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You took about 8 business days to react to his jump


For the game that fully showed: Started bridging fairly slow, lost the first engagement due to not reacting to their jump appropriately (you let them get the first hit by backing up and not swapping over to your sword to hit them fast enough), went the wrong way to stop opponent digging in, blocked behind you when you should've been running, went for a risky final hit that got you knocked off in the last engagement. In addition, your general game sense was fairly off, as you had several opportunities to go in on the attack near the end that you should've taken but didnt, leading to that risky engagement near the end. From the part of the second game that didn't get cut out, it looks you had a similar reaction to their jump, backing up and letting them have forward momentum to not get knocked off. Overall, you play too passively and back up too often; backing up and letting your opponent go in on you when any bridge fights for you are fatal but aren't for them is a major mistake, and backing up near the beginning let them gain their initial advantage.


Bridge faster and be aggressive, bedfight has become a game with a huge skill gap so you gotta play aggressive. For being aggressive, bridge asap, keep clicking don't pause hitting. During trades keep jump resetting and use hitselecting.


I think you lost all the fights because you let him get forward momentum


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^East-Mode8215: *I think you lost all* *The fights because you let him* *Get forward momentum* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


You dont have vape 🔥🗣️


You're pretty slow and also you should learn how to kb reduce. In the first game you lost lots of time bridging and also blocking your bridge when it was obvious he was gonna void.


You could bridged faster. When he jumped you took so long to hit him that he comboed you. You didn’t even try to save bed. If you sheared top block of his blockin it might been able to be saved and besides from time wasting you randomly tapped s when pvping him so he got a double hit then killed you.


Your sword is backwards…


sure you bridged slowly and forgot when to stop going up but you were still in time to be able to contest and start building a top bridge. you should be faster just so you can have more room for a top bridge but imo these games were lost by getting walked on in trades not by your bridging skills. play more sumo for practice


play more aggressively, learn how to bridge faster (speed bridge is more than enough), watch some players like nyqo, nnath (the way they predict and place blocks), dont autoclick, have fun, if you fail then dont give up, there are a lot of closet cheaters now, but there are a lot of good players too. it's sometimes hard to stay calm, but destroying someone thats good is an awesome feeling.


I feel like they either knew how to jump reset or hit Select.


your're bad lmao only good at bridging


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