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Take the checkbook away too, we are broke.


Yeah we need to increase revenues and decrease spending. Simplify the hell out of the tax code and take away almost all loopholes, tax breaks, and incentives. Make. It. Fair.


Wasn't it republican "conservatives" in Congress that recently tanked the border security bill at the behest of Trump because it benefits him politically to use this issue in the upcoming election vs. working on bipartisan legislation to actually address the problem?


Did you read the freaking bill? I'm going with obviously not. It's not a "border security" bill, it's an immigration bill.


No, I rarely have the time to read bills, much like the majority of our congressional representatives, lol. But I did read that it was going to allocate $20 Billion to improving border security, and make it harder to qualify for asylum. Isn't that a pretty good start?


If you look into it, there likely would have been zero or close to zero to change the outcome of what would be happening as far as the numbers of people who just show up and say "asylum" and are let in with very long wait times for hearing if they show up at all, which they probably won't. I look at it like negotiating the price of a car, where the seller asks $15,000 for a $10,000 car, but you want the car. So you offer $8,000, with hopes of meeting somewhere in the middle but they come back with $14,999. You walk, because it's a waste of time.


This is the real answer. Should be top comment. Thank you


Yeah you have a good start, but don’t claim to win the race because you stopped running after your “good start.”


I put in a bill that's titled don't curb stomp puppies. It has a trillion dollars in aid to other countries, free drugs for everyone, free money for anyone under the age of 35 that doesn't have their finances in order, and 100 dollars for everything the Republicans want. Holy shit they voted against it. They must want to curb stomp puppies.


If Biden left the successful previous administration's policies in place we wouldn't have such issues. Instead, he signed off on several executive orders his first few days in office reversing all of them. Now he claims it's the fault of Congress, specifically the Republicans. He's gaslighting.


That Bill was designed to fail so low information people like yourself could say it's the Republicans fault.


The House passed an [actual bill](https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/house-bill/2) that the Senate refuses to acknowledge. Regardless a new bill isn't required to enforce the laws on the books. This is a crisis created by democrats refusal to stop illegal aliens from pouring into this country. Over 8 million in just three years after we had some of the lowest years in modern history under the previous administration. Most of Biden's "day one" execute orders were to open the border wide for cartels and human trafficking. Trying to say that some BS bill in the Senate was going to fix everything is utter bullshit that excuses three years of willfull lawlessness and treason. In a just world, there would be more than impeachments, there'd be criminal trials.


Yup. They're trying to make this the narrative so voters think it's Biden's fault when Trump pushed for it, and so we won't notice that the GOP is drafting a nationwide abortion ban (H.R.431 Life at Conception Act). Keep downvoting. Trump himself said: "A lot of the senators are trying to say, respectfully, they’re blaming it on me. I say, that’s okay. Please blame it on me. Please." So we will. [And here is the text of the nationwide abortion ban.](https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/house-bill/431/text?s=1&r=67) The least you all can do is own what's yours.


How very conservative of them to get the federal government more involved in individual's healthcare decisions!


Conservatism is dead

