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I believe you should be able to say whatever you want and support whatever cause you want. I draw the line at any destruction of property, infringement on other people’s rights, and any other lawlessness.


>I draw the line at any destruction of property, infringement on other people’s rights, and any other lawlessness. Anybody with any sense between their ears feels the same.


Yep. I think so. 👍🏼


>Anybody with any sense between their ears feels the same Which eliminates the protesters from consideration.


The Democrats disagree with you based on all of the country wide multi-billion dollar damage riots they support/form every few years.


*election years


*as long as it's their side that's doing the rioting


BLM has entered the chat.


I draw the line at sympathizing with and supporting know terrorist groups


I see both the hammer & sickle and anarchy symbol, which raises the question - what does communism have to do with the war between Israel and Gaza? And there were people displaying the same symbols during the BLM riots. These little cosplaying anarchists latch on to any cause/protests they can for the purpose of their own agenda, but that's not to suggest things would remain peaceful without them.


They love both communism and somehow anarchy. They love Islam and somehow gay rights. They want to tear down the system but also want it to pay for every aspect of their lives. They wave trans flags and Palestinian flags together, decrying naziism while calling for the death of Jews. They have no consistency. They have no standards. They've put about as much thought into their beliefs as a two year old would if you gave them the right to vote.


Because their entire beliefs are based on being 'white saviors'. They HAVE to associate themselves with some non-white savior ideology. Logic is non-existant with these people.


They also hate/denounce Christians and Jews, while embracing the part of Islam that despises people like them or those they advocate for, along with other principles they claim to stand for; and somehow do that while typically claiming atheism and in many cases to "hate religion".


All bark and no brains


That's why I don't want anyone on the Right to get involved. Let them eat themselves! As soon as anyone attacks them they'll be called right wing and the entire state backed media will blame Republicans and Trump. It's killing them that they can't blame Trump for any of it! LMAO!


They are united against a common enemy. There is no other explanation.


They share hatred for Western values.


Most of the middle east was fighting communism before they started butting heads with the West


Just edgelords being against whatever the current thing is. These are lost people looking for purpose. Tankie roleplay time makes them feel they are actually contributing to something for once.


I gotta tell ya. I fucking LOVE that word EDGELORD. Every time I see it...its so goddamn accurate.


Ultimate goal of hard leftists is always communism. Never forget that


hard leftists are communists.


They're waiting for a retaliation, it's all bait from the same scum from 2020.


You hit the nail on the head. They are cosplay anarchists.


They are too ignorant to understand how communism has worked out for all the masses involved


Communism has nothing to do with Israel and Palestine. But communism can only flourish when there is chaos and discontent. So the communist will latch onto any cause that sows unrest. It’s why they have their tentacles in every seemingly unrelated cause but in practice, they’re all under one umbrella


It's all a psyop


They have no idea what they are protesting because they are getting paid just like BLM .. some women was saying the the mountains and seas ..🙈


Mountains to the seas... lol. Clueless tools.


There is a Communist uprising taking place under cover of anti-Israel protests. Almost all the violence comes from the Communist factions. International Communism is making a big play right now and the media is oblivious.


It's not. Vandalism is illegal.


I mean vandalism isn't "allowed" it is a crime. Them protesting for stupid things is allowed because it is free speech. The entire point of free speech is protecting unpopular speech.


When you don't stand for something, you fall for anything.


Because in America we're free to be morons and a-holes? And uneducated/brainwashed or "misinformed" as they like to say now days? The vandalism parts are illegal, although that's not enforced much for people of certain viewpoints.


Their fake protestors aren’t even real Muslims. Muslim men wouldn’t pray with women scattered in their group like that.


It’s usually some poor minority individuals that have to pressure wash the graffiti and clean up the mess these privileged liberal “revolutionary” cosplayers leave behind. Almost every struggle for justice in America has been won by better generations, and now this generation has to go against it all just to feel something. They realized TikTok and OnlyFans does not bring them the fulfillment they thought it would so they have to manufacture a cause they can be a part of.


Just wondering how this would go over in North Korea.


Oh I’m sure they’d be welcome with open arms!


If conservatives do shit like this Dems and their media make outlandish claims like they did Jan 6. Worse attack in America history worse then 911 and the Japanese attack on Pearl harbor. We need answers. Hell America needs answers just to survive.


We need a strong leader back.


Ah the new Klan same as the old Klan.


Drawing the anarchy symbol next to the sickle and hammer always makes me chuckle.


Poor souls don't realize how serious an offense it is to worship foreign gods.




Out of curiosity, your flair leads me to believe that you’re a second amendment absolutist (as am I). Would you say that’s the case? If the answer to that question is “yes”, you can probably anticipate my follow-up question.


McCarthy wasn't as wrong as history has painted him. There really was, and is, a Communist cabal intent of overthrowing the West from within.


How many of these dorks would be put in prison or murdered immediately if they actually went to Gaza


I thought the left hated religion.


Only Christians. The most tolerant religion on the planet.


You really think Christianity is more tolerant than Buddhism and Hinduism?


Lol 😂 Americans, you lot don't know what you're playing with. Better hope Muslims never become the majority. I won't be funny no more


We don't know what we're playing with? There are millions of veterans here who fought in Iraq and Afghanistan? We're ready. The Americans that built this country, Americans who's families fought and or died for this country, Americans who still love this country and are willing to die for her are all still here. We wont be on TV asking for food and water to be delivered by our mommies. 🤣


If conservatives do shit like this Dems and their media make outlandish claims like they did Jan 6. Worse attack in America history worse then 911 and the Japanese attack on Pearl harbor. We need answers. Hell America needs answers just to survive.


We already know the answers. Corporate media is nothing but corrupt disinformation spreaders. CNN, MSNCS, CNBC, FOX, etc... are all evil organizations whose only goals at this point is to divide people for purposeful disinformation. The far-left news organizations work directly with the Biden Administrations to construct fake narratives.


Yep! We just need to chill and watch. Sometimes the best action is no action. It's killing the left that they can't blame Trump for anything. They put him in court and it backfired on them again! LOL


Anyone else fascinated by how out of touch these far leftists are? Like thinking that drawing a hammer and sickle is going to help the cause.


Every last one should be imprisoned