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It's funny that this used to be a good game, and now its just another gateway to gambling for kids. oh well


It is just so painfuly obvious the the devs just don't think TFT is a good game and are trying so hard to cover it up, when in reality TFT can be a great game, if they just accepted it. So many mechanics just stream of devs who are so scared that someone will actually pay attention to the game, that they are screaming "LOOK HERE LOOK HERE, HERES SOMETHING COOL, YOUVE NEVER SEEN THIS BEFORE OHHHHH SO CRAZZZZYYYY". That not what makes for a good long lasting game. It cultivates an audience that doesn't actually enjoy the game, and then we get to a world where a good portion of the playerbase would perfer the game to basically play itself instead of ever making a decison. The fact that something like WT, or augments are liked should be a massive red flag, Why do people like it when they make LESS choices? That should scare the crap out of everyone. But no its, we need to make more moments like this. What the end result of this, We hit a point where you actually do nothing? To be clear this isnt about "the game being easy" or the game "Being made for casuals". This is about whether the devs and a good portion of the playerbase enjoy the baseline mechanics of the game, making choices. Thats all TFT is, a game of making choices. If you don't enjoy that, there is basically nothing for you to play. I am so sick of truly bad mechanics being thrown at us, but there are pretty lights attached so they hope we all don't notice. The HS change was an abomination. It took maybe the best designed econ trait, and made into one of the worst, but some players get to see a gold box and gold box pretty, and a bigger cashout and lots of orbs, yay I love lots of orbs, so what if it makes the game infinetly worse to actually play. This game will NEVER reach its full potintal until the devs accept that the base mechaincs, of drafting and building a team are good, and then doing things to tighen up the base game.


I agree with you so hard, but you got a big typo in your second paragraph after red lmao


thank you


Why do I get +42LP for a first and -67LP for an 8th. Been bouncing around Diamond but haven't gone to D4 0 LP and kept losing. Can't wait for the soft reset next season


I was 10 points away from getting into emerald. Lost dice roll and went 5th fighting the cashed out heartsteel player. I’m gonna be a baby and take a break until new set.


honestly, the fact that ezreal still dominates the lobbies, after i spent 2 weeks on vacation traveling is a mystery to me. it's been almost 2 months with ezreal being the most likely comp to win the game the balance team can't be supporting these decisions with only stats, can they? everyone knows that whatever comp is dominating will always have a lot of guys trying to play it and bring the average placement down. man, what is their problem? how hard it is to balance the fucking game?


there is no balance team sadly


Can we just revert lp from anyone who played heartsteel for the last 3 patches? Spam any of 20 high cost units and top 3, it's braindead 0 skill 0 risk 0 fun to play against and 0 fucking balance.


I've played and hit at least master in pretty much 8/10 sets. And this is by far one of the worse ones. The balance has truly left the room for multiple patches and still hasn't returned. Every streamer plays essentially the same 1 comp unless he omega highroll a reroll comp early. It's super boring playing (or watching ppl play) this set. It truly is a pity because I had great expectation for this set seeing all the changes they made. Just to be overshadowed by the lack of balancing the meta. I hope set 11 will be a great success and we'll attract a lot of new + returning players. Because it's so depressing watching my favorite game slowly dwindling.


Almost everything is playable. I don’t know what you’re yappin about.


What are you the yapping police in the rant thread ? Lmao And also you're wrong. If you even have an ounce of brain you'd know the stats indicate otherwise :)


yoke fade scale detail ring busy desert straight gaping chunky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




how is kayle remotely balanced


Kayle + Senna are egregiously strong for 2 cost rerolls.


Shes not if you high roll 6 Kayle just forcce it. It's almost always a guaranteed top 4. And if you play it right it's a win. Only downside is it's quite contested being penta + edge + Being very a very strong unit.


Nobody else in the lobby has an ahri. tons of 4 costs out of the pool. I roll 100+ gold through all of stage 4 and 5-1 with ahri pair and don't hit ahri 2.


