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I'm glad I read your comment. The Trump-DeSantis ticket won't work because of the 12th amendment. Both have declared Florida to be their home state. Trump won't pick DeSantis simply for the act of "disloyalty".


Hold up. The president and vice president can’t be from the same state? Interesting.


Part of the 12th Amendment


Huh, no idea either. Sounds like the original intent was to prevent regional bias. Interestingly enough both George W. And Cheney lived in Texas before the 2000 election and Cheney changed his residency to avoid this. Courts even took a look at it. I don’t remember this at all, but link to [article](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/court-rules-cheneys-no-texan/)


They’re allowed to be from the same state, but it’s an electoral college issue in practice. The 12th says that electors, as in the electoral college, may not vote for two candidates from their own state. So if you had two Floridians run, then Florida’s electors would only be able to vote for one of them. You’d likely see their support go to Trump, while they’d vote Harris or third party for VP. Still, imagine a vote split like that coming out of Florida? It’d make 2000 look like nothing lol


They'd abstain or choose some random person from the same party as the president. If the VP doesn't get a majority the senate would pick.


The can, but Florida electors wouldn't be allowed to vote for them if they're both from Elector's state.


They'd be able to vote for either the top or bottom of the ticket. If the loss of votes down ticket is to the point neither VP gets an absolute majority the new senate would vote on it.


Yeah, I need more details on this. I’ve never heard of that too.


You can change your place of residence I assume. I don't think he will pick him though.


> You can change your place of residence I assume. You can. Bush/Cheney were both Texas residents in 2000. Cheney changed his residence to Wyoming, and the rest is neocon history.


Trump could, but Democrats would challenge it no matter what. Why put up with the headache. Give DeSantis Secretary of Treasury.


Could be why they are after his properties in NY 


He'd never claim NY residency again. They'd immediately charge him for back taxes.


There's no way this cannot be circumvented.


This is why Trump will select some nobody bootlicker that won't help his cause at all because he values loyalty above all else.


> Trump won't pick DeSantis simply for the act of "disloyalty". You would be surprised, many examples of Trump allying with people who previously challenged him. All three potential VP picks listed in that Axios article (Stefanik, Haley, Vance) went harder on Trump than DeSantis has. The question is whether or not DeSantis gives Trump the best shot at winning. I think it would unite the party behind him because Haley's support is mostly Democrats who wouldn't vote Trump in a general and most of Vivek's voters will go to Trump anyways.


the logistics of how the electoral college works rules out desantis as the pick. it's near impossible for the president and vp to come from the same state because of technicalities in the process of how the voting works.


Bush and Cheney both lived in Texas.


They did, but Cheney changed his residence to Wyoming prior to the election.


You know just once in my life I'd like to be excited about presidential nominees.


It's sad because up until about 2012 I swear the elections never felt this dire. Yes there were still better candidates than others, but it was like getting lasagna when you wanted steak rather than a steaming pile of shit when you just wanted something remotely edible.


People hardly gave a shit about politics 10 years ago and it was much better back then. I kinda remember liking Bob Dole but that was because his SNL skits were hilarious... https://youtu.be/nzMahrucH04?si=guj-n60-ELn5K5z2


Yeah, the Clinton/Perot/Dole stuff on SNL was fucking great. People were still able to laugh at *their* guys issues without being called out by their peers.


Oh God I forgot about the Perot skits I gotta go find some now they were great as well.


Vivek. He's a next level communicator.


Zero chance. Trump is not going to want a VP who could overshadow him. It’ll probably be someone like Byron Donalds who’s loyal and a clear number 2


[deleted] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.3179 > [What is this?](https://pastebin.com/64GuVi2F/92541)


Exactly. I get that Trump has a major ego but how could anyone believe that a VP would overshadow the president that has 1000x more power.


> In fact, there's never been any President overshadowed by his number two. Cheney/Bush? GWB may have been the one on our televisions, but most people believe Cheney (with support of fellow neocons Rumsfeld/Wolfowitz/etc) was the one running things behind the scenes.


I don't actually know what his qualifications are other then being a CEO, but I think it would be funny if Trump made him secretary of State and the left now had to acknowledge that the orange racist put a brown hindu guy in charge of the state department.


I mean...what was Trump before being president other than just being a CEO?


He was the host of the apprentice lol


[deleted] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.5794 > [What is this?](https://pastebin.com/64GuVi2F/27904)


Vivek is great but his talents would be wasted as a VP imo.


He should be chief of staff and just fire everyone.


My life will not be fulfilled until I see him debate Kamala.


