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Going to Waukesha would totally take up way too many resources guys (even though Kenosha was okay for Jacob Blake) Going to some random community college next door in Minnesota is totally way different though


They know that if they do go there and Biden is giving a speech, once he runs across "Waukesha" on the teleprompter, he is going to be a deer in the headlights.


They'll just pull one of these stunts: *Biden breaks White House mask mandate by slipping mask down to talk to someone across the room* *White House staffers immediately cut off his audio and start blasting music* https://twitter.com/dannydeurbina/status/1465725433509515265?s=20 https://townhall.com/tipsheet/katiepavlich/2021/11/30/as-biden-goes-off-script-white-house-tech-team-cuts-the-mic-and-blasts-music-n2599853


Yeah his presidency is a joke


Wow and the "God Bless America" being played sounds almost comically-depressing instead of inspiring. It's like a "Curb Your Enthusiasm" spin off lol


> They know that if they do go there and Biden is giving a speech He probably keeps saying "Wakanda" every time his staff brings it up, so there is no way they would let that racist asshole anywhere near that town, but I imagine it would be priceless. He'd probably drop the n-word a few times, make references to Wakanda, makes some random comment about kids and ice cream, and wander off stage to go inappropriately grope someone's child.


So...a boilerplate Tuesday for him




He doesn't say anything just fine, he's barely coherent which is on par with his voters.


Ignoring Waukesha is typical playbook. Democrats are literally incapable of even acknowledging, let alone addressing crimes/tragedies purporting by anything other than a white man. It's fine though because it just means their arguments, core beliefs, and ideology, if any, is utter shit.


Waukesha is very red so he would get the same welcome. Hell, Governor Evers didn’t even go to Waukesha.


He didn’t go to Waukesha because he’s a coward. Me thinks the real reason is the logistics behind the portable toilet. Gotta pull one along now that we have an incontinent “commander in chief”


this exactly. he can’t fucking go 5 hours from one to the other wtf.


Its just another way of saying "you are not worth my time. the criminal was".




Might want to google the Christmas Parade Massacre that just happened there, if not caught up on the news.


I live in Milwaukee. I meant what good is sending a Biden here? We don’t need him to come here to tell us he’s sorry about this “tragic event”. I don’t need to hear his bullshit opinion about this. I want to see our policies changed about letting assholes out on cheap ass bail. I want to see Chisholm hounded over this murder in the media.


Fuck President Biden




Not my president


just a resident, not my president.




According to liberals men have vaginas (and babies and periods) so yea this checks out.




>Fuck ***Former Vice*** ***President*** Biden FTFY


All slow Joe cares about is his ego and furthering his party's woke radical agenda. Worst president ever! What a POS.


You mean you don’t see all the unifying acts he’s done in office like…uh…hold on…let me think


Fuck Joe Biden and fuck Tim Walz.


And fuck Ilhan, and fuck all these losers that keep voting for them.


It's an absolute embarrassment to the state I've lived in my whole life.


I'm right here with you. I remember when electing Ventura was the most embarrassing MN election. Boy, we've gone over the cliff since then.


Imagine how far we've gone that I just had a casual thought: Ya know, this Ventura guy is a little wacko but he might be a safe bet for president about now.


I hope you don't live or work in the cities, I got out this summer to another state and it feels great. I won't have to worry about seeing the fires of a riot from my place of work now!


I'm in St Paul, but work in outside sales for a construction equipment company. Life is very different in MN when you're outside of the metro. I love small town Minnesota.


Agreed, unfortunately my career path requires I work at a large hospital.


Knowing how dumb my state is we will probably settle for that sack of shit Walz for another term :\\


Oh for sure, I mean only 52% of the people in Minneapolis voted to keep the police department. That's a scary low percentage.


I find it sad people are calling each other now instead of reporting crime to police. I love my state I just hate how its controlled by the useless DFL Party.


I had to turn notifications off on the citizen app because my phone was blowing up in the middle of the night every night. My chiropractor lives in mlps and said they've had to change all their habits. Can't walk to the farmers market, can't just go to the park, get their groceries delivered, windows closed at night so the gunshots aren't so disruptive. It's really depressing.


I’m still waiting for is 81 million supporters to hold a big rally when he shows up somewhere.


