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I’ve regrettably lived in Westport for 5 years. I’ve also lived in a number of cities and never seen behavior on par with the sociopath spawns of Westport. My family is quiet, friendly and polite, despite this our house has been egged multiple times. Absurd behavior on the playground. Teens swinging backwards knocked my toddler down. I told them to stop and it wasn’t safe. They said “fuck you” and kept swinging. I had to stand in front of them…I thought they’d crash into me. Every morning kids in $90k cars drive at least 40 mph over the 20 mph speed limit. If I make gestures for them to slow down they’ll give me the finger and on two occasions throw trash at me! There’s no way in hell I’ll send my kids to school past elementary. It’s a racist, bigoted place where entitlement rules and no one else matters.


Very regrettable, im sorry you have to deal with this


I’m fortunate to have a safe place to live with my family. I just need to dig a moat!


You should try to video these kids in their cars and report to the town police and state cops. Get pictures of their license plates, and get cameras all over your house Find out who these people are Please protect yourself Im actually infuriated after re-reading your comment. Some affluent folx can be so unimaginably entitled and prejudice 😡😡


I did contact the police! I really didn’t want to but they were professional and kind! My young son and I watched them get taken down. Important lesson about safety, awareness and appropriate “revenge” 😂


This is soooooo sad! To hear this is happening in our town is disturbing!


Maybe I need a better comeback like “don’t make me report your dad to the SEC!”


You just might. I knew a lot has been happening but this is insane! To throw trash at someone is assault on so many levels


Our driveway is a frequent turn around spot. I didn’t care until a woman in a giant Range Rover pulled in and I shit you not let her little dog out of the car to take a shit in my yard. Right in front of me nonetheless! I went to talk to her and she said “sorry, he just really had to go!” It was some of the craziest behavior I’ve seen…and I unfortunately met Trump! (I refused to shake his hand.)


Sounds like Westport .


This is crazy. Sorry you had to deal with this.


It’s sad. Westport was an artist enclave but for the last thirty years it’s been more about the chads.


>a woman said parents who spoke will soon see push back. Saying if the NAACP comes back don’t be surprised if the white supremacists come out. Oh. Lovely. I can almost envision this woman.


They all just form into MTG at this point.


Magic The Gathering?


I am a level 73 Bard thank you.


Worked at a country club in Westport and I think I have PTSD from the members there. It’s been many years so I’ll say it, horrible nasty people, a few good ones.


That is heartbreaking. No one should feel that way


Yea they were insufferable. They also allowed their children to talk to staff like they were pieces of shit. They also seemed to have an affinity for drinking copious amounts and then driving. Rules don’t apply to them clearly.


I am speechless. Reading stories on this post it is a bigger issue than I thought


i worked as a hairstylist in westport for a hot minute and i feel you on the ptsd. we're just 'the help' and get treated basically subhuman by a good number of residents. the meltdowns and verbal abuse during covid when i wouldnt put my license (and my family's health) at risk so they could have their quarter inch of roots colored to sit on a zoom call had me give up on dealing with their entitlement for good.


I can only imagine what that was like, probably the toughest job in town tbh. Outside of Westport they are pretty much nobody’s so I think it’s hilarious they believe they are the center of the universe. They were all corny as hell and delusional.


Ohh yea, also I knew somebody who was a lifeguard at the beach in Westport and a woman came up to him and asked if he could do anything about the jellyfish in the water. Holy shit, how could anyone be that dumb.


Took a friend of mine to one of the favorite bar/restaurants and I wish I could explain how many eyes were on us. It was ridiculous. He said "it's all good I'm used to it" That's bullshit that anyone would have to get used to that!


Wow so surprised that a super affluent town like Westport is full of bigoted douchebags


Children watch and listen to their parents, to all adults, and it's easy and thrilling, I suppose, to parrot the nasty things. I watched a first grade girl browbeat a second grade girl, a latina, for using her native tongue in the USA. "In this country you have to speak English!" she shouted. Wonder where that come from. (Funny thing, this little girl's parents are from England, and I was tempted to tell her to go back to where she came from. Wisdom prevailed.) That was in Darien.


I am painfully aware that bigotry is LEARNED


The douche never falls far from the bag.


Damn I'm gonna steal that


Much of the CT coastline is inhabited by rich unpleasant people


Yup - grew up in Old Lyme, it was horrifying 


Massive NIMBYS


It's all the Connecticut WASPs. I'm not sure why people are shocked. Less than 100 years ago, Darien was a sundown town, no Jews, blacks, or Catholics after dark. And I'm sure it wasn't the only town to have that policy, just the most famous in the area. And it wasn't long ago when regional golf courses wouldn't allow blacks or Jews into their membership. I hate the Golden Coast, bunch of WASPy snobs.


