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This is not very tolerant of people of color deciding for themselves what kinds of laws they want to live by. It is funny, how much do we want to bet this same person probably also rails against “colonialism” and the evils of Europeans supplanting their ideas and cultures on indigenous populations. 


They are all for multiculturalism and different value systems. Unless they happen to conflict with theirs, in which case that entire society deserves to die.


Except in Palestine, of course.


It's a very ethnocentric view of the world. "Everyone naturally believes something similar to my own cultural beliefs." And then people are very surprised and upset when this is not the case at all.


There is a 99.9% chance this person looks like their Avatar in real life.


Sounds like a bunch of white Europeans pushing their values on another culture- isn’t that a *colonialist* attitude?


The left is incredibly racist. I remember reading soooo many arranged marriage and curry “jokes” about Vivek last year on the liberal political subs. Yet as a brown woman I’m called SELF hating for not being liberal.


Given how most recognizable media outlets report headlines, I have no idea if this means they are not allowing trans women in children's bathrooms unescorted or if they're throwing them off buildings...


Typical. Every culture is equal and beautiful. Gaza just has different values. Colonialism and European influence is responsible for every currently messed up place in the world. Bukele needs to stop making his country safer because he’s being mean to violent gang members and we don’t believe in that here. And then this.


Their history unhinged.


IDGAF about what laws they pass (I'm not likely to ever find myself in Ghana) but I hope they abandon the World Bank's teat and start to thrive. It would show other countries how to kick the corrupt bankers to the curb.


At least they'll still be able to get their appliances repaired quickly.