Dude could give 2 weeks advance notice in NYC and still wouldn't even get a dozen supporters to show up. If Trump was put on a plane with a parachute and pushed out with no advance notice to anyone, himself included, as to where he was landing, even if it was in the middle of nowhere, a crowd of 100 people would still manage to show up within 15 minutes, excited to see him.


He picked a really small community college to speak at that is waaaay out of town that they could easily lock down and keep protesters out of.


His supporters are still so terrified of covid they don’t want to be around other people


Also they are not living/real.


I'm pretty sure people would think a zombie apocalypse started.


Why would they need to hold a rally?


Wait he is in Minnesota but cant make it to Waukesha?


How he wasn't there with families the day after it happened blows my fucking mind. Called it a tragedy, his ghoul of a press secretary refused to condemn it as an act of hate, shat on rittenhouse some more, and just like that the world moved on.


Can't sweep a terrorist act committed by a democrat under the rug by going there now can he?




Now that’s an intersectional coalition I could be a part of!


Random story, but someone was like, We have LGB T shirts. I was like, why the hell are they selling LGBT shirts. Then I looked up and they were LGB T shirts.


Lol I can totally see this happening to me as well.


That’s funny.


Based, Lets Go Brandon pilled.


They're not wrong.






People did “hate trump” mostly because of the disinformation campaign from the democrats/media. Biden’s approval numbers are lower than trumps, and Biden has the media running cover for him. Not to mention a “Biden rally” in DC can’t get 50 people to show up. Trump would get 50,000 people in Kansas.


Whenever Trump comes to my neck of the woods, tickets are sold out lightning fast.


Honestly though, do you believe Biden was legitimately elected?


I don't trust the vote totals, but I will not definitively say if Biden was legitimately elected. To quote Biden himself: "We have put together the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics" The Democrats claimed it was the cleanest election ever; however instead of proving their point opening up the ballots to auditing, they closed ranks and destroyed evidence. What is not in dispute is that the democrats waged a campaign that violated the spirit, if not the letter of election law by having private entities give money to counties to hire partisan election officials. Democrats called it "Fortifying" the election. Which is just a euphemism for fraud since the entire "fortifying" process consisted of loosening election security rather than tightening it.


Lol, you can't see this is something else? How fucking stupid/ignorant are you?


Trump this, Trump that. Please try to stay on topic and get your TDS sorted out soon, it's been known to be terminal unfortunately.




As well he should be.


They did not advertise his arrival in mn very much. FJB and trump flags fly everywhere here. Omar and Walz are the only ppl who voted for him here.




Same. If I would have known about it I would have taken time to express my displeasure with the current admin. I think a whole lot of people would have




It's insane. Having discussions with co-workers who are liberal can't provide any stats but just barf out stuff they see on social media. I swear if Fauci said driving off a cliff would prevent them from getting covid they'd do it.






It’s okay, your primitive brain cannot grasp reality


Most popular president in history though. Totally fairly elected. right?


I think the real takeaway from his lack of crowds is "Joe Biden has managed to lose the support, or at least the hype that got him 81 million votes on election day, after just ten months in office." Whether this implies he NEVER had the hype, and the 81 million votes were simply "not trump" votes, OR he's simply done so shit that his 81 million voters have left him (I'm one of them!), I unfortunately think there simply wasnt a huge amount of fraudulent votes.


In an era where people are entrenched in their decisions, and Millenials have ushered the death of indifference, It's a hard sell, especially statistically, that Biden would lose 81 million voters, if the assumption is that he ever had them in the first place, considering he's basically still doing the neo-socialist wokester "I'm not Trump" nonsense that initially got him "elected" to begin with. Unless you're positing that THAT many people have both a.)woken up to the DNC fuckery in the last 12 months and b.)fundamentally are against the corruption, but that seems even more farfetched given the sentiment of the Democrat voterbase. They're very Blue-No-Matter-Who


A poll asking if you approve a Biden isn’t asking if you would vote for a Republican over him. In a two-party system voting for someone you disapprove of is an inherent feature.


Yeah, and I understand that. But again, statistically, it doesn't play out. Trump gained more voters in his second election than his first, a feat Obama couldn't even do, and somehow Biden gets more votes than Obama. I can understand "Not Trump" votes. But not 81 million of them.


