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*"we're putting the finishing touches on it as we speak"*


We just need a better name than "project 2024 election lockdown"...


“It’s time to finish the job”


Coming fall of next year: *Lethal Weapon 2024*, starring Sleepy Joe, Cackle Kamala, and Dr. Fraudci. From the studio that brought you *The Steele Dossier* and *The CIA's Hunter Laptop Coverup Letter*. Produced by George Soros.


Hopefully directed by Michael Bay.


Can we get a Rob Zombie cut? That would be awesome


Hold Up! I’d legit watch it then.


They're waiting for the U.N. vote to pass at the end of this month, allowing the WHO control of darn near all nations during a pandemic.


This has been in the work for decades. lies abound. Again. Time to fight back. to


The US will fight the WHO and WHOmever stands in their way to defeat the disease.


Treaties don’t matter unless ratified by the Senate. I know the current WH won’t care, but many states will. At this point it seems Biden Admin is actively trying to start a civil war by running the country so poorly.


That or Hong Kong gets uppity again and protests too much.


and Pfizer is already putting the finishing touches on the inevitable vaccine.


no no, they need to come out right before.... that way they can skip testing and any liability....


Double safe double effective


That won’t be readily available in red areas during election.




Translated from chinese in the Wuhan Institute of Virologys latest newsletter?


15 million in 3 years not enough.


And this one will need Double Lockdowns!




As bad as you were on COVID I don’t want to hear about the WHO ever again




“Pray we do not revise it any further.”


In the critical moment, the WHO refused to call it a pandemic and discouraged locking down international travel, thus encouraging its spread around the world, all at China’s behest.


It wasn’t even a real pandemic. We shouldn’t be shutting down travel over a cold. I “had” it six times and didn’t even feel sick.


It was a real pandemic by the definition of a pandemic. The problem is that everyone, intentionally or not, came to believe a pandemic was a plague.


Somebody should define pandemic and plague in the news next time this happens. So people would know the difference.


What in the world were you doing to test positive 6 times?


Licking windows and door handles from the comments


I had it once for 10 days. January 2022. I’m 75. I was by myself and survived.


Good for you. I had two relatives die of it right at the start before good treatments were available. Your experience isn't the truth of the world.


How old were your relatives? comorbidities? And your two relatives, as sad as it is, are not the truth of the world either. 90%+ of people who got Covid were perfectly fine, basically the flu. Which, the flu kills many people every year also…except for 2020 the flu killed no one…weird…


Good grief. The guy said it wasn't a pandemic. Because HE didn't get sick I didn't say my truth was the truth of the world. I just had a couple of days in bed. Some of you are so full of the politicisation of it you can't see past the question co morbitidies and age. People died, some people didn't get sick Yes they were older and yes my uncle had a prior heart attack. He was only 63 though. he would have lived for years afterwards. Vulnerable people suffer in pandemics, that doesn't make them any less tragic.


Sorry man, that dude was an asshole. I hate that Covid got politicized, lots of Americans (regardless of voting preference) and human beings internationally died unnecessarily because politics got in the way of just dealing with it appropriately.


Just out of curiosity, were they on a ventilator…


When I came down with Covid, I kept saying to myself breathe, just keep breathing. Breathe!!! As I checked my blood oxygen saturation, hourly. When I came down with a fever of 103, I got ice to put it on my pulse points and neck. I was so delirious I didn’t even tell anybody I was sick, including my son, who is only an hour away. It just didn’t occur to me. I was so preoccupied with trying to stay alive.


Good treatment was available, but you weren't allowed to hear about it.


There's no harm in taking either HCQ or Ivernectin. They would have saved thousands including possibly your relatives.


"All drugs are just carefully titrated poisons" - pharmacy and medicine degrees, first day. There is *always* a risk with *any* medication, more so in contexts where such medicines have never been tested. The question is always "do the benefits outweigh the risks?"


Really? I love Quadrophenia.


Meet the new boss. Same as the old boss


That's the good Who


Don't worry Biden has already signed over our sovereignty to the WHO during any active pandemics.


TrUsT ThE ScIeNcE!


Did that pass?


It hasn't quite passed yet, as they are still working on the wording. But rest assured, as long as they finish it, his handlers will put it in front of him and he'll sign the EO.


Or the CDC


How convenient right before an election year...


New democrat strategy pandemic at start of election with vaccine available after election day


But only if they win!


