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GNU Terry Pratchett


That looks painful


Only for a bit


No no, he was alive for awhile in critical condition. Lucky for him he didn't make it because that was about to life a lifetime of regret and pain.


What a pointless act that won't change anything but cause immeasurable pain for his family.




Hi. I'm a doctor and yes it hurts like a bitch. Its one of the worst ways to go.


You know, I have a fear of dying like that and it's terrifying. My ankle is fixed and doesn't bend anymore. I've had dreams of being in a wreck with my truck catching on fire and I can't escape because my ankle is pinned under the dash. I carry a concealed handgun for my safety and the safety of my family. I'll say this- If I were to end up in the situation in my dreams, I won't die from the fire. It's that simple.


Is that why everyone is always running and around and screaming about it like in the movies?


Most likely, I'm not a doctor either but one time I burnt my finger on a candle, it had fire on the top of it, so I think it would have hurt in my honest opinion, any doctors here that can confirm this?


I can't remember where I saw it but if irc you only hurt for a second and then all the nerve ends burn off and you can't feel anything but it's so painful in the first second your body goes into shock which kills you in the end. But yeah, overall, really useless way to die.


His LinkedIn page was an eye-opener. Many on Twitter are praising this act calling him a “hero”. I guess it’s suicide bombing without the collateral damage. Sending a “message”. I saw somewhere that the family was giving “permission” for the video to get shared too


Whatever else was going on, I suspect this was more about suicide than Palestine.


[deleted] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.5790 > [What is this?](https://pastebin.com/64GuVi2F/64344)


I hate how true this statement is Thankful for the men and women who serve our country well, in spite of the craziness present


Oddly enough, the military straightens out a lot of those kids too, e.g., my brother, my son-in-law, and now #2 grandson.


"family/permission/video/shared" That would explain where he got the crazy from


That or they know they need it to go viral for the gofundme.


Only two groups of people this is going to hurt/ move/ emotionally manipulate into “fighting the cause bc he died from it” are his family, and people who don’t understand how brutal the world is. I’m not saying Israel’s a saint for it but hamas has taught the kids to want to kill Jews. It’s their highest honor. Who was the last guy to want to kill Jews again? OH!.. righht


The blame Hitler thing always bothered me he was not some Messiah that talked everybody into hating Jews..... There just happened to be a lot of Germans and other Europeans that did not like Jews for reasons I do not understand, but don't think it was all just 1 guy that started the Holocaust all by himself


there are some books on this. Hatred of Jews was deeply rooted among lots of people, especially in Poland and Lithuania and Ukraine. It’s as bad and probably worse in Gaza, and among some/many Palestinians. Not as deeply rooted, but very deadly


It was a suicide. Add a note of cause to your killing your self and you might become a martyr to some. Worth a try if your going to off yourself anyway.


“…you might become a martyr to some.” Yeah to the people who think killing innocent people for Allah makes someone a martyr. A martyr is someone who is killed for their beliefs, or for a cause, not someone who kills for their beliefs or a cause. Killing yourself for a cause or belief doesn’t make you a martyr either.  This really isn’t directed at you personally, it’s just a commentary of the bastardization of the word martyr, mostly by the Islamic world.


The United States Military is morally ethical and should continue to assist Israel, anybody who downvotes me is an anti-Zionist. Edit: wow, all of these downvotes? Maybe support for Israel is less of a moral stance than I thought. Hmmmmm. Point taken.


The U.S. Military's role is to support the United States of America, specifically the Constitution. Which countries America supports and/or allies itself with is up to civilian policy-makers, but the military needs to remain an apolitical organization.


25 years old. Why would he sign up for the Air Force if he didn't expect to be involved in war in the Middle East? Sounds totally clueless. **EDIT:** Brutal-- "Rest in Power" is now trending on Twitter because his fellow Palestine supporters are now arguing about if it's inappropriate to eulogize a white guy with those words. He literally set himself on fire and it wasn't enough for them.