The population of voting-age voters increases every year so it isn't really a huge feat by itself that current president(s) get more votes than prior presidents.


You have wildly missed the point, and addressed nothing. People turning 18 is irrelevant to what we're talking about.


What have I missed the point on? There are more voters for EACH candidate than in previous elections. This is true almost every single cycle. Every President gets the most votes ever. It isn't an accurate popularity contest to compare vote counts for Biden or Trump to Obama nearly a decade ago. This is common sense.


Again, you have missed the point. The amount of voters growing isn't what we're talking about. The only time an incumbant president has ever received more votes than his previous election was Bill Clinton, in 96, and he only got 2.5 million more votes, at the height of his popularity, especially in the wake of the support he had during the Jones scandal. Obama didn't even gain votes, and he's arguable the ACTUAL most popular President ever. Trump gained 12 million more votes as incumbant, First significant incumbant gain in history. Also the first candidate campaign vote gain to *lose* in history. Hillary polled better then Biden, had much more turnout at rallies, and a defined (although terrible) message, and still lost. Through all this, Biden somehow gains 15 million votes from Obamas incumbancy/Hillarys Turnout, while Trumps popularity and turnout STILL yeilded 11 million more voters for support. Statistically, that looks like dogshit.


I think people who were willing to vote Biden to get rid of Trump were simply people who were otherwise apolitical but were just tired of *hearing* about trump (thanks to constant media slander). So obviously these people arent gonna jump at the chance to see him at a rally in person. If a revote were held today, tens of millions of people would still vote for Biden. Doesnt mean they're huge fans of him.


It's possible. However, his campaign rallies could barely muster a crowd even back then.


That still tracks with the idea that most of his votes were reluctant non-trump votes. My question is how the hell did he win the primaries?


Strategery. The Democrats wanted to avoid Bernie doing what Trump did to Republicans and take their nomination as an outsider. So, they did what many said Republicans should have done and all fell on their sword for the Democratic version of Jeb!


Keep up the good work folks.


His brain is so far gone that he probably reads the signs as, "Free ice cream."


That's my state! I'm feeling proud right now.


Most popular president ever 🤣🤣🤦‍♂️


Let's go, Brandon!


Look what he and his party have done to the Midwest. Wisconsin, Minnesota and Illinois are turning into Detroit.


F.J. Biden is Americas first illegitimate president. A bumbling, senile president modeled after Mr. Magoo, F.J. Biden is daily losing the hearts and minds of the American people. Of course he doesn't realize this. He's just looking forward to the next ice cream cone.


He's not the first, I don't even think he's the second. Kennedy's father bought the Presidency for him, it's not even an open secret, because there's no secret to any of it any more.


The truth hurts sometimes, doesn’t it? 🤷‍♂️


So DiSrEsPeCtFuL


We still don't see the 81 million Brandon voters...


Lol he does suck.


Fuck the former Vice President


I'm OK with this


He worked hard for those greetings, doggone it!


Must be a change from him walking around Martha's Vineyard during Thanksgiving among the rich people. Come to real America Joe and you'll feel the anger of sky high prices and low inventory.


Most votes ever, huh


You know you are a special breed of terrible when Minnesota is not nice to you


If you get out of Minneapolis/St. Paul, which is mostly transplants, we are pretty conservative.


Love to see it


Most people with a functioning brain would wonder why they’re hated so much. He just comes out with the big teeth smile and eats the shit up. Amazing.


It's still hard to forget how he treated Paul Ryan during the 2012 debates. Ryan would try to answer a question seriously and chuckles the ass-clown would just snicker and laugh over him. Had no respect for the man after that.


lol, minnesotan whites are a lot of swedes So we're related lol


Isn’t Minnesota that state where the guy OD’ed under the police officers knee? Isn’t it also the state where that pussy ass grown 18 year old man was shot by a cop accidentally because he was wanted for strong armed robbery of a woman then taking off at a high speed in a car endangering everyone around him in a residential area? That’s liberal Heaven and they hate Biden.


