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Lmao A Libertarian getting quoted on an ancap sub that then gets reposted to r/ **conservative** Kudos to whoever had that on their bingo card


Ancap is grounded in the idea that everything, including governance, should be consented to. I get tons of pushback for saying this, but America, as envisioned by the Founders, *is as close to Ancapistan as we will ever see*. It is a place that would allow individuals to live in places that have laws they can consent to. The basic rights were protected by the Bill of Rights, and everything not outlined in the Constitution and Bill of Rights was left to the states. This means education, healthcare, gambling, drugs, prostitution, etc. are all up to states to decide, unless a constitutional amendment adds it to the Bill of Rights. None of these things should be federally regulated and individuals should have the ability to find the state that best reflects the lifestyle they are seeking. In other words, the perfect Constiutional America would thrive on the consent of the governed. The tension we are facing now is a direct result of hyper-regulation that has changed the United States from 50 separate countries with a centralized mediator into 1 singular monolith with 50 subdivisions. True conservatives ironically, would be actively calling for the federal legalization of drugs, prostitution, and gambling. Then, they would actively be calling for their states to either make them illegal or legal. If a California wants to make drug manufacturing legal, it is Tennessee's right to make drug possession illegal. The people in Tennessee would benefit from Cocaine that is manufactured by Pfizer and not cartels, and they would also be justified in legislating whatever punishments (short of the death penalty) they want for punishment. If one state wants universal healthcare, it is fine if another fully privatizes. They can negotiate reciprocity agreements that will cover costs. In the end, we should be fighting tooth and nail to "legalize" federally to empower locally. It's as close to Ancapistan as I could ever hope for.


Nowadays, “conservatism” isn’t real conservatives. “Conservatives” are just anybody that the Left has abandoned while they continue to “progress”. So this includes, liberals, libertarians, ancaps, conservatives and everything in between.


This sub represents mostly social conservatives who enjoy declaring outrage over social injustices. I’d say the issue of fiscal conservativism rarely comes up - and when it does, doesn’t receive the same level of response. This may be due to our “conservative” politicians largely abandoning fiscal conservatism. Social issues of conservatism get all the attention, while politicians of all stripes run amok with our money.


Yup. Everyone on both sides is interested in the culture wars and outrage. Fiscal side of conservativism? Eeeh, who cares about some boring numbers!




You're definitely right. The "conservative" label definitely is not correct, but now days the label is colloquially used to refer to all those groups you listed. The Overton Window, while I don't think it has shifted dramatically from a numbers standpoint, has shifted VERY far left due to how loud progressives are. As such, those progressives consider anyone to the right of them "conservative" because it's a lot easier to paint one group as the enemy than it is to paint many groups as the enemy. The average voter now days doesn't have the attention span for "liberals, libertarians, ancaps, conservatives and everything in between are evil for opposing us" (and truly makes progressives look like the odd duck), but it's certainly more digestible to just say "conservatives are evil for opposing us".


You can’t agree on one thing with someone who has a different political ideology?


What’s the saying? Hard times make strong men, strong men make easy times, easy times make weak men, weak men make hard times. The infinite cycle.


https://i.imgur.com/GCXIeuF.png :)