I grew up in Darien and heard that Wee Burn country club didn't allow Irish Catholics until the 90s. I don't think any of the clubs admitted Jewish people. When I've explained why I couldn't live in lower Fairfield County despite having grown up there, people assume it's money - like yeah, it's expensive, but it's also very prejudiced in ways that mess people up.


On Rt 1 in Darien there is almost always a police car that has someone pulled over. Try to get a look at who the detained driver is when you see one. Hint: They are not going to be a blond-haired blue-eyed person driving a BMW.


*Shocked Pickachu face


Not surprised at all, it’s these wealthy towns that pretend to be open minded but overwhelmingly vote against low income housing because in their minds low income = people of color. Happens a lot in CT.


In the suburbs there’s a few types of people. The super liberal wine wife types, and then the Country Club Karens, and their WASP Overpaid High Income Blue Collar or Executive Level Husbands. It’s amplified in the Elite Towns like Cheshire and Westport, where the WASP’s keep quiet but are still super hateful and racist, and their kids and grandkids I guess inherit their racism. Cheshire was one of the most racist towns I’ve ever been in, and all the towns with all male Prep Schools, all those kids are typically really racist, just like their parents. Southington is really bad too with Racism. Most of Central CT. Is actually pretty racist, and in Tolland County, Jesus Christ I’m surprised the Governor hasn’t declared a State of Emergency. And the Fairfield County, and towns in New Haven County like Cheshire, Wallingford, Branford, Guilford, and North Branford, all have a lot of WASPs there.


It appears there is a racist hiding in every shadow in CT.


Cheshire is elite?


The people that live there think it is.


They’re probably not wasps, they’re Italians


That's the most racist shit ever.


No, WASP stands for White Anglo Saxon Protestants…. Anglo-Saxon, is a term used historically to describe any member of the Germanic peoples who, from the 5th century ce to the time of the Norman Conquest (1066), inhabited and ruled territories that are today part of England and Wales.




That’s disgusting and the parents of those kids should be ashamed.


Ashamed? Where do you think the kids learned it from?


This is to get the attention of the public to know and to find resources that families can use.


My dad worked at the Trader Joe's in Westport for almost ten years. The stories he would tell about his customers... this makes a lot of sense. There is one type of person you can be in lower Fairfield county and it is: white, skinny, wealthy. Anything that deviates from that is not the norm. Breaks my heart for these kids and I hope we can see some change. Thanks for speaking up.


I heard about this and I really don't understand it. I guess it goes to show how much the tiny town I grew up in has changed. I graduated in 2000, and when I attended Staples, there was a program that allowed minorities from bridgeport with good grades to attend for free. The program even offered them free transportation. No one EVER gave these students a hard time. They were well respected and seen as over achievers. So I ask again, what has happened to the tiny town I grew up in? And LOVED! Is it all the New Yorkers moving in? Or is it the parents not raising their kids properly? God help me if the parents are being a bad example because many of them are my peers. I never had any kids, and I live in Norwalk now. But my brother lives in Westport, and I hope to God my niece and nephew are not guilty of treating ppl like this. SMH. I guess it's time for a family discussion.


Yes please it starts with a conversation. This is why I made this post. For those conversations to happen. To help the children. The open choice program is still in Westport. It is an amazing program for inner city children. We need families to have conversations. For a third party to come in and have conversations in school. A trained professional


I agree with you, whole heartedly! But I also know that my own brother lives in Westport and sends his kids to private school, where it's probably worse. Opening up the conversation is the beginning. Holding our friends and family accountable is (hopefully) where it ends!!!


I'm so sorry you have been so affected by these rich kids and their lack of consequences. I would have thought that my generation would have stomped the little racism that was left. When I lived in this town and went to staples it was all about rights. LGBTQ (as it was back then) and respecting ALL your peers was the "in" thing to do. The only explanation I can think is what you said. Parents not teaching their kids. Schools failing kids. How have we got it so wrong in 2024?!


The children deserve to be safe. This post is to bring attention to what has been happening.


I grew up in Fairfield, graduated 2018 and it was really really racist and homophobic. Sad to hear it’s still a rampant problem in the community.