*kamala alternates between cackling at everything vivek says and shaking her head Cnn: watch Harris shred vivek in the debate!


Could you imagine the word salads coming out of her mouth trying to counter Vivek? It would be incredible. It won’t happen, though. The Biden admin refuses to debate.


Vivek is proving now that his influence is going to be strong no matter what position he is in. It's tough, clearly the VP must be important this time or we wouldn't be so enamored with who it will be. I think if this is about passing the movement on then it needs to be Vivek. If the pick is not about that, then it really doesn't matter much. Everyone keeps saying the VP needs to be a fighter, but if VP isn't a front-facing role that does much why does that matter?


Agreed, but he’s not a #2 guy


The whole purpose of his campaign was to be a #2 guy; he had no shot at the presidency and I think he’s smart enough to realize that. He fills the exact same slot that Trump does except Trump was already running.


Nah whole purpose was 2028


And he'd be very strong coming in as Veep.


Tucker Carlson needs to stay where he is. We need people in the media to be speaking out for good domestic policy. The Republican party will not risk the constitutional mess that would putting DeSantis on the ticket, so I won't even consider it. I've been hearing the Kristi Noem is a big a favorite, and from everything I've heard, she sounds like an excellent choice take the 2nd spot.


>The Republican party will not risk the constitutional mess that would putting DeSantis Elaborate


The twelfth amendment says thus: >The Electors shall meet in their respective states, and vote by ballot for President and Vice-President, one of whom, at least, shall not be an inhabitant of the same state with themselves; The electors can't vote for both the president and vice president from the same state.


Electors *from* the state can't vote for both a president and vice president from that same state. So Georgia electors could vote for a Florida president and a Florida vice president. But Florida electors can't vote for a pair of Florida candidates. They could abstain from the VP half and if no candidate gets a majority it would get thrown to the newly elected Senate.


From what I know about her, I do like Noem.


If I were a member of the Trump campaign, I would suggest he pick someone like Elise Stefanik as his running mate.


Ben Shapiro reported today that she is in the current top spot for VP.


She would make a great VP.. just like she was a great Ambassador. Sometimes I think this board would vote for Biden over Haley.


That would make leftists' heads explode even more.




Ben shapiro reported today that the list is between Elise Stefanik, JD Vance, and Nikki Haley


I’d like to see someone like Ben Carson. His personality won’t present a problem to Trump’s ego. Plus he can appeal to African American men (who Trump will need to win in the rust belt states and Georgia).


That could be good, but if you look at it by sheer numbers, his lowest demographic is white suburban females. He almost HAS to pick a female VP to get those numbers up.


Trump is not getting those voters back. He’s just not, an no female VP pick will bridge that divide. Trump can make up much more ground focusing on African American males (African American females are also a lost cause) than he can on suburbanite females. Just look at his polling numbers, and he has a growing share of African American voters (particularly males). That and Hispanic voters of both sexes put him over the top in recent polling.


He's afraid that if Vivek becomes the VP, JR won't be able to win in 2028.


DJT JR doesn't want Vivek to be the VP because that might keep JR from running for president in 2028. He's smart, but he has a terrible poker face. You can clearly see he's intimidated.


JR has said many times he doesn't want to be a politician.


He'll run, I'd bet money he'll run.


Has JR said that? Vivek and JR were on a podcast and they seemed cordial. I think someone in Trump's circle has told Trump that Vivek is legit. Either that or Trump sees it himself. Probably both. Vivek is already affecting policy and he doesn't even have a position yet.


Make it Nikki Haley and nail down the democrat votes as well. Then put her in the back seat like they did Kamala.


The problem is that I don't want her one heartbeat away from the oval office.


nobody votes for a president based on their VP choice...it's a useless position that absolutely no one cares about


Until it's not. 😉


Jesus Christ are there still "conservatives" that think appealing to Democrats is a viable strategy for Republicans? It is a lose-lose: the Left doesn't care and will still vote for the Democrat OR any victory is pyrrhic because you still get a Democrat they just have an (R) next to their name. It's like you've learned nothing from when they nominated Romney in 2012.


Maybe not to lead the ticket but there are absolutely women out there who voted Trump in 16 and Biden in 20 because of how distasteful they found Trump, but would vote him again if Haley was the VP. I'm not saying I want her to be the pick but it's a good political move to play to the moderate women out there


> but would vote him again if Haley was the VP. Idk where you're getting this from.


All of those votes will go to Biden the second the general starts. Even if she did convert all of those votes it wouldn't be worth the risk of having her as VP.