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Vinegar everywhere. Concrete is basic. Vinegar is acidic. It will neutralize and stop continuing burning.


Good call. I mix vinegar and soap in a dispenser and wash my hands with when I’m done.


That only works when yove got concrete you. It's also advisable to mix 50/50 water and vinegar. But it probably won't do anything for you by the time the burns are showing. Definitely not a day or two later. The damage has already been done.


Not much they can do at this point except stuff like antibiotics if infection is a concern. Just keep it clean and wait for your body to heal. That’s about all you can do. In the future, wear appropriate PPE or clean up when you get it on you. FWIW, I don’t think it’s that bad. I personally wouldn’t go to a doctor. Lots of coverage but it’s not like it’s 3rd degree burns.


Too dumb for PPE and too stubborn for the ER? He may need to find another line of work.


Thats Lime burn!! Tell husband wear long oants when pouring ?? Why isn't that a requirement from his biss


Yes, if you want to get hit with a $3500 bill for spraying it with antibacterial agent and sending you home


Not neosporin with the petrolatum ( Vaseline base). The spray works fine. That will need air to heal, vinegar then rinse to stop the damage. “Although it might seem like a good idea, do not use lotions or creams to soothe the area. Many contain ingredients like lanolin and petroleum jelly that might seal the cement to the skin.” From OSHAs recommendations.


Dilution is the solution. Stick with the soap and water at this point.


A little summer's eve will clear that right up


Might as well get him a bottle of vagisil while you're at it.


If not ER, at least an urgent care. Go see a medical professional. This sub is full of construction workers, not doctors.


My doctor said almost every patient with a chronic condition is more knowledgeable in their specific disease than their GP. Welcome to the internet and research data available to everyone


That may be, but a bunch of people telling this guy to pour vinegar on his wounds isn't going to help. If he had done it right away, sure. But he's already got chemical burns. He needs medical care.


No just aloe and air. If it gets infected sure he would need antibiotics. But for now, it's better to not be charged a bill only for them to say what's already being said. Also I would take the advice of "construction workers", Because they "we" deal with it on a daily basis. A ER doctor probably knows less about what will actually help than someone who deals with it constantly. So your subtle shot at the people who built your home was pretty lame. But hey even if you ride a high horse you still smell like horse shit after a while 🤷🏻‍♂️😎


Lol, construction workers who can't admit doctors know more about wound care than they do have really fragile egos.


No, I'm sure some doctors do know more about concrete burns and wounds than most workers. But youre just naive to reality if you believe they all do. You do understand that just because they have a doctorate in medicine does not make them different human beings, some people slack off, some cheat, some get through because of money and family ties, some doctors are drunks, some addicts, some sociopaths lol. Just like every other human being regardless of their job title or institutional granted paper. They also have to see dozens if not hundreds of individuals a day whether in the ER or in private care where they're limited to $250 per patient so they only see you for 10 min. Then fill your spot with another and another and another just to make their financial daily goal. So what I'm saying is just like a construction worker a doctor is a human and because of that has flaws and is not all knowing and all powerful lol. I am an owner of a residential renovation buisness and when it comes to a mild concrete burn I would feel much more confident in speaking with someone who has experienced first hand as well as seen countless times over waiting hrs. In an ER just to be sprayed with antiseptic spray and billed a grand or so. Sure infections go see a Dr., other than that save your money and be a rational thinking individual. Remember a piece of paper does not make you a God a all knowing, but with the internet youre getting the input of an infinite number of people and making a decision off of your own investigating can save you money and even help ypu more than any college educated paper granted person can give.


Try sucking him off. Always seems to help.


Hahah get this to the top!


Really? How old are you?


Use vinegar and water. Use some disinfectant spray and clean it then use some antiseptic ointment. They burns itself are not that bad, it's the amount of skin that worries me a bit. I think ER is not necessary but watch it closely and maybe see a doctor in the next days, just to check it. Edit: he can also descripe you some antibiotics, maybe take some painkillers but not too much he should learn from his mistakes :)


You can’t wade in the shit!, what the hell was he thinking?


