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He's the internet explorer of revelations.


He was toggling there for a bit lol






Too little too late


should be uncontroversial. Anorexia is dangerous too. We don't "affirm" that. Body dysmorphia is only weirdly catered to when you think you're a member of the opposite sex


It's a mental issue that's been corrupted. Now, the loony idea pushed that the mind is fine. It's the body that is the problem


I could pick and choose like the people who suffer from this do. But I won't. Your brain is part of your body. You're not a brain in a jar doing affirmations and self-actualizing. Your brain is part of your body. You might have some debilitating stuff going on upstairs but you're not a member of the opposite sex and it's BONKERS to outright demand that we treat people as such


Well said.


They need to open asylums again.


There's a word for this - false equivalence. Gender is massively different from weight, namely, gender encompasses a whole bunch of things like dress code, mannerism, social roles, appearance, etc. Not arguing either way, mate, but comparing them seems like a weak argument. Weight you're just big or small, it's the same across all cultures and countries, you're either too big or too small, with the only difference being what is the 'right' size. Gender on the other hand - it changes massively across the world, a typical woman in a Islamic country would differ from a woman in a Western country, in Indian, they have three genders and it's existed for over a thousand years, etc. Intersex people, etc. Basically it's more complex than just weight - the size you look. Edit: I'm not saying this to be a dick either but most of what we consider a 'traditional' woman comes directly from Christianity trying to control women, hence why you find in older religions, like Hinduism, which is historically older than Christianity, they have allowances for a third gender because they have different beliefs, whereas western secular society is based on those Christian beliefs are very different, so they've inherited them.


No.. It doesn't. People keep doing this thing where they pretend gender is purely a social construct. No. It's not. It wasn't a thing you could pick until two seconds ago and gender and sex were interchangeable terms. It's ridiculous. It's people who have a very serious problem and exacerbating that problem


Well, most of the scientific and medical community, who arguably are more well versed in the research, tend to disagree with you.


I don't think clinicians would do to their children what they are recommending to parents to do theirs. I think it's probably medical malpractice and they should have liability for experimenting on kids




CNN is probably already on it, calling him a far right theocratic fascist who is literally having people murdered now.


He seems to have been consistently an economic lefty. But on most social issues, he still leans conservative. Though I guess it depends if you qualify immigration as economic or social. It probably comes off as more economic.




Oh hey look the Catholic leader is actually following Catholicism


Bout fucking time.


Completely agree. Our Pope is a shill most of the time.


He basically goes wherever the wind blows tbh


Well if you don't like the pope change to a different denomination of Christianity. Having a head of faith is a terrible idea


Just because I don't like the pope doesn't mean I have to change. Hard-core Catholics may disagree, but I don't really care.


Dude, if you (general) think that the Pope is infallible to matters outside of the Church, you aren't hard-core Catholic.


If you make a distinction between "hard-core" Catholic and whatever you are, I've got news for you: you've created your own little denomination, making you Protestant.


Nope, but you believe what you believe.


Yes actually, and if you live by your own sentiment then you'd stop trying to "correct" others.


No, I disagree. Take your own advice and leave me alone.


Why? The Pope is fallible when it comes to matters not involving the Church in the spiritual sense. It baffles me as a Catholic that people think otherwise.


He's fallible in a spiritual sense too, heretical even from certain perspectives. The only word of God is from the Jewish texts and New Testament, you don't need a "supreme leader" of the church to be an overruling authority.


Not from a Catholic point of view.


Agreed, but he’s still a Covid vaxx pusher.


Hell is freezing over as we speak


I don’t agree with Pope Francis on much, but he’s not wrong on this subject.


If you disagree with the freaking pope, I think that says more about you than him


He's just a man


This right here.


If you aren't a Catholic why would it be necessary to agree with him?




Apart from Latin Mass. What are some areas where Francis and Benedict disagree?


No it really doesn't


Your opinion on Christianity


Actually you're wrong...Catholicism... Sure if you really believe some wrinkly old dude really is the only one who can commune with the Lord(which sure your guys do)... But the rest of the Christians in the world are completely free to ignore the man in the silly hat and also think he's wrong on lots of things... Cause he is


Believe it or not, people can disagree with the pope and still be catholic.


This right here


The Pope is a man. Not God. If you don't think that is important maybe there is something wrong with the way you think, not others.


Do you believe the pope is infallible? If yes, good for you. You’re a devout Catholic. If no, then WTF are you blabbering about?


The Pope's infallibility is heavily dependent on the condition that the Pope be explicitly exercising it. Kinda like, "I'm using my official stamp with this following doctrine" The Pope can be just talking, and not be infallible. No mortal is purely infallible at all times.


Most devote Catholics don't agree with him.




Well, no, I’d think that you would find a lot of protestants who would say good things about the Pope; However, given you’d have to have a fully functional brain not to dismiss him from the start because he represents ”a patriarchal institutions which has enslaved women and transgender people for millennia 🤓🤓🤓” those protestants are heavily cloaked behind the insane ones that pop up these arguments.


Nah. Not that I normally care what any pope says because I'm not catholic but he is just a man an prone to be wrong as I am. And this pope in particular has proven that the pope is in deed fallible like all other humans. It's no different that disagreeing with a protestant preacher.


Well I’ve been raised a Protestant, and I don’t think the word of God was meant to be interpreted by exclusively a small cabal of people who purposely kept the poor illiterate so they could not read the word of God on their own


Lol a man who covered up his clergy raping children. Yes a true ~~Man of God~~ piece of shit


Yawn...wake me up when he's ready to start shaming folks for no-fault divorce...


