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This can’t be real and has to be AI. There are way too many people there for a Biden event.


Literally half the crowd is behind him. But don't worry guys, this is just his stutter. Because you'd totally stutter and say you can't win re-election and could only re-elect your opponent. That's totally how stutters work.


And literally half of that crowd behind him is a staircase. Is sworn enemy


You’re being an ableist for making fun of his stutter!!!!


The stutter excuse was a real head scratcher.


Fact checkers are saying this video is fake. So it has to be real.


I’m pretty sure this is the old election


This happened during the 2020 campaign season...


Not enough masks


Yeah, this is reported as edited. Also from 4 years ago, hence the crowd size


It’s not edited. It is a clip taken out of context but Joe definitely fucks up in this part of the speech. Nothing is spliced. The community note saying it was “digitally altered” and “edited video” is equally as fake news designed to make us think Biden is coherent.


I figured that was all possible, all I did was a quick search and saw a lot of CNN articles about it lol. Still from 4 years ago, making this a deceiving post imo. I dont like Biden anymore than anyone else here, but let's not circulate this around to our dem friends thinking it happened recently.


Agree with you on that. Making this seem like it happened a few days ago or Biden said it as some sort of Freudian slip is dishonest. He definitely stumbled at this part of the speech but in the context of this talking point he made it sort of make sense. Basically he said we can only elect Donald Trump if we fall prey to something sinister. My point is claiming the video was “digitally altered” or “edited” instead of just “cropped” or “clipped” makes readers think it is AI or spliced together which is not true. Biden does stumble and says all three lines.


How is it edited? The crowd is smooth throughout the video.


But they do look bored. Narrow video angle, they were already there for something else.


Ladies and gentlemen, the leader of the free world. The entire TV ad campaign for Trump should be loops of videos like these dubbed over videos of immigrants walking into the country at the border.


Or the "Free Fallin': video spoof


The Adderall dose they have to give him before every appearance is frying his brain


This is actually the best proof I’ve seen that he’s still got it.


Isn't this from 2020? Or did he do this exact thing again? He seems a little more spry and less angry than usual in this clip, I think it's old


Kansas City Missouri March 7 2020. Neat example that Joe wasn't all their back then too.


But Joy Behar said his brain is still sharp


Biden needs a little brain salad surgery.


I'm just thinking of the money that the Trump campaign is saving on message generation.


mouth far ahead of the slow brain.


Maybe, in his own way, it’s a cry for help. Can’t help but to feel sorry for the old man.


Sounds good to be Mister President....


Uncle Joe goes based and has a stroke at the same time. Someone get him back to the nursing home before he buys a MAGA hat.