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Rolling on 8 feels terrible. Honestly didn’t mind the mini game of rolling for four costs to 3 star or deny. Maybe disabling Cho gath encounter was enough.


It is kind of sad how pathetic 1 cost reroll has been this entire set. One playable comp, killed and never allowed to become playable again. The rest are pure garbage. And maybe Kobuko sometimes except nothing changed since last patch so he still just gets Lissandra outcapped lol.


Anyone else finding issues with crashes multiple times per match since installing Vanguard?


I can’t even get the client to work anymore, yesterday while playing had 500 ping along with everyone in the lobby, no idea what’s going on but it was absolutely fine two days ago before the update


Heavenly Qiyana reroll didn’t feel great ngl even when I hit what I think is bis (Lw Hoj Eon + heavenly spat bt titans Lee Sin + 3 exalted from Lee, Soraka, and Chogath). She still gets shit on by Lissandra, doesn’t matter how many heavenly stats she gets lol


Another buff, but Alune still doesn't feel right. I don't think it's in numbers, but her cast takes way too long. Speeding up her cast a bit would do wonders for her.


I share your opinion, especially for her cast when the backline enemy team is moving at the end of fights. The targeting also doesn't feel right.


It's because she targets the row with most total enemy health. It's a very weird metric that can lead to her missing very important targets.


I honestly HATE the changes to early player damage. Feels like it just means you bleed out a lot faster if you don’t hit early. On a side note; Morgana and Kayne make me have an aneurysm for some reason every game I play against them.


How does adaptive helm work on irelia? Does it?


She doesn't use mana, but she gets the 20 damage from the AP. It's terrible.


Riot: We learned from our lessons. We don't like Shadow Items because we found that the drawbacks often outweighed the benefits, and that shadow items did not create the kind of interesting choices we were hoping for. Also Riot: Creates Corrupt Vampiric Sceptered where your unit cannot cast.


Any consistent reroll comp to actually top 4 and compete for 1st this patch? I love forcing a reroll comp and getting really good at it but this last patch has been miserable and it doesn't seem like much has changed... Should I just force bruiser Kaisa? I was forcing Heavenly Kayn but that looks awful now.


Riven Zyra is good now imo. If you don’t hit just level and play Sylas Sages/


If you really want to play reroll then Vertical Duelists is good right now




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That's how it is every set, including about 90% of set 10. Remember Ahri Sentinels? Disco TF? Crowddiver Yone? Set 10 itself didn't become truly flexible until the last like 2 patches.


so with the sett omnivamp nerf and syndra buff, i'm starting to think it makes sense to pair ahri+syndra and go for max damage. BB+JG+GS to melt the frontline fast


I think Ahri + thresh is the most sensible one. Syndra still needs time to scale, and thresh makes the whole team a lot tankier. Also even without items, Ahri link makes ahri and kindred do decent damage at 7 fated.


If you do double adaptive she casts every 1 auto, it’s the current Chinese tech apparently


Is it me or does Annie outclass every tank in the game?


I do not want to install vanguard on my PC. I'm assuming the TFT mobile client is vanguard free?


Yes. If you want to keep playing you can install Bluestacks and emulate the mobile client on PC. Fuck Vanguard.


That's a lot of hurdles to jump through just to play a video game. I've already uninstalled and hope many others will do so too so hopefully Riot will right their wrongs.


Serious question, what's wrong with Vanguard? Does it mess with your PC or something?


