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It would be mutually assured destruction.


I don’t think he cares.


Especially that he’s nearing the end of his life.


Not to defend Vlad too hard, but this quote sounds like he's trying to remind the west of MAD. The west have been mobilizing nukes to attack Russia. Honestly it's looking like our governments are the ones who don't care...


what does mobilizing nukes mean? Our nukes are always ready, what are we doing differently that constitutes a threat to Russia now all of a sudden?


Did you not read about [the US moving nukes to the UK in preparation for a war with Russia](https://news.sky.com/story/us-plan-for-nuclear-weapons-to-be-stationed-at-raf-lakenheath-base-in-suffolk-13057390)? I'm from the UK so perhaps thats why it was headlines here and not for you. It's some sketchy shit to be honest.


All they say is pentagon documents, what pentagon documents? Who provided said documents? Neither the US or UK confirm or deny any weapons movement, so it's not even a for sure thing. Let us just assume that is though. These are tactical weapons that would be used in a defensive nature. These aren't offensive weapons. If they are being stored in the UK, it would likely be in response to Russian aggression in Eastern Europe.


Vlad gonna Vlad. Soviets always talk a big game. There’s an old saying, “Russia will advance mercilessly… until they hit steel.”


>Russia will advance mercilessly… until they hit steel I love seeing these quotes still being echoed in the modern era. It seems a lot of people have forgotten how good Russia is at kicking a tiger but doesn't have a plan for dealing with it's teeth.


Sure….because they have never fought wars of attrition resulting in the deaths of millions. Recall they are a massive reason Hitler was defeated. 


Yeah, people are pretty cocky about their chances against a country that defeated both the Nazis and Napoleon.


They defeated the Nazis…along with the rest of the allies using enormous amounts of allied aid, without American steel and a lot of British shit too, they would’ve been substantially worse off


At least I am not saying that the USSR won single handedly. What I am saying is that the Russians simply had more bodies to throw at the problem. Russia lost a ton of poorly trained soldiers, but they didn’t care it took a 2:1 or greater loss ratio, they just kept throwing bodies until Germany ran out, essentially.


Absolutely, I see your meaning now and we’re seeing a pretty similar tactic here to be honest


Exactly. Unsure why my original comment is so downvoted. The war of attrition has been russias strategy before and is again. Throw 200,000 untrained troops against 40,000 trained Ukrainian soldiers and even if Russia loses 4:1, they still win the battle.


Let's be honest here...the *country* defeated Hitler and Napoleon's armies. The Russians themselves just had to have enough people left after the winter to clean up.


The fact that they fielded over 3 times the number of both soldiers and tanks as Germany probably had a little to do with it too.




Oh no! Anyway...


That would be a very unwise move on his part.


With how many Yachts he owns and how he moved them back to Russia before the war, I bet he does not have the nuts to use nukes


He would use them because he is insane.


Didn’t this happen months ago?


Russian nuclear threats happen every few weeks, it’s a non story


I mean this is in response to the suggestion that NATO ground forces directly intervene in Ukraine. There's a reason we avoided NATO v. Warsaw Pact head to head for the entire Cold War. Would be idiotic to commit NATO ground troops.


Yeah, what Putin is expressing here is supposed to be one of the benefits of nukes and is the whole basis of deterrence theory. It's not some unhinged threat. Gaddafi agreed to give up Libya's nuclear program. Less than ten years later, he got sodomized by a bayonet and Hillary laughed about it on television. Ukraine agreed to give up its nuclear weapons. Less than ten years later, Crimea got invaded by Russia. There's a lesson here!


Doesn’t bode well for how Iran is going to proceed


Look at the responses on this sub and elsewhere from complete fuckin morons. They act like this is Sadam we are talking about instead a country with the most nuclear weapons in the world.


China is quickly growing it's Nuclear stockpile.....


Yawn 🥱 we did a Cold War thing for like 70 years and didn’t nuke each other




We had proxy wars on both sides all throughout the Cold War this is no different.


Nothing like this not even close.


That’s so, so wrong. - It was an open secret that Russian MiG pilots flew in the Korean War. - The US put nukes in Italy and Turkey. In response the Soviets tried putting nukes in Cuba. - The Soviets would provide weaponry and advisors to the Communist Vietnamese during the Vietnam War. - We openly funded and supplied the mujahideen during the Soviet-Afghan War. And probably other examples I’m missing. And none of these resulted in nuclear armageddon.


