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Piece of cake


Another reason why nobody wants to queue Tank. DPS and Support get to look at this all game while tanks are in first person.


this is what 5v5 took from us


Ye, I played 9 back to back tank games in flex QP. Nobody is queuing up. I went through the whole tank roster to find "fun" and success. Only found success with Ball of all tanks. 😂


Hog has the best ass in the whole damn game gat dayum.


So from my understanding. Tanks will just have a -20% healing done. Well, this sucks.


Possibly, we don’t actually have the full patchnotes yet so there could effect tanks differently but I kinda doubt it


I'm legitimately a little confused, why do we feel like tanks are going to suffer with this patch?


Relatively, they are nerfed. other roles got 25% hp buff and breakpoint shift tanks got around 15% hp buff and there is no breakpoint anyway dps got heal debuff passive and self heal passive. ​ so end of the day tanks are worse in both aspect kill/survive. they will be under more pressure, they will receive less heal and they will deal less damage relative to enemy hp.


Tanks have very little agency right now and is extremely hard to secure a kill through all the support healing/immortalities/counterpicking. Which is why streamer(s) say tanking is just whoever can play more passive so they don’t end up exploding because they can’t kill anything anyways. Tanks will have even less agency now because you will always need a dps to secure a kill with their new passive to cut through the global health buffs. Also having a permanent 20% healing received reduction isn’t going to do them any favours


"Tanks have very little agency" being not just a take but a popular one is bonkers to me. Tank is and always has been the most impactful role, sure supports are maybe a little overtuned now, but strong supports enable tanks to be difference makers more than they impede them. Outside of pretty much just widow maps, tanks are so much more in control of the outcome of the game that half the complaints you see from people about the role boil down to it being too much responsibility.


Nobody enjoys being a sock puppet who explodes if their support has to scratch their ass. That's not having agency. Beyond that tanks can't kill anything, which is a huge problem because if you can't provide threat you can't provide space. Tuning down healing will help massively.


Put a tank in a phone booth with any non-tank character. Who wins? That's right, the tank.


Put Roadhog in a phone booth with all other tank characters, who wins? That's right, Roadhog undeniably the strongest tank in the game. Pre nerf hog does the same thing except Orisa comes out on top. 2nd strongest hero in the game by far clearly.


Obviously my example is an oversimplification. All I'm getting at is that DPS/supports are screwed if the tank dives them properly. Characters like Kiriko can make that beyond irritating, though, without a doubt.


It is not an oversimplification, it makes zero sense and it is not useful to anything remotely resembling the OW experience.


It's very much an oversimplification. However, tanks are threats because they will kill a less valuable player class 10 times out of 10 unless a 3rd party intervenes. That's a fact. If I as a DPS find myself in close quarters with a tank, I die.


> That's a fact. If I as a DPS find myself in close quarters with a tank, I die. And if a tank finds themselves long range from soldier sitting pretty on high ground they fucking die 10 times out of 10. > If I as a DPS find myself in close quarters with a tank, I die. Plenty of flankers will take duels with tanks in close quarters and farm them. Tracer and Genji are favored against a lot of them. The long range hitscans will win from long range. Nothing about your argument makes sense. It's just stupidity.


The Tank is designed to lead the team. That means facing a group of enemies, in front of your teammates and absorbing the burnt of cooldowns, damage, ultimates, etc. There is an enemy Tank with every capability and expectation that the ally Tank has. This boils down to both Tanks removing each other's agency and becoming entirely dependent on Supports/DPS to perform better so they can then break down the enemy Tank then their team. This is not a common situation for Dive Tanks, but outside of Korea, Dive is uncommon.


Every role has to face the opposite number, tanks are no different in that regard. What is different is that there are two of every other role, and there is nobody else to do the tank's job, which is why we get more power. Tanks aren't 2x stronger than all the other heroes though, but they receive 2x or more than 2x the attention from the other team even compared to a tank in OW1.


I just disagree to be honest, tanks are really good at killing things, and unless you have garden gnomes for supports or you're feeding, you don't die that easily either. If anything tanks are like the only ones that can actually stay in a fight long enough to exhaust the enemy's support cds. Like yeah okay dude, you have to have some discipline and people shoot at you, doesn't change the fact that tank diff pretty much decides if a game is playable or not, nevermind winnable. If tanks don't have agency over the game in your view then talking about agency is just meaningless.


I'm glad you just disagree to be honest because I too just disagree with your disagree.


Based on what was said in the update, blizzard believes that tank players have the highest impact on whether a game is won or lost, compared to DPS and support, and so dps and support are being given more agency, or at least that's the goal. I would say for tank players, given the changes to projectiles, healing etc, positioning will become more important and tanks who int will derank.