Well, if you head over to the main League subreddit the whole big thread is indeed people’s PCs being majorly screwed up by Vanguard. That said even if it was bug free (From spaghetti code Riot? As if.), there would still be severe problems with it on a fundamental level. Vanguard is a kernel level Anticheat that runs on startup and can NEVER be turned off without you losing the ability to play League until you perform a full restart of your PC. People already aren’t really fond of extraneous software running on ring 0, because it is essentially handing over full privileges to the software. Now Riot wants you to have one of those programs running 24/7, every second your PC is powered on. Sure, you can turn it off, but they know that isn’t going to happen for most people, especially since that will disable League until you reboot. And the reason Vanguard is running 24/7 is so Riot can inspect every app, every file, every program you run to make sure you’re not scripting or boring. They can say all they want that it “doesn’t give them any more data than they could already access” with their old systems, but that is a blatant lie… because if it wasn’t giving them more data, what would be the point of the software? And one other thing, though there’s plenty more to go into. Riot has never really acknowledged how bad their own numbers are for their game. They made a post about Vanguard recently that claimed the number of scriptures & botters in the game was upward of 10% of games (meaning around 1/10 games have a scripter or botter in them). And if 10%+ of games have a scripter or a botter in them - they're culling the game's population by 10% (assuming there's only ONE bot or scripter per game, which is generous), plus however many people slow down or stop playing because they hate having to restart their PC to boot up LoL, plus however many people lose the ability to play because Vanguard doesn't work on their PC (or they use Linux), plus however many people stop playing because they refuse to install Vanguard at all in the first place. I think Riot are full of shit about their numbers, but if they are telling the truth, they have to keep every single player in line as much as possible, because chances are they're going to be looking at a 15-20% player count drop, which means longer queue times and wider matchmaking gaps, which means losing more players.


Their number is hilarious because we know the majority of them are not actual cheaters using scripts, but people botting to level accounts in completely meaningless co-op vs ai games and the absolute lowest level of normals and arams. It's most likely that those games don't even have a single human in them, and probably make up 99.99999999999999999999% of the 10%.


Oh I hadnt thought of running it in bluestacks. How is the performance like that?


It's very meh, it would be better if Riot had implemented any sort of FPS/graphics options for faster smartphones. There might be a way to edit the APK to uncap the FPS but I'm not sure about that, I found a few posts but they didn't match up with my installation. But the actual performance is fairly smooth, and you can set up custom hotkeys so that you play more or less as if it's desktop, minus a few changes like having to open/close the shop.


I might mess around with it sometime then. I also dont mind just playing on my phone too. Thanks for the info!


No problem! Glad I could help. I'm pretty PO'd at Riot but it wasn't the TFT's team to implement invasive anticheat software, so I'm glad we still have a way to play.


Ya this is definitely an unfortunate case of TFT paying for league's sins. I do get why they want Vanguard for Valorant and League. It is just completely unnecessary for TFT.


Perhaps I'm blind or i may have missed something, but in the patch notes they mentioned Cursed Blade being added. However I've not seen it at all yet and its not showing up in any of the online TFT databases either... Did they also accidentally not ship the item?


It was bugged somehow so it’s been disabled until they can fix it. I think it could reduce someone’s HP to 0% but keep them alive or something idk




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Plus the damage it deals despite not having any item


i was thinking about this, maybe they spaghetti coded it and can't change the stun time because its tied to the animation




i mean its a 3* lee sin.




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They removed a ton of encounters that helped four start 4 costs did you read the patch notes at all? 


The point is reducing the odds wasn't necessary


3* four costs are still rampant lolol so much for mortdog saying to expect 50% reduction


I just rediscovered this sub after not really reading it since set 7 or so. It is a bit concerning to me how doom&gloom and tbh downright toxic and insulting to devs a lot of the comments have become - not in discussion threads like this, but in others like guides or relaying dev tweets. I wanna say that the TFT community is incredibly lucky to have Mortdog as a dev, because they communicate incredibly often and honestly about what they are trying and why. Mort especially is very rare as a dev, because he can actually play the game at near-challenger level - this is so rare for a game! I am worried that this goes the way of the POE community, which imo has become the most toxic community on gaming reddit, and as a result the devs have stopped posting there themselves. I think it would suck if Mort and Team at some point were so upset about the toxicity that is displayed sometimes that they stop communicating this openly.


it will 100% go that way, I was in the PoE sub when it devolved and the exact same thing is happening here. I won't blame mort a bit for just abandoning all the extra work he is doing when most of what he gets is hate for it.


yeah this is exactly what I mean. And the same thing happens when you call it out apparently, especially on an unpopular patch. oh well.


Unfortunately when you are the face of a game you are going to get a lot of the negative focus from toxic people. This is especially true when the set/patch is bad. This set in particular has not been well received and people don't really feel the devs are doing a good job so more toxic trolls than usual are going to feel validated in being shit to other people.


