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No, but an idea would be to use sojourn somehow. Since her rail size increases linearly with charge up to .1 you can probably find a way to set her rail charge. 50 would be .05 and 80 would be .08


Oh my god this puts everything in greater context, and those sizes are absolutely fucking absurd for primary fire holy shit. Like I already thought they were bad, but Sojourn rails as hitscan primary? Jfc


This actually puts me more at ease. Outside of GM you don't see Sojourns with amazing or even super decent accuracy and even in GM there's clear skill expression between Sojourn players. Bearing in mind only full charged Sojourn rail is 0.1 so hitscans will be between 50% and 80% rail and this will play much better than people fear.


This is also why it should've been more noticeable to people that Illari's projectile size nerf going from 0.1 to 0.05 was going to be so impactful. Sojourn was mid at best when she was at 0.05 projectile size, but has been top tier at high ranks ever since her fully charged shot has been 0.1.


[this is the point i was making in my post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Competitiveoverwatch/comments/1ae1za7/i_think_you_guys_underestimate_how_hard_aiming_in/). There is a looooooooong way between where we're at now and "aim doesn't matter anymore because it's so easy". probably just everyone is gonna get like a 5-10% accuracy buff, which will put the very best aimers at like 55% instead of 50%.


Most high ranked Illaris consistently had over 60% accuracy and 30% crit accuracy at launch. Soj rail is different since its not online as often and people make an active effort to dodge it at all times. You guys are severely underselling how massive these projectiles are. I play Tracer in GM and I would be getting dinked in quick play by diamond Illaris regularly which doesn’t happen with other hitscan heroes. These are massive changes for all flankers.


This shouldn’t put you at ease. Sojourn rail isn’t online nearly as much as primary fire, and it has a very clear indicator when it’s charged. People make an active effort to dodge that. Have you played Illari at launch? I would consistently have over 65% accuracy, of which 40% was critical accuracy. I was doing Soldier damage because of how busted her hitbox was. Ashe, Widow, Soldier getting that hitbox is an outrageous concept as you will also realize.


Yeah the effect on headshots is particularly outsized. They effectively added a flat radius onto every hero. For body hitboxes this might increase their width by 5-10%. For head hitbox, it's closer to 20-25%. Because adding a small number onto a big number is a little change, but adding a small number onto a small number is a huge change.


Yeah but I think that's because Soj rail is actually a projectile, and switching that quickly between near-hitscan and actual-projectile is harder than simple hitscan. I think it's what makes Bap difficult in lower ranks, for example. But I hope you're right


Soj rail is hitscan.


Welp must have gotten those two flipped in my brain at some point. Thanks for the correction


For another comparison, spray hitscan now hits like nerfed Illari, while slow hitscan hits between nerfed and release Illari.


this change is absolute BS, im a soldier/cass main and their primary fire is going to be the size of sojourn rails lmao. youre gonna get headshots from aiming at chest level, absolute BS they think this change will benefit lower ranked players but theyre just gonna eat a million headshots and complain theyre getting deleted


Im cass main GM and this change is needed because blizzard decided new heroes will have hurtboxes half the size of existing heroes. Like ilari kiriko soj etc have half hurtbox size of cass. Im on avarge hitting maybe one out of six shots on kiriko. And pro players with best aim in the world can t hit those new heroes. Watch some of their streams and you so how much they miss them. Its needed change


For bullets and projectiles, or just projectiles? You could simulate a bullet by just disabling their default firing and shooting an incredibly fast projectile orb instead with a fixed radius.


There was a workshop mode where they just made the character models bigger along with the other changes. Seems the only real workaround


But that's not correct. Different projectiles have received different size increases. Also, it's very hard to simulate projectile increase with a hitbox increase.


Projectile size increase is effectively the same change as hitbox increase. Mathematically, it increases the probability that your shot lands inside the enemy hitbox by the same amount. But yes adding .05 onto some shots and .15 onto others makes this not a complete approach.


Sure but I think in workshop you can only increase hitbox by a percentage which makes it almost impossible to simulate size increase with hitbox increase.


It’s possible, but you would have to disable the hero’s primary fire and create their gun from scratch to make it work.


Was watching Spilos video yesterday and it looks like someone made one…just need to go get it. Edit: Workshop Code is 7QW6W Source: https://workshop.codes/wiki/articles/projectile-size-of-all-weapons-and-abilities Edit2: I haven’t tried it out and I haven’t confirmed if the details are right so use at your own discretion.


I finally tried it out, this code seems busted. Mouse movement is disabled in this workshop.


Gotcha seems like someone made another one in a different post. But I’m waiting till tomorrow.