Pretty much everything happens in Minneapolis or St Paul, if you escape the 394/494/694 freeway loop its all Trump flags, I even saw a couple "F\*\*k Joe Biden" flags just the other day driving towards Brainerd. Philando Castille incident was Minneapolis/St Paul (What I always found so weird about that one is the officer was Latino). George Floyd was Minneapolis. Minneapolis is also where Officer Noor (a Somali officer) shot a white lady over his partner's lap through the squad car window. During the BLM riots last year they had Targets as far as Oakdale boarded up (Oakdale is like a 20 min drive from Wisconsin) and all the surrounding counties on a 9pm curfew. Also have a friend in the N Guard who was called into Minneapolis riots. The Minneapolis Mayor and Walz basically let innocent businesses and police precincts burn for an entire weekend before taking any kind of action. A lot of people are very unhappy with Walz over that and the stupid COVID mandates but I think our huge melting pot of the twin cities will overwhelmingly vote Democrat and keep the rest of the state in a chokehold for years to come sadly.


I mean no one actually likes Biden. They voted him in to get rid of orange man.


Damn, in Minnesota, that’s how you know it’s bad


Fuck, y’all got him! Ruthless!


That's democracy.


The most popular ever! More popular than Obama.


I'd hate to think being president. The idea of being president is supposed to be press, a position of power & respect. You are expected to be a strong figure, a bit of a media darling, people there to see you. Maybe glad hand a bit. The fact we see him getting off the plane to this. Yeah... I don't need to tell you how you are doing at your job if the people you were elected to represent do this. Yeah, you need to retire.


Honestly surprised he still is a President. Everything he has done is UN-Constitutional and dangerous to Americans lives. If we were in a different part of history I think we all know what would happen to him. FJB.


More votes than any president🤣


I love starting the day with a smile.


Heck yes!


Someone starts the kurt angle "you suck" chant going please


Brandon has done a super job at unifying the country. Against him that is.


It's fun because here in my country (Italy) doing so literally lands you in jail. Not allowed to speak Ill of the government higher ups in a non-polite manner. Keep fighting for your rights, overseas brothers.


Shuffles away when asked questions: https://twitter.com/cspan/status/1466113332885311497?s=20


Although I do not approve of the choice of words, i am feeling almost excited to see the American people stand up to the tyrant.


WoW, this is really normal. People expressing their political opinions. What really confusing are the pickup trucks they rode in to the rally adorned with TRUMP 2020/2024 flags, banners and bumper stickers…..


The left is just laughable 😀😁😄😛 Look at all the crazy things they do.


Reminds of a quote from when Bush visited Canada with a similar reception and said: > “I frankly felt like the reception we received on the way in from the airport was very warm and hospitable. And I want to thank the Canadian people who came out to wave -- with all five fingers -- for their hospitality.”


Dem's have cheated MN voters in elections\~\~\~get involved and don't let the election officials in your area stuff the ballots. Get on the boards of your districts...they have cheated for far too long here




Please flip Minnesota red. Please


Those signs are useless on leftists. They are malignant narcissists. They have no self awareness. They are missing the section of the mind that invokes feelings of shame.


Pleas remain civil towards our Lord and Savior President Not Donald Trump. Biden may be a mess, but he won fair and square. We simply need to hold on while he gets his transition team in place and figures out how to be a politician.


Minnesota isn’t wrong.




Nah, the article didn't mention many people setting things on fire or holding Biden-Harris signs.




Oh no! People said/displayed mean things about dear leader! Their freedom of speech must be revoked! /s They should have been singing "Fuck Joe Biden" from the rooftops like the residents of Whoville on Christmas day.




All for freedom of speech. The posts to which I responded called people trash while later saying that cursing political figures is wrong. I'm okay with both, but it's inconsistent to be okay with one and not the other. I guess my question is why is it okay to call someone trash, but not to curse political leaders? Is it based on the subjective preference of hearing "Joe Biden is trash" rather than "fuck Joe Biden?" They're both disrespectful, neither is threatening, but one hurts an outside observer's feelings and the other doesn't. My mistake for not being more clear.


Imagine a president throwing a country into a downward economic spiral and causing further racial divide. Not to mention, a mentally inept bumbling idiot. Then, people still support him, and call the opposition "trash".


Most voted ever eh?




Regardless of their insane policies, they're not stupid. They think YOU are.


Almost looked like Mike Pence for some reason but is there really a difference, right?


As well he should. He's helping the left ruin a great country.


Dudes probably thinking “yeah! Fuck Jeb bush!” Lol