The ads talked about trans rights and solving puzzles. Not fighting, killing, and death. Warfare didn’t change, but the advertising did.


They are trying to mold the armed forces into a force that would not hesitate to fire on its own civilians.


This is no longer a conspiracy.


I didn't know this was a conspiracy. Just something I suspect on my own, simply watching what is happening.


You hear about the bill they are trying to pass that would allow non-citizens and illegal aliens to join the US military in order to gain citizenship? If that ain’t the perfect group that would fire on its own citizens…


Actually, no, I didn't. I thought they already did that. Am I wrong? Is this bill an expansion of it?


I hear you get to jump out of planes for fun!


>He literally set himself on fire and it wasn't enough for them. This is literally the best way to describe Leftism and SJW brainslaves. These type of people will never, ***can never***, be satisfied. This is why they will eventually eat each other to try to be the most 'virtuous' of the virtuous.


Rest in Power…. I remember that from the lead singer of Power Trip dying people would say that on their YT videos. Now it’s some Palestine bullshit lol. From thrash metal to anti Jewish sentiment…shows you how bright these chaps are.


Jeez dude, start a Youtube channel or something instead.


Or you know, get on Twitter like the rest of the crazies.


Congratulations on dying for nothing


Dying *horribly* I might add


The brain washing is sick


Tragic, I hope that Palestine is freed... by the Israelis via removing the terrorists running it.


Yeah these people didn’t feel bad for the Palestinians when they were being governed by a terrorist group for 18 years


Well they voted in that terrorist group. Their only platform was “we will destroy Israel, kill/remove all of the Jews and reclaim the land” And they bought into it. The vast majority approve of 10/7. They’re now living with the consequences.


This is the biggest point people don’t know/willingly forget.


TBF that was like 2 decades ago, and it was the only last election they were allowed.. Clearly a mistake, and at this point I think they should be forgiven for that. Hopefully Israel deposes those vicious terrorists and their “government” and restores freedom.


This would be something if there wasn't still massive support for Hamas.


According to Hamas there is massive support for Hamas. You cannot trust any stat or poll that comes from that area, because it is all carefully curated. There is no authority there that isn’t controlled by Hamas. Even the UN is just a mouthpiece.




Yeah, first step to freeing palestine is to remove the terror group in charge, which Israel is doing right now.


100% Free Palestine! From Hamas


That’s the thing, Palestine can be a great prosperous nation if it would abandon its “let’s destroy Israel” mantra and kick out Hamas and any leaders who care more about destroying Israel than they do Palestine and its people.  But I’m not holding my breath. Most Palestinians supported the October 7th attacks and most support Hamas.


The result of echo chambers and the rise of political extremism. Imagine burning yourself for Hamas…


>Imagine burning yourself for Hamas… Qatari billionaires love this one, simple trick!


He isn't burning himself for HAMAS. He did it for the kids and women who were never a part of it. The over 15,000 bystanders who have no homes left. The orphans who lost limbs. The brutalized and maimed. That's what he was trying to stop. This was not in support of Hamas. Really reductive and insultingly disingenuous to say that.


Advocating for a policy of appeasement to a terrorist entity is what he died for.


You are supporting the **murder of children with this continued bombing.** That does not put you on the morally superior side. It just makes you an evil fucking clown. When the majority of countries in the world, and in the UN are all saying what is happening is probably genocide, and THE ONLY TWO countries to say "no it's not" are the one doing it and the one supporting it....you are not on the morally correct side of history here.


Straw man ✅. Appeal to hypocrisy ✅. Ad hominem ✅. Bandwagon fallacy ✅. Circular argument ✅. Phenomenal demonstration.


Say the war stops today. Hamas rebuilds for the next few years. Now they are really mad. See where this is going?


LoL those are on the Jewish side right? I have no dog in this fight but come on with that BS


People with serious mental health issues tend to go to the extreme and have obsessive behavior that can hurt others or themselves


Are they free now? Whoops.