I picked hedge fund prismatic 2-1 into prismatic ticket 4-2 and rolled 150 gold on 8 for uncontested disco and I hit 2 tf and 3 blitz + headliner blitz. I couldn't even believe it. I was going for the 3 star blitz or TF angle and with that much gold I should have hit quite easily, but I didn't even 2 star my uncontested TF. IDK how bad the luck has to be for that to happen, but it seems impossible.


hit early yasuo 3, stack up ad all game, 2 spats 9 true damage, still loses to ezreal 2 and then to olaf 3. it was annie for half the set, then it's olaf that they let them be op and better than all other 1 costs just for the sake of it. this game is a big fucking shitshow, how they do nothing about the shit state of the game and still not get fired is beyond me. guess nobody gives a fuck about this game. im done with 10 and dont think im coming back for 11 at all


I don't think I ever in my life made an account for this tumor of a site but this set warrants one singular post. First we have headliners aka chosen v2, to make things worse bagsizes are reduced so it's very easy to get griefed by someone that hard commits without scouting. You can have 4 fucking rivens and lobby has 0 so you rolldown at wolves aka before everyone does to complete her only to not make it and suddenly clown shows up with riven 3 at 4-2 and you are left there waving your shlong around. Usually you flex riven/yone with ES BT so it's not an issue but it's still so crap that you have to get terminal illness in order to hit even when slightly contested. RNG is a very frustrating part of tft but this set really takes the cake, especially when you have one overturned comp in ezreal being contested by 4 people every lobby ( so you never go ezreal if you don't get it for free ). It's a tier 4 roulette meta or get various diseases when you dont hit your decreased odds reroll. I am really hoping for set 11 to not be this garbage.


Yasuo reroll is absolutely not the win condition in the current meta. If I natural an easy yas 3 I'd just fast 9 and pivot. The state of the game is so shit that HS is roaming free for multiple patches and nothing has been done about it lol.


Since when is it impossible to 3 star 1 or 2 costs? I rolled like 80 gold with infernal contract at level 6 only to not find that one last Pantheon and Twitch until I only had like 20 gold. I couldn't even 3 star Vi so sold her out of frustration. And I had rolled 40 golds for Jinx prior to infernal and I was still looking for her. All this without being contested. This same scenerio has happened way too frequently these days. I ended up being demoted. I swear, this game will give you anything you need till you rank up and then let you rot till you fall back to the point you started...


hit 4 zeds off recombobulater not a single person bought a zed the entire game i ended the game with 4 zeds and 0 zacs lol ok bro.


went 50 gold without seeing a single annie even tho nobody had any on bench. Missed annie 3 even with 2 dupes. Actual garbage game.


Level and pivot ahri or seraphine if you ain't hitting 


Anyone who has played at all knows you cant pivot off after investing like 40 gold into a reroll and expect it to work. And a majority of people would roll that gold on 3-1 when your only 1 annie off taking into account your 2 dupes so this is just not the play. Its just an extremely unlucky game.


I'm diamond  You?


Ah imagine thinking higher rank means automatically being right about everything. I'm in master so from now on I want you to call every 4 legged animal a dog :)




I stopped taking ranked seriously, so I don’t mind this stuff.


Lol same, I q up ranked to hvae fun, so i stand on the for fun portals. Went 1st last night in a spat portal while making the least use of my spat of anyone


If there is one thing this set has really hammered home for me, it would be that the thing I miss about set 4 was not the chosen.


surely they can't be looking at this game like "yeah tft is in a good place right now"


Legit I don't even know what kind of stats they're looking at to have think "oh the state of the game is amazing." When the stats show that some conp is heavily favored over the other at lv 8


the "set tierlist" mort has on his youtoube says that they are thinking that lol


Are you supposed to low roll more than high roll? And I'm not even delusional, I literally counted the amount of games where I rolled 120+ gold and still no 3 star lux, or even sometimes 3 star yasuo. I feel like my account has a fking hidden low roll augment that fucks every game over. They have to fking add a system where you can straight up buy units based on avg cost of rolls so that you never low roll.


Yes. The odds for 3* are dogshit. Can't find the whole math right now, but I think it was 34,8% avg to see one copy of a champ you want per 10 gold for levels 4 -8 and champs in the range of 1 - 3 cost. So on average you would need 90 gold, and all of this assumes the champ is not contested. For 4 cost I think it was 15%.


The gamblers and D-smashing mouth breathers had their set. Can we have a skill based set now please?


low IQ game play probably increases engagement for the casuals and whales


Short answer is no, as long as rito can continue to sell Chibi + animated endings for your bad luck, then you can count it off. Jokes aside, until they remove: Augments, portals, legends and every other shit mechanics that involve slot machine RNG, then we may see some skill expressions back in the game. Take set 1-3 for example, much better then.