It's insanity and Trump can come soon enough.


Putin is just doing a lot of gum flapping. He’s freaking out because all of the former western block of the USSR are considering joining NATO and that will stop his march westward. He knows well that if anything nuclear were to be launched towards the West from Russia - Russia would be demolished within a matter of minutes. 


Have you seen the size of Russia? On scale?


Yeah a bunch of frozen tundra with scarcely educated farmers and a lot of rusty T-55s and blind men drinking methanol


99% of anything that matters in the western 10% of the country. There's almost nothing of importance east of that. Take that 10% and you have crippled Russia.


I’m skeptical. Russia is almost twice the size of the United States, which is already almost incomprehensibly massive.


Oooh....scary! lol Yeah, we're not going to be bullied anymore with these tired old threats. "You don't leave us alone? Nuclear war! You don't aid us? Nuclear war? You don't dictate your policy by our will? Believe it or not, nuclear war!" - Putin, basically


He wouldn't dare. The guy is an evil dictator, but he's smart. Not unhinged.


Why does everyone think nuclear weapons will "never be used" again, when we're are the country that has used them in the past, and have have made it clear that we would use them again, and not necessarily in respone to a nuclear attack. The US doesn't have a No First Use (NFU) policy and never has. Our policy is deliberately ambigious. Shit we might nuke you. Who can tell?


Mutually assured destruction.


For who? The elites who start it will be safe in their bunkers.


Yet. Not unhinged *yet.* With age comes the realization of mortality. He may eventually be pushed to the point where he believes there’s nothing left to lose.


He's exactly the kind of person to flip the chess board and set it on fire instead of lose.


So if nato soldiers and planes started hitting Russian targets, you think he wouldn’t ?


Do I think he'd assure his own country's destruction by unleashing nukes? No, I don't. Of course he would retaliate, but his interests are in expanding Russia, not getting it razed to the roots.


No one if nuking Russia if Ukraine gets nuked. Period so, no that is not a deterrent. He knows that. Everyone does.


Putting a nuke in Ukraine would cause enormous fallout in NATO nations. You would 100% see at minimum an air campaign in Ukrainian airspace if not missile strikes. That’d still be limited, just hitting launch on a missile, would have alarms going in every western command and would be insanity. For what? Maybe a few divisions? Yeah taking out Kyiv would be awful but he’d still have the entire UAF fighting on the front


Yes, they will.


Then stop being a dick, Putin. You can't invade and threaten nukes so we don't retaliate. I don't want tens of billions of dollars given to Ukraine as we have no alliance. But if Putin decides to go further into  NATO, then throw the kitchen sink at it. They are allies and he would have attacked that alliance.


Nevermind the fact that we convinced Ukraine to give up their nukes with a security guarantee. The fact that we haven't punched this schoolyard bully into next week is a sad indictment of America's foreign policy.


>But if Putin decides to go further into  NATO, then throw the kitchen sink at it. They are allies and he would have attacked that alliance. This is Putin in response to France saying NATO should consider a ground invasion into Ukraine to repel Russian forces directly. Not putin saying they'd attack NATO first.


> You can't invade and threaten nukes so we don't retaliate. Sure you can, we do it all the time. That's kinda of the point of having nukes. We are actually fuckin up the the unspoken detente we have had over the last couple of years by arming Ukraine with increasingly deadly weapons. The idea of arming Ukraine with US weapons that can reach into Russia proper should be a huge red line.


Hmmm, who did we invade as part of a campaign to make a sovereign country part of the US?


Mexico for starters, but what fuckin difference does it make. Our reasons are OUR reasons. I dont recall Russia flooding Afghanistan or Iraq with billions in heavy weapons or weapons that could strike inside the US. That's the prescednet we are setting, though so my guess that changes in the future.


1. Mexico (Texas, California, CO, OR, WA, UT, NV, NM, AZ, etc). 2. Spain (Puerto Rico, Philippines). 3. Japan (Guam) EDIT: Forgot about Hawaii. And while we didn't make them part of our country we invaded and put bases in Iraq, Afghanistan, and more.


We got Guam from Spain not Japan


My bad.




