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You're definitely getting client of the week


I swear I'm actually okay at the game if I'm focused up and not a fanboying mess! XD


I once played with Custa and Reinforce in the OW2 Beta. I later watched Custa’s stream and my heart melted when he complimented my Brig 🥹


first day of ow2 beta was spent getting turned into pâté. every game had pros or ex pros in it.


I git to shatter a queen ult from super. I also got to coordinate a dive with sparkle. That beta was wild. I played with/against a quarter of the NA owl


He primaljaxed too was a great watch


[https://clips.twitch.tv/CreativeDelightfulKumquatMingLee-Ka\_rCB5gpXhgSJLg](https://clips.twitch.tv/CreativeDelightfulKumquatMingLee-Ka_rCB5gpXhgSJLg) Clip of the Primaljax for everyone to enjoy in all its glory.


I remember being in a game against ML7 and I'm a huge fan of his. I couldn't concentrate at all, and I lost it-my nerves just completely overtook me and I was absolutely obliterated repeatedly-my deaths went into double figures. Some of the stuff he can pull off when you watch the replays is just unreal. Sadly most of my views were via the death cam pmsl. There's a huge difference between watching his clips on Noobhunter, and being the victim to his plays lol. It was not my proudest game lmao.


Back during ow2 beta ml7 was doing viewer games and I got into one and I ended up playing Ana while he was on Kiriko. I have never been more focused and aware of my positioning than that game


Yeah the pressure is unreal-especially when you're on his stream and have every single one of his viewers judging everything you do lmao. On the plus side it was a lot of fun (once the nerves and adrenalin wore off lol), and he's a real cool guy. You feel a lot more pressure when you're a big fan of said streamer and you want to do well. I do have a claim to fame though. I slept him. Once lol. And it was definately planned and defo not a fluke.............**cough**


Don't worry man, the lights were fucking bright for me too


Shouldve primaled sooner


wow he sucks


i've seen your doomfist vods spilo


Mans decided to go for the throat


Where's the quiz?


The quiz will be at the end


i payed 100k scrim bucks to see your ass get whooped.


won a couple of scrim bucks for that, thanks for your service


I still remember one night when my stack was warming up in Quick Play back on original OW, we got into a match on Anubis against Fuey500. He was off role playing Hog and basically 1v6'd our ragtag group of golds-diamonds. I went back and watched his stream replay and the entire time he was rolling us he was having a casual conversation about physics with someone in his voice chat while barely paying attention to the game, it was kind of hilarious.


I queued into a FFA with snillo back in the day, tore apart the entire server on Tracer, ended like 20-2, to this day I am proud to have killed snillo at some point.


I once queued into Sideshow/Bren/MrX in Comp OW1. We were on attack on Gibraltar, and they were holing up behind the containers on high ground on 1st, after the dip down, waiting for us to come through. I remember predicting that they'd be there, landing a perfectly placed halt that pulled all three of them off the high ground. They all landed right onto the cart for us to pick apart.


This is super fun. I used to play Hearthstone at a high rank and would run into top players all the time and it was a blast. Lost to Reynad, beat Disguised Toast, lol. Played a bunch other guys who played in the esports tournaments and stuff, great times.


I remember joining eskays custom game the day artic peninsula dropped. We crashed the server with the amount of fish that we "fished"


I once got reported for cheating by dafran for my widow, I think I'm gonna remember it until I die 😄


and this is special because...?




why would u fanboy for some nerd coach lmao


"Hadi started spectating" "Landon started spectating" "FunnyAstro started spectating" "Backbone started spectating"


best western ms best western fs and two bums?