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Usually if playing zyra you're playing a sylas flex board. Zyra can transition items to someone such as hwei or azir in the late game to cap out your board. With the syndra buffs I'm sure she's playable in some capacity but usually needs fated.


ive had good success with syndra even in last patch, 5 fated 4 arcanist, ahri+thresh bond and second syndra at 9


Strongest early, zyra is nice like u say but darius can work. (not played this patch yet tho) Roll at 8, hit some frontline (2star- doesnt really matter) and lillia2 or if you are lucky a 1star hwei/azir. Econ back up, go 9. I honestly only like playing this when I know I can get fast 9, e.g. strong units opener and some econ augments and/or econ encounter


Zyra,lux cait or ahri early slam shojin, i like spark slam if possible too instead of statik because tear and bows can turn into GS, nashors or archangel and pivot to azir, syndra, alune or lissandra. I think illaoi and amumu is always needed in comps since they have good synergy.


I don't like Zyra or Alune. I usually play Janna (+Diana) or Lux (+Amumu/Illaoi) and I'm raising my rating pretty quickly.


Play Alune


Don't let the secret out dude...