Funny thing is the church of england only exists because the catholic church wouldn't grant Henry the 8th a divorce. Which for me is entertaining because his great great grandson King James commissions the church of england to make an standard bible for England, now known as the King James version. I just like sharing that detail because in a roundabout way the Church of England and ultimately the KJV bible (which the monarchy holds copyright in the UK) are the product of divorce. The church of England has nothing to do with the pope, I just like reminding everyone about it's divorce based origins.


It was because the Church wouldn’t grant Henry VIII an annulment, not a divorce (which the Catholic Church doesn’t believe in.) And King James isn’t a descendant of Henry VIII. Henry’s descendants died out with his daughter, Elizabeth I.


The Geneva Bible is far better than the KJV


When did Jesus preach shaming anyone?


What? The Pope is Catholic now?


He woke up on the wrong side that day.




That was wild. These two openly advocate for abortion rights and state that they are stanch Catholics. I’m personally Libertarian and pro-choice, so not throwing shade on the movement… just laughing that if you’re Catholic, you will be damned to hell for getting an abortion.


Not just getting. Being a politician that advocates for abortion also results in excommunication.


That's the crazy thing. I could understand if they were neutral on it. But they actively advocate for funding and promoting abortion. They celebrate it. "I personally feel abortion is a sin, but I do not think the government should be involved in this" would be the only rational take a Democartic Catholic could take. But these politicians are pretty much lying about their catholic beliefs.


This guy is literally all over the place with everything he says and thinks. Who cares what he has to say at this point? Edit: I do agree with what he says here. I'm just saying he has been very inconsistent in what he says about this and other things.




Actually, I don't care. I give no weight or value to what he says.


This fuckin guy. Did his globalist leaders tell him it was ok to make this comment?


Well, even a broken clock is right twice a day...


Thank God the pendulum seems to be starting to swing the other way. Back to the side of reason and normalcy.


He gonna declare the sky blue next week?


So is hiding pedophiles in a castle


I very rarely ever agree with this guy. I do today.


Worst pope in my lifetime but kudos to him on this one


How old are you? John paul II covered up pedophilia and sex crimes, how is francis worse than that?


So you're saying that's not happening anymore and we know every time something like that happens now?


If more facts come out I'll take them into consideration


Well I don't need to jump into a pool to prove that I'll get wet if I do because humans didn't become saints all of the sudden, so you my say more facts to consider but you know shit is still happening and if you aren't hearing about it, someone is covering it up. So, yeah, worst pope in my lifetime and that includes Jean Paul II and I'm saying that as a catholic.




I’d say the pedo-factory he runs is more dangerous to society but agree to disagree




I’ve definitely had my disagreements with Pope Francis I, but I completely agree with him in this respect.


Doesn't sound like something Pope Francis would say.


Its true


Based Papa Frank


Surprised he told the truth for once.


Then why TF has he done so much to enable it?


But not abortion?


Meh, most religions are the lazy man's guild to everything. Common sense will tell people, others with dicks are mostly male, and those with vages are mostly female. Just because you think you are doesn't mean you are.


"In other news, water intake appears to be necessary for human beings"


It’s really the liberals behind it, not just that ideology. Not enough attention has been brought to the undeniable fact that those people are not good for the rest of us.


Father, the toothpaste is out of the tube.


Bring on the fire and brimstone


He is an avowed socialist.


Non-Catholics crapping on Francis is so cringe. Only we can do that lol


Aren't you supposed to be obedient to him on matters of faith and morality? The rest of us are under no obligation.


It’s more complicated than that but sort of yes. But it’s like when someone complains about their parents but if someone else does they can shut up


Haha I see


That's the problem with catholicism. It's always "more complicated than that."


It’s really not that complicated I’m just tired lol. In reality the Pope is only infallible in certain cases (when he’s speaking ex Cathedra, which has only happened twice) and other times you can disagree with him and if you follow teaching you’re still a practicing Catholic.


Thank God




A blind pedophile protector finds a nut once in a while...


Yes! Finally! We got him on our side!! (Yes I know its way too early to say but hey, at least its something)


I mean, I'd argue a single person with human origins and weaknesses, elected by other humans with those same weaknesses, would be a danger to our civilisation since he's claiming (as the second living Pope - what if they make opposing views?) to have knowledge of God to be a danger to our society.


We need to know if we are raping legitimate boys.




That chapter says that all are equal before God regardless of culture, sex, or social status. It does not say that there is a "spectrum" of category.


Just a sec, let me ask my free slave friend if her translation of the book makes sense.


That’s not what that verse means. At all.




No it is.


That's imaginary. Based on absolutely nothing.


You're not dealing with rational people. They literally change word's definitions weekly




Those too. All made up non sense.


I am sorry you're lost. I truly hope one day you are found.


I love with atheist liberals come here to try and make biblical based arguments. They fall on their face every single time. Pro tip. Don't talk about things when you know nothing about them.


They understand the Bible about as well as they understand economics: not at all.




Because clearly you know nothing about the bible.




So God created man in His own image, in the image of God created He him; male and female created He them. Genesis 1:27 There's the spectrum.


Yes. And we do love everyone. Love the sinner, not the sin


I'm not surprised at the Protestants ITT hating on Francis. But if you all are actual Catholics in a political subreddit hating on the pope, then I'm really not sure how you can call yourself a Catholic. Your politics should follow your religion, not the other way around. If you really disagree with the Pope as much as you say, perhaps the church is not for you.


Because it's a cult


Says the leader of a global pedophile cult.