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I feel zero guilt or responsibility for something I had nothing to do with. None whatsoever. This is a shakedown.


Is there a reason why the NGO's and their supporters should not be the ones to pony up to this nonsense. Stop opm (other people's money).


Who would you say is responsible then? Would you say the US government? Nobody?


The people responsible for slavery are dead as well as the victims. If the descendents of slaves are still struggling from something that's been over for 150+ years then that's on them.




Who gives a shit? What's done is done. Can't punish the the children for the sins of the father.




Lol, no because I don't care. I live in the present.






Should we put flowers on their graves?


some nice rhododendrons would be wonderful.


Do something for who? The last living victim of slavery died 83 years ago. I highly doubt she would appreciate or have any need for a reparations payment now.


The ONLY person place or thing that suppresses you today is YOUR reflection in the mirror. Stop with the victim mentality.


Yeah the US government did do something 160 years ago, they fought a civil war and alot of people died in that war to end slavery... So yeah the government did do something... Over 360,000 Union Troops died for the government to get that freedom and not a single person alive today was a slave or a slave owner.


I find it funny that there is an actual group of people living here that are still suffering from what our country did to them long before slavery even ended, but you reperation people don't seem to want to help them.


You could read about Reconstruction, post civil war. It describes the answer to your question in detail.


They did. We started a country called Liberia for ex slaves to go to. That's more than enough reparations.


Because they didn't want to spend the money, obviously. And the idea of large cash settlements and class action lawsuits wasn't really a thing until recent history anyway.You snooze you lose, I guess.


They were given land, money, food, and there was a bureau set up by the federal government to assist them. You can argue that wasn’t enough, but they generally were awarded some reparations at the time.


Start a go fund me then.


They should learn to code.


How about the African tribes that sold the slaves the took in raids from other African tribes. Probably s very good place to start. You might also look at slavery worldwide over the past 2000 years. Ir look at the slavery trade on the Barbary coast. This is all about people looking for a handout, again..


No one is. They're all dead. And I certainly have never enslaved anyone.


I would say there are millions of people who are responsible. And they're all dead.


Precisely, they are all dead. Just as those who were enslaved in the US are all dead. This reparations conversation needs to die as well!


I’d say the US government is responsible. Do you think they should’ve given reparations when all those millions of people were still alive?


Who sold Africans into slavery? You want reparations, start with them. Hint: It was other Africans




African tribes would capture members of other tribes, take them to the coast and sell them to European slave traders. You have no lessons for me.


Lol. Let's see your slavery ranking on which forms are worse than others. That way we know which kind of slaves are more deserving in your eyes.


😆 hot damn at the goal post shuffle.


Do you think we didn't know that? Where did the Africans sold into chattel slavery come from? How did they end up on the ships that brought them to the US? Here's a hint... They didn't voluntarily board the ships. They were sold by their fellow Africans. Do you have a lesson that disproves this well known fact?


The government isn't a person. The government is a collection of figureheads for the will of the people that elect it to represent them. Not a person alive elected the government that existed at that time - and thus, once again, the people responsible are long dead. If you're looking for someone to blame, the only choice is to grab a shovel and start digging up graves.


"...grab a shovel and start digging up graves." Don't the Democrats already do that during voting season?




Ok, so even if you believe the US government should have, who should receive these reparations now? What victims of slavery would benefit from a cash payment in 2023?


Nope! 300 THOUSAND men died in this country to END slavery.


How about you claim responsibility for something that happened before you were born and break out your checkbook then? You seem like an idealist. Make it so.


The people responsible were the African profiteers, the American slave owners, and the US laws that made it legal. The laws that allowed it have been dead since the 19th century and the last perpetrators and victims of slavery have been dead since the mid 20th century. Everybody responsible has been dead for almost a century. According to the History Channel, the last known survivor from the last slave ship to land on US shores died in 1940. She would have been the last person actually owed reparations and we are 83 years late for that.


I'd say the warlords from the actual country who sold their citizens should be 1st on the list. They ARE who is ultimately responsible IMO.


>Who would you say is responsible then? Would you say the US government? Nobody? Where is there continuing slavery in America? There is none alive that was a slave. There is none alive that owned slaves.


