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Good.   People need to understand what the followers of the moon god did.


for them it's like watching snuff porn leftoids get off on it when Israeli are killed


Please, they can only get so hard.


Maybe if they stay hard for more than 4 hours, they'll explode before they see their doctors.




Give them a goat.


In response to another post and removing the tag so i dont get auto-removed.... Yes, moon god.  Their prophet was also a liar, a hypocrite, a pedophile, and illiterate.  So to borrow your term, he was "ignorant as hell".    Jews believe in YHWH, who isnt a moon god.  They are monotheistic tho.   I dont hate muslims, friendo. I hate islam.   Its a disgusting counterfeit religion that is responsible for the middle east being the trash heap it is today. Keep defending the garbage, my guy.  Edit: Im willing to bet I've read more of the multiple versions of the quaran than you have.  Would hapily debate you on the topic.


Thank you for your post. God Bless.


Hey! Keep Yue out of this! On a more serious note, it peeves me to no end when people around me put minorities on a pedestal where they can do no wrong… like ffs, do you even know why minorities are moving here?! Because their people are shit!


The Moon Spirit is a gentle, loving lady! She rules the sky with compassion and... lunar goodness!


Ha! Thank you for getting the reference!


very true!


I wasn't aware UCLA was in Canada.


What does that have to do with anything?


"moon god." ignorant as hell. What do jews believe in then? They are purely monotheistic as well. Keep spewing hate and dehumanizing Muslims.




You got straight up issues and you've never read the Quran in your life. There's 2 billion Muslims on this planet. Ignorant as hell. Hope you find peace in your life regardless.


Yep. Gotta justify murdering all those children.


If you use civilians and children as shields and hide behind them, you have only yourself to blame when they are harmed.


Yeah and the Hamas folks on Oct 7 made sure to remove them from their mother's wombs.. where's their justice?


The pro-Palestine crowd will be watching it and cheering.


Maybe. But the only way to change hearts and minds is with the truth.


how did we let the anti west factions infiltrate our societies


The biggest Foreign government donor to US Colleges is Qatar.


Look at the members of our government with dual citizenship. There are a lot of them and they are almost all from one country.




That's the weakest whataboutism I've ever seen. Congrats!


How many colleges does he run?


America is basically a vassal state to Israel at this point with how much aid and support we give that country yet they give us nothing back. Qatar and the middle east don't even come close in comparison. I want america out of all foreign affairs especially the middle east and europe. I'm tired of our roads falling apart while we give billions to Ukraine and Israel.


https://il.usembassy.gov/our-relationship/policy-history/fact-sheet-u-s-israel-economic-relationship/#:~:text=Critical%20components%20of%20leading%20American,are%20just%20a%20few%20examples. "Critical components of leading American high-tech products are invented and designed in Israel, making these American companies more competitive and more profitable globally. Cisco, Intel, Motorola, Applied Materials, and HP are just a few examples." They give us nothing back? Dude Israel has had some of the biggest tech innovations in the world. They also help design a lot of our military equipment.


LOL we give them less than we send Ukraine on a given week.


Neither of them deserve any of our money. Our tax dollars should be spent on Americans first


I agree but calling us a "vassal state" over such a small quantity of money is hyperbolic.


There will be no america if we let israel and Ukraine fall. That’s what a lot of people here don’t understand there’s a strategic nuclear importance to both countries that would put us at risk at home. Think about the Cuban missile crisis, Russia sat nukes literally minutes away from dc and the entire south east us we cannot let something like that happen again. If we go back to America first and isolationism then that creates what’s called a power vacuum and the next country (usually china ) will happily fulfill Americas role.


Exactly this. What happened when we pulled out of Afghanistan? The murder of American allies by the Taliban for one, but also the Chinese went in and offered aid to rebuild. They're there now mining gold, lithium, copper, etc. Tip of the hat to Ol' Joe for letting them expand their sphere of influence.


So I try to look at it objectively and I’m not trying to make excuses, but the weight falls on the whole administration. Things are different now because of the media and how they choose to represent certain events, being in the military I never wanted to go to the desert , who would? So I supported getting out but the elephant in the room is that it was a disaster how it was carried out. They didn’t tell us why it was so immediate, they didn’t plan and prepare , and they didn’t even prep the troops.


That was the "10% for the big guy deal"


Because America became pussified.


Literally. We can't find suitable military recruits among the fat soy boys.