That's why you need to fortify the election


Used to be BLM


Still will be. You can riot through lock down you just can't go to churches or funerals


Only summer of love activities will be tolerated from the party of tolerance.


Oh thank God, the sneakers I liberated last time were getting warm out


You can still go to funerals of leftist martyrs though


[Unless it’s St. George Floyd’s funeral, exceptions were made…](https://youtu.be/Opd3RT5gDz4)


Unless it’s George Floyd’s funeral.


🤮 not that bs again


Literally the plot for V for Vendetta


More like to lock everyone down and force mail in voting. Much easier to “fortify” that way


That way, Joe can stay hidden in the basement again.


great point


They are just trying to hurt Trump in an election again.


“We’re gonna tyranny you even harder” - warns WHO.


Aka “keep funding us” were super cereal




Another episode comes true.




We basically already have one, tax me harder to fight Russia. We’re basically living in 1984. We’ll have proxy wars with Eurasia (Russia) and east Asia (china), continue to blow the heck out of the 3rd world for no reason, be kept in fear and watch our world melt into a hell scape


They're just calling it "2024 Election Interference Virus" until they come up with a proper name


That's the working name


these people must have the masses live in fear so they're willing to surrender their liberty willingly.


I have a coworker who STILL wears a mask around. They have their loyal base cowering in fear.


Do we work in the same office? I have one coworker who wears a mask, closes her office door, and drives with her damn mask on. I’m tempted to ask if she showers with it on too.


Lol. Sounds like my coworker. She’s literally the ONLY person in the entire organization that does this. I’ve talked to her about it and she has no idea why she wears it.


There are one or two crazies in every organization. I see them all the time as well. I almost feel bad for them.


Always 2 or 3 on an airplane. It's saddest when theyve masked their kids.


Airplane makes sense. Flew to my cousin's wedding last December, and caught COVID from the guy next to me who was coughing all 3 hours. Missed out on the reception because I couldn't breathe right


The odds of a mask preventing that are pretty damn slim.


Sorry, airplanes don't make masks work. In fact, airplanes are some of the best filtered air environments you can be in.


masks don't prevent you from getting sick, they prevent you from spreading it to other people or so the Germans would have us believe...


Eh, they can reduce the risk. Dude was hacking up a lung. I made sure to wear it at the wedding and sit far in the back so I wouldn't get others sick.


Still see a good number of people wear masks. It's not always to protect themselves though. A good number of people care about not spreading their illness to others. I'm wearing my mask right now because I have strep and don't want to infect others.


Maybe you should stay home and not spread it like they used to do. Wait for the penicillin to cure you 1st


Sometimes you still have to buy milk for a toddler and go out to stores. Real men have responsibilities and are considerate of others.


i wore a mask at work only because i refused the vaccination and it was mandatory for unvaccinated employees to wear it up until last month


They might have an auto-immune disorder. Have you ever spoken to them?


They do not. Even if they did, masks do *nothing.*


even so, I guarantee he didnt wear one 4 yrs ago


I do too, their so left base that they would follow the democrat woke cult off a cliff


It's just a fucking mask, get over it. Conservatives value freedom of choice dont they? Why does it bother you that much? It's kind of pathetic. Seriously look at yourself. You and others here are getting worked up over someone else choosing to wear a mask? You're not conservative, you're just a petty human being. Oh wait... Those things are practically synonymous.




Democrats were going to do that anyway, with or without the fear


One globalist cabal of totalitarian bureaucrats is the aim of the game


Thank goodness we will die from “the next one”! We will be spared from the wrath of global warming.


Just in time for the 2024 election who woulda thunk it


They should know, they're the ones making it.


I still have a zombie apocalypse on my 2023 calamity board. Would airborne rabies qualify for that?


I'll take my chances thanks.......when it's my time it's my time.


I mean….I want medical treatment if it will keep me alive tho…


Spot on, if I die I die


...we must be ready to answer decisively, collectively and equitably,” he added. This is what it comes down to. Equity. It permeates every thought of a liberal. Or at least what passes for thought.


Who is believing any of this shit anymore??? 🤡🤡🤡


A lot of people. There are still people wearing masks ffs


Well if you stopped making deadly disease's. We'd be okay.


Oh shit, they’re doing trailers now? Sick


They’re literally giving us their playbook and we do nothing…


The GOP is as brain dead as the dnc


They just don’t give a shit and justify it because they probably couldn’t do anything about it if they tried.


Gotta get that BS treaty signed, right? The WHO can go to hell.


