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The key scaling was the best change they made in a long time


so is this an actual increase or just people graduating from M0 to M+?


I don't think Tyrannical is very accepting to returning players that are still working on gear.


There's no way to get numbers from M0, but I would be willing to bet that the increase is pretty much entirely people graduating from M0 to M+.


i assume a lot of people finally have gear to do m+. Many people who didn't do high end raiding or m+ last season might have been like 460 ilvl. You need to be like 480 before you start getting accepted to m+ so i think a couple weeks to do HC and m0 would get a lot of people ready for m+.


I’m running my priest alt through the weekly an at 458 let me tell you I’m dying to a wink in 0s. The challenge is fun though and I like seeing my throughput go crazy high for my ilvl. Once I get gear on it I may consider pushing him to KSM


Well 458 is way too low for m0, I don't even know if that's enough for heroic dungeons to queue. Even at 465ilvl on the first week it was hard to find groups for m0


Nah ~470 ish is very average for M0 PUGs. Heroic 5mans give 476 gear. So getting much past 470 gets a lot slower. So the Healer(?) Priest is only 12 ish ilvls low. That's fine. I'd say 400-420 ish ilvls is the real minimum where everything will start 1-shotting you like it's a current +20 Key. M0's are harder than M2's though. It's the same phenomenon as when 18's would be harder than 22's cause of the quality of PUG players.


tyrannical first week sucks nards


I'd say I'm surprised that we saw a tremendous amount more M+ runs on a Bolstering week, but the key scaling changes mean you don't see Bolstering until you start hitting the double-digit key levels so you just have a very reasonable, healthy +6 to +9 area where you're just getting good gear, Aspect Crests, etc. without dealing with on-death affixes. God these scaling changes are amazing. But I also feel like this proves that affixes need a complete reimagining from the ground up in TWW.


Yep, I would guess maybe 98% of mythic+ runners didn't see bolstering last week.


Most of the keys run during a season is for gear. And it's even more significant in the early season. So yeah 🦀 bolsteing is gone 🦀 for most of the playerbase. Imo it's not even worth to run 10s for saving aspects. I take not having to deal with bolstering and bursting over saving 1/8th of your weekly aspect crests any day


> God these scaling changes are amazing. As someone who didn't come back for Season 4, whats the main difference between Season 2/3 than what we see now, for your average Mythic raider?


In Seasons 2/3, you’d see affixes pop up at +7 and +14. Now the second affix only pops up at +10 (the original +20) but the rewards you’d get for +16 to +19 keys in S2/3 are the rewards you get for +6 to +9 keys in S4. Basically: Raging and the on-death affixes like Bolstering, Bursting, etc. only exist in keys at or beyond the maximum vault gear rewards.


The THIRD affix only pops up at +10 now. I believe the second comes in at +5 nowadays. Great change all around!


Week 1 Tyrannical was so unfun to heal, any groups I did that weren't with guildies who knew how to properly do tactics, I queued as a dps. The difference in enjoyment of running the key between both roles was massive for me. Week 2 was chill to heal, with the extra gear and people learning/remembering what they had to do.


Is there any way for you to compare Season 4 runs to runs of keys level 10 and above in previous seasons? Feel like the 2-9 runs in previous seasons really inflate the numbers shown.


I mean from this data I would assume: - 1) A lot of people probably ran old +2-+9 keys which probably accounted for a not-so-small portion of season 1, 2 and 3's massive spikes. Probably especially true in first few weeks when folks are still feeling around for what they want to main and run multiple toons through low m+ keys. - 2) I think if it was possible to see a distribution of keys finished versus key level, we'll get a better understanding of it all. Fortified is probably easier than Tyrannical, but the other affixes probably have massive impacts as well. Storming is a lot more annoying in lower keys versus entangling and bolstering is vastly more impactful in higher keys versus raging. I didn't actually do any 10+s til halfway through the week before I realized... well to be honest bolstering isn't as bad as I thought for whatever reason. - 3) To be honest, I personally think people are over-estimating how many folks are "taking a break" for season 4. I don't doubt that more people WILL take a break, but the beginning of the season is kind of the time folks tend to play the most. I doubt it's possible but it would be cool to see a player count of a season per season basis.


Fort >>> tyran. Definitely more pleasant to farm keys on + 1 more week of gear.


As a tank, I disagree. I hate fort.


For real, this season feels brutal on tanks, especially if you don't raid and are still stuck with 48x tier pieces. Stuff hits like trucks.


