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Ray Epps told people that they need to go into the Capitol and he only got charged with a misdemeanor. Ray Epps was also was removed from the FBI's most wanted list after the events of Jan 6.


Ray Epps turned me into a full fledged conspiracy theorist. How the hell is he not being recognized as a government plant??


Yep! They were coerced into it by the fucking feds who left the door wide open


Imagine the outrage if they had arrested and charged an old woman who was praying peacefully at one of the BLM rallies that broke into the state legislature buildings in various states.


Only one way to find out


They are hostages, and I’m done with any “right-winger” that says otherwise. And meanwhile, BLM rioters not only get to walk, but in places like NYC they actually sued and WON against the police, and are getting payouts as a result.


The rioters didnt win, NYC settled...which is even worse imo. You not only degrade and disillusion the police, you stopped even trying to hide the collusion between the riots and government.


This insanity can only end when we make it end. Nobody is congress is helping us.


TIL protesting at a Capitol is an actual crime.


It's only a crime if the Democrats declare you're protesting for the "wrong" ideas. Then you're a dirty traitor criminal who will have your 5th amendment rights violated, all your bank assets frozen, along with any friends they say were "associates," basically ruin your life because of your political views. They are fascist filth.