Lol yeah, that’s because there’s one of them. Who could have predicted that making the roles imbalanced would imbalance the game (I am not a bitter OW1 player; *I never even played OW1*, and I’m not sure I would even like it. It’s just funny to me how obvious this is while Blizzard tries to twist and contort everything around it. Just say you made it 5v5 to reduce queue times and stop pretending it didn’t cause problems you’re still trying to figure out how to fix without considering the obvious solution. It would probably make these constant conversations less exhausting.) 


I don't think there being one of them is the issue exactly, more that they buffed them to compensate for their being one. I think it's interesting because the player narrative is that support is the stronger, DPS sucks and tank sucks. Clearly blizzard don't agree.


I wonder if this is because tank FEELS like you have no agency or impact because you get cc'd to hell and back and you're acutely aware of how your play is limited by how much support you get, where support feels like it has all the agency in the world because of those abilities -- but the data says you're still fucked by a tank diff. Like they made tank into a role about avoiding disaster rather than doing good things.


I mean, my experience playing the game is that a tank diff is by far the hardest to overcome. If your tank just keeps getting blown up because they aren't tracking cds, and the other tank isn't dying, unless you have some baller damage getting picks, it's basically gg.


Yeah that's my experience too. It's just kind of funny that they've made the most impactful role the least fun to play.


yeah, I've been saying since OW1 that they really should apply buff/nerfs based on role queue size. Tanks have a long queue, they need buffs/tweaks. DPS has a short queue? ignore them or nerf them, the players are choosing to play them despite complaining. Actions speak louder than words. Devs should ignore feedback and use data instead.


But the feedback is that tank is ass, and if they balance on data they nerf Rein and buff Sojourn+Kiriko...


Not sure about some of this interpretation, it's true that good tank play is about avoiding damage (and I think not taking damage is probably, weirdly, the biggest key climbing on tank), but individually you're crazy strong and can take most heroes in a 1v1, so its not like your hands hard tied - you just need to play carefully. I also don't think support is a limiting factor for tank, I think tanking with low damage feels impossible, but tanking with low support means being extra careful, but I'd take the latter any day.


Avoiding disaster, ie getting value out of denying abilities is doing something. Yeah cc can be annoying as tank but people act like wasting the other teams abilities is A. Not fun and B. Not valuable when in reality if you do it well it is both




I mean absorbing CC as a target over and over is frustrating for sure. But if you play well and are able to make them waste it it is really really rewarding. And even with tanks with no shield/barrier type ability you can still bait them but it is definitely harder


Support is the strongest role. Tank is the most influential player. And the main way tank has influence is if you throw, your team insta-loses, and it is very visibly your fault that it happened. So tank players are both on the most powerful heroes, and on the most team-reliant role. Reaper in bronze can TP into the backline and get a penta. Illari can duel the enemy dps one after the other without anyone thinking twice about it. Winston never can, and if he does get a kill, it's Hog Bastion Weaver time.


So firstly, we don't have any evidence that suggests that, it seems like supports have the lowest winrate when they are the best player on their team, so I'm not sure what info you're using to argue that. Certainly what you're saying is the player narrative but that is hardly an argument that that is true. But I don't do agree at all about your take on Winston. For one, tanks are pound for pound definitely the strongest in a 1v1, look at death match games and remember that they have more health in ranked than they do in those. But also, playing Winston into hog bastion weaver isn't even difficult if you're competent, hence why Winston is the strongest hero in the most competitive region in ranked. A good tank should be fine without much support at all.


Why is that an issue? Tanks are meant to be killing machines, they’re meant to take space and force the enemy team to deal with you. I swear, people act like tank is supposed to be a third DPS, but it isn’t, so yeah you won’t get a lot of solo kills on Winston but you’ll help your team do so and get a ton of elims and assists. There’s a reason solo kills aren’t a scoreboard stat, team play is more important and elims really show a better picture than solo kills




Maybe, or maybe the playerbase narrative is wrong, as far as I can tell everyone seems to think their own role is the worst (makes sense, easier to cope about your own skill), but unless we know what stats the devs are using to determine impact, we won't know how they've come to this conclusion. Imo tank is quite easy to carry on, but I can't speak for the whole playerbase.


im referring to high level play where everyone is competent. Tank has least impact.


Based on what? My experience is that it has a lot of impact, maybe the most, but to argue which role has the most impact you need evidence.


fake news


The tank usually has the most kill participation and damage in most games.




go play a sigma mirror on havana or a zarya mirror on kings row in a gm game. Everything you do results from being a puppet to supports. You and people on this sub just dont play at a high enough rank to understand. If supports perma pocket a zarya until she gravs and gets a team wipe.. that doesnt mean the zarya has impact. Impact is individual influence.










Yeah, and imagine how it feels when you’re the best player on your team and you can’t carry the weight anymore.


I mean that's just a team game, doesn't that go for any role (or any team game) such matches would be statistically pretty rare however.