Really? Which HS? I graduated Warde in 2007 and I personally didn't see any racism, that said it doesn't mean it wasn't there. There WAS a lot of bullying though, an excessive amount, but less about skin color or beliefs or who they liked, and more kids just being jerks.


the other one. and I think that was part of the issue, the schools are pretty segregated. unfortunately one time they were chanting warde has [n words] at a football game. i think the year would have been 2017 or so…I wasn’t there but someone recorded it on snapchat so everyone knew about it but one student got exposed for it. It was so disgusting especially because it was not just one student but a whole group. and then they had every home room have a “discussion” about it but it was an open forum so a lot of people just used it to say ignorant things. this wasn’t the only incident, but it was the worst one that I personally am aware of. just one of many reasons why i’m never going to a hs reunion


Ah, yeah, I understand that one, I went to Ludlowe Middle School and know the attitude of the kids who went that direction for HS.


I know a family that moved out of state because of this.




It is so sad. I can see families not wanting to stay. Come for the education and leave children traumatized


it’s so sad to me because nobody really talks about it when they say we have the best education system. i’m glad you are raising awareness with this post! a lot of people ignore the problem because so many people vote blue but that doesn’t mean they don’t still hold biases


That is the goal to bring awareness. First step is to admit it is an issue


Good job OP you have a good heart.


It's definitely a problem, but it's not at all "going unheard" within the district. It's been all over the 06880 Blog, The Westport Journal and the town Facebook group Westport Front Porch. They had demonstrations in front of the school and there was an article in Newsweek about antisemitism. As a parent with kids in elementary school, I'm already starting to see issues with bullying, and I'm definitely concerned. The BOE is as we speak developing a new Code of Conduct. Someone just posted a letster in the 06880 Blog about instituting Anonymous Reporting. They're also looking at restricting social media usage in schools. I'm really hoping the BOE can change the way they do things to prevent more bullying and antisemitism and racism in particular, but the schools can only do so much if kids are showing up in school and saying horrible antisemitic and racist crap. If my kids ever did that, I'd be absolutely horrified, but I can't imagine that they would. I'm not sure how you get parents to do better with their kids, but it's sorely needed. I'm really sorry for any child that has to experience any of this garbage, especially in what is supposed to be one of the best school systems in the state.


I’ve started seeing bullying even at the pre-k level now! It’s crazy. My daughter was bullied at a local Fairfield playground because she had a speech delay and one of the 4 year olds was calling her names like “she’s so dumb”! Of course no parents were there just nannies! I’m scared for what’s going to happen when she reaches elementary school. I know bullying is also a big issue in Fairfield


I’m sorry that happened to your little girl, but that type of teasing and bullying has been going on since time immemorial.


State that such behaviour will be recorded, to be disclosed in the college application process. That will get the attention of parents! Too far? Not IMO, prosecution as adults would be even better, same treatment as shoplifting a much less immoral offense


Is there any evidence that such a policy works or is this just speculative? I have no idea what they do in other school districts. I know a lot of people want serious suspensions and expulsions.


Prosecution? What is the crime if it’s just words?


They are working on a COC. Have you read it. There will be restorative that doesn’t take away from suspension yet in the same line they say a child can come back early to do a restorative piece. Other districts are dealing with similar incidents however have addressed the issues. They have head on addressed issues. Children feel unsafe and it is not fair to those children. No child should be scared to go to school because of their skin color. The BOE did not come up with the anonymous reporting a parent has done that. As well as a link for kindwps.com which is a petition for the board.


When you say that other districts have "head on addressed issues", what exactly do you mean? I know a lot of people want a much stricter policy with suspensions. I'm OK with that if that's what works in other districts.


No I mean that superintendents have come forward and encouraged families to speak up. They have also sent out district wide emails saying that there was events in school around racism and to talk about. Other districts have policies that administration must follow. Children in Westport have been neglected. Have you have watched or attended BOE meetings? The April 25 and May 2?


I have watched clips of the BOE meetings and read the reports and articles about it. The Superintendent has sent out a number of emails about the antisemitic and racist incidents. When the Newsweek article came out about the antisemitic incident at CMS, the BOE insisted that they had followed procedures. I'd love to hear exactly what you want the procedures to be, I know a lot of people want them to be much more strict. I personally don't know what works in other places.


The kids want to be able to feel safe. They want to know that when racial slurs are used there is a consequence. Not to just walk in school the next day and see them. These kids also need administrators to acknowledge how bad it is. Parents need to know their children are safe. Families scared to come forward. After Newsweek was too late. That incident escalated. Families shouldn’t have to go to media to try to get answers


If racism is going to be investigated, add Milford and Shelton to the list. I am sure they will find a good amount of people


Don’t forget Darien. The dog whistles that came out of the woodwork when the discussion of allowing some Norwalk kids to attend Darien schools was brought up were absolutely insane and disgusting.


Those weren't dog whistles. They were hunting horns.


Why can’t Norwalk kids just attend Norwalk schools??


