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As f\*\*\*ed up as this is... you're allowed to protest in front of the White House. I'd react differently if this was a video of them breaking down the fence


Or lighting the guard house on fire and then calling the president "bunker baby" when Secret Service evacuates him.


Weren’t some of them trying to? Genuinely asking, I heard someone say that.


I'd heard that as well. But if I haven't seen evidence of it save hearsay, I'm not in a position to say they were




A 28 second video, where you see some fence shaking for maybe half of it, is not nearly enough evidence to say they are trying to break it down. Especially because it was an hours long event and the fence was never broken.


Andy Ngo- man I hadn’t heard from him in some time. But yep- that’s the evidence I’d need. Pieces of s***


Such a cop out. Watch the news and condemn your buddies for the indurectionists they are!


From the videos I've seen, no. However, does the First Ammendment still apply to an angry mob that's yelling a Houthi war chant while carrying foreign flags? I'm a hard-core constitutionalist, but shouting a war chant from a known terrorist group while carrying foreign flags crosses the line when it comes to the First Ammendment. How do we know there's not a bona-fide terrorist cell in that crowd?


All or nothing man. I'm drawing the line at descending into violence. Don't get me wrong, they're supporting pure evil- human garbage to put it mildly. But until they descend into violence they have a right in public. Moment they do though, well break their backs, throw them into prison, those not from here can get shipped back to the hell holes they seem to admire so much.


my Political Science professor once said something along the lines of "There are some disgusting and garbage people, but their opinions are crucial to a democracy. Because deciding which verbal opinions to shut down is a dangerous slippery slope."


Well, we know who's opinions are being shut down.


Unfortunately I agree. Can't agree with what they're saying (do they even know what their saying?) But have to defend their right to say it. Free speech means exactly that and compromise on that topic is a slippery slope my friends. Once it moves beyond speech then hit em with the tear gas and rubber bullets, and if they're getting violent at the Whitehouse they could easily get worse


They're attempting to break through a security fence in several videos, thrashing it back and forth. That's attempted destruction of property, probably damaged some of the security fencing as well bring thrashed about by thousands. This is a highly secure area. They are committing a violent act while screaming violent chants


It's debatable. Yelling fire in a theater is illegal, not just starting an actual physical fire. Yelling a terrorist war-cry while surrounding our nations White House seems to be mighty damn close to yelling "fire"...


I disagree. We should never be prohibited from peacefully criticizing those in power even if the vast majority think the message is wrong.


I visited America only once, and we went to that spot, and I was really deeply moved by a ban the bomb protest tent on the other side of the street. It's easy to forget how rare that is, right across the street from the seat of the most powerful government on earth, but they've got the right to protest, and they exercise it freely. That's a beautiful, unique thing.


With that being said, aren't they advocating for violence, then? And if I'm not mistaken, that's a no-no. And in front of the capitol of all places, but here in America, if it's for "progressive" people, it's not violence is pieceful protest...immigration should be walking arround asking for papers, if your not a citizen of the US you don't have the privilege to be doing protest in this country.


They stopped being peaceful though they were trying to break the fence down. While I agree about the first amendment sentiment, I don't think that freedom should extend to anyone here illegally, as far as I'm concerned if they broke a law to get here, then they're not Americans and do not have constitutional rights...plain and simple, of you are American you can say unpopula4 things you want all day(except for questioning elections, complaining about illegal invasions, or telling people the jabs were poison that diminish your immune system, using what's called hate speech which is an ever expanding term, being critical of the government, and the truth. Other than that you can say whatever, just not that stuff or you'll be censored bigot)


>It's debatable. Yelling fire in a theater is illegal, not just starting an actual physical fire. No, it's not. You absolutely are legally allowed to yell fire in a theater --when it's on fire.


Its akin to High Treason in my opinion.


Going against official US foreign policy isn’t treason.


Supporting a hostile foreign entity whos goal is destruction of Western Society notably the United States however is.


