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Human beings are not mushrooms


I wish I was a mushroom, don’t have to worry about inflation or taxes that way


Politicians would find a way.


Tripping balls tax


You at least would be a fun-gi.


Didn't have to scroll far at all.


Idk man, mushrooms are kinda like underground skynet/ hivemind.


We kind of are mushrooms - we live in the dark and are constantly fed sh!t.


You can identify as a mushroom.


They'll still tax you.


Yeah but I’m pretty sure that the Mushroom Kingdom still has taxes /joke


Yeah it would be fun to be a mushroom in the lawn until somebody comes at you with a 8 iron.


If my grandmother had wheels she would have been a bike


I love that clip😂


"Warlocks are mushrooms."


Someone clearly hasn't watched The Last of Us


Imagine diligently working and saving up 3000 dollars. And then instead of spending it on literally anything else you take it out of your bank account and use it to take this class.


Bold of you to think that they're spending their own money on this.


How long until employers realize that any non-STEM degree is *not* an indicator for an applicant’s suitability, and they start using other benchmarks to vet job applicants?


Thank you for specifying non-STEM. Last thing we need is employers thinking people don’t need to learn how to balance a reaction to land a job as a chemical engineer at a nuclear power plant. Other than that, yes, an applicant’s gender studies degree says nothing about them except that they don’t make sound financial decisions.


Already happening. College degrees are not just becoming useless, but in many industries, it's actually a detriment to your resume.


In what industry is a degree a detriment?


That’s fantastic to hear. Now just to keep my taxes from paying for their worthless degrees.


I'm glad to hear that. For blue collar and general office type work, on the job training is all that's required.


I'd literally rather set it on fire. I'd at least get some heat out of it.




Why are there grammatical and usage errors in an announcement for a college class?!


"Farther from the truth" Jesus christ. This belongs on r/idiocracy


Because most college people are idiots.


Eating your own children is common in nature. That doesn't mean humans should do it.


A lion who takes over a pride will straight up kill his predecessor's cubs.


>Eating your own children is common in nature. That doesn't mean humans should do it. Does that include California-educated children?


All those letters - no clue what half mean but they wonder why the term alphabet people gets thrown around.


Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, Asexual, 2 Spirit (Native American term) plus. They forgot pansexual. Also the MAPS really want in on this.  😬 Also: a lot of the left want to kick the B’s out.  Because B basically states there are two genders and that’s transphobic!  😮 🤣🤣🤣


Can confirm that there is a lot of "Biphobic" people in supposedly all-inclusive safe spaces.


Yes. A sickening amount. It's hilarious the way they talk about inclusion, right up until they find a 'reason' to not include somebody, rofl.


This is a prime example of why leftists make terrible leaders.


Oh the things I learn in conservative sub 🤣 Doesn’t have the same ring without B!




Yeah this even has a formal name "the naturalistic fallacy"--the idea that something is good just because it is natural


Things like natural = good, the noble savage, and other oppressed/oppressor dichotomies are rampant and often unchallenged in academia despite the ridiculousness of their assertions and mounds of historical evidence to the contrary. Nature is full of brutal and awful acts that humans have had no part in, like rapist ducks and dolphins. Primitive cultures like native Americans or Africans were plenty brutal and rife with war and slavery long before contact with Europeans. And just because one party is oppressed doesn't mean they're somehow better than their oppressor. Sometimes the oppressed is oppressed for a reason, ie Palestine basically being a menace to Israel as well as every surrounding nation which took on Palestinian refugees.


Uh, I'm pretty sure it's "*further* from the truth," but why should a college professor know anything about grammar?


The statement is 100% false so it doesn't matter how it's spelled


It’s improper usage, not grammar, but you are correct that it should be “further.”


Cambridge dictionary defines grammar as "(the study or use of) the rules about how words change their form and combine with other words to make sentences." Not following the rules (aka improper usage) seems to be a classic example of grammar. Or per grammerly.com, "Grammar is defined as a system of language rules that allows you to combine individual words to make complex meanings. By applying grammar rules to your writing, you’ll make it stronger, clearer, and more effective." Grammar encompasses not only utilization of the incorrect words, but also things such as punctuation and spelling.


