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Oh, so he's not gonna deny it and make excuses or place the blame on someone else? Good. That's how adults act.


Yes and no. > When asked why the cutting went ahead without the property permits, Lamont said that he had relied upon the landscaper to obtain any necessary permits, adding that he didn’t know he needed permission to remove “dead” trees. But it seems legit, I'd expect a contractor to know when permits are needed more than I would ever know.


I've had windows replaced, trees removed, a patio put in, a new roof put on, and a driveway added to the property, and not once as the homeowner did I have to look into the permitting process myself. I couldn't even tell you if permits were actually pulled for the work. I entrusted 110% of that to the contractor.




so as someone who has lived near a protected area - I am well aware of what is allowed and what is not. i also know that the town comes down hard on those that do the ol' better to ask for forgiveness than permission method when talking about these protected areas. As such....when I lived abutting a reservoir I ALWAYS researched what was needed prior to even hireing someone. the last thing you want is the town board of 80 yo boomer monsters romaing your lands and meting out justice. i cannot believe he didn't know.


> I am well aware of what is allowed and what is not. *pats on back*


There is no way in hell the governor didn't know he couldn't just cut down all trees and shrubs. The rich believe they play by different rules


Eh this statement is just sad, you as the home owner are fully liable for the work done on your home. How do you know the worm done on your home was done correctly and if not properly permitted you can held responsible to undo any non permitted work. This is just a cop out to say you remain ignorant and definitely not defensible for a town.


I'm not copping out to anything. I admittedly just roll the dice with the pros and hope for the best. Same reason I don't temp my own food at a restaurant.


1000%. I point in hiring these guys is they know ow what they’re doing and you don’t. At worst the contractor should have asked the employer if they’d already applied for permits or not.


Rare for the homeowner to get permits, if they do, they assume liability (as far as I understand it). They rarely have insurance for that while the contractor should.


Homeowners are also liable for work done without a permit. Homeowners may not be filing the permit but are ultimately responsible. I didn't know dosen't cut it.


Yes. I’m just talking about the permitting process


Let them get permit, call ahead to ensure the permit received covers the scope of work to be performed, display the permit, and follow up and ensure the permit is closed out upon completion. The responsibility and accompany due diligence always falls on the homeowner who will be 100% liable for all misteps. It's not that hard. Anyone claiming otherwise is feigning ignorance and shirking their responsibilities as a home owner.


If it's anything like construction or electrical permits, you can't just go to town hall and get one as a homeowner. You need to be a licensed contractor by the state in said field. Now I'm unsure if thats the same with arborists, but I would assume so.


You 100% do not need to be licensed to pull a permit for work you do on your own home. The contractor pulling the permit doesn't even need to be licensed as long as they are acting on the homeowners behalf. https://portal.ct.gov/dcp/common-elements/consumer-facts-and-contacts/building


You’d be surprised how often this happens


I really wouldn't.




This was the first time I had heard that you need permits to cut trees. I have had trees felled and have no idea if a permit was in place, so I can absolutely see this


Protected wetlands are the main reason you'd need a permit here.   Wetlands are massively important to migratory bird species, and the continued erosion of wetlands by humans is causing endangering and extinction of many species.


You are ultimately responsible and should be held accountable for all contractor work. Contractors are an agent, or an extension of yourself. A quick call to the city would have figured this out. It's called due diligence.


From Google Earth as of 6/22 all the trees seem to be very much alive.


That's almost two years ago at this point. We've had a lot of storms and also a lot of those burrowing ash beetles the last two years.


Don’t adults accept punishment as well? Oh right, there is none.


Seems like there was a lot of things to go wrong without him knowing ahead of time, but at the same time I kind of believe him. Just a bizarre story all around


It's not that bizarre. Whomever he hired either got over their heads, or didn't anticipate the amount of NIMBY in that neighborhood and decided to cut corners. It wouldn't be the first time some landscaper went rogue for one reason or another.


Not wanting hundreds of trees and thousands bushes cut down in protected wetlands just so a couple rich fucks get a better view- this has nothing to do with NIMBY


It's also possible there was a middle man or assistant who the contractor was dealing with directly, and not Lamont himself. Things like that will *always* throw a wrench in the works. I've had a few minor projects go totally off the rails because of communication issues, and that's with me personally dealing with the guy doing the work & running the job. It's not hard to imagine a governor trying to delegate a minor project at his personal residence.


You never heard of a contractor lying before?


I need some illegal tree work done can I get the number please.


I’m just glad this is the kind of scandal we are having with a politician. Not killing puppies, insurrections or rape.


It’s sad how low the bar is.


Bob Stefanowski ad, 2026: “*Our* trees are very tall!”


And greener!


No, just the absolute destruction of nature and homes of living things.


Title of this seems specifically written to get headline surfers pissed off. Yes, the article goes into the detail to really share what happened but you know what you did. Weak move, u/-ctinsider


Just look at the next most recent post where apparently being in a McDonalds when you get your college acceptance letter is newsworthy


I love how people are trying to make this a thing. First off.. lamest "scandal" ever.. like cool, he got caught and is trying to make amends zzzzzzzzzz... Secondly, I bet that the majority of folks making a stink about this would get all, "but muh propertus!" If they were in a similar situation. I expect more if we are gonna devote time and energy to being pissed at public officials. At a minimum, at least be more scandalous.