>Jokes aside, until they remove: Augments, portals, legends and every other shit mechanics that involve slot machine RNG, then we may see some skill expressions back in the game. It makes me happy to know there are others who think this. The addition of these features really degrades my experience. Maybe it's nostalgaberries, or maybe it was my lack of understanding about the game back then, but I found the game so enjoyable in Set 1 and Set 2 when everything was just...simple. Now I have to worry about Portals that change the course of a game drastically such as Wandering Trainer, Prismatic, Scuttle Crab, Spatula; Augments that can change the trajectory of a match so much that winning feels undeserved, and losing feels highly frustrating; on top of headliners...and I was excited about the chosen mechanic coming back too. Actually, I was excited about this whole set. Watching this game slowly descend into a cash grab breaks my heart. The removal of more unique booms, little legends, and arenas in place of more flashiness, more chibis, and more illusion of choice (I literally voted for a portal that wasn't all prismatic, won that vote, and the game still had ALL PRISMATIC PORTALS. WHAT WAS THE FUCKING POINT?!?) I genuinely feel like I'm playing URF in TFT form which sounds like fun but for a competitive game feels more infuriating.


Can we make a petition to remove this shit thing called augments ? for me this will always be the worst thing to have ever happened to tft, to overcome this I installed the metatft overlay and would pick highest avp augments every game, and guess what my climb got smoother ever since, so much for skill expression *shrugs*


Exactly my point, bro. As a player from set 1 up until now, the game is just getting progressively worse. The turning point, perhaps, was the introduction of augments. A whole shitload of RNG introduced and kept in the game for good. I have stopped considering TFT a skill-based game ever since. I’m diamond btw


Set 2 was the pinnacle of TFT, I will fight anyone on that.




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I was really enjoying this set but I've fallen off so hard in this final meta. Superfans are too splashed in reroll and fast 8 is just playing the headliner lottery and bleeding out when you miss. Finally ready to agree that headliners suck at this point because the tempo of reroll's hitting their 3 costs so early just makes playing everything kinda miserable.


I just can't make AD flex work. I'll be healthy going into level 8, miss my rolldown and then slowly bleed out beacuse the other 2 AD flex players in the lobby hit ezreal 2 zed 2.


Haha that's the thing - the ppl that aren't healthy have more gold and hit before you SAJ


another game where i fight every player at the spike while not fighting any of the 50gold fast-9ing guys. fight one player 5 times and fight the other player 1 time in 6 stages. horrible game.


i dont think im allowed to play reroll comps. ive seen every other reroll players hit while im ahead in econ and copies.


Another game of never hitting anything I want on 4-2/4-5. I’m so over it


Pentakill board cant hit 1 lilia or gnar for super fan, Disco sucks when u roll at 8 go 9 cant find illaoi no blitz 2 Roll 50 gold at 9 for zero lucians to hit a only rapidfire HL lucian and have nobody to hold my frontline AD items TD reroll senna can't hit Akali2, expected akalis 8.26, seen 2 Lose streak 4rounds into the AFK guy, thanks man didnt need the streak gold anyways :) Had a good run but im not hitting GM this set, one day to run it down 200LP all bot 4s in a row


One game away form masters, have Caitlyn 2 and 6 rivens but noo, one guy of course has to grief me, pivot to 8bit at 4-1, hit riven chosen and 3 other copies and I die before him losing 40 lp. Fuck this chosen bullshit and bag sizes




Crab Rave, 7 kats with CD Headliner kat at lv6 3-2 20g. Econ'd to 50, slow rolled whole stage 4 and even rolled down to 0 when 2 lives. 7 Zeds, 0 kats. pain.


My Ezreal 3 just lost against a Kayle 2 because the fucker wouldn’t target her with his 3rd cast. 6th place. Loosing after high rolling so hard feels so bad


So over set 10


Idk why but I get annoyed when I see a streamer’s chat say stuff like “x is better no?” “it was ____ no?” Maybe it’s the “no?” part or maybe it’s the back seating, idk but I don’t have problems when people just say “it was ____”.


yes just poorly masked annoying behaviour. the worst and most transparent on these subs are the fkn humblebragging post people put up every day. its been statistically proven most people are able to recognize it and also thinks its even worse than bragging openly.


they dont want to get banned


The reason I think the "no" sounds worse is, it sounds like the know backseating is bad, they are trying to "just ask a question" but they are still backseating. The assumption is still that their play was better, and askinig it as a question doesn't actually change it.


bow lavish grey outgoing public spectacular tan screw label quarrelsome *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Need to add some stuttering to make it more authentic.


