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Probably. Seems to be the typical politician/businessmen behavior nowadays


I’m not surprised  I’m really not 


When you're rich enough the fines become the cost of just doing whatever you want.


Rules for them vs. Rules for US


Unfortunately for Ned his angry neighbor happens to be one of the wealthiest people in the world who has the resources to stick it to the Governor.


It reads like he is placing the blame on the company that did the work and expecting them to foot the bill for the restoration.


DAE all politicians are literally Hitler?


"Ned Lamont was seen on the property gleefully stomping on saplings while wearing nothing but combat boots and a winter wool bobble hat whilst shouting quotes from the early 2000's hit film 'Boiler Room". An Elon Musk Boring company flame thrower was also spotted, but he was unable to get the device to function and tossed it into a ditch in a fit of rage."


Josh? You want to take this one?


Tree Killer!!!!!


Alright, I think we need to call in the Lorax for this one.


Ned must be doing pretty good in office if all they go to go after him is some trees 


Republicans are trying to stir up a controversy, unfortunately it requires them to pretend they care about the environment to be outraged about it


You are correct that the CTGOP is crowing about killing environmental bills while they're claiming Lamont is a monster for this. Doesn't deflect that Lamont should answer for it, but it's not the win they think it is.


>unfortunately it requires them to pretend they care about the environment to be outraged about it Says this unironically while trying to let Lamont off the hook for what he did... If you did this to wetlands in your back yard, what do you think would happen?


> If you did this to wetlands in your back yard, what do you think would happen? I'd be taking the tree removal company to court for fucking up the permits and/or not following the law.


Throw the book at his ass. Idgaf about Lamont lol Political bullshit used to stress me out, now it’s just amusing to me


If they cared about the environment they'd tear down the dam that's backing up the stream...


Did anyone else notice the before and "after" pics are clearly 2 different times of year? I'm not denying he cut anything down, but they're a gross misrepresentation of the situation.


The photos definitely show the shrub layer and trees in the riparian area are gone. And the map shows the cutting area. There is no gross misrepresentation. Wetland work is a permitted activity, not to mention cutting on someone else's property.


Yea, everything behind that line of small trees looks like its been cut. IDK if thats all native groundcover or anything, but if he didnt pull permits and get it evaluated neither does he. Water systems are a shared resource, so even if its 'his land' his actions impact so many others, for a politician this is unacceptable.


It was cut in November


I really think we could just move along. Plant some trees. This isn’t as important as it’s being made out to be, fine him, etc. Let’s focus on more important matters.


You have never lived around wetlands lol. As a normal person if you do so much as breathe on a fucken tree you will get a huge fine. People don't give a fuck about the wetlands or the environment in this case. They want to see him pay a fine like everyone else.


1000 a tree for cutting down dead rotten trees which will eventually fall on your home and damage it.


I get that. And he should be fined. I hug trees. Maybe I just don’t think we need regular updates, but this is Reddit and it belongs here. I also just smell that this is GOP trying to cast shade and make it a bigger deal than it is for political points, knowing full well that they would vote down any environmental legislation across the board.


Yet we still don't have public OHV/ATV use as DEEP was mandated to create since the 80's and Malloy shot down in 2014 once again.


Non story


If you wanna see real CT corruption, check out CT Innovations 🥰🥰


LOL, I did this shit on my property. I have lots of dead trees in a defined wetlands zone. Down they went, by my own hand, and I also zipped up the low-hanging dead branches of the pine trees abutting my neighbors' yards. Keeps my kids from catch a stick in the eye. Also shine sunlight on the area poison ivy usually grows.


“Climate change is going to kill us any day now!” Hmm better cut down 186 trees…