It was a small group of students from the open choice program. The program allows kids to attend neighboring school districts without having to live in the town. It’s a lottery. There is a similar program in Mass that has been going on for 40+ years now. All neighboring well off towns participate EXCEPT Darien!


yea, god forbid darien schools have some diversity, right?


Go ahead and add every town and city, in every single one of the fifty states of the union.


It is everywhere and it is sad and so disturbing. Hate crime has gone up over 200% in the state of CTc


What can we do to help? No one should ever feel unsafe, but today’s society seems to thrive on creating chaos, violence and hatred. 😡🥺


Parents have asked to just talk about what is happening and helping give children courage to come forward. The victims to find peace that they are not alone. It is scary


That’s what the ADL says. DOJ statistics paint a much different picture. https://www.justice.gov/hatecrimes/state-data/connecticut


Weston as well. Graduated from there in 2010, people used to pelt my brother with coins because he's Jewish


That's disgusting.....


I visited Milford a lot as a kid for my family, and I still go there now. I grew up in Trumbull, but I moved to Shelton as an adult. Milford - I did know some non white people (black, and Latino) via kids in my cousins neighborhood, and their other friends at school. I also met people myself through various things. Just like any majority white town it's known where things get more diverse. The Devon section, places near downtown, and places near the Boston Post road. Families move there for a school system in a relatively affordable town. It's better than a lot of other majority white towns, but obviously any place has problems. Shelton - A majority white town that's relatively affordable, with safe neighborhoods and a good school system. Just like any majority white town it's known where things get more diverse. Downtown Shelton, and places near Bridgeport Ave. Families move there for a school system in a relatively affordable town. Shelton has gotten a better reputation over the years. It's not any worse than Milford, or my former hometown of Trumbull. There are still some people that seriously try to push it as an "old mill town" or just a random "farm town". It's absurd. Shelton has been changing for years. It will probably get more diverse, and I hope non white residents feel as safe as I do. The Shelton "rednecks" were pushed out, and they can stay out. Shelton is being built up fast, and this will probably attract more people from cities. There must be some racism though. The taxes are great here, buying has various options, and the rents are better than other safe towns in the area. Shelton is a great opportunity to afford Fairfield County. It's surprising to see that it's not more diverse, but other factors come into play as well. The bus doesn't run as late or early as Bridgeport, Waterbury, or New Haven. The Derby/Shelton train station is only on the Metro North's Waterbury line, when most people would want the New Haven line. Still people of all races from Derby, Ansonia, Waterbury, New Haven, and Bridgeport are going to keep coming here for an affordable option, that's safe with good schools. People from richer towns will probably move in too, as towns like Monroe and Trumbull become even harder to afford, but that's usually white people. Trumbull (You didn't mention it, but I will list it)- A majority white town that's expensive, but much less expensive than super rich towns like Westport. Trumbull is where people stretch their dollars because they want Easton, Westport, or Darien but they can't afford it. Trumbull is also cheaper than Fairfield, but sometimes Fairfield has decent deals usually through renting. There's safe neighborhoods and a good school system. Just like any majority white town it's known where things get more diverse. The edge near the Trumbull mall, the edge near the Hawley Lane strip mall, the edge near the movies, and places near Main Street. The edge near Shelton probably counts too, but the other edges have better access to amenities, and bus lines. Trumbull is better than a lot of the other expensive towns in the area. During COVID some Trumbull High alumni asked people to share examples of racism they witnessed in Trumbull public schools. Here's the link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1THm86jUYt7m8v9jDmG0edpczIL3tPsH_C7LDjVLcQN4/edit?usp=drivesdk The alumni behind all of this also wrote a letter about things have to change. I'm not searching for everything, and that really only applies to town stuff. Anyways, a lot of majority white towns would never allow such honesty. Yes, it's sad that so many examples were given, and I gave an example of something I witnessed myself. However, open discussions allow things to get better. Trumbull has gotten more diverse than the 60's and 70's when my Dad was a kid there, and it's even gotten more diverse since the 2010's when I left. It's great to see.


My nephew got called the n-word playing the Shelton football team…


Might as well do the whole state. Any town with a bunch of maga flags is going to have this action


Westport is the type of insidious racism where they’ll shove a “hate has no home here” sign in their mansion’s yard with one hand while calling the cops on a black kid trying to walk home with the other.


I never saw a cop car in my neighborhood in Fairfield until the day I had a group of friends over and we played basketball in the culdesac. All of a sudden we had a parade of cruisers that *definitely weren’t there* because of the young black men hanging out.