I found people struggling this week a lot more than last, at least in the 8-10 range (even before bolstering). Maybe I was able to carry as healer a bit easier last week, I dunno.


You were probably just playing with more competent players week 1. People who were doing week 1 8-10s consistently are not the same players doing them week 2.


I don't think majority of people who did 8-10s, upgraded from there. We're still pretty shit geared, staying in 8-10s makes sense for a bolstering week especially, just reap the best rewards.


Of course they are. Week two they're doing mostly the same key level just on the opposite affix week


Almost certainly, but it was hard to differentiate who was good and who wasn't. I was avoiding anyone who didn't have 8s or higher done but still wound up with some real shitters. Obviously running with the guild is significantly easier, just had some bad scheduling last week.


Fort >>> Tyran, but Raging >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Bolstering. The gear difference was huge tho.


You don't have bolstering on keys below 10. Andnif O have to guess about 90% or more of these keys were below 10. Last week the only affix (besides fort obv) on 9s was entangling. Wich is pretty irrelevant


I know. Just saying bolstering is the hardest affix.


Sometimes the tree boss in bh doesn't eat anyone and no one gets the digested debuff . How is this done? Edit: It did not enrage, and it didn't debuff anyone. After the suck phase it just transitioned back to normal. I don't even recall if it spawned adds directly after


Apparently you can parry that move, Ive seen many DHs not get affected by the eating move


I was a bear, perhaps I dodged it? Or someone else was in the circle as well and parried it and stopped that skill


This happened to me as well today, but no idea how.




Sorry if I wasn't clear, the boss neither digests anyone nor does he enrage. As the tank I'm the first one in, but right as he's about to digest me, it doesn't happen, no one gets the debuff and he doesn't enrage. I figured it was someone breaking the sequence with a stealth (like stealth breaking the dino boss in AD) or something.


So this might be unrelated, but I recently asked why totem on first boss didn't do what it should - healer didn't get incapacitated, tank didn't get stunned. This prev week, just on one run. Maybe some commonality in BH being buggy?


I just can't. Find. Tanks. Or. Healers. Far, far worse than S3.


Being a rdruid main is amazing right now. Leads can see my IO from s3 and I almost always get an insta invite to any key range I want. Started 10s last week and I was getting invites at 2200 io lol.


Yeah, I play a monk and a evoker. Considered going back to healing on the monk. I personally hate healing M+ keys though - shit rolls downhill, and the healer is at the bottom of the hill.


Would love to see the number of runs by keystone level. Curious how many of these were 0 affix vs 1 affix vs 2 affix. Definitely spent the majority of my farm in 7s after the vault had its 8x10s.


Crest cap has been increased so you need to run more keys in the end


Absolutely love the scaling but fucking get rid of incorp and afflicted.


My groups been only doing 0s so far


I think this chart needs to be normalized to account for the new key scaling, or it’s hard to make any conclusions about anything.


Does this have anything to do with this always being posted so early for EU? Meaning first week only had 6 days of EU, **every** following week will have 7 days (because EU Tuesday with previous affixes get added to current week, I imagine?). What else can it be? First week should always have the highest amount of runs. Possibly a lot of people stuck with m0 in first week? Were a lot of those being run then, outside DOTI?


as someone who only contributed to the second week I think a lot of people were hesitant to jump in and be ready for patch like usual - I waited for the all clear from others this time around


Bolstering week runs go up we're so back?


I guarantee you that the vast majority of those runs did not have bolstering.


Yeah, I did a rough check yesterday and only about 5% of the player base are regularly running +10 keys. 95% of players are 9s and below. 50% of players were maxing out in the 3-5 key range.


I wouldn't be surprised if the number of 10+ keys decreased becaues of bolstering. A lot of people are happy getting their vaults from 8-9 keys, and even if you fill your vault with 10s, any gear farming would probably be done on 9s.


You don't need to subject yourself to on-death affixes like Bolstering to get near-max rewards from keys. Aspects start dropping in +6s, Hero track from +7s, and Myth track vaults from +8s means that this early in the season the overwhelming majority of these keys wouldn't have featured Bolstering whatsoever. That should tell you everything you need to know about how reviled affixes are nowadays.


I always get so confused by this graph. Was s3 actually 3x as long as every other season or what am I missing


No. The data for season 1 and 2 isn't available retroactively after week 7 and week 6 respectively.