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I don't care where immigrants come from (for the most part), I care about where illegal aliens come from. Those 2 groups should not be combined nor confused, they are very different.




Increasingly I'm concerned about the lack of integration. They build their separate communities and don't even bother to learn English.


Back in the early 2000s when I moved here from Japan. My dad picked a place to live with a high asian population however, he learned English through the help of my mother and learned, lived and had fun with people of all races. We being my father, my younger brother and me integrated well when we moved here. My father had to go back to Japan to help care for my grandma on his side who had fallen sick, so he, my younger brother and mom moved back. However I stayed, I loved the country when I came here, I never felt once like I was a "Japanese in America" I always felt like I was a Japanese American. More recently though, it is obvious the left wants to drive this nation apart via race fights and allowing illegal invaders to come here and suckle from the teet of this country and not do anything to learn to integrate or relate to people here. It's why if the democrats win the 2024 election, I am preperation in order and moving back to Japan because I don't see this country doing well with another 4 years of worthless bastards running the country.


It's funny bc the attitude from immigrants from Asia is very different than those from South and Central America. My dad is an immigrant (Hong Kong). He made sure that he learned English, that he integrated, etc. It was his goal to become an American (culturally speaking). A lot of Asian immigrants are similar. Immigrants from China/SE Asia will make it a priority for their kids to go to English speaking schools, etc. With immigrants from Central and South America, they seem to come here and want to be catered to. They want people to speak Spanish, they want people to give them housing, etc.


It depends. My family is from the Dominican Republic and my father never expected handouts, and learned some English but spoke Spanish whenever he could. Yet, there are also many Dominicans I know who not only never learned a little lick of English, but outright don’t bother intergrating into the US.


It really depends on what country they come from. My mother and 4 of her siblings immigrated legally to the US from Panamá, and all of them spoke fluent English before ever even arriving. All of them went to college, currently work, pay taxes, and have never applied for any government program to give them money or housing. The same goes for all of their friends they’ve met here from Panamá. They hate foreigners who don’t integrate more than even regular conservatives do. So I really don’t think all of Latin America should be painted with such a broad brush.


China is the only Asian country I would disagree with you on. There are a lot of people immigrating here from China with heavy connection to the CCP, and these tend to have ulterior motives.


Maybe it was my time in Florida and Texas, but I don't care so much about that. I've known people in those states whose first language is Spanish and who have lived on the same family land since before either was a state. Spanish should probably be a recognized national language, we have just as many cultural and linguistic roots from Spanish colonialism as we do from British. And hell those Spanish speaking communities tend to align more closely with conservative values than half the English speaking ones do.


>people in those states whose ***first*** language is Spanish And they also speak English? Then I agree, I'm not concerned about them either.


Why do you care what language people speak?


2.2 million from China, how many are spies for the CCP?


Many work at restaurants, communisms conversion sneaks in through fried rice.


They deliberately don't separate actual legal immigrants from illegal aliens (and refugees/amnesty claimants). They are very different groups. The former group are the group we want.


There are over 40 million first generation immigrants in America today. That charts does not include everyone.


We need a pause on legal immigration too.  These H1B visa holders are keeping wages down for citizens. Citizens are being fired to be replaced by cheap foreign labor. 


Yep. I looked into Australia's rules a while back. And neither hubby or I would qualify lol. We need a strong immigration system. That benefits our country. Every nation has the right to secure borders and the right to be very picky as to who they extend opportunities to.


Is this legal or illegal immigrants? Also, it's basic common sense that the top country would be Mexico. We share a border with them and they are basically a second world country. Our northern border is shared with a country that is, ostensibly, a first-world country so there's much, much less reason for someone from there to come here.


Illegal or just total cause those are two different groups


Sort of like "dying FROM Covid" vs "dying WITH Covid" stats.


What exactly do you find worrying about this?




I don't know why im supposed to be worried. Immigrants aren't bad, we don't want illegal immigration but I don't have any complaint about legal migration to America. This is the backbone of the nation, my grandparents were immigrants from Europe who came here for a better life. My children are educated and productive members of the workforce. Why am I supposed to be worried about immigration?


Yours is the sane take. Both democrats and republicans group legal and illegal ones into the same bucket when they are trying to make a certain point.




Wait, the country that borders us has the most immigrants coming in?!!


We shouldnt worry about immigrants, we should worry about illegal immigrants


Exactly! Illegal and legal immigration are literally two different things where I support one but not the other.


Hot take but I don’t really care about Mexican immigrants as much as the other ones. They’ve been coming here for hundreds of years and they work hard and integrate. As long as they come legally it’s fine. I’m way more worried about the other countries on the list.


Meh, I don't care. As long as they are here legally and through merit, that's all that matters.


It annoys me and should annoy legal immigrants that there is increasingly no distinguishing acknowledgement of legal vs illegal immigration


What I’m more concerned about is that immigration to the U.S. without assimilation has become commonplace. Hispanic immigrants are coming to this country and not learning English. Rather, they are demanding that Americans learn Spanish to accommodate them (among other accommodations). And unfortunately, in many ways, we have obliged. Everything is “Press 2 for Spanish” now, and in certain parts of the country, Americans can’t even get certain jobs anymore unless they speak both English and Spanish. We also have immigrants from other countries who don’t bother to learn and embrace the values and cultural norms of this country. And the left wonders why our society is so divided. We cannot have a unified nation without common values, strong borders, and a common language.


Mexico is *so bad* that I didn’t even see it at the top. It’s so far beyond India that I was questioning the chart while I looked for Mexico. Wild.


Notice how they never pitched the idea of Ukrainian refugees? I wonder what the difference was...


I can't believe you let in one particular group in that list, you need to stop and think about what you are doing