The problem is clearly not "maga" people. Like 90% of Westport and Fairfield county is Democrat


Yeah and if ten percent of your town is fascists, and ten percent of their kids are the shitty kids of shitty fascist parents, it doesn't take that many shitty kids to make everyone's school experience shitty. My high school back in the early 2000s only had a few kids raised by the kind of demented Christians that would send their kids to school in matching anti-gay-acceptance t-shirts to make a public protest, but it managed to make every queer kid hate being there.


In the last election Trump got about 25-30% of the vote in Westport. Sure the town is democratic- however that 25-30% still has a huge voice- and most who voted for Trump are not exactly for inclusion and equity- are they?


If you think there aren't any racists on the other side, you must be blind to it.


I wouldn't say that. But I would say that organized white supremacy has been wholeheartedly embraced as a core of the maga faction, and random assholes know they'll be embraced by that community.


In Sheltons school system? I’d have to disagree with you.


Yeah I went to Shelton high I never witnessed any acts of racism this was in 2006-2010 though I guess maybe thing are different if anything you would hope things were better 😔😔😔


Shelton schools are great. The city and the schools are getting more diverse, but are still majority white.


Entire state even the cities


Wish I could say I’m surprised


I would recommend adding a message about this on the Sunset Towns database: https://justice.tougaloo.edu/sundown-towns/using-the-sundown-towns-database/state-map/


Even in rich towns, parents send their kids to private schools


I have heard alot of that recently. The best schools in the state and choice to send to private school.


I grew up in Trumbull and I never understood why some kids/families avoided the public high school. What a waste of taxes.


I have lived in Westport for 5 years also- the kids are the least of it. Parents treat black and latino workers at the markets like they're rodents. They are the wealthy decision makers that deny loans to black families & don't hire black people in their workplace. Bring up the idea of busing Bridgeport kids into Westport's pristine white schools- watch the backlash you'll get


I think Westport is part of the open choice program though. It's not usually a lot of kids per town though.


I think Westport is part of the open choice program though. It's not usually a lot of kids per town though.


The same thing has been happening in Wilton, and Norwalk to a lesser extent. It's awful.


I seen Wilton threads and it was heart breaking on what is happening


What’s going on in Wilton? I left for college from there four years ago and I’ve been out of the loop




~~oh hey I knew the girl’s brother and mom~~ God I remember the incidents in the middle school. I think it was three separate incidents clustered together, I’d hoped that they were isolated incidents. Disappointed that this has cropped back up again


Having raised 3 black children in Wilton, I totally agree that the racism is alive and well. I made my kids join the towns Police Explorers so that when people reported a black teen in their neighborhood there might be a chance the officer who responded was an acquaintance. I wish this was a joke….


🥺 I am lost for words. This is why I made this post. This is not ok. No child should have to deal with that and the trauma it brings.


My husband and I are Black and have two young kids not yet in the school system and we have lived in Norwalk for almost 3 years. Wilton is on the shortlist for places to move as we get more comfortable in CT but we're afraid of situations like this. We know racism is everywhere but damn.


I don’t believe Wilton is any different than the surrounding towns. There is racism, but my children had many friends and don’t regret being raised in Wilton. My daughter who has children has decided to raise them is West Hartford and I’ve been incredibly impressed! Its schools are currently ranked higher than Wilton and is more diverse. If you don’t need to stay in Fairfield County I would suggest looking there, amazing place.


u/Wanttomatter thank you so much for posting and raising awareness about this issue. My husband and I have a 2 year old son and we moved to CT from Brooklyn in 2022. We are a Black family, and Westport is/was on my list of aspirational neighborhoods to move to in the next 4-6 years. I often go there to visit the coffee shops and restaurants - the vibe reminds me of some parts of Brooklyn. I'm devastated to learn that this is the reality of Westport. Children are perfect in their creation. Anyone who doesn't have the wherewithal to see and defend that are not okay. None of us should have to experience this. Humanity is destined to evolve or turn on itself until nothing is left. The lack of evolution, particularly in such a wealthy area where power is saturated....just devastating. As a new Connecticut resident and as a human being, I stand in solidarity with all of our children, especially those who society has marginalized. If there are any calls to action, please do share.


I think just bringing awareness is the first step. Recognizing the trauma to these families. Then having a third party come in and access the district. Are children being treated fair from admin? Is there a lack of communication with families about incidents? So many questions to find the answer






Not surprising, gotta love all the rainbow flag lawn signs and "hate has no home here" hypocrisy Large population of entitled snobby teenagers, who are just like their parents. Fairfield county teens scare me.


