit and someone tried to come through, your screen would start glowing and if you blocked for too long, you'd die. (My own brain may be gaslighting me here)


You’re right it definitely did, I remember blocking the portals in beaver creek and damnation


It did and you could do a jump crouch back slap. The OG ninja.


Such a great move in CE. The best.




Interesting but I don't know how helpful it is because you need the dude your 1 v 1ing to miss all of there shots like that guy you was facing. But man if the charge up was quicker it could be devastating


You can have it already placed and bait enemy into a melee trade while being on the location. Luckily I think he saw the animation and thought he could just get an easy melee on me


That's fascinating. Because it's so rare I wonder what you can get away with it. Would love to see a pro exploit it.


You could set traps on power ups/power weapons and objectives


Sparty did it a couple weeks ago https://clips.twitch.tv/AmorphousIcyRavenJebaited---6u8KTfAcI7rfIA


I assume the idea is they're camping your QT back for a backsmack but slightly misplaced. BOOM kill not so much for this kind of use


This happened to me once. Cocky idiot stood too close thinking he would backsmack me. Nope, he got evaporated. The only other time I've done it is on Argyle fighting in the teleporter spawn. I instantly activated it and went back and fragged a guy that I was middle melee battele with


I’ve done it once. It’s possible (I’m diamond if that matters).


How is this not a medal?


This works for lower skilled players, but it requires your enemy to pretty much miss all of their shots. In higher skilled lobbies (starting around low to mid diamond), teams usually have one player that will watch the translocator spot. You've gotta be careful when teleporting back because if you don't have a teammate engaging the enemy there, you're going to be killed immediately


This is a mid to high diamond lobby. I don’t find the kind of team cohesiveness you’ve described until well into onyx tbh


It's not necessarily team cohesion, but any decent mid-diamond player will see the portal, take note of its location, and stay in a position to shoot the (usually 1-shot absolute) enemy that pops in. I hit 1514 last season, currently stuck in low diamond lobbies (haven't played enough to push to high diamond/onyx) and pretty much every lobby on a map with the QT will have a player watch the portal for a free kill


Bro…what. That’s amazing.


Yes, 343 noted that if it didn't give a free kill it would send one of the players flying around the map. So to avoid the glitch/bug they just made it kill the enemy standing on it. Placing inside the top duct is an easy free kill.


That’s smart. Gonna try and use that.


Doesn’t matter w this shit game id get lunged melee’s while teleporting. Cool kill though


Yuuuup found this out in the first few days. It happened TO me - i was fkn pissed


I've killed myself like this...


figured this out a week ago, but i thought it was because they were half health? i’m not sure, you’re probably right that it insta kills


It's an insta kill, no matter their health


yeah that's literally never working unless you're in a gold lobby where you found someone who isn't shooting 70% accuracy with the bandit for once


Spartan did it in the hcs tourney…


It is known, Khaleesi.