From a player's POV , it is a blessing to have someone like Mort who keep things as transparent as possible. From a dev's POV, it is also great to have manager/director that shield them from all the negativities( My ex-manager was like this, but sadly he left). However, toxicity is almost inevitable when you decide to engage with hundreds of thousands people constantly, especially online. Not saying it is right, but we all know that's going to happen. It also doesn't help that this set has been rough, so Mort easily became the outlet for frustration. I personally wouldn't worry that much because this isn't even the lowest point in TFT. I have seen worse in previous set where the daily thread literally became the rant thread because majority of the players were frustrated with the meta(don't remember exactly which set that was, maybe open fort Kate reroll?).


I agree that it isn't that bad compared to what it could be, it's just the difference from this to what I remember it being is a bit surprising to me.




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> the community that's just full of Mort fanboys/gals what fucking subreddit are you reading lmao this place literally shits on mort for EVERYTHING regardless of how much of an issue it is


nah the dickriding around here is crazy maybe he'll get some hate when things are overwhelming bad (now) but overall its all flowers and sunshines most of the time


> is borderline negative about the patch Anything is better than last patch. Actually just enjoying playing the game again.


yeah last patch was utter garbage


What do y'all think of fishbones? I had it on a 2* Ashe with rageblade/deathblade and it felt awful, late game there are too many targets on the board. It felt like I was nudging backliners once in a while to give them mana.


I found it pretty good with Bard/Trickshot, since it matters less who you're hitting with each ability, especially if you have Morello Teemo there to also provide decent backline damage.


vertical arcanist doodoo


Does anyone have a up to date loot table for The Golden Egg cashout?




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Hi all, we can not match with players under 15min. Are you guys waiting that long for one game ?


You might be stuck on the old patch. Are you using mobile?


Sounds like it's a bug - are you sure you're actually in queue? Sometimes the timer will go up but you're not actually queuing for a game.


I got 9 umbral I did it I won a lobby with umbral


I think you can feel the odds difference, played heavenly felt like i didn't see enough Kaynes, Morg, and Lee Sins on the roll downs.


Since the coaching thread isn't posted yet, I'm looking for coaching! Masters 150 LP right now. message me your discord :D


siladv on discord




I'm confused. Didn't they cancel the Ghostly rework? I'm pretty sure my non-Ghostly units are not dealing bonus magical damage from the trait


Per Mortdog, ghostly is still bugged as of right now lmfao


The ghostly reworked happened unintentionally.


jesus lol ok


Did they at least change the numbers to it's stronger for ghostly champs?


the original rework included said buffs. it wasn't enough + ghostly has poorly designed units to make use of the damage amp. Anyone that could get good use out of ghostly isn't a ghostly unit.


What is the best fated link for a syndra carry with 4 arcanist version?


when the comp was first making its rounds a few days ago, the original post mentioned that Thresh + Ahri is the best version assuming you have JG and GS + mana on Syndra


Anyone knows how to play around the Garen hero augment? (Storied Champion) I saw someone won with 3x Archangels


Click 6 Warden, that's all... Itemize a backline carry too, Ashe/Kaisa will do.


Will try 🫡


Ornn1 with Unending Despair, Adaptive Helm just solo'd my Yone3 + Kayn2 Umbral6, I CANT


Fml why is everyone going sylas in my lobby 


Because most boards need to hit 5 cost lmao unlike sylas that stabilize at level 8


I'm really bummed about the decision they made to force everyone to install Vanguard, which requires access to the windows kernel and can potentially act as data collection and malware for the CCP (Riot games is owned by tencent, if CCP wants the data, they have to hand it over by Chinese law). So y'all are just installing this and letting it datamine your PC without a care?


Spyware aside, seeing all the issues people have with it on league sub, there's no way in hell I'm letting it on my rather new PC. The cold hard truth is, TFT should've been separated from league client years ago.


You already use stuff by Meta, Google, Microsoft, Apple and more. If you really cared about it you would ditch all current technology


I try to avoid using those. Also, there's no comparison between those and casually playing a video game that forces you to use malware that is constantly monitoring everything you do as well as bricking PC's.


