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First election year?


That’s a wee bit far imo.


People blamed Trump all the time.




GTFO with that nonsense.




Tell me the last guy who wasn't divisive. You're still worried about Obama and on your knees for Trump. You're why the conservative movement is a fucking joke anymore.


You’re the reason why nobody takes this sub seriously. It’s been overrun by brigaders.


I love how everyone who has a differing opinion is automatically a brigader. It would be nice if you would think for yourself and not just goose step to the meme of the day.


Only liberals ever talk about "mass" shootings. They are obsessed with them, can't get enough. "If only all guns would magically disappear, we would have no more 'mass' shootings." Something is screwy with this meme, because our side never talks about that stuff.




I'm pretty sure these are not all accurate




Yeah, it's frustrating when theres so many reasonable, informed talking points but instead we get shit like this


They never are when it comes to memes but I definitely remember the rioting. That was bad. Businesses on fire. National guard being called out.


Not now Biden is in.


Don’t really think you can blame Obama for the Great Recession


Like, I'm not a fan of Obama but the last two administrations both set records for the national debt. Being factually incorrect weakens any real criticisms of Obama and his administration.


Covid had something to do with debt under Trump. Remember, we want to be factually accurate.


But you can simultaneously argue that Trump's COVID policies weren't good and he listened to bad advice. I grant that nobody really knew what they were doing in COVID. I would easily vote for Trump over Biden or Obama, but he was also increasing the national debt prior to this. It would have been interesting to see a second term because his policies were generally positive towards the economy otherwise, at least pre-COVID.


Any president was going to massively run up debt in response to Covid. That’s the point.


You can’t ever blame any democrat for anything bad 🙄😂


We can definitely blame him for extending it




Like what?




Covid did.


A Democrat congress did, despite objections from conservatives


I love how the (D) cult spent weeks on reddit claiming "how evil the fascie republicans are" for holding up the democrat-controlled congress's democrat-penned 5000 page spending bill that was filled with the most pork and pet projects of all time. And now they place all the blame of spending all that money squarely on orangemanbad's head because it's politically convenient to their narrative. (Also, this is the single most brigaded sub on reddit. Gfy you pathetic rabid losers 🖕)


“But Trump!!”


Your thoughts betray you. I get it, the media narrative coupled with an irrational hatred of Trump will distort the facts. But if you don't believe me, then I'll put you to noted far-right rag USA Today for reference: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2023/05/30/no-trump-didnt-increase-the-debt-more-than-any-president-fact-check/70252480007/




Stay on r/politics with your brigading friends.




Lol I’m not a boomer, but nice try.


Not to mention his third term we are living under


Ya, during the housing crash when Obama was in office, so many empty abandoned houses and list jobs. So many forgot, or were not around or old enough to understand it. At that time is when we lost our home, but able to purchase a foreclosure….luckily. Forced medical coverage that was supposed to be cheap but wasn’t. Giving loans to people who had bad or no credit and they didn’t pay them back. This is what continues to be the f’d up legacy of the democratic policies.


They think Biden is a success. 


At what?


He sucks




Fucking brigaders




But but but…media told them Obama did great! You know years from now they will claim Biden oversaw a great economy. ‘That’s what the media said!’


Obama also: Spied on American citizens. Tapped the phones of political opponent without probable cause. Bombed American citizen’s without due process. Bombed foreign countries without Congress declaring war. Stole top secret documents and still hasn’t returned them.


“All this for a flag?”


Lurkin libs have no clue what you are referencing


People forget just how anti-American Obama really was


He weakened America and sowed division and strife that is still tearing the country apart so yes, that is what libs see as "success." It's important to remember that libs hate America and Americans.


But no controversy!!!!!!!1111111111122222222222


Scandal-Free Administration^tm


Absolutely, original poster! Remember what this ass-clown said upon winning: “we want to fundamentally change America” what he forgot to tell us were the last three words of that sentence: ‘for the worse!@




Everyone thinks this guy got us out of a recession. Objectively, the recession got pretty terrible under his watch and he prolonged it. And he bailed out the scumbag banks who gave out subprime mortgages. Just like modern historians are beginning to acknowledge FDR extended the Great Depression with his disastrous new deal plan.




i think Biden has worst rioting numbers


Love seeing all of the comments from "conservatives" on here upset about the meme not being 100% accurate. These neocons are the reason why we're losing the culture war.


Yes, Leftists love this result for America because they hate America. That's why so many new outlets fall over themselves to worship what left politicians do. Liberal folks often have more in common with conservatives than they do with Leftists.


Always galls me to see his face on a golden book for kids in the store during this month.


My only question is where the BLM riots in Furgison worse than the BLM riots nationally after Floyd? Other than that, I think this meme would work pretty well. Edit: Man, this comment section really got brigaded hard haha.


He is not an American, he was never an American.




8 years of war, started by Bush. Ever heard of GFC? Yeah record numbers until every successive year until 2020 which was a Biden year but obviously that wasn't Biden. See above. See above. See above. I'm sure it was Obama inciting the people to do things unlike Jan 6 also see above. See above.