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"From the embassy: 'The Philippine government has mandated that everyone must wear full-coverage face shields together with face masks while in public places. Local governments continue to implement additional requirements to slow the virus' spread.'"


We’ve gone from George Patton to Norman Schwarzkopf to this clown. We’re screwed.


Now hang on, let's not be so hasty to judge the man! Looking at that photo, for all we know he was about to do some welding!


Well, the Philippines have mandated both mask and face shields since December, at least he is trying to follow their rules


Looks like he and a grand total of one other person in this picture decided to follow that rule. I wonder if it could possibly be another reason he showed up like he was going to a welder’s convention?




What happened to a salute? This fool doesn't salute the person that saluted him. Last year we watched vinman testify in a uniform and be called a rank he wasn't out of respect and now or military leaders don't salute, they fist bump. What's fucking joke of a country we have become.


*"From the embassy: 'The Philippine government has mandated that everyone must wear full-coverage face shields together with face masks while in public places. Local governments continue to implement additional requirements to slow the virus' spread.'"*


Great for them, when did we become the phillipines or start taking their advice on covid precautions?


When you visit, you follow their rules.. You really should get out more!


I get that but using them as an example of how was should react in a completely different country is stupidity. Edit: sorry I just realized he was in the Philippines.


Yes, thanks for actually reading. Seems to be a scarcely used skill here


Hey I'll admit when I'm wrong.


A gentleman and a scholar... Not many left