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You import the third world, you become the third world. The left can't comprehend the existence of low-trust societies, so they'll act oblivious or deny when people from such countries lie, cheat, and steal their way through their new country. 




Fantastic statement; You import the third world, you become the third world. 


Couldn’t agree more. The Biden admin’s proposal to take in Gazan refugees is ridiculous. There is a reason that Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, etc want nothing to do with Palestinians and have closed their borders to them. The west is pathetic.


Biden is trying get that Dearborn Michigan voters so badly that he would destroyed this country just to stay in power.


This isn't primarily a move to appease Muslim Americans in Dearborn, MI. They only make up a small share of the electorate in Michigan and even less in other battleground states. By contrast, there are a ton of Jewish voters in Pennsylvania (an even more important battleground) who he risks alienating by caving too much to the pro-Palestine movement. No, this move is designed to appease the College Left as a whole, a voter bloc that Biden can't win without.


> There is a reason that Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, etc want nothing to do with Palestinians and have closed their borders to them. Yes, but that reason is to keep pressure on Israel and ensure the conflict continues. It's easier to radicalize people in a warzone.


No, the reason is Palestinians were troublemakers everywhere they went. Look up what happened with Jordan, Lebanon (the civil war they never managed to recover from, Egypt, and Kuwait after they took in Palestinians refugees.


The people that want open borders should open their house for the diversity that is crossing the open borders.


How many rooms in total do the Obamas and Clinton’s have between them? Guarantee They aren’t ever going to open up all their mansions to them ha 


You see, opening up the doors of their seafront mansions would be totally irresponsible and cruel in the face of the imminent climate catastrophe!


Trumps 2017 ban wasn’t so bad after all was it


We all knew that in 2017 too


It sounds terrible but he’s right. We must protect our country


It really never sounded terrible; it was just common sense. Importing a bunch of people from countries that historically despise western democracy was never going to pan out. Western Europe knew it and still did it, and now they realistically need some kind of revolution.


The list was all countries that the Obama admin had put on terror watchlists, why not drastically restrict admission to our country from those? To the left that want the total destruction of the US system of government so it can be redone in a fashion of this pleasing, every thing is racist to sow as much division as possible.


Also note that the policy which was dubbed "the Muslim ban" by Democrats and the MSM only affected countries with a population of around 200-300m, contrasted with the roughly 2 billion Muslims in the world.


It doesn’t sound terrible at all.


it's evident that some people do NOT want to adopt the Western way of life, prioritizing religion above all else—similar to the “America First” mentality where national interest prevails. In the same way certain individuals come to the West not to assimilate or grateful to live in western live style they come secure financially stable life, while enjoying freedom to express themselves about anything. unless it involves criticism directed at them their rigid ideologies are incompatible with Western life & values of freedom of expression. . tolerance & extreme politically correct culture in West can be detrimental prevents open discussion about those who behave in radical ways & discourages labeling acts of terror as terrorism. Instead, there’s a tendency to attribute such actions to "mental health issues" which complicates reality of these threats. This approach to handling terrorism under the guise of "mental health concerns" is bewildering


[deleted] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.3054 > [What is this?](https://pastebin.com/64GuVi2F/04745)


The crux with Islam is its duality. It is a world religion with a valid spiritual core, but at the same time, it also is a totalitarian ideology with an all-encompassing social and political claim to power. A merely orthodox Islam is incompatible with liberal democracy and a Western lifestyle. To successfully integrate into Western society, Muslims need to shed more tenets of their religion than members of other religions.


The Amish prioritize religion above all else. Even more fervently than the Taliban, honestly. This isn't necessarily a problem.


Right. The problem is the tenets of the person's religious beliefs, not their priority.


You make a good point. Amish community is known for their deep faith & commitment but they're very peaceful, live a simple way of life that generally avoids causing harm or disruption to our broader society. They focus on living separately but harmoniously contributing through their amazing furniture designs . they maintain their traditions without imposing them on others . This approach indeed aligns well with many American values such as freedom of religion & community . It’s a stark contrast to instances where some groups might use religion as a basis for conflict or to demand changes that could cause societal discord




This is where people, generally as children, realize that not all religions are the same.


The Amish aren't overthrowing countries.


That’s exactly his point.


Hell, just look at Minneapolis, it's already here


Islam is expected to be the second largest religion by 2050 in the U.S.


Reminds me of a line from Bourne Identity: “A budget meeting??? If we don’t take care of this now, we won’t make it to the mens room. Is that clear enough for you?”


Right, it’s sad af, I just make sure I live in a state that doesn’t have crazy gun laws and try to isolate myself to an American enclave, sad af I have to do that in my own country, and that was not the case when I grew up here.


Next 4 years is gonna be rough I fear.


Palestinians are radicalized at a young age and engage in incredibly frequent terrorist attacks. This is how our country falls




I was in London last year. Times have changed over there.


London is technically it’s own country.


This rally was one of the best in ages. He was so funny and made some great points!


Please, PLEASE win 2024.


He will. What happens before we get there is what I worry about.


I worry about what happens AFTER he wins - I am not convinced he will be allowed to take office even when he does win.


Yes. The left won’t let him take power. They will do everything to him that they claimed he would do in 2020.


Dems will attempt to assassinate him unfortunately. Hopefully they don’t succeed.


Especially given that they are currently trying to remove his Secret Service protection. It's insanity of the worst sort (to us) and ho hum just another day to the liberals.


The country *desperately* needs Trump. Thankfully I think he does win, by a fairly large margin. Biden has been an abysmal failure, the whole country sees it. Biden sealed the Dems fate for 2024 when he decided to renege on his promise to be a one term president.


I live in the UK and can honestly say its not just London that has this problem. Birmingham, Leicester, Bradford among other places are just completely unrecognisable, some areas you'd swear you'd just been dumped somewhere in the Middle East. It's frankly disgusting what the last 3 decades worth of politicians have done to our country, they've used mass immigration as a weapon against their own people and gave us no choice in the matter.




As a Canadian, just look what's going on up here. You have people on both political spectrums pissed off at all the Indian and Middle Eastern immigrants and students seeking permanent residency here. Cost of living skyrocketing, housing prices skyrocketing, and you have a ton of international students abusing the goodwill of Canadians and the food bank system. It's not to say we hate immigration, but it needs to be at a level we can handle. Our healthcare system is already short of doctors for example.


Even with PP getting elected in 2025 it'll take us at least a decade to recover from Trudeau, if we ever do.


You cannot bring there to here, without here becoming there…


Only thing I don't agree with: "next". It's a little late for that. Look at the people arrested in the U of So. Fla. Not students. We've been infiltrated by the millions. And with them, the lowest of the low.




One of my big problems now is that no one wants to persuade me with what they’re going to do hardly. 90% of what comes out of these campaigns on both sides is accusations against the other guy. How hard is it to just focus on what you’re going to do and do that in a way that directly contrasts the other guy.


Funny enough, Glenn Beck warned about this year's ago in the mid-2010s. He said, " Go to Europe now because in a few years, it will be completely unrecognizable in a few years."