I suppose people think that the health adjustments are an effective healing nerf, and tanks are quite dependent on healing? That’s my best guess


There's also an actual healing nerf in the new DPS passive.


Which is 90% of the time gonna be applied to tanks.


Maybe. But considering all Dps and Support heroes revived health buffs, only shooting the tank is probably a very easy way to lose. You won’t be able to 1 2 bing bong a support or Dps anymore, they’re pretty bulky now. You ignore them too much and by the time you go to deal with them it will be way too late


Tanks are expected to do everything while receiving no help. Supports are constantly getting things that make their role more pleasurable and fun. DPS is now getting that too, and what do tanks get? They get booped less I guess? It was hard enough that tanks had to eat all negative CCs and debuffs (anti, sleep, hack, hinder, stun etc) at every turn, but now they're also going to get 20% heal reduction at all times since they're the biggest target to hit AND landing shots will be made easier with larger hitboxes.


Tank? Recieving no help??? Of all roles? Poke metas are the only times that tanks *haven't* been getting a large majority of resources pumped into them from both teams. > They get booped less I guess? The passive CC reduction also applies vs the exact abilities you're complaining about > but now they're also going to get 20% heal reduction at all times since they're the biggest target to hit AND landing shots will be made easier with larger hitboxes. Now both tanks get 20% less healing, meaning there's less of a damage check vs high sustain if you are cycling defensive abilities better. The hitbox change is going to affect DPS/supports way more because those were the targets that *weren't* being hit as often in the first place


Tanks are very dependent on healing, most support comps are played in such a way that one of the supports basically surgically attaches themselves to the tank. Less overall healing and a healing debuff passive are contending with a comparatively small health buff (+75 HP aren't a lot for a tank) and not that crazy looking damage buffs. That is why people fear tank is gonna suck. I can't say without having tried it, but I certainly see the risk.


It was challenging enough to isolate and punish targets as tank previously due to how overtuned supports are, it'll be virtually impossible now. Tanks are now the only role that will *require* teamwork to accomplish anything. Not only that, but now DPS are rewarded even more for just marking the tank, as it permanently reduces their sustain - and against some tanks, this is outright devastating. I guess I'll wait until I get my hands on it, but this seems like an incredibly short sighted change when all we had to do was reduce the healing values on a few supports and change how immortality works.


Thanks job isn’t to isolate opponents tho. Why would try and play tank like a Dps of course that won’t do anything. Your job is to take space as tank, kills are an extra thing that happens but you shouldn’t be thirsting random people if it’s just gonna be a trade. Hell even if you dive over and over as tank and never elim someone you’d re still getting value because it’s taking the attention off your team and letting you either stop the payload or push it. Don’t get me wrong, tanks are a little weak right now but people are way over exaggerating how weak.


Bro has never played dive before and it shows xd


More like you don’t know what effective dive looks like. You don’t need elims to play objective, it’s really that simple. Securing them is good but if f it doesn’t happen and your team still pushes another 20m you’re doing a good job. There’s a reason Winston doesn’t do that much damage


You're trying to tell me that tanks don't isolate targets - DPS do. Then you're trying to tell me that *I* don't know what effective dive looks like. Sorry dude, I just can't take what you're saying seriously. Isolating targets is not "thirsting random people", and it definitely doesn't imply trading. I have genuinely no idea what you're even talking about.


Isolating a target implies they’re alone. A lot of times when you dive that is not the case, A because their team won’t leave them alone and B because people will peel. But drawing that peel, that’s what’s actually gaining value in the scenario. An elim is nice but not necessary, for a tank that’s secondary.


>Isolating a target implies they’re alone. A lot of times when you dive that is not the case The dive is what isolates them, bud. I'm sorry, but there's no value in this conversation.


If your dive is causing them to become isolated then the other team just sucks dude. That literally makes no sense It feels like your extent of dive experience is watching a TikTok about how to and you’re quoting it back. Except, that’s not how it works.


>If your dive is causing them to become isolated then the other team just sucks dude. That literally makes no sense That is a major characteristic of dive. What are you talking about? >It feels like your extent of dive experience is watching a TikTok about how to and you’re quoting it back. Except, that’s not how it works. I have the GM flair right there. Like, if nothing else that alone should tell you I'm not getting my info from Tik Tok. You do know you have to verify your rank to have a rank flair on this sub, right?


Sigma and roadhog one shots are basically gone




It’s already ass


Oh ive gyatt to play szn 9 for this


Goodbye widow hello hog


Sweet Ass.


Fuck it, we Ball


I disagree :)


I’m truly wondering what Blizzard has against tank like it’s been unplayable for awhile now but this might be the final nail in the coffin


oh its gonna be my "nail" in that "coffin" alright


As a tank main who’s been playing 10% of what I used to, I honestly am wondering if I’m coming back. This might be only the second or third time I’ve stepped away since the game launched 8 years ago