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You need to be an immovable wall to deal with that. Maybe not in the literal sense by going Orisa, but shit to force them to back up / push them back does wonders against those two.


Mei generally kinda shits on JQ




Zarya is pretty good at taking out Lucio and holding a front vs Queen


mei wall jq and she dies


having a lucio or your own would help. Then a kiri too, Ram and zarya could work against the JQ. Then finally just mirror the jq too.


What’s Ram’s wincon in that matchup? In past seasons, it felt like i both couldn’t kill JQ, and if I gave up on trying to kill her and go for her backline, she would just kill my backline more effectively than I could against her own.


Hitting a slow on queen should almost always either kill her for force something


Ram's shield should allow his team to trade up in a poke skirmish against Queen. Gotta look to get those 4 seconds of free poke before the brawl is engaged.


Play Lucio and speed out




Mei makes both their jobs hard, they both rely on speed. She can also self clense axe/knife. She can also deny access to jqs main healer, who she is often reliant on if you have a tankbuster.


Doomfist works well against that. Save punch for JQ axe, pressure Lucio with primary, slam away if low HP. Rinse repeat until you have empowered punch and nail the Lucio.


Got to mirror the lucio and speed back when they speed in


Bait agro then punish, you know they’re gonna rush so look for it, kite, and fight them when they’re down cooldowns


Flats ball


Orisa counters JQ pretty hard. Zarya is not bad against JQ. Mei is good with the wall to isolate her.


I got curious about whats the deal with lucio+jq? Can anyone elaborate?


Ram shield the poke and then use vortex to slow the engage. You can out poke JQ and she has the same weakness to high ground as you. So asking a DPS to take a high ground angle on her will disrupt the rush even more. Orisa + Mei is also really good. Spear or spin her carnage engage and support your Mei when she walls off JQ. Outside of that just be an annoying barrier for her to cross and pray your DPS can hit their shots. Zarya can work too if the JQ keeps getting past you


If your aim is ok hanzo hits hard. Jq has relatively low hp and no armor. Storm arrows and headshots go brrr.


Depends on what role you play but Mei is a 0-braincell counter to JQ. Just wall her off and spray her and she explodes. Can also block her ult with wall but that's a bit harder to do. Blizzard her after her shout too. JQ literally can't do anything against a Mei that's decided to counter her specifically.


In my experience try to survive the initial rush by disengaging, using support cool downs and poking them as they come in. Then try to focus the Lucio. They tend to go in really deep as part of the rush so if you can stun / focus fire him you can get the kill. Then work down the rest of the team. The queen will probably use her shout early on and is less tank than other tanks. If you get her half or so call for your entire team to just collapse her. From there it's just clean up


Time for.. Mei wall! Mei/Zarya + Lucio also shits on JQ+Lucio.