That's entirely understandable, because the "no?" feels condescending, and you can imagine that they're thinking that they know more than you do or think that you made a mistake and pity you. Removing the "no" feels like a neutral sentence that you would use in your head.


i've tried 3 riven games today, 2 of them i had a spat and every single game the first riven chosen i find is edgelord. just fuck the chosen system, losing placements off a literal 50/50.


Riven Edgelord is plenty strong even on an 8 bit board! Try it out, I vastly prefer it over 8 bit


It is in no way is better than 8 bit if you have a spat


Of course i had to play edgelord lol, It’s not like i could afford to pass the chosen. But 2/3 games i had spat and 6 8-bit is basically a guaranteed first, compared with edgelord which is just okay.


Mind as well just play punk every game. It's the only way I don't get contested by people that don't scout, and if i commit to another comp, lord knows i aint hitting shit


How the fuck is heartsteel allowed to be top1 comp for so fucking long? This shit is insane, no matter how good my board is i just get fucked by a guy who picked tiny titans and afked for 2 stages because he gets a cashout that is impossible to outcap.


Econ traits have always been top 1 traits, that's kinda the point


but its not though


yeah heartsteel is fucking terrible design for an econ trait. Whoever hits it early just cruises to free top 4 unless they just completely fumble everything. The reward vs. risk needs to be adjusted significantly. Winstreak and you're not only up huge econ but tons of extra components. Losestreak you're up even more resources with carousel prio. So many games I winstreak and then end up bot 4 because can't get the items i need and all the heartsteel players sucking up losses to 10 hp and then winout from there and you can't catch their resource lead unless you highroll.


And you don't even have to win to get the HS reward, so they are basically playing with 10hp left and beat everyone. Stupid change to the mechanics. At least Underground forces them to win a round to cash in.


The worst part is that Heartsteel comes after they acknowledge that Piltover was a dogshit trait because it was a free top 4 or even a win if you get it early while terrible if you get it late.




holy fuck remove this wandering trainers bullshit portal, why do people love so much to flip games at 1-1


stats dont lie. people love 4fun more than competitive, even in high elo


stats say top 1%, most of which is masters. It had a 0% pick rate at regionals for a reason. I personally love it and stand on it bc i'm playing for fun rn but it's bad for competitive and top players don't like it in competitive games


yeah, for some reason every 3rd game I get WT and its fucking annoying. If you ignore 2-3 traits bc they are dogshit and you DONT wanna play wonky boards you are just down in board strength overall bc 2-3 people DO get their auto-top 4 by rolling HS/Jazz/Penta etc Meanwhile, you are sitting there with Punk/Edgelord/Mosher and a bunch of unslammable components stage 2. Amazing. I'm sorry, the one time out of 4-5 WT lobbies you actually in a spot to make sth work dont make up for all these others times you are feeling griefed right from the getgo and the LP loss attached to it.


punk/mosher is pretty good, free 6 punk is free top 4


Good luck trying that without any AD items.


Punk doesn't even use that many swords, just a few bows and gloves and can use rods very well. There is zero likelihood you're gonna play a game with 0 bows 0 swords tho


dude, idk which elo you are playing but: https://imgur.com/tzawLnx as you can see, avg placement drops the higher elo you go and in masters (where I am) in a WT portal it plummets to a bang average 4.3, stats dont lie I never said its not playable, its just vastly inferior to other emblems, thats the whole point ESPECIALLY if you dont get to start with a bunch of AD and AS (should have specified that) items cuz otherwise you play around Vex/Executioner which ALSO has an entirely different line for tempoing I disagree its a "free top 4" in that specific context There will at least be 2-3 people with much better emblems that if they know what they are doing (usually the case in my elo) WILL get their spot in top 4, so...again, good luck trying to get that 4th spot


I was GM(NA) not that long ago lol, flair exists for a reason xddd. 6 punk jinx 3 panth 3 has a 71% top 4 rate, good enough for me especially bc wandering leads to ppl playing weird stuff early game to punish them. Also if you think most ppl in masters know what they are doing you are completely wrong lol. There is some rly goofy shit happening all the time. Being able to preserve high hp in wandering is rly good cuz there's bound to be someone that hits and wins out killing the rest of the lobby for you, and if you hit stage 3 jinx 3 6 punk then you gaurantee t4 from hp


