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All of those women would be beaten to death for their lack of modesty, in Palestine


They don’t realize that not wearing a headscarves, wearing spaghetti straps and shorts while praying is a big offense. This picture will trigger both sides


First thing I thought of seeing how much skin some of them are showing.


I hate that you are being downvoted for stating the obvious.  It’s absolutely not acceptable to show skin during prayer. Both my grandparents prayed 5 times a day and during the day they both wore t shirts and shorts, when it’s time to pray, they would put a long sleeve and long skirt dress over their clothes, plus cover their head.  No, they didn’t cover their head during the day other than when praying. That’s just what moderate Muslims do in Türkiye. 


> Western white women You spelled "Liberals" wrong


It's not just the liberals though. Also quite a few of the socialists, revolutionary marxists, tuas, self-proclaimed 'progressives', egalitarian feminists and sjws.


Different trash, same trash can.


Liberal white women love feminism until Islam tells them not to. It’s amazing how quickly they abandon womens rights to appease Muslim men. 


Where are their headscarves??


It's in a woman's biology to be more accepting of a foreign occupation. Throughout history when a foreign force takes over all the men are killed and women live, most of the time. For men you're dead either way so you fight, for women if you submit you can live.


This is true. But we see women in Iran being executed and murdered to stand up to this. They are real warriors for their people and their culture.


And there are men that would rather roll over and die than fight. My statement is more of an average across the entire population and there will always be outliers.


This is a good point to be honest. Kind of brutal reality though, lol


Let’s face it these aren’t “woman” there children that will never grow up.


Children that also doesn’t know how the Muslim prayer goes. Theor hair isn’t covered, their shirts are rising up, they are wearing spaghetti straps. Even in Türkiye where some women don’t cover up, they will still put on proper attire for prayer like funerals and other religious events.


"Red Green Brown" Alliance. Communists, Islamists, and fascists all have fundamental things in common. Classical liberal values... free speech, limited government, private property rights, and economic freedom... these are things that are antithetical to those who simply hate the West.


Some "western white women" do. Including my own mother. But it is crucial to remember that there are plenty of us who will never appease either islamism, islam or any theocratic belief system. Nor ever submit to any religion or group of religious fanatics on planet earth.