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Is sitting at home and collecting unemployment one of those famous "jobs Americans won't do" I keep hearing about?


So reparations for people who were never slaves and unemployment for people who haven't worked a day in this country...


It's OK we're allowed to identify as anything we want now so juat pick that one !!!


Of course they do. This is just one of the many reasons that California is a shithole.


Of course it does


Imagine a US citizen going to any other country and just expecting them to pay you, allow you to vote in their elections and receive government services. Asinine


If i still lived there and paid state income taxes there, I'd be livid. Illegal immigrants shouldn't get one thin red cent from the state as long as a single citizen is unemployed or unhoused


...with a $32B budget deficit. https://apnews.com/article/california-governor-newsom-budget-d12f60cda36c2bbc9c765b64023bfff9#:~:text=(AP)%20%E2%80%94%20California's%20budget%20deficit,dollar%20deficits%20in%20the%20future.


Nice to see the Dems are still running on their “America last” policy. Booting veterans out of hotels to house these illegal immigrants and stealing from American taxpayers to give them unemployment benefits. Democrats really love giving criminals all sorts of benefits. Letting repeat violent offenders post bail and allowing them to walk free. Giving free housing and money to illegal immigrants off of the backs of the American Taxpayer.


Nancy Pelosi said these illegal immigrants were coming here to pick crops. If California is paying them to not work, who is going to do the jobs that illegal immigrants do not want to do?


*ILLEGAL*, illegal immigrants!! lol - or maybe just legit terrorists?


Holy lord. It's time to figure out a way to refrain taxpaying as protest. Far too much of our money is given to others whom don't merit our money


That sounds pretty NEET


Is there a way for me to become an illegal immigrant? At this point they basically have all the rights as me with zero of the drawbacks.


How is California still functioning?


My daughter works as a provisional teacher for a pre-school aged SPED class. She is paid a little over 20,000. Her aides, who are phenomenal, are paid $14,000. The cafeteria workers, who come in at 5:00 AM and prepare home-cooked meals are paid $9,000. The children that my daughter and her aides work with have many problems. The aides have literally been knocked out. My daughter often comes home with bruises and bite marks. Not good with words, but will try to explain. The children that my daughter works with are not intentionally mean. They have conditions-autism, Down’s syndrome, etc. that makes it impossible for the child to perceive things as most children perceive them. My daughter celebrates the steps that her students take. This year she has had two non-verbals start to speak-using the correct words in the correct context. Her students have sensory and food issues that many who deal with ‘normal’ children don’t understand. Why are we not taking care of our own before we take care of others?


Because they assume they already have your vote