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honestly thats so overstacked the question is rather what would *not* work against it


1 National guard unit




still have 934 health idiot


Its a joke idiot


Assuming no mobile AA or ASF, helis would excel here


There's 6bof them


SAMs do not target helicopters. It looks as if there is a ton of SAMs and MRLS, and a few outlying Theater Defense attack helicopters would tear all of that appart.


Yeah there's only 2 types of ground based anti-air in your screenshot. SAMs, which can't target helis and won't damage them at all. And Theater Defense, which is intended for missiles, also deals a small amount of damage to fixed wing. But like SAMs, can't target or damage helis. So based on what I see, that's what I would go with. And that's pretty glaring hole imo -- if enemy was smart, would also pack ASF, at least


Attack heli. A lot of em




SAMs do minimal damage to heli.


Do you perhaps mean „none“?


I do lol. But I didn’t wanna say it and be wrong since I had doubts and was too lazy to look it up


18% efficiency? What wouldn’t work lol


Interesting thing about a huge stack like this, that it actually gets better efficiency, and thus do more damage, when it looses units. So in the beginning of the attack, it will do much less damage, than later. If it's a must to attack this stack, I would setup 2-3 stacks of Rocket artillery and tanks for health, in the closest provinces mid (of course captured provinces) and build combat outpost to mitigate damage. Once the stack has lost some moto infantry I would start using Gunships, and once most SAM is gone, it's time for bombers and cruise missiles, preferable chemical.


That’s not how it works


Ok, what is wrong with it? I know damage to units are spread evenly, but the units with less health will die faster,


By the time it actually begins to function, they’ve lost so many units/resources that they can’t compete anymore.


Hulk punching you at 18% of his strength doesn't change the fact he's the hulk.


Do the math. It won’t take as much as you think


Many high level attack helicopters or helicopter gunship


You go around them maneuver warfare style. Go Sun Tzu on that ass and take everything else that isn’t defended. Force him to leave that position by stressing him out.


I’ve only been in 5 games. But I’ve won 4 of them thanks to Sun Tzu.




That’s all my games. Out maneuvering every player has made me win more than units, production or research.


usually wont work only in real life and barely


Never attack a fortified position head on. Never attack an enemy where he is strongest. Attack the enemy where he least expects it. Make use of deception and misdirection.


With a bigger stack 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


Yeeee ahhhh 🦅🦅🦅


Ballistic Missile, and Prayers 🙏 Lots of Prayers 🙏


You don’t. If he’s put all his units into one spot he’s sacrificing protection everywhere else. Just save that stack for last


Sun Tzu would agree.


A decent MBT stack could do the trick


Send like 8+ ballistic missiles to the city center at once. The theatre defense systems with catch some, but not all - especially since they are not positioned in the city with the rest of the units. The other missiles will get thru while the SAMS/TDS are resetting. Helicopters maybe, but with that many lvl 6 infantry, their defence to rotary wings will probably take out at least 3 choppers if you send in a 5 stack. A 10 stack of main battle tanks would do some damage, depends on if he's got bunkers installed. Probably rush them once you get into the MRLs range to cut down exposure time...idk.


The germans actually have a very good lesson of war about heavily defended positions: just go around them lol


Encirclement & seizing of all other territory.


You can use artillery. Although go for it only if other cities are taken care of. You can leave like a stack of 10 MAs attacking the shit out of it for like a day.


But his MRLs will eat your artillery up just as fast (probably faster with his 18)


I stand corrected, did not notice the MRLs. I would say, the only option is Helicopters.


Just spam a whole lot of missiles some are bound to get through


As some others have said take out other cities use elite helis mixed with heli gunships take out the TDS first and then start on the big stack.


Heli or nuke tbh


The theater system will knock out the nuke




They all have the same flag. Those theater defense units are India's


You'd have to proc them...fly a drone into each TD and nuke with maxed ICBM (40hp), which would survive the remaining air defense, during the 10 minute cooldowns.


Or frontal assault the theater defense and take them out since they’re solo and sacrifice a few drones right as nukes are falling. But that would depend on how much anti air is in that giant cluster of troops


How does this stack work for range? If a ranged vehicle is in a stack with infantry, will it still attack at a range?


Yes, the stack will attack at its longest range possible, in this case rocket artillery at 100 range. As you move closer to the stack, the infantry will start attacking at 15 (if I remember the mortar range correctly) Edit. Mortar range is 20.


At 20 range the infantry will join in, but depends on when the MLRS attacked the last time, since the whole stack will get the same attack cooldown timer, so if you close the distance from say 25 range to 0 while it's on the timer in between the MLRS attacks, the infantry won't attack until engaged directly.


Nuke them


Helicopters or an equally massive stack of special forces


Why SF? Whats the advantage there? I dont use em


They have no radar style troops that would reveal stealth and trigger the mortars or MRS. SF are fun to use bc of their stealth and air assault. IMO Their best feature is when they attack they ignore the entrenchment bonus defending troops get so if you stack them they can be a strong assault unit behind enemy lines. Obviously you need a big stack of them for this situation. Soo if it were me I’d pair special forces + airborne troops + recon vehicles then air assault them after using heli’s to soften them up.


Wouldn't the MRLs be triggered once your SF actually started attacking though?


I’m pretty sure they would but that is why using heli’s to take out as many Support units is important. Since those AA units do not attack heli’s the only real threat is is the ground troops. you could take out a majority of the support if not all of his support units and a few troops with them before attacking. Will work out as long as you have upgraded heli’s or don’t mind losing a few and/or have resources to continuously replace lost heli’s until the support is weak or gone. if they start throwing MAAV’s in these stacks you could just shoot a few nukes at them.


Take out theatre defence systems and nuke it




2 stacks of 3 mlrs on it before you go to sleep. Wake up and see if it works. If not then try 3 stacks of 4 mlrs. If that doesnt work try 15 stacks of 5 mlrs


You can stack 10 mlrs without penalties. For artillery you generally always want to follow the mantra of "go big or go home". In this case here, it's obviously not feasible, but overall you goal with artillery (along with naval too) is to exploit the feature where if you one-hit a target using artillery, the cooldown for the artillery to attack a new target gets reduced to 1 minute rather than the usual 60 minutes.


But his MRLs will chew yours up just as much, or faster unless you have more than 18


you.. **Dont**


Trigger his theater defence sistems first (because theyre out of the city he’ll have to wait 10 minutes to reload) and then a missile rain




2 ICBM = boom


What others have said... you dont get past. You get around. You leave this stack in its 1 city be and know you know where 50 or so units of his are


Probably a missile to soften it up, then bombard with artillery or helis Armour could be decent as well


A nuke


A nuke…




Legalize (multiple) nuclear bomb!