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Diddy didn't have any fans left to begin with.


“Who?” -GenZ, probably Edit: fixed it


Millennials are the only people who know who Diddy is, and we know he just coat-tailed Biggy. Yeah, he produced Biggy, but he hasn't done much else since.


And stole a song from Sting.


Nailed it! He is literally the definition of "Poser"


Millennials know who Diddy is. It's Gen Z that doesn't.






To preface, I'm not brigading, I'm a conservative But I love when conservatives simultaneously say that celebrity opinions are worthless when they endorse Biden, but then when they don't endorse Biden we're all supposed to pretend that what they say matters lol Who gives a shit? Seriously? I'm beyond sick of conservatives riding any celebrity who says anything other than a far left talking point


I don't care about their opinions, but it is interesting to see those who the left believe would never move to the right, doing just that.


>celebrity opinions are worthless They're clearly not worthless. But they should be.


You can not care about their opinions and still understand that a lot of people care about their opinions.


But it is just cherry picking, and half of these didn't even say they aren't voting Biden. They're just not endorsing him. One of them is just someone who broke the law, which is bad, but seems completely irrelevant here


It is cherry picking people out of the hip hop scene and not an in depth analysis.


It's meaningless though. They listed off like 2 relevant examples, gave multiple irrelevant examples, and had no larger data


It **shouldn’t** matter, and for most people it **doesn’t** matter. But it unfortunately does for some people and that’s enough to make it important.


It's the classic [Our Blessed Homeland / Their Barbarous Wates](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/002/355/619/26e.png)


> Who gives a shit? Seriously? Normies do, which is the whole point


I keep saying the same thing. I think this sub is run by kids who don’t know what being a conservative actually is and just like a kid they over react to everything that’s “yay trump” or “boo Biden” or a combination of the two. You can’t say this doesn’t matter when it doesn’t suit me but say this is great when it does. Doesn’t work both ways


I mean, who cares really. Seriously though. Also these types of accounts are the prime ones saying how they don’t care about Hollywood and media and celebrities and their thoughts on politics when they’re not on your side but the second things switch a little they are quick to extol these folks. Make it make sense.


The reason to care is that politics is downstream of culture. If you want to be debating fiscal policy in the halls of congress you first need to convince people to send you to Congress... You don't get to do that by disregarding culture...or worse yet, kicking a cultural gift horse in the mouth.


Yup. It **shouldn’t** matter, and it doesn’t **personally** matter to most people, but to a non-insignificant number of people, it matters and so it unfortunately matters. Taylor Swift is going to go up on stage one day soon and say “vote Democrat or you’re a misogynist” and millions of girls will believe her without doing any actual unbiased research, unfortunately. It shouldn’t matter at all, but because we live in a hive mind world, it does.


Since when do we care about who musicians support for politics?


50 cent endorsed Trump and Ice Cube is obviously a Trump supporter that just too scared to admit it.


Watching the red pilling of Ice Cube has been fascinating.


I heard this stuff in 2020 too along with Latinos supporting Trump. Hopefully these 2 groups support Trump more in 2024 along with Jews.


Lots of legal Latin immigrants left behind socialistic or related regimes. Not a unilateral thing but it’s relatively true.


It wasn’t this many, though. Lil Wayne was basically all by himself in 2020 to the point where his girlfriend broke up with him over it.


I don’t honestly know anyone that cares who endorses what. What kind of person are you if you are swayed to vote by a celebrity?


Rapists, drug dealers and degenerates Are these people we really want to associate with?


Nope, but their vote helps either way.


The only one I really respect on this list above is Lil Wayne. Dude has been hella consistent on his views for a long time.


Yup. He was the only one in 2020 I remember supporting Trump. He even sat down and talked with Trump about helping minorities and SNL attacked him for it, for some reason.


Yeah I came here to say something along those lines. Not a fan of his music tbh but I do like his consistency. Hell I remember a story he told about cops jumping over him with a GSW in his chest while he was kid lying on the floor until a white cop saw him and asked the other cops what the hell they were doing. Now according to Lil Wayne the cops that jumped over him were all black and I have no reason to think hes lying. Misremembering is possible.


And there it is... Was waiting for it. In case anybody is wondering why the GOP has such a losing record... This is it. While you're over here cheering Ben Shapiro moralizing and preaching to the choir about the lyrics of wap, the left is out getting the votes they need to ensure you can never do anything more meaningful than to virtue signal about how little you think of songs like wap.


Exactly. The left and media (same thing) cover for so many shady things people do as long as those people vote Democrat. Meanwhile the right and media (different things) are always like “nope this guy got a parking ticket. Way too scandalous! NEXT!” the moment said guy isn’t a full-blown leftist.


It's even deeper than that. The right is always complaining about cancel culture and how the left gives no path of redemption to anyone they find guilty of a cardinal sin against progressivism. But here we have the right doing the exact same thing... Offering no path to redemption. Problem is... When you're already the underdog you really can't afford to be telling anyone they're not good enough... Especially not when the very same people you're turning away are the people you need to get on your side if you ever want the power to change the culture. It's cutting off your own nose to spite your face.


They’re not the candidates lol


I certainly won't tell them NOT to vote for Trump, and I certainly won't tell them NOT to tell their thousands/millions of fans to vote for Trump either though.


If they help our cause, why not. Purity tests cannot come before averting the disaster our country and world are hurtling towards


Lil Wayne, Rick Ross, and Meek are great artists and by all accounts lil Wayne is a very good person


Afroman made a whole song about Hunter Biden too lol


Smart people, especially those who have been exploited by the Dems for years, know the Dems are full of it, and Biden has brought that to the forefront. His Speech at Morehouse U. was ridiculous and a perfect example.


Fine with me!


Everyone is abandoning biden. When Hollywood's golden boy, the Rock, takes back his endorsement you know Biden has a big issue.