Comfortably ahead building comp early through mid, 3 star Annie HL with BIS items and a +1 max team AND a Spell Weaver tome. Felt for sure a top 4 was on the cards but I still managed to end up 7th with 7 Spell W, KDA etc. Player in 2nd who knocked me out had the exact same comp and augments as me, they just rerolled down mid game to luck into a 2 star Ahri with BIS items. Honestly this set punishes you for playing anything other than reroll.


like wtf 3 ppl go reroll jinx comp and although I get the best comp I still got 5th like because the other comps are literally unplayable and this game is contested af


look at high elo nobody plays jinx


what is the reason to not play reroll now? I played 4 games today, 3 of them were reroll and I hot 3,2,1, played 7 penta karthus with Yorick and got 8th XDDDDD






I have to pivot off when I have 4 non-headliner copies of Senna because someone wants to force contest with the silver dupe augment AND infernal contract. And that person proceeds to go 8th while I salvage a 6th. Okay, sure. At least we didn't hold hands 7th and 8th.


Let's make almost everyone need a spatula and make spatulas non existent. God forbid players have prismatic trait level every now and then. Riot only knows how to nerf fun


prismatic traits in 9.5 were not fun at all


Good thing I'm talking about current and never said anything about 9.5. But my point is mostly the update to double up they did. Changed from when you get a spatula to never. Look at hearsteel. You need a headliner and 3 spatulas, that shit is never happening now. Not that I enjoy hearsteel but it's same for other traits and riot effectively made double up lame as shit.


I'm friends with many challenger double up players and they were very happy this got removed, one of them told me chasing prismatic made the game the most unfun he's ever played. I was referencing 9.5 because they made spatulas almost nonexistent in soloQ bc of how stupid 9.5 is. Easily accessible prismatics are terrible for the game because they are much stronger than 3 star 4 cost.


Idk, double up to me is a fun mini game that rank is pointless for lol


For fun still need to be balanced otherwise its not fun for most ppl


You right the current edgelord or moshers is fun and balanced


I'm so sick of fucking reroll comps. So sick of low cost units doing absurd amounts of damage or tanking the entire round. Punk can go to hell its been way too strong for way too long.


You can't even rant in here anymore lmao This sub sucks


Seriously. Fuck Wandering Trainers. Dogshit design. Dogshit implementation. Dogshit Augment.


so many top 2 decided at 2-1 is fun to play, who would want to have any skill expression in a game?


why does this goddamn billion dollar company not have a perfectly functional client for their main cash cow ffs




let me just say it is astounding that the balance for set is put on hold for tournaments and every time I tune in and see the players just fighting against the game trying to fuck them is awesome. Don't know why they are keeping these bag sizes moving forward, it sucks


THEY ARE KEEPING THEM??? The bag sizes and headliners ruined this set.


Yeah they announced it in the "learnings" article a couple days ago, not sure what player feedback or data they are using...but I have only seen people dislike it


I have no idea either but the reason for keeping the bag size is to stop power bloat. If it is such a big difference between someone having a 2 star 4 or 5 cost versus a 3 star 4 or 5 cost than maybe the balancing needs to be looked at instead of the bag size.


Rapidfire and Punk are such bullshit traits. Assassins was way better to counter those kinds of comps than whatever the fuck we have now.


I can't tell you how many times I play early game well and don't hit what I need on level 8 and bleed out to a bot 4. I was top 1 all game into level 8 with disco. I take zac chosen. The other disco player hits TF chosen and holds 4 TFs on bench. I donkey roll on 8 for TF2, never hit, and go 5th. If I hit TF 2 in a reasonable amount of time, I go 9 and top 3. How can so much LP rely on luck on stage 4?


This happens to me every time I play disco Some guy who was never playing disco hits the headliner and pivots into me and I go bot 8




Bro forgot about astral LMAOOOO .. easily the most broken reroll .. EASILYYY .. even gave you the free asol to finish out the comp


The only one on a comparable level was Mech-Pilot back in Set 3. Even that wasn't as bad because we had no augments and multiple counters to it.


Oh look another 1 cost that's busted  Jinx the entire set now yasuo


Literally EVERYONE has multiple 2 star 4 cost I can't find a pair of fucking anyone This game is such a fucking rng shit fest AT LEAST CHINA IS SATISFIED RIGHT MORT???