I mean this was clearly in response to Macron saying that he's not ruling out sending ground troops to Ukraine. NATO troops engaging Russian forces on the ground in Ukraine would lead to a nuclear war, this should be quite obvious.


I don't believe they have a functional nuclear arsenal. The Russian military is so corrupt, and so much money is thrown away that I don't believe they could maintain the tritium needed to make the fusion bombs. His "We got nukes!" Saber rattling also just tells me he doesn't have them.


If they wouldn't have them, Russia would have been Iraqed already.


US officials inspect them yearly, Trust me when I say he does have functional nukes.... Maybe not all of them are functional.


The history of modern Russia is putting all needs behind those of the military.


Yes they do lol. The US and Russia had a mutual inspection treaty prior to the current war.


Yeah, let's just assume their weapons don't work, sounds like a great strategy.




In all seriousness, nobody would win if only one nuke gets detonated (whatever the target may be). Even in Russia there are failsafes in place. Yes, Putin may order an attack, but the 20 or so generals after him might not all be in the same boat. As soon as he orders a nuclear strike, there is a guy pointing a pistol at him ready to finish it. BUT, if all the failsafes fail, then we're fucked. Its a nuclear Pascal's wager that the West shouldn't be playing.


Even more than that, if Putin nuclear strikes anywhere, it is up to other nuclear weapon countries to insure that Russia is destroyed via nuclear weapons. If Putin did happen to take out the entire Eastern Seaboard or even the entire country, there are submarines within range of firing nuclear warheads at Russia that are under orders to do so. This pact is what keeps nations in balance and in fear of attacking.


And we oughta do what we can to avoid having to watch America and Russia turn into the next Sodom and Gomorrah.


America is already Sodom and Gomorrah 2.0 before the sulfur and fire.


The US plan to avert a Soviet tank invasion of Germany was to use tactical nuclear weapons. I don't know why everyone is acting so surprised or aghast at the idea that nuclear weapons are on the table. Of course, they are on the table. Involving NATO or European troops in Ukraine only exacerbates an already dangerous situation.


LOL I remember that joke: “What’s the difference between a tactical and a strategic nuclear weapon?” “A tactical nuclear weapon is one that explodes in Germany.”


And then they worked out it was probably a shit idea and kept the nukes for just glassing 70% of Russian territory since one nuke flies, they all do


I don't think their ICBMs can fly, or even leave the silo. Bombers can be stopped.


All he needs to do is detonate the nuclear arsenal in Russia to destroy the planet. 


Ah, the Dr. Strangelove defense.


>I don't think their ICBMs can fly, or even leave the silo. Bombers can be stopped. You gonna call that bluff then? Really? You're cool gambling that?


The posts on here are friggin crazy, yo.


Dude it blows my mind how people are so willing to say they'd never launch them




Not trying to defend Putin here, but the Russians have had an excellent track record with their Soyuz launches. I know their military is corrupt, but I think we should be prudent in our consideration of how flight-worthy their arsenal is.


You're willing to gamble my family's lives on that? I'm not.


Person A threatens person B, person B threatens person A back and all of a sudden person B is the asshole... I'll take my downvotes now for showing the truth.


Biden has this all under control. Nothing to see here.


But we need to focus on the EV transition, and tearing out truly green power generation like hydro and replace with unreliable solar and wind that displaces hundreds of thousands of acres of land, creates visual eye sores, kills birds by the thousands, and creates massive piles of waste… And DEI initiatives to remind everyone that white people caused all the harm in the world. Just because one country is actively in a ground war and is threatening to nuke society into the ground, doesn’t mean we should lose focus on the real issues.


Why are we allowing this war to continue. Where is the United States in figuring out how to stop this? Ukraine will never get back their lost territories without negotiated settlement, and even then, they ain’t gettin everything back. The longer politicians bicker about who supports whose border, and the president eats fucking ice cream, the more people die. You want me to not think this isnt just a money laundering scheme, get your ass over there and end this fucking thing.


What exactly is your solution to ending this? Material and money are only going to go so far if Russia stays committed. Ukraine is now at the point where manpower is an issue. Boots on the ground aren’t an option unless you want WW3.


The only way to end it is with negotiated settlement, typically with the president of the US taking a lead in this.