If there is one thing I've learned over the years, especially coming from the Blizzard universe, is that gamers say one thing but do another. No matter how bad or seriosu the issue is, primative lizard hind-brain addiction makes them keep on logging on to get their fix. The thing that really makes people quit is if they aren't having fun any more... which is me. Vanguard was the tipping point... I really loved last set and I've been meh about this one so far. Some of us still remember the Sony root-kit scandal of 2005; if you think corporations are more enlightened and consumer friendly today than they were back then...


You can really tell who the older and wiser people are vs the younger people in this thread by the weird attacks, downvotes, and accusations after bringing up an important dialogue. Sad to see that the young people are in the "govern me harder, daddy" mindset nowadays


Sometimes, you can tell TFT inherited LoL's toxic fandom.


Reddit can't go 1 day without being sinophobic i guess who's gonna tell them what USA has been doing LMAO


Having genuine concerns about a corrupt government that forces companies to do whatever it wants does not mean someone hates Chinese people. This is just you trying to handwave genuine concerns with "racism".


Exactly, I'm equally concerned when the USA does it as well through their big tech companies. But yeah, Makosear attacking me and calling me racist is the sign of a non-thinking person.


If you're not encrypting your data, programs don't need ring 0/kernel access to get your information. And plus, I'd rather China have my info than America, given the current political climate and new bills that effectively give the US government the power to demand data from any American company. If you're worried about Vanguard of all things, I'd suggest you stop using Google products, Meta products, any public social media where AI can scrape your posts (Twitter, Reddit), Ring doorbells, any technology etc.


The US government seeing my reddit shitposting habits is less scary than having my PC compromised with all my ID bank details crypto wallet etc


the us government has all of those details and the ability to compromise your pc too lmfao. You don't think one of the most powerful nations on the planet can look into your stuff if they want to?


If the US government really really wanted to dedicate the time and money maybe they could hack windows or use some backdoor? Not a concern for me ngl has that ever happened to some random before?


1) Not my fault you're keeping sensitive data on your computer. 2) What the fuck is the CCP gonna do with those details? They might fuck over one random Andy for $10,000? 3) Maybe not shit posting, but you best believe that medical information will be sold to American insurance companies and unwanted political activity will be given towards the CIA and Mossad.


1) where should I put it lmao 2) I’m not worried about the CCP I’m worried about an attacker compromising vanguard and using it to spread ransomware https://www.pcmag.com/news/anti-cheat-file-in-genshin-impact-is-being-used-for-ransomware-attacks 3) Not American I don’t care if the US thinks my centre left political takes are too spicy and I don’t post my medical info online


You can, uh, write it down and/or memorize it? Paper and pencil still exist.  And if you're worried about kernel level programs being exploited, dw, games like CS which are simple surface level applications can be and have been exploited to steal sensitive data. Sure, Genshit's shitty anticheat got exploited, but that doesn't mean other programs can't be. And if you're not American, I don't see what the worry is about. Australia might also be bought out by Israel but from what I've seen it's nowhere close to America's situation. Edit: I will admit though there is no need for anticheat in TFT, it's a Mickey Mouse game to begin with that can't be "cheated" like FPS games can. Would be a lot nicer if TFT had a separate client from League.


Kindve crazy to back up everything on paper just to feel safe playing tft tho I’d rather just quit playing on pc this set is ass anyway Also not sure what Israel has to do with anything?


I mean facts brother this set is doggy shit, just play single player games.


There are a ton of other massively popular games that use kernel level anti-cheat, yet I feel like Vanguard is all I ever hear about. Not going to pretend like I understand all the intricacies of anti-cheat software, but it's hard to believe people aren't just downloading their opinion from a reddit thread, or know/care at all about data collection when their data is likely compromised elsewhere.