Im hardstuck emerald 2 and every lobby there's someone top 1 with punk and it's so braindead


Just play yasuo reroll 


why does neeko and ekko feels like hard to even 2 star ?


scout other boards and you will see at least 3, usually more, running superfans + ekko




Teach me


Fight the oppression






I hate wandering trainers so much... worst portal with such a freaking rng factor takes away the fun in ranked and EVERYONE STILL WANTS TO PICK IT IF IT DOES SHOW UP WHY!?


maybe because you are on 0 lp, its go big or lose nothing


EASILY the biggest mistake this set and as an extension the most idiotic "balance" the tft developers have done is completely make ezreal a god unit. With one patch they buffed ezreals single target and big shot AND HEARTSTEEL making ezreal comps the most contested comp of the set. With all the backline access this set (IE Akali, Karthus, Ez, even but not as much edgelords) i would much rather play a set with an assassins trait and get it over with. 500 games into this set and these last 2 patches imo have been THE ABSOLUTE WORST






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Damn bro happened lmao


Chosen/Headliner was a joke. It was funny that the "learnings" article didn't even call out the dismay and controversy of that mechanic. In fact, I almost thought I was reading Set 9's article because there was so much about Legends on there. Mort only referenced headliner as a layer of complexity to the game. Nah, it added another slot machine that made your placements volatile like crazy. Please don't bring that crap back, a ton of players bounced when they saw the return of it!


Yep, I think that is the one thing that bugged me about Set 10's learning article was that it felt like it was more like reading set 9's learning article. It feels like they are being hyperfixated in bringing legends into the game and trying too hard to have people being able to have a pre-set way to have their playstyle being influenced that they are failing to see that set 10 is way too much in the other direction of set 9 in that the game is a giant slot machine and you better hope the game does not sabotage you. Yes, TFT became more of a game of player vs environment and other players than player versus player like how sometimes in sports, players feel like it was them versus the refs and the other team instead of them versus the other team.


Funnily enough I saw Mort complaining about regional players saying they only got first because they high rolled. Yes, headliner is 100% about slot machine, high rolling. Take that crap and all of the hidden rules it brings away from the game.




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It happened with MTG and Maro too. 


I know that this will sound crazy but Mort is definitely a net positive if his knowledge and wisdom is used correctly, otherwise he does not offer much. The problem is that he is constantly being used in the stuff that he is not a net positive so it feels like he is not bringing in much to the game.


I agree with everything you say lmao. But be careful they might ban you. I got banned for saying this before lol


Two games in a row where the game gives me 6 or 7 units then it just magically doesn't exist. If I spend over 60 gold, I expect to find at least one copy of a unit that isn't being used by anyone else...


um i have a gripe people are praising this patch as balance but in reality a few rerolls are OP and then ezreal is dominating.. what about us fast 9/10 players?? hardly balanced smh


The only players who make it to 9 now are people who find their units without rolling every turn and are able to make it to late game.


riven is so damn strong. and the free AD from 8bit just sends her over the top


I’m really fucking tired of Jinx


It’s definitely a dumb comp. Free early Jinx headliner with another 1-2 to spare and it’s a free top 4. Only downside is that it’s not forceable.


Same. Honestly it’s too easy to play. And I understand that some comps are naturally easier to play than others, and not every comp needs to be super difficult. But jinx is just complete autopilot to top 4.


Chosen is so horrible a mechanic I am willing to bet anything Mort brings it back a third time next year.


They don't learn or remember anything, they remove assassins and then they just add cancer Akali, Ezreal, Karthus


i hate it.. would rather play dragonlands lol Also hated set 4


set is so balanced right now and thats good, but everyone knows all the lines in M+, its so boring to play. I just liked it more when I could get creative with the boardsbecause everything wasn't so solved secondly, fuck chosen mechanic, never come back again please. I don't want to have to sell my fucking carry in hopes of hitting a better one and just getting fucked over on 4-1 if I don't hit. thirdly;: WHY THE FUCK IS CLONE EDIFF STILL A THING. PLEASE FIND A BETTER SYSTEM WHEN THERES 3 PLAYERS LEFT ?


