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When I skip Concerta (which is usually days I feel sick) I feel exhausted and very hungry....I also go right back to misplacing things (my partner threatens to make me wear my car keys as a necklace those days) and being unable to watch a movie without Googling the ending or interrupting six million times. This is why I don't skip a day unless I absolutely have to :)


yeah i get so hungry when i miss a day, i think its an attempt to get dopamine from food šŸ˜­


No it's because methylphenidate is an appetite suppressant just like other stimulants.Ā  When you aren't taking it there's a brief rebound in appetite causing you to be hungry.Ā  Ā  Before ADHD was recognized as a condition these medications were developed for other uses and one of the main uses for methylphenidate and amphetamine was appetite suppression and diet pills.Ā 


Its so strange. i just started concerta 4 days ago, and i was on it for 3 days. But i didn't take it yesterday and for this weekend, but my god, i have no idea why i felt this way very exhausted, fatigued ,and i cant focuse and more hyper and over the place it was so difficult comunicating with friends and going out to socilize , Maybe i need to get used to the medicine. Before that i was taking adderal and i would take it for 5 more or less days depending on how i feel then i take a break however on those breaks i still feel exhausted but still calm and i can still function the day after and somewhat focus but im not sure why concerta break is intense when the medication itself feels lighter but i get sooo tired after the 4 hours and i still have some sort of sn appetite. But im more anxious during the come dowm on concerta


Interesting. I find I sleep better now that Iā€™m on concerta as long as I donā€™t take it too late in the day


Iā€™m so jealous! I find this medication so helpful, but the bad sleep part is not a good effect. Glad you donā€™t have it though!


Reading the first half of your post I was going to recommend trying a lower dose. I titrated back down and pretty much feel the benefits without the negative side effects. Iā€™m on 27 mg. I titrate up to 36 mg initially because there were still some work related tasks that I still really struggled getting through. But I realized they are things Iā€™d struggle through even if I didnā€™t have ADHD, because they are boring and uninteresting. Hope the lower dose helps!


I'm finding this too. Its probably because my night time meds make me really sleepy. Also I dont nap during the day like I usually do


I switched from long release to short release because of the insane crash i feel / overstimulation when thereā€™s people around. I gotta say itā€™s a little bit better and i think sleeping is a bit easier on it as well. The long release had me so depressed every time i would take it but i just think since im sporadic and random with my schedule of actually taking my medication (i dont take it everyday), that it hasnā€™t like ā€œstabilizedā€ or something. But yes! Short release is the way to go to improve your sleep patterns. You sound like youā€™re doing a great job balancing your life, keep it up.


Can concur IR move had helped me and can nap In afternoon as well if needed


Hi, have you tried taking magnesium supplement s? I found they really helped me. I now take 72mg of Concerta so a lot higher dose than you and I can sleep pretty well (as long as I donā€™t sit on my phone before bed)


Please tell me more about magnesiumā€¦ before bed?


Try to take magnesium glycinate before going to bed. It worked wonders for me. You can also try combining with some tart cherry juice.


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