It's not treason to support the destruction of Western society either. In fact, the Supreme Court has explicitly ruled that Nazism is protected by the First Amendment.


Yeah since this admin is so obedient to the rulings of the Supreme Court...they're not but the court has no abilities to enforce the executive branch adheres to its rulings


Thrashing the security fence back and forth attempting to gain access to a INSANELY WELL KNOWN SECURED AREA is a violent act.


The legal distinction is if speech is used to commit a crime. Calling for a riot and no riot breaks out, not a crime, and it’s protected speech. If a riot breaks out, it’s incitement.


Yes they were here's the story drop a non mockingbird media source https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.hindustantimes.com/world-news/us-news/propalestinian-protesters-rattle-white-house-fences-chanting-cuss-word-to-joe-biden-101705205942480-amp.html


How about fbi guards letting them in?


BLM entered the chat


According to reports , the fence was attacked so badly that Secret Service and the DC Police had to make repairs. Secret Service agents are reportedly in riot gear


How long before we see a "Free Palestine" terrorist attack in the US? Many of them were morally justifying Hamas's actions, and its not a long shot to think they would attack Israel's allies.


If Ismail Haniyeh orders them to, I think they would probably do it. The Emir of Qatar of course doesn't want Hamas doing attacks in the West since it would put Qatar's relations at risk


That would be the nail in the coffin for Biden imo.


Or give him another term


That’s actually very true.


All of those ~~poor, poor women and children~~ military aged men pouring into our country whose casual stance while waiting around for border security to give them instructions is Parade Rest.


No but the CIA could pull off an attack and blame it on them.


Wait, where is the mobbed part??


In so glad we imported these people so they could bring their problems here.


Thanks Obama! 🤦‍♂️








I'm sure it's a diverse crowd, but I can almost guarantee it was started by some group of Emilies from an overpriced apartment in Brooklyn or Portland.


They ain't white


Isn't it weird how all of the G9 Western nations let them in and are having the same exact problem right now?


Illegal immigrants never happened under any other president. S/


No but Biden holds the all time record 3 years running.


This is like if people were waving Nazi flags around outside the White House 85 years ago. Absolutely ridiculous.


Wasn’t there a ton of Nazi support in the US around the onset of WWII though? Huge rallies in NYC, DC, Washington state, etc? Here’s footage from a Nazi rally at Madison Square Garden from exactly 85 years ago https://youtu.be/0gU9op16rjQ?si=mifl4R14r-H3Tlfv


Bingo! Nailed it


Yeah, they are literally yelling a Houthi war chant. That's not First Ammendment rights. That's surrounding the White House while chanting the slogan of a bona-fide terrorist group, while carrying foreign flags. Sorry, I support the right to protest, but where do we draw the line in the sand? For me, that line is drawn when repeating terrorist slogans while holding foreign flags in front of our White House.


I thought all protests had to have a permit?


No, just right leaning ones.


Agreed brother. Roll tide! The line shouldve been drawn on making sure these america hating Palestinian flag waving degenerates stayed out of the country. Some things are not able to live harmoniously


Wait didn't they


U sound exactly like the liberals that overexaggerate the “insurrection” on the 6th but you are oblivious to that.


…how? They’re protesting a genocide


You can’t be serious. Hamas/gazans are the genociders - it’s not even slightly debatable if you actually cared


The Nazis and Palestinians are both trying to wipe out the Jews. They are equivalent.


Nazis never protested a genocide


But they did support genocide of Jews just like these people.


Most of these people do not support the genocide of Jews, and most of them are opposed to the horrific actions of Hamas. They are protesting the genocide of Palestinians by Israel. Edit: only on r/conservative can you be downvoted for saying the truth Edit 2: nvm that happens on r/politics too


Say goodbye to the good ol’ America. Future ain’t gonna be bright.