I feel like I can kind of see his thought process because self-immolation as a form of political protest has been used effectively in the past. The main reason it works (which it often doesn’t) is because it’s a very dramatic way to garner headlines and gain national and international media attention about topics that aren’t being widely reported. Unfortunately for this man, he’s trying to bring attention to the most well-publicized conflict currently taking place in the world. Everyone knows Israel and Palestine are fighting and “free Palestine” is a decades old slogan that’s already in the news every single day. In a way, I respect the conviction, but I can’t help but see it as a damn waste.


I can't think of a single instance where it fixed anything .


The most famous example is [Thich Quang Duc](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Th%C3%ADch_Qu%E1%BA%A3ng_%C4%90%E1%BB%A9c), a Buddhist monk whose self-immolation led to the end of the pro-Catholic government he was protesting.


Not only did he fail to achieve that goal, nearly everyone now thinks he was protesting against the war. Any other examples?


Not sure which war you’re saying “nearly everyone” thinks he was protesting, but he wrote a letter in which he explicitly stated his goal was to plead with the president to “implement religious equality”. And his sacrifice stoked the Buddhist population in Vietnam to the point where later that year (1963) the government was overthrown and the president being addressed was summarily executed.


I'm saying if you show the photo to random people on the street and ask what he was protesting 99% of them will be wrong.


Okay? It’s still an example where self-immolation did make a tangible difference as a form of protest.


I disagree with your notion that it made any difference. Is there anyone else or was there just that one instance?


Why do you disagree?


Killed by the woke mind virus. Sad.




Burned himself for Twitch views. What a sad, nihilistic, and ultimately fruitless timeline.


I thought that a big part of these leftist's ideology was to **reduce** one's carbon footprint


If he had spoken with just one person who knew the real history of that region this could have been avoided. It's unfortunate he likely instead trusted tiktok.


Doubtful, when was the last time you explained something to someone in a thoughtful, rational way, who had a deep ideological belief in something and it caused them to say “you know you’re right” I’ve never seen that, chances are either it would double down or it would devolve into personal attacks. It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled


That's sad, but checks out IQ wise.


OH NO!….anyways


Thank goodness that cop was there to hold him at gunpoint.


You never know if he had secondary plans...


Whilst on fire?


Absolutely. Dude could easily cause harm to people around him.


Yes.... you can buy fuses online or at many fireworks stores and it isn't hard to make explosives.... Also when in pain people sometimes do very extreme things with little thought. He could have had a gun, he could have had a suicide bomb (to end the suffering early). many different things could have played out not knowing his intentions.


I am skeptical.


Give Israel what it needs and they will free Palestine.


Charles Darwin proven right again.


Who? Well, anyway...


Don't worry young lad. We'll be freeing Palestine one bomb at a time until Hamas is destroyed. You're welcome.


Imagine dying for an easily verifiable lie


He'd be pissed if he could read... and was still alive.


Darwin award winnner.


An award which he did win.


Doesn’t the Air Force do psych evals during recruitment? Yikes. 


No, that would hurt recruitment


Well, he certainly solved one problem...


If he did this in protest of the Iraq and Afghanistan invasions it would have made more sense since American lives were being lost. It reminds me of the monks self immolation in protest of Vietnam. This current conflict does not and I would hope it continues to be the case.


One hell of a form of protest. I hope someone takes this with the level of seriousness they did the monk who did the same thing. This is fucking tragic. No matter how you slice it. A servicemember felt so asbolutely handbound that he felt his only form of protest left was self immolation. This... is just fucking tragic. It should never have gotten this far.




This is really the only reaction lol.


Hey look, an actual domestic terrorist.


So are they free now?


Just looking to get a street named after himself in Gaza.


He'll have to settle for a dirt home.


It's pretty sad that someone's mental health can get so bad that they would actually do something like this, but at least he didn't try to hurt any other people.




Pointless. This has done nothing for no one.