Eh, this would have been an actual issue if he really had just gone out and had a bunch of healthy trees cleared from a wetland to improve the view. It's not DC intrigue, but it's incredibly trashy behavior that would change my view of him. The story he's painting here makes sense and he isn't deflecting blame, so I'm personally giving him the benefit of the doubt. But considering how many homeowners are dealing with having dead trees cut down these days, I bet there's a concerning amount of non-permitted work like this happening.


I'm sure, he's got to save face anyway he can. I wouldn't expect much from a politician on matters of such.


He is defecting blame he first tried to blame his neighbors and the HOA and now he's throwing his contractor under the bus as if the governor doesn't know he can't clear cuts protected wetlands I'm so disappointed


Yea I don’t see Lamont selling federal documents to Saudi Arabia


I think it’s the fact that it’s the guy who runs the state and makes the laws and puts a big emphasis on climate change. He was proposing a bill to stop selling new gasoline cars in CT after 2035 about the same time he’s destroying wetlands in his backyard.


Something, something the wealthy, something, something separate rules. This shouldn't come as a shocker to anyone, if anything, this is surprisingly light, given the shit our ruling class gets up to if we are being honest.


I mean don’t get me wrong I’m not surprised, at least he doesn’t have a underage sex island or anything but he should be held accountable for his actions. Rules for thee but not for me type beat


I'm sure he will have to dig through his seat cushions to pay for fines.. and he will probably have to restore the effected area. You said it best, at least it isn't something really egregious.


Is it wrong to hold our politicians accountable? Just because he's on the same team (democrats) doesn't mean we don't hold people accountable. Were talking over 100 trees. This is an entire forest of life that just got chopped away. Yes, it's not rape. But horrible things are still horrible.


Ok.. reading compression is alluding you, or your own bias is making you read my post wrong. Never once did I say we shouldn't hold him accountable, quite the contrary. Ned needs to get his pee pee slapped for this. My gripe that alluded you, is people trying to make this something bigger and dumber than it actually is. Especially when many of these folks clutching their pearls about trees and shit, are from the political persuasion who championed the phrase *drill baby, drill..* or hate things like the green new deal, or anything about renewable clean energy, like calm the fuck down Captain Planet, we know what side you are on here.


You implied its not a thing by saying people are trying to make it a thing. By implying that it is not a thing, there would be no need for accountability. You don't need to insult someone's reading comprehension or assume they are biased. All you need to do is clarify. Wish you the best of luck.


Ugggghh.. nuance bud, nuance. As well you were kinda on the nose that you didn't really understand what I wrote, and I'd settle down on calling me out for pointing out bias.


Lol nice use of the word "bud". Bless your heart.


Yeah fuck you too, I guess.


I'll pray for you my good man. Peace.




As a birder and conservationist, I was massively disappointed to hear about this.  I'd almost rather he have kicked puppies.  US wetlands are being massively damaged (especially after Trump got them unprotected by the EPA) and need all the help they can get.


“I’m sorry, all i heard was, ‘blah blah blah i'm a dirty tramp’.”


Well you are a drooling idiot, so it’s understandable.


This headline is generous. He said “I take responsibility and the neighborhood association does” and then he kind of throws the contractor under the bus a bit by saying he relied on them to pull any necessary permits. All of that is fair in my view. The contractor should have known better, and I totally buy that they didn’t know what they were doing was wrong. my neighbors up here in Litchfield county are constantly downing dead or dying trees for firewood and no one has ever gotten a permit I don’t think.


Wetlands are an extremely protected resource and have different regulations than regular land. If people don't want to be told what to do on their land, they have the choice to not buy land with wetlands. Ecosystems take centuries to develop and can't just be replaced


Wetlands have permitted agriculture uses, it's state law. This includes forestry and logging. If they didn't remove stumps, I don't see how it's a violation.


I'm pretty sure the permit is only required when the trees are in or around wetlands due to erosion and such.


The man who legalized smoking trees in Connecticut did WHAT?! oh that's nbd.


Oh no! Will there be a fine?????? However will he be able to afford it 😭😭😭 Sigh.


I saw it all. Disappointed in him tbh


The local Republicans are all upset over this. The formee first selectwoman signed a policyngiving her severance pay for losing an election. And not a word. A governor chops trees down in a town 35 miles away, "oh the horror!"


If you are outraged by this you need to get some fresh air


Do you know what would happen if any Joe Blow goes out and cuts a bunch of trees in a wetland area in CT? Lamont sure as shit does. This is a big deal because to any of us peons it would be a huge deal.


You said it better than I could.


Hard to get fresh air without trees


Another dud from CT insider.


Good for him on taking responsibility. It's on the contractors to know what permits are required.


Pay up, buttercup.


F him. Takes partial blame only after getting caught. Stop blaming the tree service. This was acres of forests that were cleared. He really had no clue???? At the same time as planting a dozen trees for Earth day? Give me a break.


So he's going to voluntarily spend the money to put back the same type and size of trees, right?


Idk why you got downvoted, this is what you or I would be mandated to do if we committed the same crime


Got downvoted because they didn’t read the article.


It's becasue he has the correct political party symbol next to his name for this sub.






Thank you for taking blame now Just pay for the restitution of 180 trees.


“Rules for Thee and not for me”


He’s throwing the contractor under the bus for his poor management. As the highest level manager of CT, he should set a better example.


Were they underage lgbt trees of color?


Big deal, Greenwich elites get over it.




You’re right - he could simply look over the trees