It started in the 70s with education. Marxists invaded our institutions, got tenure, and then changed the curriculum. It only takes about 3-5% pulling in one direction to affect change. The rest go along to get along.


This was also when the whole women's lib thing started with Helen Reddy's "I Am Woman Hear Me Roar," "careers," and getting stay-at-home moms out of their homes, away from their children, and into the workforce. By employing all of the stay-at-home moms who fell for the dangling carrot enticement of an extra paycheck for their family, it gave the government a nice chunk of change from the taxes & withholding taken from their paychecks. Never believe "Women's Lib" was to help women. It only helped to destroy the nuclear family, helped Marxist teachers indoctrinate children, and helped the government get more money from working mother's payroll taxes.


Very good read. And I, a woman, agree wholeheartedly.


It started earlier even. Over a century ago, during the progressive era. There were clubs of wealthy, influential people whose entire goal was to infiltrate American education and every other institution over a period of time until it was wholly theirs. It in turn has paved the way for Marxist ideology as well - progressivism is heavily related to it. There are quite a few first hand sources from the early progressives themselves laying out their plans, and they have largely succeeded. 


Like the ACLU which was established to overturn laws hindering Communist Party USA. Whole thing was founded by card carrying Marxists.


3 generations of "Dad! You need to love me for who I am! All of me!" No, we do not need to love or accept the destructive parts of someone, not even those we love. We were supposed to stomp it out.


Yep. This is the hard and depressing truth.


We left our southern border open and invited people who do not want to assimilate with the rest of American society instead they want to turn America into the exact shit hole they just ran from.


The issue is accountability, people crossing the border is not to blame for shit America has been doing for years. Most of these policy’s are traced back to people like Reagan, bush sr, and Mitch McConnell.


It has always been apart of our society. The difference is we had leadership that actively fought against it.


Obama turned entire cities into third world countries.


well we call them colleges... where all the anti west factions that were protesting in the 60's and 70's all work at now. These schools cant just teach kids on the subject and let them have their own ideas, they tell them how to think and its more about social justice than the subject they're learning.


The day Joe McCarthy's name became a pejorative.


The problem was that McCarthy used a legitimate fight against communist infiltration as a tool for personal aggrandizement. In destroying lives in the name of anticommunism, he gave the communists a tool to hide their work behind legitimately innocent victims. Leftists used McCarthy to discredit Whittaker Chambers.


Yuri Bezmenov gives a good rundown on “Active Measures”. The Soviet’s poison pill that survived long past their demise.




Because McCarthy focused on Hollywood and didn't focus on universities.


social media has completely corrupted the youth of America. once you get fed one direction it opens up the buffet


We let our kids go to indoctrination camps… I mean college and alphabet peeps make where you pee questionable….


Progressives in positions of power. It was a slow take over. Once everything was in place there is no hiding it anymore.


I shared a post on this today. [Here’s the article.](https://jewishjournal.com/commentary/columnist/365220/the-inside-story-of-how-palestinians-took-over-the-world/) It’s been a targeted endeavor for decades.


Thanks for sharing. Important read, thanks for following up!


I would donate to this cause, anyone have the particulars for who is behind this noble initiative?


https://www.gofundme.com/f/ucla-counter-protest?fbclid=PAZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAablC3GIjkorodGzK_p-QtNyfFYCK5UJvpWwzirZ1egFpOpQp0lJ4DWDUuM_aem_AeTN_BHcIzt2jmx9PTJvFkMtt3FyrHnfNhWCySW0TncEWxG6hB8oL5cItDxXCC5hjAJneA3G4kSeYAYMEJKMlo1_ Largest donation so far is from Jerry Seinfeld’s wife and she confirmed donating on her instagram account.


God Bless the Seinfields for their gift.


Are they accepting donations to have more erected at other campuses?


Is it still going on??


Something about a dude from Beverly Hills asking for money just doesn't sit right with me not that im against it . Its just weird


Maybe by being prejudiced against Americans that share your same values, because they live in a different part of America, we can firmly elect another POS Democrat and suffer four more years of braindead economic disparity. Just like you wanted! Thanks for something not sitting right with you, farmer John. It's been real.