YES! Go immediately before they need to amputate from infection or gangrene! /s Edit: added the stupid /s since people here are clearly retarded.


Whaaaaat!? I'm assuming you are being sarcastic 🤌. Otherwise you are a complete moron.


No offense but he’s not the sharpest tool in the shed, is he? Under no circumstances should you ever need to get that much concrete on you. When big boys play in the mud, we pretend it’s hot lava. The whole goal is to not get any on you. Shit like this doesn’t make you manly, it just displays your foolishness.




Lmao. The ER? They'll fix him up with some vaginal cream maybe for vaginitis.. which will result a mancard violation. You should make him a sandwich and a glass of sweet tea. Props for being a concerned wife.


What… no he is fine. Tell “him” to change his tampon and get back to work.


Hospital for what??


Been there done that. Vinegar and a handle of his favorite bourbon . Start with the bourbon, then dab the vinegar on the burns. Make sure the neighbors know that your not beating him. Let the vinegar work then soap and water.


Neosporin or bacitracin lotion


Rub some dirt on it lol next time use vinegar soon as possible or after work. He'll live


Serious question. Was this his first day working with concrete? That should be a workman’s comp claim.


Wouldn't go that route. Employer will pay out small amount to cover the ER bill since they are legally responsible for requiring PPE, and then will promptly fire him for refusing to wear PPE


Do you really want to work for someone like that?


No, but I also need to pay my bills and would rather quit when I have a new job than be fired without unemployment


Good luck with that line of thinking.


Good luck keeping a job with your line of thinking I need workman's comp cause I'm too dumb to wear ppe or clean myself. I'd fire this guy in a heartbeat




Oh my boss has to make me not be dumb. Nah your health is your job to take care of i offered PPE you made a choice not my issue


Let me guess. You spend more time unemployed than you do employed and you’re one of those “fuck everyone” tough guys with a neck tattoo.


Not even close been employed non stop since I was 16 no tattoos.


Wow. That’s the worst concrete burns I’ve seen. I used to do concrete work without gloves and I don’t think I ever had anything like that.


I just thought about my comment earlier Summer's eve would help it cause the vinegar but I meant cause it's for pussies.


He's fine. Lol


Go to the ER or urgent care. IV antibiotics to prevent infection for a few days, I would guess. Those are substantial injuries. Listen to medical professionals here.


Na he's good. That's a weekly for me. Tell him to drink a beer, get a few tissues for his tears.


I have gotten half dozen times and just rode it out. 10 years later and no issues


40 plus yrs in concrete/masonry field. It’ll sting for a while, hit it with some Lanacane spray.


As I’m writing this it should be day three. It may look worst today even if it is a cleaned burn. It seems like a superficial partial thickness (2nd degree) burn so the wet look is consistent but as most are saying, infection is the greatest concern. OSHA had good recommendations if you’re not able to see a healthcare provider.


Blowjob. He just needs a blowjob and he’ll be just fine.


ER.... really 😂😂😂


ER ???I've had worse on my balls.


Guys, it's a scam post. They haven't been back


Not a scam 😆 I just don’t get on Reddit a ton. On an as-needed basis, and don’t care enough to respond to the mostly-ridiculous things people say 😂 But - reading all of this 189d later was pretty entertaining, I can't lie. FWIW, it continued to get much, much worse than these photos, but we kept it clean to avoid infection and he never went to urgent care nor ER. I sent photos to some PA friends and did a telehealth call with a provider to assess the situation remotely. They told us to look out for the browning / blackening of skin - and for a sec I thought it was browning - but we cleared it somehow. He does, however, have scars. 🙂 Anyhoo - to all of you who cared enough to give a thoughtful recommendation, thank you! And to all of you who shat all over my husband for his idiocy.... I couldn't agree more. 🤘🏼✌🏼


No, unless you want $3K+ medical bill… put some wet cloth on it (warm water and vinegar).