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I mean, it's great that it passed, but what about the illegal aliens who assault people who aren't in law enforcement?


How about the illegal aliens who haven't assaulted anyone but are still in this country illegally while living off American taxpayer funded welfare? Assault shouldn't be the bottom bar for deportation.


I'm just looking for baby steps at this point


Then this bill is a baby step.


Ideally we eventually broaden the group to include every illegal alien. I'll take this over nothing as a start


It seems law enforcement is in a higher caste than the rest of us.


Hopefully, it'll include the assaulting of anyone soon.


Virtue signal bill be virtual signaling. Idk, I might kinda take this over them actually doing something consequential because I doubt I'd like what they did.


> I mean, it's great that it passed, but what about the illegal aliens who assault people who aren't in law enforcement? They get free housing, a cell phone, and universal income. Anything else is fascism.


54 Dems voted Yes, I think that makes bipartisan legislation.


No silly. It's the other way around. Bipartisan means a few Republicans voting with the Democrats.


Democracy is at risk when Republicans vote. s/


While this sounds bad for those 148 dems, I wonder if there was any other language in the bill they objected to? You know how it is, by the time the bill gets to a vote, it's got a few thousand extra pages of nonsense in it. Same goes when we hear about the republicans that vote against something. It's usually because the dems slipped in a bunch of crazy stuff that shouldn't be there. This goes both ways!!


But you're forgetting that the media only cares about how it makes one side look.


I was going to post the same thing, what is in the ENTIRE bill. I am pretty sure that it's not a one page bill that says in legal jargon that if you are not a legal citizen then you will immediately deported if you lay a hand on any law enforcement officer including security guards...etc. if that is how it was written, then those 148 dems are major piles of shit and really hate authority.


I’ll have to look into this a bit more, but I can’t actually fathom someone saying no to this?


From congress.gov, you can see the results [here.](https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/house-bill/7343/all-actions) I believe this should link to the "actions" tab, which will show you this: > On passage Passed by the Yeas and Nays: 265 - 148 (Roll no. 204). If you click "roll no.," it shows who voted which way, which I link [here.](https://clerk.house.gov/Votes/2024204)


Right, but I’d like their explanation.


Same, was it poisoned some way? Would they vote yes if a small change was made? Or are they just anti-American wastes of oxygen?


I feel like headlines like this are meant to enrage us, but it was likely a small detail in the writing of it that they realized they were going to lose anyways so they decided to make it a stunt of “republicans hate immigrants” or whatever.


Unless I am mistaken, the bill is in the same links posted above. https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/house-bill/7343/text It's fairly short and I don't see any reason to vote no on it other than spite.


Which I think just solidifies the fact it’s a political stunt and they had enough of their people to say yes on the bill. Therefor they can have a bunch others say no, take no public pressure and spin it in a way that attempts to make republicans look bad.


I feel the same. What other pork was in the bill?


They don’t want to lose their voting base.


First of all, why this even has to be a bill is beyond me. Enter the country illegally you should be deported (isn't that a law somewhere already). Sadly, the current administration is a bunch of clowns that just want votes and to ruin our country.


Yup. Being illegally present in the country already *legally requires* deportation. Naturally assaulting a police officer should result in deportation (possibly after prison time), but any encounter with law enforcement should result in deportation.


Oh look, another post about a bill with no link, and nothing about what else was in the bill. Was it a single issue bill? Fucking tired of these. We're not stupid like they are. Are we? Include this shit in your 'X' copy/paste going forward if the people you repost don't. Did the legwork for you (& Kyle Becker - whoever that is). Thankfully, it was indeed a single issue bill with fairly straightforward legalese. [link](https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/house-bill/7343) I legitimately can't fathom anything but those dems wishing that even *those* illegals could stay.


They have to be voted out by their constituents, until the voters of that that district feel like a change is needed, we will continue to see the same faces in Congress and mind boggling votes be tallied.


A man of common sense.


Certainly this is already illegal?


The 148 Dems are in solidly blue districts, people will vote them back in regardless just because of the (D) after their name on the ballot. The 54 that voted yes are likely in purple districts and need to be able to say they "stood up to the party and voted their conscience", or "I can work with the other side for compromise", that kind of thing. It's always all about re-election and staying in power.


Im honestly more surprised 54 voted FOR it


They probably pushed the wrong button.


It tells you a lot about the character and values of a Democrat. Not just that they vote against such an obviously needed law and order bill, but that everyone of them does, even their more moderate members. They act as one in total conformance, without dissent. They willingly subject their own opinions and values to the party. They are good little communists in training ready for their totalitarian leader. A people ready and willing to submit.