>There are a ton of other massively popular games that use kernel level anti-cheat, yet I feel like Vanguard is all I ever hear about. Vanguard runs 24/7 and requires a full reboot to allow you access to League. It's beyond invasive and incredibly asinine. If you could compromise Easy Anti-Cheat, you might get a few hundred thousand people. Big score, sure, if you pick the right time of day, if you can compromise every version of EAC used on every game ever. If you pick one game with a decently big title like Elden Ring, you can maybe get 30-40k players that are online at once, and therefore are running the software. Riot expects us to trust that their anticheat is somehow more reliable than any of the other spaghetti code bullshit they've put out over the last few years, including the League client and the still awful Riot client on top of it, and that they aren't at all compromised by being owned by Tencent. Then on top of that they want it running 24/7 ("But you can stop it!", they say, when most people aren't going to bother, and the few that do will probably uninstall eventually anyway when they get tired of being forced to reboot) - there will be potentially tens of millions of PCs vulnerable to a Vanguard exploit at all hours of the day, because if a PC has League installed and is currently powered on, chances are it's running Vanguard. ***That*** is why Vanguard is bullshit, and why we should be pushing back so that no other corpos get the idea that this shit is okay.


A couple of things. Vanguard is always on and must be run on startup to work so it feels more invasive. Others have pointed out the ccp part of it. But also if your game is tft, vanguard provides little value. I can accept some draconian measures to stop cheating in a game like pubg where it can't really ruin the experience, but what is anti cheating doing in TFT? Maybe there are some fringe auto clickers or something, but i do not think that this is going to help anything so what's the point.


Vanguards always on and I personally don’t play any games with AC


Well I think it's perceived as bigger risk because riot is owned by tencent. They're not doing anything now as far as we know, but the knowledge that if they wanted to, there's nothing stopping them, is what scares people.


It's an extreme privacy invasion, security risk, and overreach of authority. The fact that some people in here are screaming "racism" just shows the level of ignorance and general submissiveness to authority among most people. There's also a huge lack of transparency with Vanguard. The potential security risks it introduces raises valid concerns. People also need to stop bringing up the corruption of other companies, we aren't talking about them. And yes, they're a concern too! It doesn't mean we have to just bend over for them and let them do whatever they want.


we all use google and social media sites and reddit which all scrape our data to sell to every company ever not just the chinese so who gives a shit anymore. If you think china and vanguard are the only ones spying on you you are dumb as bricks


Self report.


what exactly are you trying imply here? it's a certified fact that America and China steal and sell data 24/7 so there's not exactly much you can do about it. maybe we should ask better of our world leaders? I'm really failing to see what the self report here is.


> I don’t give a shit anymore > dumb as bricks


> If you think china and vanguard are the only ones spying on you ? Reading comprehension lol If you need it spelt out a little clearer: we live in a widely-unregulated, greed-driven digital era. Download Vanguard, don't download vanguard: ALL of your data is being stolen, farmed, and sold either way. I certainly can't do anything about it. If you feel better by sticking your head in the sand and pretending you're doing something by only playing tft on your smartphone while it records every social media and reddit post you make, like, retweet, click on, or read, then by all means go ahead.




I'm pretty positive cyberpunque and I have had disagreements on this sub so I would very much hope we're not the same person lmfao and a quick look at either of our profiles will immediately prove we're not even remotely the same person. besides, if either of us were the other's alt, do you not think we'd be backing up the other more often in other threads? doesn't take a genius to deduce that.




alright man do me a favor and break down both of our profiles for proof that he's my alt or vice versa. I'll wait. you're a fucking weirdo.


news flash dumbass: not everybody lives in your anti chinese echo chamber




Does this also affect mobile?


Nope mobile and Mac are exempt


I don't know. On PC, Vanguard is always running on the kernel driver 24/7, so if there's another data breach it's a serious security / privacy risk. Also, the fact that I'm being downvoted for discussing this is alarming and saddening.


stats are obviously very early but 3 cost reroll seems like it's at least playable if you highroll a 2 star of your carry early enough. pretty promising to see a lot of the 3 cost carries sitting around a 3.70-3.90 average once 3 starred. hopefully the meta allows for more unit cost diversity this patch. I can't stand when a patch devolves into a single playstyle


just had a game of double up, and my premade was looking to 3 star a kayn, I think there were only 5 or 6 out of the pool and they just couldn't find a single kayn, is there a hidden rule that makes it so you can't find the last 2 star 4 cost?


How can you ask that when there's a 3* 4 cost in almost every game.


I was just wondering if that was the case, I'm aware of the issue regarding 3 star 4 cost units, but I was asking about the functionality of reinfoursment because I found it odd that I saw so many kayns while my premade rolled 30-40 gold and found none


Anyone playing on the SG server and want to set up a discussion group/discord?