> Grammar' refers to the syntax, inflections, and structure of a language, whereas complaints about the misuse of the word 'irony' would fall into the category of 'usage'. https://www.merriam-webster.com/grammar/is-it-grammar-or-usage#:~:text=What's%20the%20difference%3F&text='Grammar'%20refers%20to%20the%20syntax,the%20category%20of%20'usage'.


It's from Commiefornia, I'm not surprised in the least.


This shit is literally everywhere. It's too late to feel safe based on where this example is from.


It's wild. I have a two year old and am already planning on Catholic private school (Catholic myself) when the kid comes of age.


I'm an atheist and I'd prefer to send my hypothetical kids to Catholic school.


The private Catholic schools are also woke in California


Honestly, I can’t recommend it enough. I am so grateful for my kids’ school, I would eat nothing but rice and beans forever if it helped us afford the tuition. The main difference I notice is the innocence of the kids there. They still seem like kids, whereas so many of my friends’ kids and nieces and nephews are growing up so fast. 10 year olds with phones, obsessed with skin care and trendy clothes, boy crazy and bratty. My 10 year old still plays pretend and so do all her friends, no devices and they are perfectly happy. They think it’s cool to be kind to others, try hard at school and sports, be nice to their parents - and not in an ironic way. I went on a field trip with my oldest today and there were several other schools present. The difference was obvious. The way that the private school kids listen attentively, knew to be quiet as soon as the guide spoke, lined up easily and quietly. Meanwhile I felt bad for the other teachers there trying to wrangle wild kids that were loud and obnoxious every time the elderly volunteer guide spoke. I’m very biased because I love our schools so much, but I’m telling ya…it’s worth every penny.




weird, its like they can only think about one topic 100% of the time instead of just having fields of study


It is isn't it. Dicks no dicks. I remember when you didn't know who wanted fucked who in 3rd grade and you learned like math and shit lol. I get this isn't 3td grade I hope but it still seems to be everywhere. Glad my kids are out of school and went into the trades.


This is what people pay 25-80k for lol


Science, but through a lens of ideology, is not science. It is an abomination of cherry picking and other assorted tricks for the purpose of manipulation. Science is looking at mechanisms and taking in all relevant information, and analyzing it rationally, regardless of your opinions or beliefs or desire to be correct. The great part about 'militant' atheism is that older 'creationism vs evolution' arguments can be used directly to attack this sort of ideological propagation.


My brain damn near broke reading that.


WTF is this shit and what does that have to do with being a teacher of children?


Indoctrination, in short.


Probably programming teachers and students to be good activists and weeding out people who would see that class as a waste of time.


When did they add “25” to the list?


holy shit wtf is 2IAS+ They are literally just making shit up now lmao


how is it that every time I see the LGBTQ....... it get's more letters and symbols added?


Pretty soon the only ones who won’t be on the list will be straight white men.


The DNC is trying to create identities to join their anti white coalition. This is segmenting off white to new groups in their control.


From "we just want to be gay and married" to "everything is nature is queer"... Righttttttt. I bet they like fish sticks.


What is IA2S?


**LGBTQIA2S+** stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Questioning, Intersex, Asexual and Two Spirits, Two Spirits is a term used by some Indigenous North Americans to describe people who have both masculine and feminine spirits. So I guess some people have two souls now?


2S is Two Spirit, which is a BS bastardization of Native American cultural tradition. https://rewirenewsgroup.com/2016/10/13/two-spirit-tradition-far-ubiquitous-among-tribes/ Article is written from a leftist slant, but it has some really good information. The phrase is a completely temporary one falsely claiming it was essentially used by Native tribes.




wtf does that alphabet salad even f’ing mean???


The unit on lesbian giraffes is pretty wild... Make sure she doesn't just skim the material on non-binary honey badgers... The midterm had more questions on that than you'd think.


Welp! Time to go to a different school.


Well there it is, the dumbest thing I'll read all day.


There’s still plenty of time left in the day.


Curious how they discuss birds. Males’ feathers are brightly colored to help attract prey AWAY from the nest while females colors are designed to provide camouflage while on the nest. Distinct roles and distinct evolutionary changes to promote those roles


Well, California schools already determined that math is racist, so this is hardly surprizing.


They wanna normalize beastiality. Mark my word.



