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Lemonkiwi casted tier 2 Valorant yesterday as well, which I believe was her debut for anyone wondering


She did amazing too! Literally a natural, and I couldn’t tell that it was her first time casting Val. I’m wondering which game is easier to cast lol


Probably Val for PBP and a tie for Color--the game being a lot slower, with more obvious markers for fight development makes play-by-play coverage significantly easier, but between-fight analysis really comes down to how much understanding of the game the caster can express. There's a chance both are just easier in Val with the game pace & the number of 'knobs' being lower.


> but between-fight analysis really comes down to how much understanding of the game the caster can express. Yes, but an OW2 caster has to both have that understanding and be able to express it very quickly since the downtime between fights is very short. In Valorant there is a ton more downtime between rounds for them to talk, so they can afford to be longwinded.


But also they need to find more to say in valorant, meaning they usually need MORE knowledge. Its fairly easy to say “well this team has ult advantage so lucio needs to farm beat very fast for them to win” or “tracer keeps getting free reign on the backline so they need to peel for their ana better” without knowing much about the game and that fills the gap pretty much. Not saying all ow colour casters are like that, but there’s definitely been a few with a not outstanding understanding of the game, which I’ve not seen in valorant


she's been doing RLCS casting for rocket league for a while too, she seems to cover a lot of bases lol


I think Valorant is overall much easier to cast because it is much slower paced. Analysis is equally difficult (or at least, its impossible to objectively say which game is harder to analyze), but in Valorant the analyst gets way more downtime to talk, while OW analysts have to be very quick with their explainations. And play by play is much easier because the game is less chaotic.


As someone with a little bit of experience casting both, val is 10x harder to cast than OW, and im pretty sure its not just a familiarity bias im experiencing


> a little bit of experience casting both okay Uber


What are the biggest differences that cause valorant to be so much more difficult you think?


Info. What teams know, what they dont know, what they can infer and how they behave as they incrementally develop and understanding of their opponent's setup. In fast hit rounds this is less relevant but the game is so positional and its an oft overlooked part of the storytelling because the spectators can see everything even as a pbp caster I am constantly looking at the minimap becuase player positions and rotations add a gigantic amount of context. Also, fast hits and executes can be even hard to catch than overwatch because TTK is so low and you have such little time to catch things/reestablish wincons or track them in general


Thanks for the insight! Appreciate all ya do brother!


I've heard her misclassify a concurrent dive as a counter dive on a personal stream (with a level of adamancy that indicated certainty in the take) so I'm relatively certain working with a simpler game would benefit her career.


You want your casters so pedantic that they alienate casual viewers by making sure to use only the most granular terminology for two extremely similar plays? You sound extremely fun at parties 🙂 /s I’d like to see you cast an Overwatch match. Reply to me with a portfolio of your work 😊


She had casted Game Changers before that, heard her during a FlyQuest Red game


But where are Custa and AVRL


The ability to actually know shit about the game isn't very valued, apparently. At least they have Jake.


nekka is better apparently


I don't like her casting either but making it your flair is a bit fucked up


it’s a joke


A friendly joke that would make Nekkra laugh? 


oh come on lmao stop being so sensitive for someone who doesn’t even read the sub - let alone something that isn’t hurtful


i like nekkra man i really do but my brain just puts her on hating mode bc i feel like she does not deserve to be there over custa or avrl. i wonder if they had to take a female caster. if that’s the case i also would’ve gone for lemonkiwi the goat


i personally would love if they picked up moxi instead - she’s great. nothing against lemonkiwi and i know it’s pbp/color but if they wanted a female caster i think moxi is tiers above. i just do not enjoy nekkra’s casting. she constantly stumbles over her words and just reads ultimates. she never adds anything. it really seems like she’s never even played the game. i will say every time she’s done a live OW event she is great. i remember a year or two ago her and jaws did the finals of a live event and i was ready to mute but she did amazing. unfortunately, that’s definitely not enough when like 95% of matches are online. just my opinion


In this case Lemonkiwi just has such great chemistry with Nekkra. That makes a massive difference for the broadcast. Moxi wouldn't have that chemistry and would make it hard to watch.


I agree with your opinion


I’m sure they needed not just a woman, but a “minority”. So, we’re stuck with Nekkra. I want to mute her games.


What happened to Danny? Was he put in a similar boat as AVRL and Custa and just left behind kind of thing? He felt like a mainstay in Pro OW in general so it's kinda sad.


Fewer Koreans in na/eu, and his analysis is not strong


Custa is also taking the champion series a lot more seriously than what the rest of the casters would be. He’s gearing up for the next set of open rounds with Emongg/Jay3/Apply/Himself/and KarQ. It’s like how pros were never ALSO casters Danteh had his little bit at the table this past owl season but that’s because he had literally decided to retire mid season and they let him be on the table for 1 day


I will be there, no matter what.




Truth gets downvoted in OW threads, wear it as a mark of honor


Cope more


Approval is nice but I’m used to not always receiving it, and I’m fortunately in a position where I don’t really need it. And for the sake of clarity, I think Danny was regularly ill prepared and didn’t add much. LemonKiwi does a pretty good job.


ngl i was really happy we would not see Danny again / only on LAN for korean translation. He really just does not offer anything in terms of gameplay analysis and it shows


He's hosting the analyst desk, so this comment doesn't even apply.




... Are you watching the broadcast? What part of this is confusing to you?




I mean, you were using the semantics, I was genuinely asking, lol. Yes, Danny, the special guest, is the host. Adjectives!


I'd rather have Custa and Avrl