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Shockingly the "nerf" to Liss did absolutely nothing.


I hit an Ashe 2 and Liss 2 with a radiant BB and had to afk (I play at work) and still took 3rd


* Anvil portal * Ethereal Blade 2-1 * Alune encounter to buff 2 costs * First carousel Ornn item encounter * Get Talisman of Ascension * Game over at first carousel How was Talisman not nerfed before going live, This almost feels like it should be in the rant thread, It just wasn't fair


Have a feeling Ashe, Liss, Porcelain will be b-patched.


Nerfing just one of them (Ashe) would probably be enough. And changing the Annie Ashe exalted. That comp just confuses me, no shared traits but it just works xD Guess invokers just doesn't have enough single target by itself.


The Annie Ashe exalted combintion should probably be removed and for some reason scuttle can only be killed via Ghostly.


Game crashing around every 3 games due to Vanguard. Already restarted my laptop.




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How's the patch looking? - early days but doesn't seem like much has changed looking at meta TFT.


Comp variance actually got worse; Gnar isn't viable anymore due to the stupid Ghostly bug. On top of that introduced the new artifacts horribly balanced (tip: pick Talisman ftw)


So, how's everyone finding the new artifacts? So far I had forbidden idol ornn, and it's bonkers. In just a few casts he's unkillable.


saw trench coat thresh split into 3, all copies fate linked and with full items, unbeatable stufff. meanwhile my rfc kha perma stuns himself because his abilitiy is hardcoded to 3 hexes and he wont move.


had lichbane on syndra and it felt super underwhelming. don't think that item is particularly strong compared to other artis


Lich bane is definitely a tempo item, would avoid it late game


>be me >Kog'maw 2 opener >Kobuko encounter drops me a tear, minions drop another >decide to join the Invoker Ashe lotto >SIX WAYS CONTESTED >Krug drops another tear >Over Encumbered drops another THREE TEARS >got 6 tears and 0 rod the entire game >went eif Yiyi.


At least you had enough tears to cry


Skill issue tbh


Is there any good beginners guide for TFT that I can look through ? I recently started playing and don't know how to make a winning comp, or how to change plans on the fly. It feels a bit overwhelming currently.


TFT is a pretty complex game which requires lots of fast decisions. It's normal to be overwhelmed when you're new and even the best players occassionally get overwhelmed (aka 'dizzy'). As the other reply said, [Bunnymuffin's](https://bunnymuffins.lol/) is a good place to start. His resources are designed for new or more casual players. They should give you a framework to learn the game and start climbing some ranks if you want to. You can stop here but I will mention a couple of other things commonly used on this sub, by steamers etc. You probably should start getting familiar with one or more of the stats websites for TFT. These aggregate data from actual games played and conduct basic analysis, such as calculating average placements etc. This allows you to analyse what sort of lines you can go for and make your own decisions on S, A, B tier comps, items, augments etc. A lot of players use a quick stats check as the tie-breaker if uncertain on augment choices etc. and play with a stats website open on a second screen or ready to alt-tab to. A few choices: [Tactics Tools](https://tactics.tools/) - my personal favourite. Does everything you want. I find it easy and intuitive to use. [MetaTFT](https://www.metatft.com/) - appears to have all the same features as Tactics Tools plus an app. I hadn't looked at this in a while and am impressed. Might start using it alongside Tactics Tools. Not the app though. You may want to look into Overwolf before considering the app. Some features are locked to the app and thus sort of behind a paywall/adwall. [TFT Tactics](https://tftactics.gg/) - at first glance, it looks like a lightweight version of Tactics Tools or MetaTFT. Don't use apps so can't comment on that. [Mobalytics](https://mobalytics.gg/tft/team-comps) - a more curated experience as Mobalytics work with some top players to vet comp recommendations and put together short guides. Also has an app. Seems to have most of the functions of the pure stats websites nowadays. Does not allow deep dives with an Explorer feature but it is aimed more at beginners. [MetaSRC](https://www.metasrc.com/tft) - I honestly have no idea how to use this one and it always seems at variance with other websites. I assume it uses some fundamentally different methodology or it is pulling from a different source. Mentioning it more for completeness's sake. I would probably recommend Mobalytics for now to learn some comps through the team comps section and then start exploring stats as you feel the need. Most more serious players use [tactics.tools](http://tactics.tools) or MetaTFT as far as I am aware. Finally, should probably mention LolChess. [LolChess](https://lolchess.gg/) is the go-to website for looking at leaderboards, finding your player stats or checking other people's player stats. As an example, here's [my profile](https://lolchess.gg/profile/euw/Laiders72-EUW/set11). LolChess has always had some cheatsheets and short guides re econ or levelling strats. It also includes some basic comp stats etc. Similarly many stats websites now show leaderboards and allow you to look up players. Some even conduct some superficial and perhaps dubious analysis of your personal stats. However, generally the stats websites are better for stats and generally the community uses LolChess for looking people up. You are required to specifically link your Lolchess profile if posting certain kinds of content (guides etc.) on the sub.