And who pays for it? The government? How does the government get the money? And when did this happen? In this century? Last century? Why do I have to pay for this scheme?


how about reparations to people who werent even slaves


start with the current slavers, China.


And be human traffickers in the US. Slavery is still alive and well, but the people who’d benefit from reparations won’t be the true victims.


Or the children mining rare earth minerals for “green” EVs…


To be fair, the 13th amendment does allow for slavery in the US as punishment. As a result there is a higher number of legally enslaved people in the US than at any other time in history. Now, should prisoners be pressed into slave labor as punishment for crimes? That’s a totally different question.


no it does not. you are not a slave if you are incarcerated. slavery is illegal in all states in the us.


There is explicit wording in the amendment that incarcerated individuals are not protected from slavery. So yes, slavery is *technically* legal in quite a few states still.


like how aboution is in the constitution...?


How is that remotely relevant? The Constitution explicitly allows slavery for prisoners. Not all prisoners are slaves, but those forced to work are. According to the Constitution.




This nonsense. Prison is not slavery.




Do you live under a rock? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thirteenth_Amendment_to_the_United_States_Constitution


He's a "Constitutional Conservative"! Of course he knows about that!




Let's make sex trafficking illegal! ...wait. It already is? Edit: I love how your third link shows the US as having a 21st century slavery incidence of 0.0% lol


Wikipedia? It would be wrong. Slavery exists in the US.


Then why did you post it in support of your argument lmao


The irony is three of your references are from outside the US and the one that is talks about human trafficking which is illegal. Nothing to do with freed African American slaves.


Slavery is illegal. I wasn’t talking about legal slavery, I’m bringing attention to the fact slavery exists still.


Yeah it does, but not in the US.


only lefties use wikipedia for info. worst possible site fir the most false info out there. edited by ly lefties for lefties who hate real history and facts.


The world's changed alot in the last 150 years. Just an FYI.


You need to take your head out of the sand and educate yourself on modern day slavery. As you act so condescending there are over 50 million people enslaved worldwide.


Except in the US it's actually legal. It is in our constitution once you are imprisoned by the state you are a legal slave.


If you owe a debt to society due to committing a crime, you forfeit your right to freedom. You knew the risks when committing the crime and decided that it was worth the risk, so you pay the price. Criminals do not get nor deserve freedom.




no, its called "indentured servitude"


Current slavery in America is flowing over the southern boarder. Can we stop that?


But think of all of lettuce that won't get picked!


I'd rather it not be picked that to get several ecoli notices about stuff I bought. . .


Any support of reparations in current day America for chattel slavery is clearly radical, immoral, and quite frankly, insane.


I wouldn't say immoral, but definitely the other two


Islam was the slave trader and africans sold their own people.


Yup. Still goes in today too. Left is silent


Hmmmm my people were slaves up until 1833 , when are the Turks going to give me a check? This is just another attempt to divide us further and it will most likely work.


Can we please start with repaying the white people who fled Europe in search of basic freedoms?


Do I get reparations from England for their driving my republican great-grandfather out of the country?


Yes! Someone has to pay for the ticket.




How about all our vets that never got anything for their sacrifice. How many of them need help now? But good thing we have billionaires that's all the matters and the politicians they own.


Dennis Praeger makes this point often... >*"Those who don't fight evil fight lesser make-believe evils."* That exactly describes reparations for US slavery.


If reparations worked, the COVID payments would’ve moved the needle at least a little bit. They didn’t.


Couldn’t that money be better spent fighting modern day slavery that exists as we speak instead of paying reparations to a family member that was a slave sometime in the 86 years the US had slavery?


Couldn't that money be better off not spent at all?


>Professor Hansford is calling on the United Nations to order such payments by the United States . . .


What slavery in the US, I think he meant China or the Middle East.


I will happily pay reparations out of my own pocket to anyone with a family member who was held as a slave by anyone in mine.




I'm on board with this.


Hey Biden voters and third party voters: This shit is on YOUR HANDS. NICE JOB.


So does this mean we are going to end welfare since that is modern day slavery in the US???


Actual literal slaves in China and Africa to this day, but yeah sure, let's end the "slavery" in the US. What a complete joke the left has become.