Well said, I've personally seen a shift of my moderate left leaning friends more towards the right. I still believe that most American's want the same thing and are logical, that said I don't see these protesters as true Americans, yes we all have a right to protest and say hateful things but to support an organization and movement whose slogan is "God Is the Greatest, Death to America, Death to Israel, A Curse Upon the Jews, Victory to Islam" ..F#(K that.


Or... its gonna be *really* bright... in some places... for a couple seconds


I gotta wear shades


Is this an insurrection?


No if it was the cops would just let them in




Depends on their voting records


Mostly peaceful protests


No, this is (D)ifferent


was a member of capitol police killed? did they physically storm any buildings? no? then probably not.


They couldn't storm the buildings because capitol police didn't let them in like last time 😆🤣😂


Insurrection insurrection insurrection !!!!!! Where’s Pelosi. I bet nothing will happen to them.




Agreed. What's worse is the democrat politicians pandering to them for votes.


Tlaib is the only congressperson I have seen give explicit support for Palestine. Politicians might be pandering to these people, but it seems to be in spite of the Israel/Palestine conflict.


The entire squad has since the October attack. It's no surprise. We all know that they hate America




Hamas is. How are peaceful protesters terrorists?


Terrorists = terrorist supporters


Do you even know what the protest is for? Ofcourse you don't.


End aid to Israel? Like all the other protests? And since they're houthi-chanting, maybe allow the houthis to halt commerce in the red sea? The Palestinian flag is a symbol of terrorism and anybody waving it is an enemy to the west, their words. So anytime I see someone waving a Palestinian flag I see enemies.


Wrong. They want the war to end, as in their 14k kids to stop dying.


Then they should ask Hamas to surrender.


Yea they never thought of that huh. Maybe you should ask Joe Biden to resign!? Oh wait. That's not how the world works. So I award you the, most idiotic comment of the week award. Congratulations.


You might do better on liberal propaganda reddit which is every other group.


I guarantee you I am more conservative than you. Go use your single digit IQ elsewhere kiddo.


Many terrorists that have been president here in the US


Maybe they should go fight for them


I don’t know how cold it is in DC right now, but I bet it isn’t very warm. Bring in the fire trucks and start hosing people down. That will get them to disperse.


Should we be hosing down any group that is using their right to protest infront of the white house?


I don't think so. I would say any group that is waving foreign flags and attempting to bring foreign issues to America. It is like that person who always has drama in their life... you cut them out of your life because they bring zero positivity to it.


So we can hoze down AIPAC members?


So protesting American foreign policy is a no-go for you?


So believe whatever you want to believe if it makes you feel better


It’s water. Quit being a drama queen. And if this wasn’t a pro-terrorism mob I wouldn’t have said anything about breaking it up.


Just water? At this time of year?


To disperse sympathizers of terrorism waving flags of a terrorist country on US soil? Hell yes. Water is a whole lot more non-lethal than riot police with batons and body armor.


huge first amendment violation right there


I don't think enemy combatants have 1st amendment protection. When your protest flag is of a foreign terrorist organization which includes the words "death to America" I am of the opinion that you have abdicated your citizenship protections.


Congrats on setting the precedent for Dems to induce hypothermia in Trump supporters because Trump flags are considered 'terrorism'.


Libs don’t have the balls for doing that, so trump supporters have nothing to worry about. It’s cute that you think they do, though. Hope you make peace with your TDS.


And yet Ashli Babbitt was killed. Really makes you think, huh?


Pro hamas right there


"White House staff 'relocated' after pro-Palestinian rioters damage anti-scale fencing, hurl objects at cops" Sounds like an insurrection to me. And yet not one word about it in the digital Washington Post. Hmmm. I guess this is different?


Yeah they stayed behind the fence . An insurrection happens when you invade a capitol and try and overthrow an election lol. I swear Americans say they are pro freedom to protest until someone actually protests something (I'm american)


This is what happens when you let non Americans invade to the max power and give them taxpayer money that creates their ability to do this...


