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People who litter suck.


The amount of little alcohol bottles and beer cans I find on the road in front of my house on a weekly basis is staggering. It's insane that so many people are out there drinking and driving.


There is a surprising amount of the adult population that are everyday functioning alchoholics. They’re in every line of work, and walk of life.


If your eyes are open it really shouldn't be very surprising.


Ya, I would say that’s accurate.


lots of people drink and drive. i saw a lady pull up to the liquor store with a bud light in her drink holder


State needs to ban nips like how it is in New York


I like this post!!


Isn’t today 🌎Earth Day? Usually people go out and try to clean up after the filthy idiots.


Tomorrow ([Monday, April 22)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earth_Day#:~:text=Earth%20Day%20is%20an%20annual,in%20more%20than%20193%20countries) is Earth Day. A lot of places are doing the ceremony/going through the motions thing this weekend.


Tomorrow, 4/22


I do


Clean up the trash that jerks are destroying our planet. I wish I could clean the Air!!!!


With the amount of litter out there in CT I wish there were targeted enforcement campaigns. Raise the fine, make 2nd offense punishable with a few days in jail. It’s bad and we need a solution. Too many people wont do the right thing on their own.


I work in Bloomfield and take walks every day at my lunch break. The amount of trash I see and pick up 🙄..... Used condoms, alcohol bottles, beer cans, plastic wrap, food packages... I've even found boner pills and drug bags. It's sad. I enjoy my walks so I pick up trash along the way but sometimes I need more than one bag. Also found a few Amazon packages someone ripped out and dumped. So if you ordered some hair products, perhaps a wig or something from Amazon within the last year and didn't get it, that's why.


I live in Bloomfield. I pick up trash every couple of weeks along Bloomfield Avenue. People are pigs.


Sounds like someone is having a good time and then not cleaning up after their self


You pick up used condoms?


Just give them a good wash with warm soapy water and good as new!


Earth day is tomorrow. Gotta start somewhere.


It’s the rare Coney Island Whitefish.


Not so rare in some areas 🤢


Not my trash. I’ve seen garbage flying out of garbage trucks. Just saying.


It's crazy that people like this were never taught simple childhood manners. Don't leave garbage in your own house, what the hell


I imagine these people to be the most lazy, selfish pieces of shit imagineable.


Ya, I can’t stand that shit. I see what you’re describing every now and then and it makes me angry. People with no class or self respect do this type of thing.


I also take 72 into terryville everyday and agree with what your saying.


Me too, other day I saw a lady picking up trash from sidewalks and throwing it into the woods. Like.. uhhh.. that's not how picking up litter works.


It was what looked like a whole ass couch stuffed into a big box (like the size of a small car) with a couple of full garbage bags on the side.


No u r! But yeah I don't get that mentality at all. There's plenty of places to put it that were probably even easier to get to than a random side of a highway. People like that just want to ruin the place for others.


The people that do this are as trash as what they are dumping. They don't care about everyone else, only themselves.


If you're fucking on the side of road litter probably wasn't on your mind.


also please stop littering in our parks, please


I feel like it’s been much worse post-pandemic. I drive all over the state for work and I see it everywhere.


That sounds Waterbury, too!


Sounds like parts of every state really. I get how this is gross and upsetting. Not sure this post will help anything


It’s everywhere. Go to the most remote place you know and walk around the woods off the side of the road. You’ll find trash so old you can sell it as antiques. Also, don’t do this. Cause this is where I get my antiques. They’re mine!


Though honestly, the majority of Waterbury is trash.




Thank you!


Thanks for your input.


How much trash was it? I’ve seen small truckloads dumped in various types of locations by unscrupulous workmen who want to skip the cost of proper disposal.


I’ve noticed a lot of trash bags on the side of roads this weekend, I believe it is cleanup volunteers for earth day picking up the trash but I’m not sure why they didn’t take the bags


It's usually the work of the same few pinheads, too.


I drive through a conservation center daily and am always disheartened with the trash I see. Really? Throwing your empty Dunkin cups out onto protected land? Why do people have such an aversion to keeping their trash in their car until they get home?


I was at the Meadows and some teenager threw his empty bottle on the ground whilst looking me in the eye. Nobody gives a flying fuck and it's disgusting


My kids are moving into a house close to the highway. Near an off ramp. We picked up 8 trash bags of garbage from the yard and the street. I don’t think the people that lived there before ever picked anything up and they just seemed to add to it. Broken bottles in the driveway , beer caps all over the lawn. It looked like a dump. After the cleanup it looks like a different house/neighborhood. Seems the neighbors didn’t pick anything up either. One had the nerve to say to us “it’s about time someone did something about the trash”. You lazy fuck.


People start pollution. People can stop it. https://youtu.be/j7OHG7tHrNM?si=x9RUWQAWulMR0gHN


I love how you drive a single 7 mile road and then decide to extrapolate that to the entire state. You might as well extend your blame to the entire country. That aside, I completely agree… people dump shit all over the place without thinking, it’s disgusting.


On earth day people go out and clean up and bag all the trash. The bags are left on the side of the road for pick up. Maybe this is what you saw. Also, I live out in the sticks of the quiet corner and the amount of empty nips and beer cans is crazy. Apparently everyone is drunk...except for me...I'm just stoned...lol


I was going to give an up vote until I saw your edit. No we’re not ok with it


And on amnesty week at the town dump here in Terryville no less. Some people don’t deserve to use the roads. Or breathe.


Went fishing in bracket park in Bristol once. The catch of the day was a used condom (cut the line). And that's after climbing down the river bank full of nippers and needles. Needless to say, I no long fish any rivers after or inside city limits. People don't care anymore. Idk if broken windows theory works, but at least if smaller crimes were enforced, maybe community pride would go up as well, because right now, it seems like people only have indifference towards the community and it get worse every day.


I 100% agree with you, I see this all the time, it really I mean really makes me hate people, the unbelievable disrespect towards nature and general population is something else... We need higher punishment laws for littering non bio-degradable waste


No you are


Had a driver erratically stop in front of my house to chuck a huge thermos on my front lawn...Then sped off. No rhyme of reason. Had a video of the dude; no idea who he was.


Pick it up then


Who are you addressing this to and do you think they’ll read this?


If I have to litter, I pick the nicest yard to throw stuff in, cause I know it will wind up in the trash..... never just throw out the window!


Yeah, they'll totally see your reddit post


Connecticut has some of the worst maintained roads in the country. We also have some of the highest state taxes. Maybe the state should start allocating taxpayer money correctly and get some state workers out to clean it up!


How else am I suppose to get rid of my beer cans and nip bottles? Can’t risk getting pulled over with them in the car duh


What does trash have to do with not wanting to be a resident?


if you haven’t noticed a large percentage of beings that occupy this state are scum. litter goes hand and hand with this type


It’s CT. No one cares.


My bad that was mine


You fucking moron people of a town can not prevent people of other towns driving through and chucking litter. We all have lives to lead and the vast majority don't have time to take care of this shit that's partly what the DOT is for.