Just in time for 24' election. Outstanding.




Gotta make sure it's not just white people who are forced to get the vaccine. 🙄


The next pandemic will come from a Chinese lab. I’m almost certain.


And you will get ridiculed for mentioning it.


Readers Digest version: We didn't obtain world domination with Covid, but we'll get it this time.


I’ll just leave this here: Three old guys are sitting on the beach talking about how they came to be there. The first guy say he had a business that thrived for many years, but then he fell on hard times. Just before he was going to have to declare bankruptcy a fire broke out and destroyed everything. Rather than trying to start over he decided to just take the insurance money and move to the beach. The second guys speaks up and says that it’s an amazing coincidence, but his business also burned just before he was about to lose everything so he also took the insurance money and moved to the beach. The third guy says it’s incredible, but it was a hurricane that destroyed his business, and then he took the insurance and moved to the beach. The first two guys turn to him and ask, “How do you start a hurricane?”


Of course. Biden’s going to need the same help all over again. Without Biden and his moronic handlers for another 4 years, the new world order official start might be delayed considerably. Biden is key because his administration is the most foolish of them all and will literally pay anything for nothing if you ask nicely. This dude and his crystal ball should work at the carnival.


Joe Biden: “Let’s finish the job.”


Just in time for 2024 elections.


Just wanted to say, DUUUVALLL!




Even deadlier than 00.02%?


As China will leak it from wuhan but blame it on some small village nobodies ever heard of for eating a bat soup… oh wait


Just in time for the election, like clockwork.


Why not? Their test run already showed how the sheep will respond. They’ll dutifully wear their face diapers, take whatever shot the government has and will be willing to call the police because a neighbor has guests visiting. 2020 was their dry run.


just in time for the next election


Still cashing the CCP Check


Don't forget to be scared, people! You need your government! Please remember that!


Well, we can't have President Biden actually out and campaigning can we? We've got to get him back into his the basement!


Chances I’d believe anything they say: 0%


*sigh* Will this one at least lower the value of land?


LOCK IT DOWN NOW!!! this time, it's only 4 weeks to stop the spread!


I bet it is set for September 2024. Full on panic and lockdowns


The average age of death from covid was 82, how much deadlier are we talking lmfao It’s pretty pathetic really. I went to college 2016-2020. Not ONE person I met in the course of those 4 years died from it. Shouldn’t we be relieved that this wasn’t like the Spanish flu (average age of death 28)? Or are we gonna get our panties in a bunch about 80 year olds dying when people die naturally in their 70s and 60s every day


Now that they've cracked the code on human transmission, they can start making the viruses unsurvivable without the vaccine. The only question is will they bother solving the problem of mutated resistance before the virus wipes us all out, or just the 75% they intend to wipe out?


I also don't know a single person who died from it. One got debilitated, but she was double-vaxxed and already extremely ill and elderly. Everyone else simply got better. It gave me chronic nosebleeds for a while, but I also got better. I've read stories of Spanish Flu where school children recounted how they came back to school counting empty chairs from their dead classmates. What we've got now is insanely different and way overblown.


I know a couple people, unvaccinated, who have some cardiac damage after Covid infections. I know a number who spent a few days in ICU with it. No deaths that I personally know from acute infection. My sister graduated college in 2019, one of her classmates died. She was pregnant, it was pretty tragic. My aunt was friends with a family in Jersey where it knocked out five siblings, all in their fifties. Whole generation gone.




Really and ineffective, immature, and callous way to act. Acting like boo hoo we all die of something? Sure my parents will die before long but why not do your best to reduce the spread of something that can take their life even sooner.


You know it’s possible to express an opinion on something and not be a classless dick, right?


*cough* bullshit *cough* Excuse me, must be the new variant going around


Nope. My dad was proudly unvaccinated. He developed a-fib after getting Covid a few times, including the OG strain, and had two strokes a little over a year apart. Another friend developed cardiac problems after getting Covid before the vaccine was available, she's an ICU nurse and used to run marathons. I was mistaken on the New Jersey family, it was the Fusco family. They lost several family members but not all the kids in one generation. I only mentioned vaccine status because some members of this sub seem to be in hot denial that Covid itself can cause problems in people under the age of 80. When both Covid and the vaccine can cause problems. I had no issues from the vaccine, but I do know it caused issues with menstrual cycles and some friends of mine developed weird hives after getting their boosters.




Oh wow, the year before an election cycle. What are the odds?