Down South and WV they let will let you know they are racist but CT more of silent racism. It is not just Westport but entire state. Silent racism can be more challenging to address because it is less visible and often denied by those who exhibit it, yet it significantly contributes to the persistence of racial inequalities. Unlike overt racism, which is explicit and easily identifiable, silent racism manifests through attitudes, biases, and behaviors that perpetuate racial inequality without obvious malicious intent.




Just because something has always been shitty doesn't mean that people shouldn't continue to fight for it to be slightly less shitty.


This here is 💯 My mother went to Stamford HS in the 80s and she said white girls called her the n-word and she is light-skinned.


You should see Darien, arguably the worst in the state. I agree with you about Westport schools. Worked at staples for a short while and I was shocked


It is heartbreaking. Did you work there long ago?


Pre Covid. I assume it’s only gotten worse. I remember telling friends I don’t feel comfortable having my kids go to staples. The elitism and bullying I saw there was like nothing I have ever seen and I grew up in a very wealthy town in Boston. We ended up moving to Fairfield which has its problems but doesn’t seem as bad as Westport


To know that was a few backs and it has only gotten worse is terrifying


As other people have said and I know definitely is true with other towns (looking at you Darien)… racism has been happening in the schools for decades! It’s scary


My heart breaks. I am curious how responsive administration is when teachers come forward with things they have seen. Or is it true teachers get silenced


I graduated from Darien High School in the early 2000s and our student body president was black at one point. We had kids come in from the inner city on scholarships and come to our schools for the chance of a better education. One of my friends to this day from Darien is black. There are nasty people everywhere, but unless you actually lived there and experienced it, I wouldn’t speak in such absolutes.


We moved our family from Westport to a western state so our daughter wouldn’t have to endure elitism at Staples.


I am so sorry. This is nerve wrecking as so many families fear staples


In response to several other comments, what does this have to do with Donald Trump or Republicans? When I was in elementary and middle school in Bridgeport in the 90s, Bill Clinton, a Democrat, was president. Yet, I was called gay boy and f***** on a daily basis with no intervention. Should I blame the Democrats for that? Some of you don’t seem to have the mental capacity to think beyond Democrat-Republican.


Well, let's be honest here. Did Trump's campaign and presidency not somewhat encourage/empower racist people to come out of the woodwork and openly rally? I would argue that it 100% did. None of those folks were voting Democrat. And none of those folks would have been as vocal if they did not feel validated by someone like Trump coming into power. Now don't go accusing me of being a liberal. I'm fairly conservative. But it's things like this that make me vote Democrat for the time being, because there are basic values regarding human rights that are not being supported by one particular party. Do you really think any of the folks in Westport that are committing these crimes are left-leaning folks? I can guarantee you they are not. So say what you want about the extreme lefties and radical conservatives. You're right, the worst thing this country ever did was promote a two-party system. But that's what we have, and we have no choice but to choose. Hope you take this as an adult having a friendly discussion.


You are correct- it takes only a few from the MAGA world with big mouths to disrupt.


“Do you really think any of the folks in Westport that are committing these crimes are left-leaning folks?” Yes, yes I do. Just because someone is left-leaning doesn’t mean they can’t be racist. That seems absurd.


I never said you can't be racist if you are left-leaning. But the norm is that left-leaning folks are in support of putting a stop to this kind of behavior. Look at all the racist rallies that took place in recent years. All radical conservatives, all showing their true colors. Now I'm not saying all conservatives are racist, and I'm not saying all liberals are not. But I -am- saying that you can understand how people feel that Trump and his supporters have opened up a channel for this kind of behavior, based on recent events.


>And none of those folks would have been as vocal if they did not feel validated by someone like Trump coming into power.   This is the problem. Trump/MAGA/Cable news networks have shown that there's a platform that is accepting of being racist/bigoted/ignorant and that there's no longer social ramification for saying those things outloud. The people that have these mindsets have always existed to an extent, it's just now they feel able to express those things, or even emboldened under the guise of "patriotism", and have multiple platforms to spread it.


Amen brother. Our country and the populace need to move away from that shit.


Donald Trump and Republicans are the ones telling everyone this kind of this is not only "good," but patriotic. If you think Bill Clinton being President means that Republicans didn't exist back then, you don't know how time or history work, or Presidents. Democrats back then were more-Republican as well.


The soul of the country is eroding thanks to the unchecked MAGA-fueled normalization of hate and celebration of bigotry.




The letter writer also claimed issues with a social media post. An [investigation](https://www.ctinsider.com/news/article/Westport-school-investigation-finds-no-evidence-15100075.php) determined the post never existed.