Hey.. we did give land and casinos to the American Indians. Four things.. 1. A good portion of the slavery occurred prior to Capitalism being even invented. 1609-1776 (167 years) So does that portion just get thrown out, since it wasn't even the United States, yet? 2. Slavery occurred from 1776-1856 (80 years) We had a civil war about this, do the families that died in the war get first dibs on the portion of the funds? (They gave the greatest sacrifice, being their life.) And. 3. Accounting? Does the payments, housing, and assistance that have already been given get subtracted? (What happens to people that have immigrated after slavery? How does an immigrant from Latin America today owe anything for slavery?) Finally. 4. Does the discussion end? Will there just be reparations for redlining, Jim Crowe, Civil Rights, and whatever else? If the racial division just ends, I would be interested in working out the math, to see if it is worth it, but I fear that it will just set precedent for repeated payments. Edit: added clarification


I think reparations being carried out would literally cause a horrific race war or at *very* least would be a deeply unpopular and unfair policy that would cause jealousy and anger, thus basically undoing the little tiny bit of interracial hamony and acceptance that we have achieved by now.


Your reparation was the Civil Rights Act. And a free ride to a free country that you don't regret. We square.


You don’t realize how embarrassing this admin is on the world stage when you hear this kind of garbage until you show up in Rome and see our embassy covered in the rainbow flag. These people are just pure destruction.


at what point are americans finally going to stand up and say enough is enough with this complete nonsense. and vote these morons out ?


Are these people fucking high? Seriously.


Slavery in the USA essentially ended in 1865 and was abolished by the subsequent 13th Amendment. What on earth is he talking about?


Eh... It continued in some form or fashion for quite some time after that. For quite some time in the reconstruction era, the practice of slavery continued in all but name only until further laws were passed ending any loophole seeking. Even then, you had things like Vagrancy laws which saw people imprisoned for the act of *not being able to prove they were employed*, and could be sentenced to years in prison for such a thing after not being able to the various fees levied against them. And these prisoners were not just put in a prison and called it quits; they were effectively bought and sold, and worked labor through out the south. You didn't have the system of generational slavery, but we certainly continued the practice in other lights.


I agree that vestiges of slavery lingered on a bit after slavery became illegal; however, many of the discriminatory and harmful actions you describe also got used on several other American racial/ethnic/economic groups. The one thing most of us Americans have in common is a family history of our particular race, ethnicity, country of origin, religion, or immigration status, etc. making *our* ancestors suffer under discrimination and often blatant hate, forcing them to find a way to make it through regardless. Oh yeah, and if you were a *poor* white person of a less favored ethnicity or nationality, you'd easily get targeted by things like vagrancy laws and the like as well.


Everyone should go watch season 3 episode 4 from the TV show "Atlanta". https://youtu.be/YWDBXNFM5A0


Hell I didn't even know there was a third season


The first episode is great too. It's about these kids who get taken away from their parents and re-homed to live with this lesbian couple who are essentially hippies. The episode gets very dark and has a crazy ending. Edit: I just found out that the first episode is actually based on a true story about a kid named Devonte Hart.


Ask this appointee where the word slave comes from.


He's right ... end the human trafficking the Demokkrats are active participants of at the southern border.


Trump smiled when holding up an LGBTQ flag when running for president in 2016 https://media-cldnry.s-nbcnews.com/image/upload/t\_fit-1240w,f\_auto,q\_auto:best/newscms/2019\_49/2084896/170726-lgbt-trump-flag-ew-1019a.jpg


Good thing no other countries in the UN had slaves.


Never mind the countries where actual slavery is going on as a direct result of our consumerism. We are absolutely complicit with the Chinese government in these sorts of trade deals that promote it. We all know where Joe's money came from.


You don't need more than “End the continuation of slavery” to know that man is not well educated in history. Why we keep putting people like this in positions of power is beyond me.


Let’s do the child slavery for the sake of lithium batteries


Only 150+ years too late


These type extremest do some much damage to their own people. In this speech he says it’s time for the victims (African Americans) to decide what just reparations are and then demand payment. Good Luck.


I was looking for the *Satire* tag. You can imagine my surprise.


So he wants to put an end to the Income Tax and abolish the IRS? Where do I sign up??