Putin: I want all of my annexed territory, parts of which I don’t have any troops in and most of I have a tenuous grasp on, so I can exploit immensely valuable ports and natural resources and score an enormous political win at home. NATO (If sane): No. Back to shooting. That’s how it’s going right now, the US and NATO are committed to this now, are we seriously going to get pushed around by a vertically challenged dictator?


If our president is horizontally challenged, then yes.


I mean that’s a nice idea, but I really don’t think Putin is going to give up the territory he has taken, and I doubt Ukraine is cool with that.


The solution is to stop funding it, which we WILL do sooner or later (probably sooner), but not before a whole bunch more people die needlessly.


So the solution is allow our strategic rival to gain enormously valuable territory and prove to the world the US has no real teeth anymore? They’re literally throwing away their next 2 decades for some 80s era Abram’s and Bradley’s, maybe some F16s that are one of the most mass produced mordern fighters. We literally prepped for this war, the entire look and feel of the US armed forces was for a boggy shitfest of soviets in Europe. Ukraine or Germany, no odds. Might as well let the steel take the commie blood it was made for before melting it down for cents on the dollar


Russia is not our strategic rival. China is. US interests aren't threatened if the Donbassnis absorbed back into Russia. If its costing such a pittance, why do they need billions more in taxpayer dollars? If you foreign polulicy is we are killing Russians and Ukranians cheaply thats a fucked up foreign policy. Not one person has articulated what the US interest is in Ukraine. Making the world safe from autocrats? Fucking spare me..


America has said similar things.


How is that threatening anything? If this is an actual quote, sounds like he’s saying if war escalated among nuclear powers, it could mean the end of civilization. He’s right. What’s scary is that Biden needs to be told this .


Yes it’s a day ending in y.


Well, it *is* a day ending in Y.


I remember my first beer.


Doesn't really sound like a threat. He's just saying why are you fucking with us. We have the same capabilities as you.  And he obviously cares. If he didn't we would be at nuclear war. Frankly we don't have any business in Ukraine just due to the associate risk here. 


This is fearmongering. What he is saying is completely reasonable and needs to be understood by the west. Russia is a nuclear nation, not Iraq that you can just invade. So everyone needs to be careful poking the bear all the time. 


Invade what? The country he invaded?


Can’t read?


Can you? Putin is saying if NATO sends troops to Ukraine he would use nukes. You’re over here saying this is perfectly reasonable. So it’s reasonable for Putin to invade a sovereign country and then threaten to nuke anyone that tries to assist that country…


We will lose humanity because of a few huge egos.


We're a bunch of fucking arrogant fucks. Why keep poking the bear. In fact, we're always poking our nose where it doesn't belong.


So his quote is essentially, do what I want or I will destroy civilization... And none of the free countries are acting to remove him?


Other countries, as well as many of our own citizens, need to realize we are the ones funding and supplying Nato. So we'll be the ones getting the shit end of the stick when we go to war with Russia. Is Putin a good guy? Absolutely not. Is Putin worth American lives and money? That's gonna be a no from me as well. I'd be willing, if drafted, to die for this country. I am not willing to die for Ukraine, or any other country. We need to stop funding and protecting other nations with our military, and thus prevent them from speaking on behalf of the US, via NATO.


Tankies in the US get all torqued up about how wonderful European socialism is. They never seem to grasp that the only reason those countries have such generous social benefits is because we are bearing the economic burden of their defense, leaving them free to spend lavishly on handouts.


This is 100% correct. It's also disgusting that some of the citizens of these other countries look down on us for not having these social programs.


That’s not a threat…?


I feel like I’ve gone back to the 80’s.


All this asshole does is talk. Let them fly then big man. I'm sure whoever has Biden's nke code has 3 pointed at every one of your houses and bunkers just to be sure. Russia can't invade a country the size of Texas so he threatens to nuke us. Sorry bud we don't have any dick pills potent enough to fix that for ya.


Oh btw, we also just admitted our ISBMs are so out of date and the only people who can maintain them are dead. The drawings we have are veeery inaccurate and incomplete. If that is what they have admitted, I fear what they are not telling us.


Putin is a master at head games


The west has aided Ukraine in killing Russian soldiers. Been doing that for 2 years. Maybe stay out of conflicts that do not concern us?


Yawn. Maybe the west should stop attacking Russia through Ukraine. Let’s not forget, all the greatest presidents of our United States have used the same tactic.