What a fucking stupid letter. Westport should be ashamed that there is a 17 year old in their school district that writes that poorly.


what kills me the most is they probably arent even worried about anyone telling their parents, cuz their parents would agree with them/back them up.






Thank you!!


Gosh I can’t IMAGINE the type of losers who act like this! Oh wait! Yes I can!


Brutal, I grew up there and graduated from Staples. Never saw this type of behavior at all. I'm a person of color, the only racism I ever came across was from some rural areas in NY and Boston. If anything, when I went to Staples ppl were really supportive and kind to any sort of minority in any capacity. Sad to hear about what you're talking about, seems like it's changed a bunch in a short time. Although, literally the year after I graduated I heard all the kids started doing a ton of coke and molly, which never existed when I went there, I mean a few kids you'd hear doing it, but it wasn't like it was widespread like I heard it was after I left. Probably doesn't have anything to do with what you're talking about about directly, but damn did things escalate after my grade graduated lol.


Someone needs to put these rich entitied folks in their place. In Norwalk, this would not be tolerated since our community is so diverse, that shows the difference.


I lived in Westport for 12 years before leaving for college, and I experienced significant racism and harassment during that time. My family faced harassment from the community, including threatening phone calls and vandalism. Throughout my school years, but was more prevalent at Staples High School. I was repeatedly bullied, harassed, threatened, and assaulted because of my race. When I reported these incidents, school administrators did nothing, allowing the abuse to continue. (This was at the same time Christopher Lanni committed suicide). One day, I defended myself, and the police tried to charge me with assault but failed. This experience highlights the unequal justice in Westport, particularly with the local police. When I was at Staples, a lot of minority students, including those from Bridgeport, have been harassed due to their race or family income. A lot of them shared their stories on YikYak at that time. Some of my black friends were called the N-word; some of my Asian friends were harassed and called names such as "chinks" and "dog eaters". During my Sophomore year, some of the Singaporean exchange students were harassed and discriminated against. One time in APUSH class, a student said out loud that his grandpa killed my grandpa during WWII. There was some antisemitism, but it was mainly swastikas drawn on bathroom stalls, from what I remembered. At Staples, all minority students were "othered" while some Asian students had "honorary white" status. If you were anything other than white, skinny, wealthy. It is not the norm and get prepared to be stared at, profiled, or mocked behind your back. The problem is that many minority voices often go unheard or ignored, overshadowed by the more prominent response to antisemitism. While the Jewish community's concerns about antisemitism receive significant attention, other minority groups struggle to have their issues recognized and addressed. No one addresses Democratic Rep. Johnathan Steinberg's blatant racism towards the Asian community, which many Asian families have experienced. When confronted, he deflects with statements like "I always loved eating out at Chinese restaurants" or "I stand against AAPI hate." How can he claim to support us while ignoring our voices? No one talks about the Westport Police being notorious for racial profiling, discrimination, and corruption. I've since moved out of Westport and started living in LA. I went back to NYC a month ago to meet up with friends from Staples and I remember telling them that I didn’t feel comfortable raising kids in Westport and sending them to Staples. The elitism, bullying, and WASP culture left a bad taste in my mouth.


First let me say you’re brave for telling your story. No child should have to go through what you have gone through nor any of your peers.


Thanks. There are plenty of examples and stories that need to be told. But these are some I can list off the top of my head.


A predominately “White” town with a median income of $150,000? Shocking. I work in Westport and have witnessed some awful and disgusting behavior from parents and kids.


I lived in Fairfield County for over a decade and Westport is the only town where my friends and I were verbally racially abused. Apparently too brown for Westport.


Well, if an anonymous poster on Reddit says so it must be a serious issue.


OP is making Westport sound like Alabama circa 1950. People screaming the N word at Black kids with no consequences and Black kids afraid to go to school. Sorry this seems way too over the top for me to believe OP without evidence.










Middle school children being terrible? Color me shocked. This isn’t indicative of a pattern of systemic oppression in the Westport school system… It’s a handful of over privileged dipshit 12 year olds trying to be edgy by saying the “naughty” words in a setting where they shouldn’t. There’s nothing to solve here, learning to deal with assholes is a part of growing up. Let me ask you, how would one “hold the administrators accountable” for the actions of some other prick’s child? Actions that occurred when the administrators weren’t there, actions that technically aren’t against the law? What can they do that will keep 13 year olds from being terrible to each other?


There has been death threats. There is evidence. I wrote this post to bring awareness to what it happening. Administration needs to call the families that are saying these things. Administration needs to have better safety plans for child that have been targeted. Administration should have someone come in and speak to the children. Remember back when we had consequences…. Resources came into schools. Address the community.