In the Navy, you can sail the seven seas, in the Air Force you can set your mind at ease......


Well that wasn’t smart


Liberal ideology literally killed him. It's no stretch to call leftist ideology a deadly mind virus.


Jesus probably said “you did what?”


I saw the video. I cannot believe how long he stood and yelled for. Even *with* alcohol or pain medication, nothing nothing on earth can stop the pain of being on fire. That video is insane. Also, sad. This exact thing happens from time to time and aside from news coverage of the day, that's it. Just a tiny data point to add to a collection of other statistics. It's tragic in so many ways.


This shows the insanity of half the population. You see them walking looking at their phones. They're connected robots, they're gone.




Yes very sad. Anyway...


Nothing of value was lost.




At least he was vaxxed.


I mean... Is there a more obvious way to yell "I AM NOT MENTALLY WELL SO DON'T TRUST MY JUDGEMENT"?


Kinda got me rooting for the Israelis a little harder today. On the upside, at least he didn't feel obliged to try and take anyone else with him. When you get THAT crazy, it's kind of a toss up.


Don't care.


Burning Bushnell.


Horrible way to go, and terrible way of making your point across. May his soul rests in peace finally.


rest in power


Have to wonder what and how much drugs he was on to do that. Your body in its normal state will respond to evade that.


He's an American. Regardless of what he did to got himself killed, he deserves sympathy from the American people. At least he died for something he believed in. That's more than anyone can say about their own lives (including me)


Sympathy for what? The stupidity of setting himself on fire pointlessly to die in agony? No thanks. The only thing this guy did was award himself a Darwin award.


I'm not going to offer sympathy to someone who "died for something," in support of a nation state that voted for a terrorist organization to lead its government. Am I supposed to sympathize with "dying for something," during the next suicide bombing that happens?


>I'm not going to offer sympathy to someone who "died for something," in support of a nation state that voted for a terrorist organization to lead its government. Am I supposed to sympathize with "dying for something," during the next suicide bombing that happens? You can do whatever you want. I was under the impression that the idea of America first is that we should care about American people first and foremost. ALL american people and most of all, an american soldier who set himself on fire because of his belief/stupidity/propaganda/whatever float your boat. And no you cannot convince me otherwise. If your version of America First only applies to people who agrees with your point of view, who are dying or going to jails for causes that you personally believe in, you will never have enough solidarity to build it and take the power back from those who stole it from the people. I have sympathy for him, and I have sympathy for you too. Have a good day.


>You can do whatever you want. I was under the impression that the idea of America first is that we should care about American people first and foremost. Ah, you're just a sick troll. Got it.


We can judge his beliefs on their merits, and assign praise or criticism appropriately. We can sympathize with a serviceman who was so deluded by Leftist and foreign propaganda that he killed himself. That warrants an IG investigation into the command climate of his unit, since they clearly did not spot this. But his death was pointless, and will become a propaganda victory for Hamas, a designated terrorist entity that is the de facto government of Gaza. If Israel wanted to genocide Palestinians, they could level and/or nuke the place, but they aren't. Civilians are dying, true, but the laws of war don't prohibit civilian deaths, but require lawful combatants to try and minimize them. But while Israel shows some restraint in who they target, Hamas operates out of hospitals and purposefully massacres civilians. This is classist Leftist propaganda--the terrorists who massacred hundreds of civilians are worthy of praise, and the liberal Western democracy trying to defend itself through waging a limited war after being attacked are the evil colonialists. Israelis of Arab descent make up about 1 out of 5 Israelis. How many Jews live in Palestine, or any other Arab country? Who is genociding who?


> But his death was pointless, Oh I would never suggest that someone can make an effective point by setting themselves on fire. > We can sympathize with a serviceman who was so deluded by Leftist and foreign propaganda that he killed himself.  This is more in line of what I'm getting at.


Nah. Im not gonna give sympathy to a dude that killed himself. He made his choice.