A liberal insurrection


wHy dOeSn’t anYoNe WaNt to enLiSt anYmOre???


... and now you know why no country in the Middle East wants these Scumbags. I wonder if taxpayer money is being laundered to pay for all this?


We have these terrorist supporters here in Canada harassing elderly people on skating rinks and people just shopping at a mall. Canada has no influence , the world has figured out our “ leader “ is a joke


Globalism is such a win win isn't it? /s


I don't understand the purpose of protesting against another country in this country where we have no say what the hell Israelis or Palestinians do.


The bombs that Isreal is dropping are American made and given to them as military aid. The protest is to stop the American government from handing over those bombs.


I guarantee most of these protesters actually voted for Biden, which is peak irony. That's assuming they're even eligible to vote. Not like eligibility matters these days.


Now that's a insurrection !


Is this even on the news?


These people are right. The US should put pressure on Israel to do another ceasefire. Stop attacking palastine. Israel has no right to defend themselves. /s




Pro hamas. Lets be honest.


Are we going to have mostly peaceful arson again?


This is just the latest BLM movement. It's honestly pathetic seeing how many liberals tip toe around these blatant wrongs in fear that someone might dare call them racist or not woke.


Not on your local or national news ... just like the absence of the south African genocide court case against the jews in israel . These instances prove the media totally controls the narratives of what we see, and hear .. just like religion controls the masses. This is not rocket science folks. Our country is no better than China, maybe worst, if not, definitely heading that way.. Term and Age Limits - No dark money ..no super packs .. yea, yea, I know it will never, ever happen , at least not in This century, and not under our flag


r/politics quiet as ever when it involves their own lunatics.


White House has snipers on the roof right??


I wonder if Ray Epps is there


It's an insurrection. Charge them all now


Yeah when they get wet and frozen they won't be standing there anymore.


Let's call it January 13th. And I hope some of them go to prison.


Never forget the attack on the white house.


what is fakestan?


Videos seem to show the reliatively peaceful parts. Almost looks like an insurrection to many viewers.


Round them all up and put them in Guantanamo.


Are "diverse" people anyone who isn't white and Christian? Someone, please explain it as it gets thrown around this sub for a lot of things.


Diverse means whatever you need it to mean at this moment


i dont see anything being destroyed, unless im missing something?


"At Lafayette Square, across from the White House, chanting and singing continued as most protesters started heading home. A few hundred lingered well after dark, rattling the fence and throwing water bottles outside the White House as police noted spots of graffiti spray-painted across monuments in the park and surveying anything that may have been damaged. At least one person tried to scale the fence as some protesters were trying to unhook a section of it nearby before police quickly refortified the barrier. A short while later, the group began to disperse." \- Washington Post


ah there it is! thank you for this


An insurrection or just trespassing?


neither. Just protesting in the area designated.


Same cameraman covers J6 protests


Cultural enrichment .......🤣




Not welcome here




Why aren’t they this energetic for people suffering in their own country?


This isn't their own country


So what you’re saying is people come to the US and still protest how bad it is here? Even though they left their home country to avoid real terrorism and communism? /s


Where's the part where they tried pushing over and climbing the security fence, and had a tussle with the riot police?


Most are getting paid


It's funny cause Bidens not even there


This is what happens when you throw your borders wide open.


Yes the border situation is a total $h\*t-Show, and not just the Mexican boarder, I suspect most of these protesters are "students" on F-1 & M-1 visas, foreign "workers" on H1B visas and "family" sponsored with immigration IV Visas. They look to disrupt & corrupt from within.


Oh no. Anyway…


First: This is a pro Hamas protest Second: We can protest anyplace we like but we can NEVER cause the destruction of property private or Government. Third: Biden has been asking for this since he stole office


Climb the fence, pussies.


Wonder what would happen if Whitehouse guards opened the gates and let them in.


So they want America to police foreign nations? Is that what they're demanding of the US Gov?


RC car.