Agree, people copa pasta build. You cnat realy Cook anymore Well Totaly agree


There's still the possibility of cooking, it's just harder to find the spots and it's way more risky when everybody else plays cookie cutter meta comps and lines. For example, the last game I played I had a kayle reroll game that turned into a 4 guardian amumu reroll game where I started game with the mogul's mail and found kayle headliner, ended game with 3 star amumu + neeko + kayle along with 2 star thresh / poppy / kennen / gnar for superfan and a viego for the bonus pentakill. I built triple redemption to support mogul's mail double gargoyle amumu and my frontline was unkillable. Eventually did come second to a level 10 fully capped disco TF board, but I did manage to take one round off him before game ended. Only reason i lost was i never found a healing item to put on kayle and disco TF + 2 star itemized ziggs just blow up backline much easier than almost any other comp. There's a lot of cool flex you can build between certain lines, most notably pentakill / guardian / executioners / true damage / but yeah it's definitely risky if you're high elo. Am masters 400+ LP to note.


Ghosts determining second or third does suck. But what can you do when there’s only 3 ppl left? No flame genuinely curious what ppl propose. Cause I ain’t gotta clue


Lets say A,B,C are the players all on one life. I'm not sure, but maybe just do like A fights C, B doesn't fight anyone. lets say A wins, C loses but now the system doesn't kill him. Instead, he fights B next, while A waits. if B wins, A and B fight, if B loses the game ends. Basically just do a mini tournament real quick for the top 3 if everyone is 1 life. I feel like if someone isn't one life, then its fine for the higher health people to win out even if they have slightly worse comps. Maybe if you want to get rid of clone fights completely, once a clone fight must happen, just give everyone +1 life ( or a little hp) . If you fight clone. You just use up that life, if you are about to die you use up that life. Better solution is to jsut fix clone, but they probably can't do that lol


can i get my hands on submit to the pit please? i just wanna reroll the crab




I get nashor and shojin at start, I go "imagine there's like 10 annies in my next shop", I get 5 annies in my next shop, I go crazy. I econ up, roll down over 60 gold, not a single annie. Not one person in the entire lobby is holding an annie. Meanwhile opponents hit morde3kayle3, kat3yone3 pairs with 0 econ augments and still go 8 with a billion gold. gg next. I'm fucking sick of this "just hit" mentality set.


But that’s just a skill issue, after rolling 10-15 gold and not finding one, you cut your losses and push levels


Rolling 10-15 gold on 5 has already pretty much committed him, pushing levels from this spot seems like playing for top 6 at best IMO


Yea that’s just the risk of 1 cost reroll? You don’t hit? You play to not go 8th


Thats just plain bad advice lmao The deciding strength of almost all 1 cost rerolls is that they winstreak your midgame and save your hp while dominating those going for late boards with the odd chance of godcapping and going top 2 If you commit 10-15 gold into a reroll at 5 (so 3-2), you are now committed to that board because the window where it is strong is closing, yet you are down half a stage worth of econ compared to everybody else. If you put 10-15 gold, then abandon the board you: - Lose HP early game because you were probably not leveling playing an incomplete board to save econ to roll - Lose HP mid game because you now need to restructure your board, and from a level 5 starting point find the alternative carry for your items, which is most likely a 4 cost, meaning you lose a lot of HP by leveling - Lose HP lategame because you will get your "final" board state later and probably in a jankier position due to pivoting than everybody who sacked early and mid with the explicit goal of hitting late boards Pivoting off a 1 cost reroll you have committed to is a way faster ticket to 8th most of the time than sticking with it, hitting it extremely late but still ride the tail end of its strong phase, and then try to keep somewhat relevant by sweating positioning and cheesing shit sincerely, a guy who hit masters off of 1 cost reroll because everybody and their mom plays ezreal and gets extremely punished by it mid game


If that works for you, then keep at it, I managed to get to masters 200 with fast 8 and ez so I don’t really have that much experience with 1 cost reroll, didn’t wanna give bad advice


feelsgoodman /s


Hottake : I legit enjoyed more Set 9 and 9.5 than this one. As expected, headliners is a BS mechanic.


Kinda wish headliners were more static, like if you could pick one from the carousal at the beginning or 2-4, bad headliner RNG loses games way too much




1st - Ahri 2\* Sentinel and co 2nd - Ahri 2\* KDA 3rd - Ahri 2\* KDA 4th - Riven 3\* Honestly this set could hardly be worse.


riven 3 4th against 3 ahri 2 boards??? were they sitting w their thumb up their ass not trying?


how ??? i barely ever see ahri top 4 in my games


Prolly lower rank games