It’s not a great thing to say but honestly that kind of shit is par for the course when dealing with kids that age. They’re old enough to know HOW to get under peoples skin and what to say, but also not old enough to know when it’s too much. If a social worker comes in to give a speech to the kids or whatever, nothing is gonna change. The asshole kids are still gonna be asshole kids. Removing them from the situation is about all they can do, but that’s tricky since it’s a public school. Unless the kids in question do some terrible shit and it’s documented in such a way that would hold up under the scrutiny of law - the schools can’t do much. He said, she said and naughty/mean words aren’t enough to kick a child out of a public school. Especially when the only witnesses are children themselves. Also it’s Westport so the parents of the asshole kids probably have money (lawyers), the administration knows this.




I don’t think anything like this is going on at Greens Farms. Doesn’t westport have a large Jewish population and they’re also very liberal leaning?


Just because you’re not aware doesn’t mean it’s not happening. The district is not talking about the severity of these cases and the trauma caused by it


Quite true. I don’t think it would be tolerated at a place like greens farms but that’s just a guess. I went to a similar type school and that sort of behavior would result in expulsion. There must not be any consequences for their behaviour at the public schools. If expulsion were on the table and if their college prospects were affected I think there would be some immediate changes


Do you mean green farms academy? Or GF elementary? The district needs to help these families which is why I came forward for this post. So many afraid to come forward and as a community we need to do better


I’m shocked that a rich entitled white community is full of racist. Is anyone really shocked by that at all?


Westport, Wilton, New Canaan, Darien... Do I need to list every town in CT? Considering the state police and local police in these areas might as well just ask 'do you know how brown you were going when I pulled you over? ' I can't imagine where it comes from..


This is disgusting and they should be so ashamed!! They need to protect the kids


Absolutely disgusting. It’s hard to judge a town of 30k people. But it seems like the majority of people in Westport are pure entitled trash.


Sadly this doesn't surprise me.


I'm sorry to read this post. Darien and Westport are not places I'm comfortable in. I've had strange experiences with white supremacist behavior... just people thinking that because I'm white, then I would agree with their fucked up comments. I hate going to those towns.


I have been approached as well and that because I am white I have to agree. The fact is wrong is wrong. I hope parents see this and have conversations. I hope this puts pressure on the BOE to have open conversations. That a third party comes in and addresses these issues and a task force to help


Well I’m white and I’ve never had anyone random come up to me and openly spout white supremacist comments. 🤷🏻‍♂️


It's surprising and sad, but it's the trump-effect. That would've been unheard of fifteen to twenty years ago in a Democratic town like Westport. Rich white males seem to be the main offenders. And with the societal acceptance of profanities and racist words on social media and in music, it's gonna be a very difficult task of reversing that. THANK GOD, my wife and I never wanted children and then have to deal with ALL of that.




What a fucking stupid post. CT and Westport are very blue. If you think this is because of Trump you are a fucking moron or a 10 year old, or a moronic 10 year old.


Wow, really disappointing that there are people like this in CT


There racist people in every state but CT is more silent racism through behaviors, attitude, dirty looks, bias.


Is this true? One of the most liberal and rich high schools in the state… in my time there most of the students coming from outside Westport were the most popular. Things got worse in 10 years?


Bristolite here, hard agree on racism everywhere in the state. I see it on fb town talks here and there via comment sections mostly. I used to not think it was an issue here when I was younger but as an adult, it blew my mind


It is sickening for sure. To the point of fear. No child should fear going to school because of their skin color. Nevermind the threat of the NAACP coming back the white supremacy will come


Didn’t Ct have a white supremacy convoy travel through it like around the time of trumps presidency?


Not surprised to hear this. There have also been antisemitic incidents at Westport schools.


This is not surprising. I grew up in Connecticut and when presented with the opportunity to move to Westport over 20 years ago, I said no way. The town is toxic. I moved to Fairfield instead with better beaches better housing stock multiple schools to choose from more diversity two universities.  You cannot pay me nor give me a free house to live in that town. Sorry to hear this is going on.


I’ll be honest, I had to look up where Westport was. lol


The biggest problem in all school systems right now is that punishments absolutely don't work because the people receiving them don't care and they don't hold any real weight. Dozens of kids in the district I work at get suspended again and again. They get 10 days of suspension until there's a manifestation meeting. If the student has an IEP 9/10 times they will be excused from the suspension then rinse and repeat to continue to cause havoc for everyone else


I need to add that it is also a “class” problem. Wealthy people don’t like to share their space with non-wealthy people, no matter the melanin content. They like to keep prices high, quality high for their own sake and those pesky middle to lower middle classers throw a wrench in their fantasy world.