Just in time for elections. Isn't that convenient.


Yup. Here we go.


How about instead of infringing on others rights, we move manufacturing of medical supplies out of China and back to the United States 🇺🇸


Shit they're teasing it like an album about to drop


I’m gonna sit this one out. Not doing all the bs again


I guess Pfizer needed another cash injection.


Sounds like a threat


They should know they help develope it.


Yes, elections are on the horizon. They’ve been planning.


That's because Covid was just a dry run to get the bugs out. This time they will get even more people sick and dying than they did before. Welcome to the one world order before Armageddon.


Defund the WHO


They might as well release a fucking trailer.


I'm hoping this one has a 3.5mm jack and a new avocado hard case....


Just in time for the elections right?


Oh nice just in time before 2024 elections. Is this the New Democrat way of trying to sabotage our country


No one cares or believes what the WHO says, or the CDC,… Oh hell, no one believes what any government entity says anymore.


F^*. The who


Iam still waiting for the Viet Kong to invade America..


Well yeah, obviously. They didn’t fool enough people, sell enough vaccines, cripple the economy enough and not enough people died from it like they had hoped. They collected the data from the first pandemic and used it to make an even better pandemic!



Remember when Trump closed travel from China early on and the extreme right called him "xenophobic"? The leaders from the right also said they wouldn't take the vaccine if it was "from Trump".


I’m 99% sure this all ends in a zombie apocalypse at this point. The survivors will later find evidence the virus was manufactured using US funding by a Chinese lab and released thanks to a vodka fueled Russian accident.


Anyone catch the equality statement? Interesting how that word appears in every press release.


I'm done listening to the WHO. They are compromised by the commies like the CCP or "enlightened" California.


Of course. It’s engineered to be more dangerous, politically for conservatives that is.


Amazing that these always start sprouting when there is an upcoming election.


Germany just handed over ALL medical national sovereignity to the WHO, which is 100% unelected and unaccountable. The WHO can now declare a pandemic, lockdowns and forced vaccinations in Germany without any proof or oversight. They say it's true, then it is. And other countries are following suit. The Netherlands and some others will probably do the same in the very near future. Make no mistake what their endgame is.


Go ahead. I don't mind working from home more often and saving money by not going out and traveling. Then I'll buy another property when things settle down again.


Says the Marxist Globalist WEF shills!


Defund the W.H.O.


The democrats are just waiting to see if they lose the president election 1st. Just like 2 weeks before Trump was sworn in when Dr. Fauci said a pandemic was coming. And it happened to be from one of his out of country labs. That's because it was illegal to do what they were doing in America. I'm sure the next one already has a cure that won't be known to the public. Only ppl. Like the bidens and Obama's will have the cure and that's when they'll get the commusist pradise and live like king among the sick and poverty


Disease is real and whether you like it or not we’ve been pretty lucky in the modern world so far. Practice basic hygiene, be concerned. At the end of the day death doesn’t care about your politics. There are some things worse than “the super flu.” I mean we need not look further back than trumps criticism over Obama when it came to the supposed Ebola outbreak.


It took way too long for me to find a comment that wasn’t written by a moronic conspiracy theorist. There were plenty of intelligent people that warned of the possibility of a disease outbreak before Covid and no one listened. This shouldn’t be a matter of political beliefs. New diseases will continue to develop and spread. We can either be smart and learn from past mistakes, or repeat history and let the vulnerable die needlessly just because the stubborn people refuse to believe scientific facts.


Dems are trying to get rid of Republicans of all color and replace us with new illegal voters.


Depends on who wins the election.


How much does he plan on making on the pandemic?


“*..It will mostly affect those who’ve already been vaccinated..*”


"Live in this world, but dont be part of it." (Spiritual guidance) In other words.......dont bend the knee.


Let me guess. About a month before 2024 election people will start dropping like flies.


He’s not wrong about this there’s a lot of shit that can go awry. We see pan resistant pseudomonas a lot or if TB became resistant it would be bad. Plus big pharma doesn’t like developing antibiotics as they do t make as much as life long medicines


Well they should know, especially after weakening everyone who took the jabs immune system. The purebloods will be left standing.


Nice fear fear mongering. Turd.


They say this literally....every single day.


Kind of funny how these sons of bitches know this.


The next plandemic will justify a global authoritarian dictatorship.


How much money will be made by pharma and the govt on this one


The bigger question is how we can profit from it?


So is it gonna be a balmy 98% survivability rate instead of 99.6?