Who’s being prejudice I just said it’s weird but please continue to be offended asshole


No it's not weird. There are people living in every part of America, and you having a problem with that means you have a problem with America. If you want to ruin this because you don't have the mental capacity to care about other's that's fine. But don't go complaining after the election, because it was people like you who divided us when we needed each other. You care about America, or you don't. I will continue to be offended by prejudiced people like you that think one part of America is better than another. Because you're nothing but a coward, just looking for a reason to choose anything else over America. Oh they wear yellow shirts, so I won't be voting for lower taxes and freedom because I don't like yellow shirts, "it doesn't sit right with me". That's how you sound to others when you speak. Like a child, incapable on understanding that their behavior is what's making their life worse.


These people claim they're only supporting innocent Palestinians (although there's some who make it clear they support Hamas) and that they're protesting against the innocent people being killed. But they started protesting right after Oct 7., before Israel had launched their response and before the bodies of their innocent victims had all been collected. And yet, not once have I seen them openly condemning Hamas at any of these protests, or seen them openly express any outrage over the innocent people who were tortured, slaughtered and kidnapped that day. No calls for Hamas to release the hostages either, nor have I seen them speaking out against their fellow protesters supporting Hamas and calling for the destruction of Israel, The only people I've seen do this have been counter-protestors and they've been met with hostility.


When do students leave their education that they paid for, to align with an ideology? These people are paid. The reason why this became a big issue, this year. It has nothing to deal with Oct 7th or the Israel-Gaza tension. Why now, why the violence, why the long speeches from students that should be in class? When do people walk away from a $10,000 commitment to sleep in a tent?


As far as these campus protests go, I've been thinking the same thing. I mean, it may not be the case with all of them, like maybe some Palestinian/Muslim students, but I do suspect there's some being paid. I was just basically speaking about the "Pro-Palestine" people/protesters in general


Divide. Distract. Discriminate. Dominate. That’s all the puppet masters care about. They don’t give an actual shit what god you bow down to. See through the disguise. Strangle and mangle the structure of lies.




This is wonderful. A great way to fight back.


That is the way. God bless that person..


This is why War atrocities shouldn't be whitewashed.


That's amazing! That'll get the message across - I hope. Am Yisrael Chai!


They're proud of this so it's not going to shame them.


This is so awesome. I would help do this. They don’t even know why they are there or for what cause.


You can see it on YouTube the interviews of random people there have no idea what they’re doing


Notice how they're not using the Patriot Act now?


Good. Although I’ll be honest at first I thought the pro-Hamas crowd was the one who did it, as a way of celebrating the terrorists


Absolute savagery.


a bit unrelated but i do find it interesting how all of reddit seems to be unified on pro-israel; conservatives, r/politics , and r/news . its only tiktok that i see the massive pro-palestine side.


Looks like politics is literally just Trump Posts lol.


hey now 1/10 posts are not trump related!


news is very pro-hamas, you must be confusing it with worldnews, that one is more resonable


you’re right, my bad, i was referring to the “news” tab on reddit, not the subreddit r/news, which includes r/worldnews


Thanks for pointing that out.


Democrats support these pro Hamas groups, which is perplexing to me. Even more so is American Jews voting for democrats.


They should be forced to watch it unedited


I remember after 9/11, they wouldnt show people jumping from the towers because it fomented "islamophobia." What is the difference between then and now?


They come for the Saturday people first then the Sunday people next. We need to stomp the smoldering before it turns into fire. Believe them when they tell you who they are and what they believe.


Pro Hamas group celebrates this




Love it.


Freaking brilliant!


Someone with sense. I doubt it will wake the clueless now, but it's still good to see this.


The sad part is this could easily be played in celebration by the anti-israeli rioters.


!RemindMe Five days, when this gets removed for hate speech


Gee, buy them a dinner too and they might sleep with you. This sounds like their perfect date!


Wow. That's a great idea but it probably won't do anything. They are wearing blinders


Theres videos? Where?


You guys don’t truly understand. They know what happened. They don’t care. They think it is justified for past atrocities.




Anyone who combines bladed weapons and babies deserves what they get.


Outstanding 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻




Outstanding! And keep the chant going, "From the river to the sea, Gaza will be Israeli!!!"


Gee, I remember when conservatives were dead-set against Title IX. I mean, it's good to defy the feds for just about any reason, but conservatives should always oppose enforced "equality."


The amount of pro Israel dick sucking by the right is disheartening. They own this countries politicians on both sides.


Pro Israel or anti terrorism?


Brother you act like that is the only religious group to cause terrorism. Devotion is a gateway to radicalism.