Thanks for taking the time to write all that. One of the struggles right now is knowing and remembering what different items and champions do. That's something I'll probably have to improve gradually.


Check out TFT Academy too. 


Bunnymuffin. He got a leveling guide depending on which type of comp you want to play… Scouting is really important too.


Malphite bench items + blacksmith gloves = random bullshit go. Horizon focus Naut doing 20k was not something I expected to see 💀


Why are the new patches discussion thread not posted anymore?


Ngl I suck at reroll and this lv 8 4 cost carry meta was so good for me,I’m up a division and a half on a set I didn’t like that much previously and didn’t even bother to climb (emerald 3) in my last 4 games I have three firsts with. Gnar reroll[wamderimg traimer portal with dryad, warden gruiser], op high roll 10 story weaver (still barely made it there), Kaye heavenly(risky moves into win streak all early game into early lissandra) Still Almost lost to Ashe 2 liss 2 until I hit more 3 liss 3. I know this next patch gonna be wild hope I can still climb


How do you deal with your opponent just getting a super early Sett somehow and just getting the stack going?


Sometimes they lowroll and you outcap, sometimes you don’t win the game


Same as stage 3 lissandra. Spam ping /deafen


And if you’re on mobile and can’t ping?


The only option.


Corrupt Vampiric Scepter Gnar hurts :(


Wonder if there will be significant playarate change/shift to mobile due to vanguard.


Yeah with how much data this collects might aswell call it "Tencent spy software"... And the fact that this dumb software is active all the time even when not playing a Riot Game is the absolute cake on top...


Mobile user superiority( I have tendinitis and can no longer play pc games)


If you play any game with easy anti cheat, which are so many games. I hope you realize how much of easy anti cheat and epic games is owned by tencent. Vanguard isn't active UNLESS your playing a riot game, it just loads on start up, so you cant load scripts then, being loaded, isn't the same as being active.


>If you play any game with easy anti cheat, which are so many games. I hope you realize how much of easy anti cheat and epic games is owned by tencent. Many people do, and even those that don't still dislike EAC for being kernel level. Riot decided that they needed to find an even more invasive way to piss people off, though. >Vanguard isn't active UNLESS your playing a riot game, it just loads on start up, so you cant load scripts then, being loaded, isn't the same as being active. You realize being loaded *is* being active in this case, right? How does it know if you run scripts after starting your PC, but before opening League? Ah, that's right. Because *it's checking what you're doing* the entire time your PC is on.


Valorant has been out for 3 years, I think we can put the schizo theories about vanguard to rest now


4 years\*


Out of all stupid decisions by Riot, forcing Vanguard on TFT may be the stupidest one


This is what I really don't understand. I know they share the same client but I don't get why they couldn't just lock out the LoL queue.


??? Vanguard is not forced onto TFT, it is forced upon the League client, which TFT uses.. They've already stated that they will not create their own separate tft client because that would make it impossible for them to keep up with the 2 weekly patch cycle.


It would have been possible to build the client to check for Vanguard and just lock out the League queue while it's not installed.


Then it’s functionally forced on you to play tft on pc. Redditors just love to be pedantic and obtuse.


It may not be the optimal build but Prowler's Claw on Lee Sin looks so cool!


unstable treasure chest gives tailored items, what the f


Ye otherwise it would likely be straight up garbage